a : if (a.lib.attrByPath ["features" "zen"] false a.kernel) || (a.lib.attrByPath ["features" "aufs"] false a.kernel) then let s = import ./src-for-default.nix; buildInputs = with a; [ ]; in rec { src = (a.fetchGitFromSrcInfo s) + "/"; inherit (s) name; inherit buildInputs; configureFlags = []; preBuild = a.fullDepEntry ('' sed -e "s@/usr@@g; s@-o root@@g; s@-g root@@g" -i Makefile '') ["doUnpack" "minInit"]; postInstall = a.fullDepEntry ('' sed -e "s@/etc/default@$out&@; s@/sbin/mount@$out&@" -i "$out/bin/"* '') ["minInit"]; /* doConfigure should be removed if not needed */ phaseNames = ["preBuild" "doMakeInstall" "postInstall"]; makeFlags = [ ''KDIR="${a.kernel}/lib/modules/${a.kernel.version}/build"'' ''DESTDIR="$out"'' ]; meta = { description = "AUFS2 utilities"; maintainers = [ a.lib.maintainers.raskin ]; platforms = with a.lib.platforms; linux; }; } else throw "Kernel doesn't support AUFS"