{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.xdg.mime; associationOptions = with types; attrsOf ( coercedTo (either (listOf str) str) (x: concatStringsSep ";" (toList x)) str ); in { meta = { maintainers = teams.freedesktop.members ++ (with maintainers; [ figsoda ]); }; options = { xdg.mime.enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = '' Whether to install files to support the XDG Shared MIME-info specification and the XDG MIME Applications specification. ''; }; xdg.mime.addedAssociations = mkOption { type = associationOptions; default = {}; example = { "application/pdf" = "firefox.desktop"; "text/xml" = [ "nvim.desktop" "codium.desktop" ]; }; description = '' Adds associations between mimetypes and applications. See the specifications for more information. ''; }; xdg.mime.defaultApplications = mkOption { type = associationOptions; default = {}; example = { "application/pdf" = "firefox.desktop"; "image/png" = [ "sxiv.desktop" "gimp.desktop" ]; }; description = '' Sets the default applications for given mimetypes. See the specifications for more information. ''; }; xdg.mime.removedAssociations = mkOption { type = associationOptions; default = {}; example = { "audio/mp3" = [ "mpv.desktop" "umpv.desktop" ]; "inode/directory" = "codium.desktop"; }; description = '' Removes associations between mimetypes and applications. See the specifications for more information. ''; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { environment.etc."xdg/mimeapps.list" = mkIf ( cfg.addedAssociations != {} || cfg.defaultApplications != {} || cfg.removedAssociations != {} ) { text = generators.toINI { } { "Added Associations" = cfg.addedAssociations; "Default Applications" = cfg.defaultApplications; "Removed Associations" = cfg.removedAssociations; }; }; environment.pathsToLink = [ "/share/mime" ]; environment.systemPackages = [ # this package also installs some useful data, as well as its utilities pkgs.shared-mime-info ]; environment.extraSetup = '' if [ -w $out/share/mime ] && [ -d $out/share/mime/packages ]; then XDG_DATA_DIRS=$out/share PKGSYSTEM_ENABLE_FSYNC=0 ${pkgs.buildPackages.shared-mime-info}/bin/update-mime-database -V $out/share/mime > /dev/null fi if [ -w $out/share/applications ]; then ${pkgs.buildPackages.desktop-file-utils}/bin/update-desktop-database $out/share/applications fi ''; }; }