# To run these tests: # nix-build -A tests.stdenv { stdenv , pkgs , lib , }: let # use a early stdenv so when hacking on stdenv this test can be run quickly bootStdenv = stdenv.__bootPackages.stdenv.__bootPackages.stdenv.__bootPackages.stdenv.__bootPackages.stdenv; pkgsStructured = import pkgs.path { config = { structuredAttrsByDefault = true; }; inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) system; }; bootStdenvStructuredAttrsByDefault = pkgsStructured.stdenv.__bootPackages.stdenv.__bootPackages.stdenv.__bootPackages.stdenv.__bootPackages.stdenv; ccWrapperSubstitutionsTest = { name, stdenv', extraAttrs ? { } }: stdenv'.cc.overrideAttrs (previousAttrs: ({ inherit name; postFixup = previousAttrs.postFixup + '' declare -p wrapperName echo "env.wrapperName = $wrapperName" [[ $wrapperName == "CC_WRAPPER" ]] || (echo "'\$wrapperName' was not 'CC_WRAPPER'" && false) declare -p suffixSalt echo "env.suffixSalt = $suffixSalt" [[ $suffixSalt == "${stdenv'.cc.suffixSalt}" ]] || (echo "'\$suffxSalt' was not '${stdenv'.cc.suffixSalt}'" && false) grep -q "@out@" $out/bin/cc || echo "@out@ in $out/bin/cc was substituted" grep -q "@suffixSalt@" $out/bin/cc && (echo "$out/bin/cc contains unsubstituted variables" && false) touch $out ''; } // extraAttrs)); testEnvAttrset = { name, stdenv', extraAttrs ? { } }: stdenv'.mkDerivation ({ inherit name; env = { string = "testing-string"; }; passAsFile = [ "buildCommand" ]; buildCommand = '' declare -p string echo "env.string = $string" [[ $string == "testing-string" ]] || (echo "'\$string' was not 'testing-string'" && false) touch $out ''; } // extraAttrs); testPrependAndAppendToVar = { name, stdenv', extraAttrs ? { } }: stdenv'.mkDerivation ({ inherit name; env = { string = "testing-string"; }; passAsFile = [ "buildCommand" ] ++ lib.optionals (extraAttrs ? extraTest) [ "extraTest" ]; # FIXME: with structuredAttrs string is converted to a indexed array # should a/pToVar check if the passed variable is a array or a string? # declare -x string="testing-string" # declare -ax string=([0]="world" [1]="testing-string" [2]="hello") buildCommand = '' declare -p string appendToVar string hello # test that quoted strings work prependToVar string "world" declare -p string [[ $string == "world testing-string hello" ]] || (echo "'\$string' was not 'world testing-string hello'" && false) eval "$extraTest" touch $out ''; } // extraAttrs); in { test-env-attrset = testEnvAttrset { name = "test-env-attrset"; stdenv' = bootStdenv; }; test-prepend-append-to-var = testPrependAndAppendToVar { name = "test-prepend-append-to-var"; stdenv' = bootStdenv; }; test-structured-env-attrset = testEnvAttrset { name = "test-structured-env-attrset"; stdenv' = bootStdenv; extraAttrs = { __structuredAttrs = true; }; }; test-cc-wrapper-substitutions = ccWrapperSubstitutionsTest { name = "test-cc-wrapper-substitutions"; stdenv' = bootStdenv; }; structuredAttrsByDefault = lib.recurseIntoAttrs { test-cc-wrapper-substitutions = ccWrapperSubstitutionsTest { name = "test-cc-wrapper-substitutions-structuredAttrsByDefault"; stdenv' = bootStdenvStructuredAttrsByDefault; }; test-structured-env-attrset = testEnvAttrset { name = "test-structured-env-attrset-structuredAttrsByDefault"; stdenv' = bootStdenvStructuredAttrsByDefault; }; test-prepend-append-to-var = testPrependAndAppendToVar { name = "test-prepend-append-to-var-structuredAttrsByDefault"; stdenv' = bootStdenvStructuredAttrsByDefault; extraAttrs = { # will be a bash indexed array in attrs.sh # declare -a list=('a' 'b' ) # and a json array in attrs.json # "list":["a","b"] list = [ "a" "b" ]; # will be a bash associative array(dictionary) in attrs.sh # declare -A array=(['a']='1' ['b']='2' ) # and a json object in attrs.json # {"array":{"a":"1","b":"2"} array = { a = "1"; b = "2"; }; extraTest = '' declare -p array array+=(["c"]="3") declare -p array [[ "''${array[c]}" == "3" ]] || (echo "c element of '\$array' was not '3'" && false) declare -p list prependToVar list hello # test that quoted strings work appendToVar list "world" declare -p list [[ "''${list[0]}" == "hello" ]] || (echo "first element of '\$list' was not 'hello'" && false) [[ "''${list[1]}" == "a" ]] || (echo "first element of '\$list' was not 'a'" && false) [[ "''${list[-1]}" == "world" ]] || (echo "last element of '\$list' was not 'world'" && false) ''; }; }; }; }