pkgs: with pkgs.lib; { # Check whenever fileSystem is needed for boot fsNeededForBoot = fs: fs.neededForBoot || elem fs.mountPoint [ "/" "/nix" "/nix/store" "/var" "/var/log" "/var/lib" "/etc" ]; # Check whenever `b` depends on `a` as a fileSystem fsBefore = a: b: a.mountPoint == b.device || hasPrefix "${a.mountPoint}${optionalString (!(hasSuffix "/" a.mountPoint)) "/"}" b.mountPoint; # Escape a path according to the systemd rules, e.g. /dev/xyzzy # becomes dev-xyzzy. FIXME: slow. escapeSystemdPath = s: replaceChars ["/" "-" " "] ["-" "\\x2d" "\\x20"] (if hasPrefix "/" s then substring 1 (stringLength s) s else s); # Returns a system path for a given shell package toShellPath = shell: if types.shellPackage.check shell then "/run/current-system/sw${shell.shellPath}" else if types.package.check shell then throw "${shell} is not a shell package" else shell; /* Recurse into a list or an attrset, searching for attrs named like the value of the "attr" parameter, and return an attrset where the names are the corresponding jq path where the attrs were found and the values are the values of the attrs. Example: recursiveGetAttrWithJqPrefix { example = [ { irrelevant = "not interesting"; } { ignored = "ignored attr"; relevant = { secret = { _secret = "/path/to/secret"; }; }; } ]; } "_secret" -> { ".example[1].relevant.secret" = "/path/to/secret"; } */ recursiveGetAttrWithJqPrefix = item: attr: let recurse = prefix: item: if item ? ${attr} then nameValuePair prefix item.${attr} else if isAttrs item then map (name: recurse (prefix + "." + name) item.${name}) (attrNames item) else if isList item then imap0 (index: item: recurse (prefix + "[${toString index}]") item) item else []; in listToAttrs (flatten (recurse "" item)); /* Takes an attrset and a file path and generates a bash snippet that outputs a JSON file at the file path with all instances of { _secret = "/path/to/secret" } in the attrset replaced with the contents of the file "/path/to/secret" in the output JSON. When a configuration option accepts an attrset that is finally converted to JSON, this makes it possible to let the user define arbitrary secret values. Example: If the file "/path/to/secret" contains the string "topsecretpassword1234", genJqSecretsReplacementSnippet { example = [ { irrelevant = "not interesting"; } { ignored = "ignored attr"; relevant = { secret = { _secret = "/path/to/secret"; }; }; } ]; } "/path/to/output.json" would generate a snippet that, when run, outputs the following JSON file at "/path/to/output.json": { "example": [ { "irrelevant": "not interesting" }, { "ignored": "ignored attr", "relevant": { "secret": "topsecretpassword1234" } } ] } */ genJqSecretsReplacementSnippet = genJqSecretsReplacementSnippet' "_secret"; # Like genJqSecretsReplacementSnippet, but allows the name of the # attr which identifies the secret to be changed. genJqSecretsReplacementSnippet' = attr: set: output: let secrets = recursiveGetAttrWithJqPrefix set attr; in '' if [[ -h '${output}' ]]; then rm '${output}' fi '' + concatStringsSep "\n" (imap1 (index: name: "export secret${toString index}=$(<'${secrets.${name}}')") (attrNames secrets)) + "\n" + "${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq >'${output}' '" + concatStringsSep " | " (imap1 (index: name: ''${name} = $ENV.secret${toString index}'') (attrNames secrets)) + '' ' <<'EOF' ${builtins.toJSON set} EOF ''; }