{ config, options, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.services.locate; isMLocate = hasPrefix "mlocate" cfg.locate.name; isFindutils = hasPrefix "findutils" cfg.locate.name; in { options.services.locate = with types; { enable = mkOption { type = bool; default = false; description = '' If enabled, NixOS will periodically update the database of files used by the locate command. ''; }; locate = mkOption { type = package; default = pkgs.findutils; defaultText = "pkgs.findutils"; example = "pkgs.mlocate"; description = '' The locate implementation to use ''; }; interval = mkOption { type = str; default = "02:15"; example = "hourly"; description = '' Update the locate database at this interval. Updates by default at 2:15 AM every day. The format is described in systemd.time 7. ''; }; extraFlags = mkOption { type = listOf str; default = [ ]; description = '' Extra flags to pass to updatedb. ''; }; output = mkOption { type = path; default = "/var/cache/locatedb"; description = '' The database file to build. ''; }; localuser = mkOption { type = nullOr str; default = "nobody"; description = '' The user to search non-network directories as, using su. ''; }; pruneFS = mkOption { type = listOf str; default = ["afs" "anon_inodefs" "auto" "autofs" "bdev" "binfmt" "binfmt_misc" "cgroup" "cifs" "coda" "configfs" "cramfs" "cpuset" "debugfs" "devfs" "devpts" "devtmpfs" "ecryptfs" "eventpollfs" "exofs" "futexfs" "ftpfs" "fuse" "fusectl" "gfs" "gfs2" "hostfs" "hugetlbfs" "inotifyfs" "iso9660" "jffs2" "lustre" "misc" "mqueue" "ncpfs" "nnpfs" "ocfs" "ocfs2" "pipefs" "proc" "ramfs" "rpc_pipefs" "securityfs" "selinuxfs" "sfs" "shfs" "smbfs" "sockfs" "spufs" "nfs" "NFS" "nfs4" "nfsd" "sshfs" "subfs" "supermount" "sysfs" "tmpfs" "ubifs" "udf" "usbfs" "vboxsf" "vperfctrfs" ]; description = '' Which filesystem types to exclude from indexing ''; }; prunePaths = mkOption { type = listOf path; default = ["/tmp" "/var/tmp" "/var/cache" "/var/lock" "/var/run" "/var/spool" "/nix/store"]; description = '' Which paths to exclude from indexing ''; }; pruneNames = mkOption { type = listOf str; default = []; description = '' Directory components which should exclude paths containing them from indexing ''; }; pruneBindMounts = mkOption { type = bool; default = false; description = '' Whether not to index bind mounts ''; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { users.extraGroups = mkIf isMLocate { mlocate = {}; }; security.setuidOwners = mkIf isMLocate [ { group = "mlocate"; owner = "root"; permissions = "u+rx,g+x,o+x"; setgid = true; setuid = false; program = "locate"; } ]; environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.locate ]; warnings = optional (isMLocate && cfg.localuser != null) "mlocate does not support searching as user other than root" ++ optional (isFindutils && cfg.pruneNames != []) "findutils locate does not support pruning by directory component" ++ optional (isFindutils && cfg.pruneBindMounts) "findutils locate does not support skipping bind mounts"; systemd.services.update-locatedb = { description = "Update Locate Database"; path = mkIf (!isMLocate) [ pkgs.su ]; script = '' install -m ${if isMLocate then "0750" else "0755"} -o root -g ${if isMLocate then "mlocate" else "root"} -d $(dirname ${cfg.output}) exec ${cfg.locate}/bin/updatedb \ ${optionalString (cfg.localuser != null) ''--localuser=${cfg.localuser}''} \ --output=${toString cfg.output} ${concatStringsSep " " cfg.extraFlags} ''; environment = { PRUNEFS = concatStringsSep " " cfg.pruneFS; PRUNEPATHS = concatStringsSep " " cfg.prunePaths; PRUNENAMES = concatStringsSep " " cfg.pruneNames; PRUNE_BIND_MOUNTS = if cfg.pruneBindMounts then "yes" else "no"; }; serviceConfig.Nice = 19; serviceConfig.IOSchedulingClass = "idle"; serviceConfig.PrivateTmp = "yes"; serviceConfig.PrivateNetwork = "yes"; serviceConfig.NoNewPrivileges = "yes"; serviceConfig.ReadOnlyDirectories = "/"; serviceConfig.ReadWriteDirectories = dirOf cfg.output; }; systemd.timers.update-locatedb = { description = "Update timer for locate database"; partOf = [ "update-locatedb.service" ]; wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ]; timerConfig.OnCalendar = cfg.interval; }; }; }