{ cmake, stdenv, fetchurl, bash, unzip, glibc, openssl, gcc, mesa, freetype, xorg, alsaLib, cairo, libuuid, autoreconfHook, gcc6, fetchFromGitHub, makeWrapper} @args: let pharo-vm-build = import ./build-vm.nix args; pharo-vm-build-legacy = import ./build-vm-legacy.nix args; in let suffix = if stdenv.is64bit then "64" else "32"; in rec { # Build the latest VM spur = pharo-vm-build rec { name = "pharo-spur${suffix}"; version = "git.${revision}"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "pharo-project"; repo = "pharo-vm"; rev = revision; sha256 = "0dkiy5fq1xn2n93cwf767xz24c01ic0wfw94jk9nvn7pmcfj7m62"; }; # This metadata will be compiled into the VM and introspectable # from Smalltalk. This has been manually extracted from 'git log'. # # The build would usually generate this automatically using # opensmalltalk-vm/.git_filters/RevDateURL.smudge but that script # is too impure to run from nix. revision = "6a63f68a3dd4deb7c17dd2c7ac6e4dd4b0b6d937"; source-date = "Tue May 30 19:41:27 2017 -0700"; source-url = "https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo-vm"; }; # Build an old ("legacy") CogV3 VM for running pre-spur images. # (Could be nicer to build the latest VM in CogV3 mode but this is # not supported on the Pharo VM variant at the moment.) cog = pharo-vm-build-legacy rec { version = "2016.02.18"; name = "pharo-cog${suffix}"; base-url = http://files.pharo.org/vm/src/vm-unix-sources/blessed; src = fetchurl { url = "${base-url}/pharo-vm-${version}.tar.bz2"; sha256 = "16n2zg7v2s1ml0vvpbhkw6khmgn637sr0d7n2b28qm5yc8pfhcj4"; }; }; }