{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: with lib; let version = "1.6.4"; cfg = config.services.kubernetes.addons.dns; ports = { dns = 10053; health = 10054; metrics = 10055; }; in { options.services.kubernetes.addons.dns = { enable = mkEnableOption "kubernetes dns addon"; clusterIp = mkOption { description = "Dns addon clusterIP"; # this default is also what kubernetes users default = ( concatStringsSep "." ( take 3 (splitString "." config.services.kubernetes.apiserver.serviceClusterIpRange )) ) + ".254"; type = types.str; }; clusterDomain = mkOption { description = "Dns cluster domain"; default = "cluster.local"; type = types.str; }; replicas = mkOption { description = "Number of DNS pod replicas to deploy in the cluster."; default = 2; type = types.int; }; reconcileMode = mkOption { description = '' Controls the addon manager reconciliation mode for the DNS addon. Setting reconcile mode to EnsureExists makes it possible to tailor DNS behavior by editing the coredns ConfigMap. See: . ''; default = "Reconcile"; type = types.enum [ "Reconcile" "EnsureExists" ]; }; coredns = mkOption { description = "Docker image to seed for the CoreDNS container."; type = types.attrs; default = { imageName = "coredns/coredns"; imageDigest = "sha256:493ee88e1a92abebac67cbd4b5658b4730e0f33512461442d8d9214ea6734a9b"; finalImageTag = version; sha256 = "0fm9zdjavpf5hni8g7fkdd3csjbhd7n7py7llxjc66sbii087028"; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { services.kubernetes.kubelet.seedDockerImages = singleton (pkgs.dockerTools.pullImage cfg.coredns); services.kubernetes.addonManager.bootstrapAddons = { coredns-cr = { apiVersion = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1"; kind = "ClusterRole"; metadata = { labels = { "addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = "Reconcile"; k8s-app = "kube-dns"; "kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true"; "kubernetes.io/bootstrapping" = "rbac-defaults"; }; name = "system:coredns"; }; rules = [ { apiGroups = [ "" ]; resources = [ "endpoints" "services" "pods" "namespaces" ]; verbs = [ "list" "watch" ]; } { apiGroups = [ "" ]; resources = [ "nodes" ]; verbs = [ "get" ]; } ]; }; coredns-crb = { apiVersion = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1"; kind = "ClusterRoleBinding"; metadata = { annotations = { "rbac.authorization.kubernetes.io/autoupdate" = "true"; }; labels = { "addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = "Reconcile"; k8s-app = "kube-dns"; "kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true"; "kubernetes.io/bootstrapping" = "rbac-defaults"; }; name = "system:coredns"; }; roleRef = { apiGroup = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io"; kind = "ClusterRole"; name = "system:coredns"; }; subjects = [ { kind = "ServiceAccount"; name = "coredns"; namespace = "kube-system"; } ]; }; }; services.kubernetes.addonManager.addons = { coredns-sa = { apiVersion = "v1"; kind = "ServiceAccount"; metadata = { labels = { "addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = "Reconcile"; k8s-app = "kube-dns"; "kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true"; }; name = "coredns"; namespace = "kube-system"; }; }; coredns-cm = { apiVersion = "v1"; kind = "ConfigMap"; metadata = { labels = { "addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = cfg.reconcileMode; k8s-app = "kube-dns"; "kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true"; }; name = "coredns"; namespace = "kube-system"; }; data = { Corefile = ".:${toString ports.dns} { errors health :${toString ports.health} kubernetes ${cfg.clusterDomain} in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa { pods insecure upstream fallthrough in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa } prometheus :${toString ports.metrics} forward . /etc/resolv.conf cache 30 loop reload loadbalance }"; }; }; coredns-deploy = { apiVersion = "apps/v1"; kind = "Deployment"; metadata = { labels = { "addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = cfg.reconcileMode; k8s-app = "kube-dns"; "kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true"; "kubernetes.io/name" = "CoreDNS"; }; name = "coredns"; namespace = "kube-system"; }; spec = { replicas = cfg.replicas; selector = { matchLabels = { k8s-app = "kube-dns"; }; }; strategy = { rollingUpdate = { maxUnavailable = 1; }; type = "RollingUpdate"; }; template = { metadata = { labels = { k8s-app = "kube-dns"; }; }; spec = { containers = [ { args = [ "-conf" "/etc/coredns/Corefile" ]; image = with cfg.coredns; "${imageName}:${finalImageTag}"; imagePullPolicy = "Never"; livenessProbe = { failureThreshold = 5; httpGet = { path = "/health"; port = ports.health; scheme = "HTTP"; }; initialDelaySeconds = 60; successThreshold = 1; timeoutSeconds = 5; }; name = "coredns"; ports = [ { containerPort = ports.dns; name = "dns"; protocol = "UDP"; } { containerPort = ports.dns; name = "dns-tcp"; protocol = "TCP"; } { containerPort = ports.metrics; name = "metrics"; protocol = "TCP"; } ]; resources = { limits = { memory = "170Mi"; }; requests = { cpu = "100m"; memory = "70Mi"; }; }; securityContext = { allowPrivilegeEscalation = false; capabilities = { drop = [ "all" ]; }; readOnlyRootFilesystem = true; }; volumeMounts = [ { mountPath = "/etc/coredns"; name = "config-volume"; readOnly = true; } ]; } ]; dnsPolicy = "Default"; nodeSelector = { "beta.kubernetes.io/os" = "linux"; }; serviceAccountName = "coredns"; tolerations = [ { effect = "NoSchedule"; key = "node-role.kubernetes.io/master"; } { key = "CriticalAddonsOnly"; operator = "Exists"; } ]; volumes = [ { configMap = { items = [ { key = "Corefile"; path = "Corefile"; } ]; name = "coredns"; }; name = "config-volume"; } ]; }; }; }; }; coredns-svc = { apiVersion = "v1"; kind = "Service"; metadata = { annotations = { "prometheus.io/port" = toString ports.metrics; "prometheus.io/scrape" = "true"; }; labels = { "addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = "Reconcile"; k8s-app = "kube-dns"; "kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true"; "kubernetes.io/name" = "CoreDNS"; }; name = "kube-dns"; namespace = "kube-system"; }; spec = { clusterIP = cfg.clusterIp; ports = [ { name = "dns"; port = 53; targetPort = ports.dns; protocol = "UDP"; } { name = "dns-tcp"; port = 53; targetPort = ports.dns; protocol = "TCP"; } ]; selector = { k8s-app = "kube-dns"; }; }; }; }; services.kubernetes.kubelet.clusterDns = mkDefault cfg.clusterIp; }; }