{pkgs}: [ { name = ["networking" "hostName"]; default = "nixos"; description = "The name of the machine."; } { name = ["boot" "autoDetectRootDevice"]; default = false; description = " Whether to find the root device automatically by searching for a device with the right label. If this option is off, then a root file system must be specified using . "; } { name = ["boot" "readOnlyRoot"]; default = false; description = " Whether the root device should be mounted writable. This should be set when booting from CD-ROM. "; } { name = ["boot" "rootLabel"]; description = " When auto-detecting the root device (see ), this option specifies the label of the root device. Right now, this is merely a file name that should exist in the root directory of the file system. It is used to find the boot CD-ROM. "; } { name = ["boot" "grubDevice"]; default = ""; example = "/dev/hda"; description = " The device on which the boot loader, Grub, will be installed. If empty, Grub won't be installed and it's your responsibility to make the system bootable. "; } { name = ["boot" "kernelParams"]; default = [ "selinux=0" "apm=on" "acpi=on" "vga=0x317" "console=tty1" "splash=verbose" ]; description = " The kernel parameters. If you want to add additional parameters, it's best to set is true, then each interface not listed here will be configured using DHCP. "; } { name = ["fileSystems"]; default = []; example = [ { mountPoint = "/"; device = "/dev/hda1"; } { mountPoint = "/data"; device = "/dev/hda2"; fsType = "ext3"; options = "data=journal"; } ]; description = " The file systems to be mounted. It must include an entry for the root directory (mountPoint = \"/\") if boot.autoDetectRootDevice is not set. Each entry in the list is an attribute set with the following fields: mountPoint, device, fsType (a file system type recognised by mount; defaults to \"auto\"), and options (the mount options passed to mount using the flag; defaults to \"defaults\"). "; } { name = ["swapDevices"]; default = []; example = ["/dev/hda7" "/dev/hdb3" "/var/swapfile"]; description = " The swap devices and swap files. These must have been initialised using mkswap. "; } { name = ["services" "extraJobs"]; default = []; description = " Additional Upstart jobs. "; } { name = ["services" "syslogd" "tty"]; default = 10; description = " The tty device on which syslogd will print important log messages. "; } { name = ["services" "ttyBackgrounds" "enable"]; default = true; description = " Whether to enable graphical backgrounds for the virtual consoles. "; } { name = ["services" "ttyBackgrounds" "defaultTheme"]; default = pkgs.fetchurl { url = http://www.bootsplash.de/files/themes/Theme-BabyTux.tar.bz2; md5 = "a6d89d1c1cff3b6a08e2f526f2eab4e0"; }; description = " The default theme for the virtual consoles. Themes can be found at http://www.bootsplash.de/. "; } { name = ["services" "ttyBackgrounds" "defaultSpecificThemes"]; default = [ { tty = 6; theme = pkgs.fetchurl { # Yeah! url = http://www.bootsplash.de/files/themes/Theme-Pativo.tar.bz2; md5 = "9e13beaaadf88d43a5293e7ab757d569"; }; } { tty = 10; theme = pkgs.fetchurl { url = http://www.bootsplash.de/files/themes/Theme-GNU.tar.bz2; md5 = "61969309d23c631e57b0a311102ef034"; }; } ]; description = " This option sets specific themes for virtual consoles. If you just want to set themes for additional consoles, use . "; } { name = ["services" "ttyBackgrounds" "specificThemes"]; default = [ ]; description = " This option allows you to set specific themes for virtual consoles. "; } { name = ["services" "mingetty" "ttys"]; default = [1 2 3 4 5 6]; description = " The list of tty (virtual console) devices on which to start a login prompt. "; } { name = ["services" "mingetty" "waitOnMounts"]; default = false; description = " Whether the login prompts on the virtual consoles will be started before or after all file systems have been mounted. By default we don't wait, but if for example your /home is on a separate partition, you may want to turn this on. "; } { name = ["services" "sshd" "enable"]; default = false; description = " Whether to enable the Secure Shell daemon, which allows secure remote logins. "; } { name = ["services" "sshd" "forwardX11"]; default = true; description = " Whether to enable sshd to forward X11 connections. "; } { name = ["services" "ntp" "enable"]; default = true; description = " Whether to synchronise your machine's time using the NTP protocol. "; } { name = ["services" "ntp" "servers"]; default = [ "0.pool.ntp.org" "1.pool.ntp.org" "2.pool.ntp.org" ]; description = " The set of NTP servers from which to synchronise. "; } { name = ["services" "xserver" "enable"]; default = false; description = " Whether to enable the X server. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "enable"]; default = false; description = " Whether to enable the Apache httpd server. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "user"]; default = "wwwrun"; description = " User account under which httpd runs. The account is created automatically if it doesn't exist. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "group"]; default = "wwwrun"; description = " Group under which httpd runs. The account is created automatically if it doesn't exist. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "hostName"]; default = "localhost"; description = " Canonical hostname for the server. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "httpPort"]; default = 80; description = " Port for unencrypted HTTP requests. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "httpsPort"]; default = 443; description = " Port for encrypted HTTP requests. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "adminAddr"]; example = "admin@example.org"; description = " E-mail address of the server administrator. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "logDir"]; default = "/var/log/httpd"; description = " Directory for Apache's log files. It is created automatically. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "stateDir"]; default = "/var/run/httpd"; description = " Directory for Apache's transient runtime state (such as PID files). It is created automatically. Note that the default, /var/run/httpd, is deleted at boot time. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "subservices" "subversion" "enable"]; default = false; description = " Whether to enable the Subversion subservice in the webserver. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "subservices" "subversion" "notificationSender"]; example = "svn-server@example.org"; description = " The email address used in the Sender field of commit notification messages sent by the Subversion subservice. "; } { name = ["services" "httpd" "subservices" "subversion" "autoVersioning"]; default = false; description = " Whether you want the Subversion subservice to support auto-versioning, which enables Subversion repositories to be mounted as read/writable file systems on operating systems that support WebDAV. "; } { name = ["installer" "nixpkgsURL"]; default = ""; example = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/nix/nixpkgs-0.11pre7577; description = " URL of the Nixpkgs distribution to use when building the installation CD. "; } ]