#!BPY """ Name: 'X3D & VRML97 (.x3d / wrl)...' Blender: 248 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Load a VRML97 File' """ # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # (C) Copyright 2008 Paravizion # Written by Campbell Barton aka Ideasman42 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- __author__ = "Campbell Barton" __url__ = ['www.blender.org', 'blenderartists.org', 'http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/Import/X3D_VRML97'] __version__ = "0.1" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script is an importer for the X3D and VRML97 file formats. """ def vrmlFormat(data): ''' Keep this as a valid vrml file, but format in a way we can pradict. ''' # Strip all commends - # not in strings - warning multiline strings are ignored. def strip_comment(l): #l = ' '.join(l.split()) l = l.strip() if l.startswith('#'): return '' i = l.find('#') if i==-1: return l # Most cases accounted for! if we have a comment at the end of the line do this... j = l.find('"') if j == -1: # simple no strings return l[:i].strip() q = False for i,c in enumerate(l): if c == '"': q = not q # invert elif c == '#': if q==False: return l[:i-1] return l data = '\n'.join([strip_comment(l) for l in data.split('\n') ]) # remove all whitespace # Bad, dont take strings into account ''' data = data.replace('#', '\n#') data = '\n'.join([ll for l in data.split('\n') for ll in (l.strip(),) if not ll.startswith('#')]) # remove all whitespace ''' data = data.replace('{', '\n{\n') data = data.replace('}', '\n}\n') data = data.replace('[', '\n[\n') data = data.replace(']', '\n]\n') data = data.replace(',', ' , ') # make sure comma's seperate # More annoying obscure cases where USE or DEF are placed on a newline # data = data.replace('\nDEF ', ' DEF ') # data = data.replace('\nUSE ', ' USE ') data = '\n'.join([' '.join(l.split()) for l in data.split('\n')]) # remove all whitespace # Better to parse the file accounting for multiline arrays ''' data = data.replace(',\n', ' , ') # remove line endings with commas data = data.replace(']', '\n]\n') # very very annoying - but some comma's are at the end of the list, must run this again. ''' return [l for l in data.split('\n') if l] # This should work without a blender at all try: from Blender.sys import exists except: from os.path import exists def baseName(path): return path.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1] def dirName(path): return path[:-len(baseName(path))] # notes # transform are relative # order dosnt matter for loc/size/rot # right handed rotation # angles are in radians # rotation first defines axis then ammount in deg # =============================== VRML Spesific NODE_NORMAL = 1 # {} NODE_ARRAY = 2 # [] NODE_REFERENCE = 3 # USE foobar lines = [] def getNodePreText(i, words): # print lines[i] use_node = False while len(words) < 5: if i>=len(lines): break elif lines[i]=='{': # words.append(lines[i]) # no need # print "OK" return NODE_NORMAL, i+1 elif lines[i].count('"') % 2 != 0: # odd number of quotes? - part of a string. # print 'ISSTRING' break else: new_words = lines[i].split() if 'USE' in new_words: use_node = True words.extend(new_words) i += 1 # Check for USE node - no { # USE #id - should always be on the same line. if use_node: # print 'LINE', i, words[:words.index('USE')+2] words[:] = words[:words.index('USE')+2] if lines[i] == '{' and lines[i+1] == '}': # USE sometimes has {} after it anyway i+=2 return NODE_REFERENCE, i # print "error value!!!", words return 0, -1 def is_nodeline(i, words): if not lines[i][0].isalpha(): return 0, 0 # Simple "var [" type if lines[i+1] == '[': if lines[i].count('"') % 2 == 0: words[:] = lines[i].split() return NODE_ARRAY, i+2 node_type, new_i = getNodePreText(i, words) if not node_type: return 0, 0 # Ok, we have a { after some values # Check the values are not fields for i, val in enumerate(words): if i != 0 and words[i-1] in ('DEF', 'USE'): # ignore anything after DEF, it is a ID and can contain any chars. pass elif val[0].isalpha() and val not in ('TRUE', 'FALSE'): pass else: # There is a number in one of the values, therefor we are not a node. return 0, 0 #if node_type==NODE_REFERENCE: # print words, "REF_!!!!!!!" return node_type, new_i def is_numline(i): ''' Does this line start with a number? ''' l = lines[i] line_end = len(l)-1 line_end_new = l.find(' ') # comma's always have a space before them if line_end_new != -1: line_end = line_end_new try: float(l[:line_end]) # works for a float or int return True except: return False class vrmlNode(object): __slots__ = 'id', 'fields', 'node_type', 'parent', 'children', 'parent', 'array_data', 'reference', 'lineno', 'filename', 'blendObject', 'DEF_NAMESPACE', 'FIELD_NAMESPACE', 'x3dNode' def __init__(self, parent, node_type, lineno): self.id = None self.node_type = node_type self.parent = parent self.blendObject = None self.x3dNode = None # for x3d import only if parent: parent.children.append(self) self.lineno = lineno # This is only set from the root nodes. # Having a filename also denotes a root node self.filename = None # Store in the root node because each inline file needs its own root node and its own namespace self.DEF_NAMESPACE = None self.FIELD_NAMESPACE = None self.reference = None if node_type==NODE_REFERENCE: # For references, only the parent and ID are needed # the reference its self is assigned on parsing return self.fields = [] # fields have no order, in some cases rool level values are not unique so dont use a dict self.children = [] self.array_data = [] # use for arrays of data - should only be for NODE_ARRAY types # Only available from the root node def getFieldDict(self): if self.FIELD_NAMESPACE != None: return self.FIELD_NAMESPACE else: return self.parent.getFieldDict() def getDefDict(self): if self.DEF_NAMESPACE != None: return self.DEF_NAMESPACE else: return self.parent.getDefDict() def setRoot(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.FIELD_NAMESPACE = {} self.DEF_NAMESPACE= {} def getFilename(self): if self.filename: return self.filename elif self.parent: return self.parent.getFilename() else: return None def getRealNode(self): if self.reference: return self.reference else: return self def getSpec(self): self_real = self.getRealNode() try: return self_real.id[-1] # its possible this node has no spec except: return None def getDefName(self): self_real = self.getRealNode() if 'DEF' in self_real.id: # print self_real.id return self_real.id[ list(self_real.id).index('DEF')+1 ] else: return None def getChildrenBySpec(self, node_spec): # spec could be Transform, Shape, Appearance self_real = self.getRealNode() # using getSpec functions allows us to use the spec of USE children that dont have their spec in their ID if type(node_spec) == str: return [child for child in self_real.children if child.getSpec()==node_spec] else: # Check inside a list of optional types return [child for child in self_real.children if child.getSpec() in node_spec] def getChildBySpec(self, node_spec): # spec could be Transform, Shape, Appearance # Use in cases where there is only ever 1 child of this type ls = self.getChildrenBySpec(node_spec) if ls: return ls[0] else: return None def getChildrenByName(self, node_name): # type could be geometry, children, appearance self_real = self.getRealNode() return [child for child in self_real.children if child.id if child.id[0]==node_name] def getChildByName(self, node_name): self_real = self.getRealNode() for child in self_real.children: if child.id and child.id[0]==node_name: # and child.id[-1]==node_spec: return child def getSerialized(self, results, ancestry): ''' Return this node and all its children in a flat list ''' ancestry = ancestry[:] # always use a copy # self_real = self.getRealNode() results.append((self, tuple(ancestry))) ancestry.append(self) for child in self.getRealNode().children: if child not in ancestry: child.getSerialized(results, ancestry) return results def searchNodeTypeID(self, node_spec, results): self_real = self.getRealNode() # print self.lineno, self.id if self_real.id and self_real.id[-1]==node_spec: # use last element, could also be only element results.append(self_real) for child in self_real.children: child.searchNodeTypeID(node_spec, results) return results def getFieldName(self, field): self_real = self.getRealNode() # incase we're an instance for f in self_real.fields: # print f if f and f[0] == field: # print '\tfound field', f return f[1:] # print '\tfield not found', field return None def getFieldAsInt(self, field, default): self_real = self.getRealNode() # incase we're an instance f = self_real.getFieldName(field) if f==None: return default if ',' in f: f = f[:f.index(',')] # strip after the comma if len(f) != 1: print '\t"%s" wrong length for int conversion for field "%s"' % (f, field) return default try: return int(f[0]) except: print '\tvalue "%s" could not be used as an int for field "%s"' % (f[0], field) return default def getFieldAsFloat(self, field, default): self_real = self.getRealNode() # incase we're an instance f = self_real.getFieldName(field) if f==None: return default if ',' in f: f = f[:f.index(',')] # strip after the comma if len(f) != 1: print '\t"%s" wrong length for float conversion for field "%s"' % (f, field) return default try: return float(f[0]) except: print '\tvalue "%s" could not be used as a float for field "%s"' % (f[0], field) return default def getFieldAsFloatTuple(self, field, default): self_real = self.getRealNode() # incase we're an instance f = self_real.getFieldName(field) if f==None: return default # if ',' in f: f = f[:f.index(',')] # strip after the comma if len(f) < 1: print '"%s" wrong length for float tuple conversion for field "%s"' % (f, field) return default ret = [] for v in f: if v != ',': try: ret.append(float(v)) except: break # quit of first non float, perhaps its a new field name on the same line? - if so we are going to ignore it :/ TODO # print ret if ret: return ret if not ret: print '\tvalue "%s" could not be used as a float tuple for field "%s"' % (f, field) return default def getFieldAsBool(self, field, default): self_real = self.getRealNode() # incase we're an instance f = self_real.getFieldName(field) if f==None: return default if ',' in f: f = f[:f.index(',')] # strip after the comma if len(f) != 1: print '\t"%s" wrong length for bool conversion for field "%s"' % (f, field) return default if f[0].upper()=='"TRUE"' or f[0].upper()=='TRUE': return True elif f[0].upper()=='"FALSE"' or f[0].upper()=='FALSE': return False else: print '\t"%s" could not be used as a bool for field "%s"' % (f[1], field) return default def getFieldAsString(self, field, default=None): self_real = self.getRealNode() # incase we're an instance f = self_real.getFieldName(field) if f==None: return default if len(f) < 1: print '\t"%s" wrong length for string conversion for field "%s"' % (f, field) return default if len(f) > 1: # String may contain spaces st = ' '.join(f) else: st = f[0] # X3D HACK if self.x3dNode: return st if st[0]=='"' and st[-1]=='"': return st[1:-1] else: print '\tvalue "%s" could not be used as a string for field "%s"' % (f[0], field) return default def getFieldAsArray(self, field, group): ''' For this parser arrays are children ''' self_real = self.getRealNode() # incase we're an instance child_array = None for child in self_real.children: if child.id and len(child.id) == 1 and child.id[0] == field: child_array = child break if child_array==None: # For x3d, should work ok with vrml too # for x3d arrays are fields, vrml they are nodes, annoying but not tooo bad. data_split = self.getFieldName(field) if not data_split: return [] array_data = ' '.join(data_split) if array_data == None: return [] array_data = array_data.replace(',', ' ') data_split = array_data.split() try: array_data = [int(val) for val in data_split] except: try: array_data = [float(val) for val in data_split] except: print '\tWarning, could not parse array data from field' array_data = [] else: # Normal vrml array_data = child_array.array_data if group==-1 or len(array_data)==0: return array_data # We want a flat list flat = True for item in array_data: if type(item) == list: flat = False break # make a flat array if flat: flat_array = array_data # we are alredy flat. else: flat_array = [] def extend_flat(ls): for item in ls: if type(item)==list: extend_flat(item) else: flat_array.append(item) extend_flat(array_data) # We requested a flat array if group == 0: return flat_array new_array = [] sub_array = [] for item in flat_array: sub_array.append(item) if len(sub_array)==group: new_array.append(sub_array) sub_array = [] if sub_array: print '\twarning, array was not aligned to requested grouping', group, 'remaining value', sub_array return new_array def getLevel(self): # Ignore self_real level = 0 p = self.parent while p: level +=1 p = p.parent if not p: break return level def __repr__(self): level = self.getLevel() ind = ' ' * level if self.node_type==NODE_REFERENCE: brackets = '' elif self.node_type==NODE_NORMAL: brackets = '{}' else: brackets = '[]' if brackets: text = ind + brackets[0] + '\n' else: text = '' text += ind + 'ID: ' + str(self.id) + ' ' + str(level) + ('lineno %d\n' % self.lineno) if self.node_type==NODE_REFERENCE: return text for item in self.fields: text += ind + str(item) +'\n' #text += ind + 'ARRAY: ' + str(len(self.array_data)) + ' ' + str(self.array_data) + '\n' text += ind + 'ARRAY: ' + str(len(self.array_data)) + '[...] \n' text += ind + 'CHILDREN: ' + str(len(self.children)) + '\n' for child in self.children: text += str(child) text += '\n' + ind + brackets[1] return text def parse(self, i): new_i = self.__parse(i) # print self.id, self.getFilename() # If we were an inline then try load the file if self.node_type == NODE_NORMAL and self.getSpec() == 'Inline': url = self.getFieldAsString('url', None) if url != None: if not exists(url): url = dirName(self.getFilename()) + baseName(url) if not exists(url): print '\tWarning: Inline URL could not be found:', url else: if url==self.getFilename(): print '\tWarning: cant Inline yourself recursively:', url else: try: f = open(url, 'rU') except: print '\tWarning: cant open the file:', url f = None if f: # Tricky - inline another VRML print '\tLoading Inline:"%s"...' % url # Watch it! - backup lines lines_old = lines[:] lines[:] = vrmlFormat( f.read() ) f.close() lines.insert(0, '{') lines.insert(0, 'root_node____') lines.append('}') child = vrmlNode(self, NODE_NORMAL, -1) child.setRoot(url) # initialized dicts child.parse(0) # Watch it! - restore lines lines[:] = lines_old return new_i def __parse(self, i): # print 'parsing at', i, # print i, self.id, self.lineno l = lines[i] if l=='[': # An anonymous list self.id = None i+=1 else: words = [] node_type, new_i = is_nodeline(i, words) if not node_type: # fail for parsing new node. raise "error" if self.node_type==NODE_REFERENCE: # Only assign the reference and quit key = words[words.index('USE')+1] self.id = (words[0],) self.reference = self.getDefDict()[key] return new_i self.id = tuple(words) # fill in DEF/USE key = self.getDefName() if key != None: self.getDefDict()[ key ] = self i = new_i # print self.id ok = True while ok: l = lines[i] # print '\t', i, l if l=='': i+=1 continue if l=='}': if self.node_type != NODE_NORMAL: print 'wrong node ending, expected an } ' + str(i) raise "" ### print "returning", i return i+1 if l==']': if self.node_type != NODE_ARRAY: print 'wrong node ending, expected a ] ' + str(i) raise "" ### print "returning", i return i+1 node_type, new_i = is_nodeline(i, []) if node_type: # check text\n{ ### print '\t\tgroup', i child = vrmlNode(self, node_type, i) i = child.parse(i) # print child.id, 'YYY' elif l=='[': # some files have these anonymous lists child = vrmlNode(self, NODE_ARRAY, i) i = child.parse(i) elif is_numline(i): l_split = l.split(',') values = None # See if each item is a float? for num_type in (int, float): try: values = [num_type(v) for v in l_split ] break except: pass try: values = [[num_type(v) for v in segment.split()] for segment in l_split ] break except: pass if values == None: # dont parse values = l_split # This should not extend over multiple lines however it is possible self.array_data.extend( values ) i+=1 else: words = l.split() if len(words) > 2 and words[1] == 'USE': vrmlNode(self, NODE_REFERENCE, i) else: # print "FIELD", i, l # #words = l.split() ### print '\t\ttag', i # this is a tag/ # print words, i, l value = l # print i # javastrips can exist as values. quote_count = l.count('"') if quote_count % 2: # odd number? # print 'MULTILINE' while 1: i+=1 l = lines[i] quote_count = l.count('"') if quote_count % 2: # odd number? value += '\n'+ l[:l.rfind('"')] break # assume else: value += '\n'+ l value_all = value.split() def iskey(k): if k[0] != '"' and k[0].isalpha() and k.upper() not in ('TRUE', 'FALSE'): return True return False def split_fields(value): ''' key 0.0 otherkey 1,2,3 opt1 opt1 0.0 -> [key 0.0], [otherkey 1,2,3], [opt1 opt1 0.0] ''' field_list = [] field_context = [] for j in xrange(len(value)): if iskey(value[j]): if field_context: # this IS a key but the previous value was not a key, ot it was a defined field. if (not iskey(field_context[-1])) or ((len(field_context)==3 and field_context[1]=='IS')): field_list.append(field_context) field_context = [value[j]] else: # The last item was not a value, multiple keys are needed in some cases. field_context.append(value[j]) else: # Is empty, just add this on field_context.append(value[j]) else: # Add a value to the list field_context.append(value[j]) if field_context: field_list.append(field_context) return field_list for value in split_fields(value_all): # Split if value[0]=='field': # field SFFloat creaseAngle 4 self.getFieldDict()[value[2]] = value[3:] # skip the first 3 values else: # Get referenced field if len(value) >= 3 and value[1]=='IS': try: value = [ value[0] ] + self.getFieldDict()[ value[2] ] except: print '\tWarning, field could not be found:', value, 'TODO add support for exposedField' print '\t', self.getFieldDict() self.fields.append(value) else: self.fields.append(value) i+=1 def gzipOpen(path): try: import gzip except: gzip = None data = None if gzip: try: data = gzip.open(path, 'r').read() except: pass else: print '\tNote, gzip module could not be imported, compressed files will fail to load' if data==None: try: data = open(path, 'rU').read() except: pass return data def vrml_parse(path): ''' Sets up the root node and returns it so load_web3d() can deal with the blender side of things. Return root (vrmlNode, '') or (None, 'Error String') ''' data = gzipOpen(path) if data==None: return None, 'Failed to open file: ' + path # Stripped above lines[:] = vrmlFormat( data ) lines.insert(0, '{') lines.insert(0, 'dymmy_node') lines.append('}') # Use for testing our parsed output, so we can check on line numbers. ## ff = open('m:\\test.txt', 'w') ## ff.writelines([l+'\n' for l in lines]) # Now evaluate it node_type, new_i = is_nodeline(0, []) if not node_type: return None, 'Error: VRML file has no starting Node' # Trick to make sure we get all root nodes. lines.insert(0, '{') lines.insert(0, 'root_node____') # important the name starts with an ascii char lines.append('}') root = vrmlNode(None, NODE_NORMAL, -1) root.setRoot(path) # we need to set the root so we have a namespace and know the path incase of inlineing # Parse recursively root.parse(0) # print root return root, '' # ====================== END VRML # ====================== X3d Support # Sane as vrml but replace the parser class x3dNode(vrmlNode): def __init__(self, parent, node_type, x3dNode): vrmlNode.__init__(self, parent, node_type, -1) self.x3dNode = x3dNode def parse(self): # print self.x3dNode.tagName define = self.x3dNode.getAttributeNode('DEF') if define: self.getDefDict()[define.value] = self else: use = self.x3dNode.getAttributeNode('USE') if use: try: self.reference = self.getDefDict()[use.value] self.node_type = NODE_REFERENCE except: print '\tWarning: reference', use.value, 'not found' self.parent.children.remove(self) return for x3dChildNode in self.x3dNode.childNodes: if x3dChildNode.nodeType in (x3dChildNode.TEXT_NODE, x3dChildNode.COMMENT_NODE, x3dChildNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE): continue node_type = NODE_NORMAL # print x3dChildNode, dir(x3dChildNode) if x3dChildNode.getAttributeNode('USE'): node_type = NODE_REFERENCE child = x3dNode(self, node_type, x3dChildNode) child.parse() # TODO - x3d Inline def getSpec(self): return self.x3dNode.tagName # should match vrml spec def getDefName(self): data = self.x3dNode.getAttributeNode('DEF') if data: data.value return None # Other funcs operate from vrml, but this means we can wrap XML fields, still use nice utility funcs # getFieldAsArray getFieldAsBool etc def getFieldName(self, field): self_real = self.getRealNode() # incase we're an instance field_xml = self.x3dNode.getAttributeNode(field) if field_xml: value = field_xml.value # We may want to edit. for x3d spesific stuff # Sucks a bit to return the field name in the list but vrml excepts this :/ return value.split() else: return None def x3d_parse(path): ''' Sets up the root node and returns it so load_web3d() can deal with the blender side of things. Return root (x3dNode, '') or (None, 'Error String') ''' try: import xml.dom.minidom except: return None, 'Error, import XML parsing module (xml.dom.minidom) failed, install python' ''' try: doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(path) except: return None, 'Could not parse this X3D file, XML error' ''' # Could add a try/except here, but a console error is more useful. data = gzipOpen(path) if data==None: return None, 'Failed to open file: ' + path doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data) try: x3dnode = doc.getElementsByTagName('X3D')[0] except: return None, 'Not a valid x3d document, cannot import' root = x3dNode(None, NODE_NORMAL, x3dnode) root.setRoot(path) # so images and Inline's we load have a relative path root.parse() return root, '' ## f = open('/_Cylinder.wrl', 'r') # f = open('/fe/wrl/Vrml/EGS/TOUCHSN.WRL', 'r') # vrml_parse('/fe/wrl/Vrml/EGS/TOUCHSN.WRL') #vrml_parse('/fe/wrl/Vrml/EGS/SCRIPT.WRL') ''' import os files = os.popen('find /fe/wrl -iname "*.wrl"').readlines() files.sort() tot = len(files) for i, f in enumerate(files): #if i < 801: # continue f = f.strip() print f, i, tot vrml_parse(f) ''' # NO BLENDER CODE ABOVE THIS LINE. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import bpy import BPyImage import Blender from Blender import Texture, Material, Mathutils, Mesh, Types, Window from Blender.Mathutils import TranslationMatrix from Blender.Mathutils import RotationMatrix from Blender.Mathutils import Vector from Blender.Mathutils import Matrix RAD_TO_DEG = 57.29578 GLOBALS = {'CIRCLE_DETAIL':16} def translateRotation(rot): ''' axis, angle ''' return RotationMatrix(rot[3]*RAD_TO_DEG, 4, 'r', Vector(rot[:3])) def translateScale(sca): mat = Matrix() # 4x4 default mat[0][0] = sca[0] mat[1][1] = sca[1] mat[2][2] = sca[2] return mat def translateTransform(node): cent = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('center', None) # (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) rot = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('rotation', None) # (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) sca = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('scale', None) # (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) scaori = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('scaleOrientation', None) # (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) tx = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('translation', None) # (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if cent: cent_mat = TranslationMatrix(Vector(cent)).resize4x4() cent_imat = cent_mat.copy().invert() else: cent_mat = cent_imat = None if rot: rot_mat = translateRotation(rot) else: rot_mat = None if sca: sca_mat = translateScale(sca) else: sca_mat = None if scaori: scaori_mat = translateRotation(scaori) scaori_imat = scaori_mat.copy().invert() else: scaori_mat = scaori_imat = None if tx: tx_mat = TranslationMatrix(Vector(tx)).resize4x4() else: tx_mat = None new_mat = Matrix() mats = [tx_mat, cent_mat, rot_mat, scaori_mat, sca_mat, scaori_imat, cent_imat] for mtx in mats: if mtx: new_mat = mtx * new_mat return new_mat def translateTexTransform(node): cent = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('center', None) # (0.0, 0.0) rot = node.getFieldAsFloat('rotation', None) # 0.0 sca = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('scale', None) # (1.0, 1.0) tx = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('translation', None) # (0.0, 0.0) if cent: # cent is at a corner by default cent_mat = TranslationMatrix(Vector(cent).resize3D()).resize4x4() cent_imat = cent_mat.copy().invert() else: cent_mat = cent_imat = None if rot: rot_mat = RotationMatrix(rot*RAD_TO_DEG, 4, 'z') # translateRotation(rot) else: rot_mat = None if sca: sca_mat = translateScale((sca[0], sca[1], 0.0)) else: sca_mat = None if tx: tx_mat = TranslationMatrix(Vector(tx).resize3D()).resize4x4() else: tx_mat = None new_mat = Matrix() # as specified in VRML97 docs mats = [cent_imat, sca_mat, rot_mat, cent_mat, tx_mat] for mtx in mats: if mtx: new_mat = mtx * new_mat return new_mat def getFinalMatrix(node, mtx, ancestry): transform_nodes = [node_tx for node_tx in ancestry if node_tx.getSpec() == 'Transform'] if node.getSpec()=='Transform': transform_nodes.append(node) transform_nodes.reverse() if mtx==None: mtx = Matrix() for node_tx in transform_nodes: mat = translateTransform(node_tx) mtx = mtx * mat return mtx def importMesh_IndexedFaceSet(geom, bpyima): # print geom.lineno, geom.id, vrmlNode.DEF_NAMESPACE.keys() ccw = geom.getFieldAsBool('ccw', True) ifs_colorPerVertex = geom.getFieldAsBool('colorPerVertex', True) # per vertex or per face ifs_normalPerVertex = geom.getFieldAsBool('normalPerVertex', True) # This is odd how point is inside Coordinate # VRML not x3d #coord = geom.getChildByName('coord') # 'Coordinate' coord = geom.getChildBySpec('Coordinate') # works for x3d and vrml if coord: ifs_points = coord.getFieldAsArray('point', 3) else: coord = [] if not coord: print '\tWarnint: IndexedFaceSet has no points' return None, ccw ifs_faces = geom.getFieldAsArray('coordIndex', 0) coords_tex = None if ifs_faces: # In rare cases this causes problems - no faces but UVs??? # WORKS - VRML ONLY # coords_tex = geom.getChildByName('texCoord') coords_tex = geom.getChildBySpec('TextureCoordinate') if coords_tex: ifs_texpoints = coords_tex.getFieldAsArray('point', 2) ifs_texfaces = geom.getFieldAsArray('texCoordIndex', 0) if not ifs_texpoints: # IF we have no coords, then dont bother coords_tex = None # WORKS - VRML ONLY # vcolor = geom.getChildByName('color') vcolor = geom.getChildBySpec('Color') vcolor_spot = None # spot color when we dont have an array of colors if vcolor: # float to char ifs_vcol = [[int(c*256) for c in col] for col in vcolor.getFieldAsArray('color', 3)] ifs_color_index = geom.getFieldAsArray('colorIndex', 0) if not ifs_vcol: vcolor_spot = [int(c*256) for c in vcolor.getFieldAsFloatTuple('color', [])] # Convert faces into somthing blender can use edges = [] # All lists are aligned! faces = [] faces_uv = [] # if ifs_texfaces is empty then the faces_uv will match faces exactly. faces_orig_index = [] # for ngons, we need to know our original index if coords_tex and ifs_texfaces: do_uvmap = True else: do_uvmap = False # current_face = [0] # pointer anyone def add_face(face, fuvs, orig_index): l = len(face) if l==3 or l==4: faces.append(face) # faces_orig_index.append(current_face[0]) if do_uvmap: faces_uv.append(fuvs) faces_orig_index.append(orig_index) elif l==2: edges.append(face) elif l>4: for i in xrange(2, len(face)): faces.append([face[0], face[i-1], face[i]]) if do_uvmap: faces_uv.append([fuvs[0], fuvs[i-1], fuvs[i]]) faces_orig_index.append(orig_index) else: # faces with 1 verts? pfft! # still will affect index ordering pass face = [] fuvs = [] orig_index = 0 for i, fi in enumerate(ifs_faces): # ifs_texfaces and ifs_faces should be aligned if fi != -1: # face.append(int(fi)) # in rare cases this is a float # EEKADOODLE!!! # Annoyance where faces that have a zero index vert get rotated. This will then mess up UVs and VColors face.append(int(fi)+1) # in rare cases this is a float, +1 because of stupid EEKADOODLE :/ if do_uvmap: if i >= len(ifs_texfaces): print '\tWarning: UV Texface index out of range' fuvs.append(ifs_texfaces[0]) else: fuvs.append(ifs_texfaces[i]) else: add_face(face, fuvs, orig_index) face = [] if do_uvmap: fuvs = [] orig_index += 1 add_face(face, fuvs, orig_index) del add_face # dont need this func anymore bpymesh = bpy.data.meshes.new() bpymesh.verts.extend([(0,0,0)]) # EEKADOODLE bpymesh.verts.extend(ifs_points) # print len(ifs_points), faces, edges, ngons try: bpymesh.faces.extend(faces, smooth=True, ignoreDups=True) except KeyError: print "one or more vert indicies out of range. corrupt file?" #for f in faces: # bpymesh.faces.extend(faces, smooth=True) bpymesh.calcNormals() if len(bpymesh.faces) != len(faces): print '\tWarning: adding faces did not work! file is invalid, not adding UVs or vcolors' return bpymesh, ccw # Apply UVs if we have them if not do_uvmap: faces_uv = faces # fallback, we didnt need a uvmap in the first place, fallback to the face/vert mapping. if coords_tex: #print ifs_texpoints # print geom bpymesh.faceUV = True for i,f in enumerate(bpymesh.faces): f.image = bpyima fuv = faces_uv[i] # uv indicies for j,uv in enumerate(f.uv): # print fuv, j, len(ifs_texpoints) try: uv[:] = ifs_texpoints[fuv[j]] except: print '\tWarning: UV Index out of range' uv[:] = ifs_texpoints[0] elif bpyima and len(bpymesh.faces): # Oh Bugger! - we cant really use blenders ORCO for for texture space since texspace dosnt rotate. # we have to create VRML's coords as UVs instead. # VRML docs ''' If the texCoord field is NULL, a default texture coordinate mapping is calculated using the local coordinate system bounding box of the shape. The longest dimension of the bounding box defines the S coordinates, and the next longest defines the T coordinates. If two or all three dimensions of the bounding box are equal, ties shall be broken by choosing the X, Y, or Z dimension in that order of preference. The value of the S coordinate ranges from 0 to 1, from one end of the bounding box to the other. The T coordinate ranges between 0 and the ratio of the second greatest dimension of the bounding box to the greatest dimension. ''' # Note, S,T == U,V # U gets longest, V gets second longest xmin, ymin, zmin = ifs_points[0] xmax, ymax, zmax = ifs_points[0] for co in ifs_points: x,y,z = co if x < xmin: xmin = x if y < ymin: ymin = y if z < zmin: zmin = z if x > xmax: xmax = x if y > ymax: ymax = y if z > zmax: zmax = z xlen = xmax - xmin ylen = ymax - ymin zlen = zmax - zmin depth_min = xmin, ymin, zmin depth_list = [xlen, ylen, zlen] depth_sort = depth_list[:] depth_sort.sort() depth_idx = [depth_list.index(val) for val in depth_sort] axis_u = depth_idx[-1] axis_v = depth_idx[-2] # second longest # Hack, swap these !!! TODO - Why swap??? - it seems to work correctly but should not. # axis_u,axis_v = axis_v,axis_u min_u = depth_min[axis_u] min_v = depth_min[axis_v] depth_u = depth_list[axis_u] depth_v = depth_list[axis_v] depth_list[axis_u] if axis_u == axis_v: # This should be safe because when 2 axies have the same length, the lower index will be used. axis_v += 1 bpymesh.faceUV = True # HACK !!! - seems to be compatible with Cosmo though. depth_v = depth_u = max(depth_v, depth_u) for f in bpymesh.faces: f.image = bpyima fuv = f.uv for i,v in enumerate(f): co = v.co fuv[i][:] = (co[axis_u]-min_u) / depth_u, (co[axis_v]-min_v) / depth_v # Add vcote if vcolor: # print ifs_vcol bpymesh.vertexColors = True for f in bpymesh.faces: fcol = f.col if ifs_colorPerVertex: fv = f.verts for i,c in enumerate(fcol): color_index = fv[i].index # color index is vert index if ifs_color_index: color_index = ifs_color_index[color_index] if len(ifs_vcol) < color_index: c.r, c.g, c.b = ifs_vcol[color_index] else: print '\tWarning: per face color index out of range' else: if vcolor_spot: # use 1 color, when ifs_vcol is [] for c in fcol: c.r, c.g, c.b = vcolor_spot else: color_index = faces_orig_index[f.index] # color index is face index #print color_index, ifs_color_index if ifs_color_index: if color_index <= len(ifs_color_index): print '\tWarning: per face color index out of range' color_index = 0 else: color_index = ifs_color_index[color_index] col = ifs_vcol[color_index] for i,c in enumerate(fcol): c.r, c.g, c.b = col bpymesh.verts.delete([0,]) # EEKADOODLE return bpymesh, ccw def importMesh_IndexedLineSet(geom): # VRML not x3d #coord = geom.getChildByName('coord') # 'Coordinate' coord = geom.getChildBySpec('Coordinate') # works for x3d and vrml if coord: points = coord.getFieldAsArray('point', 3) else: points = [] if not points: print '\tWarning: IndexedLineSet had no points' return None ils_lines = geom.getFieldAsArray('coordIndex', 0) lines = [] line = [] for il in ils_lines: if il==-1: lines.append(line) line = [] else: line.append(int(il)) lines.append(line) # vcolor = geom.getChildByName('color') # blender dosnt have per vertex color bpycurve = bpy.data.curves.new('IndexedCurve', 'Curve') bpycurve.setFlag(1) w=t=1 curve_index = 0 for line in lines: if not line: continue co = points[line[0]] bpycurve.appendNurb([co[0], co[1], co[2], w, t]) bpycurve[curve_index].type= 0 # Poly Line for il in line[1:]: co = points[il] bpycurve.appendPoint(curve_index, [co[0], co[1], co[2], w]) curve_index += 1 return bpycurve def importMesh_PointSet(geom): # VRML not x3d #coord = geom.getChildByName('coord') # 'Coordinate' coord = geom.getChildBySpec('Coordinate') # works for x3d and vrml if coord: points = coord.getFieldAsArray('point', 3) else: points = [] # vcolor = geom.getChildByName('color') # blender dosnt have per vertex color bpymesh = bpy.data.meshes.new() bpymesh.verts.extend(points) bpymesh.calcNormals() # will just be dummy normals return bpymesh GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL'] = 12 MATRIX_Z_TO_Y = RotationMatrix(90, 4, 'x') def importMesh_Sphere(geom): # bpymesh = bpy.data.meshes.new() diameter = geom.getFieldAsFloat('radius', 0.5) * 2 # * 2 for the diameter bpymesh = Mesh.Primitives.UVsphere(GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL'], GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL'], diameter) bpymesh.transform(MATRIX_Z_TO_Y) return bpymesh def importMesh_Cylinder(geom): # bpymesh = bpy.data.meshes.new() diameter = geom.getFieldAsFloat('radius', 1.0) * 2 # * 2 for the diameter height = geom.getFieldAsFloat('height', 2) bpymesh = Mesh.Primitives.Cylinder(GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL'], diameter, height) bpymesh.transform(MATRIX_Z_TO_Y) # Warning - Rely in the order Blender adds verts # not nice design but wont change soon. bottom = geom.getFieldAsBool('bottom', True) side = geom.getFieldAsBool('side', True) top = geom.getFieldAsBool('top', True) if not top: # last vert is top center of tri fan. bpymesh.verts.delete([(GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL']+GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL'])+1]) if not bottom: # second last vert is bottom of triangle fan bpymesh.verts.delete([GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL']+GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL']]) if not side: # remove all quads bpymesh.faces.delete(1, [f for f in bpymesh.faces if len(f)==4]) return bpymesh def importMesh_Cone(geom): # bpymesh = bpy.data.meshes.new() diameter = geom.getFieldAsFloat('bottomRadius', 1.0) * 2 # * 2 for the diameter height = geom.getFieldAsFloat('height', 2) bpymesh = Mesh.Primitives.Cone(GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL'], diameter, height) bpymesh.transform(MATRIX_Z_TO_Y) # Warning - Rely in the order Blender adds verts # not nice design but wont change soon. bottom = geom.getFieldAsBool('bottom', True) side = geom.getFieldAsBool('side', True) if not bottom: # last vert is on the bottom bpymesh.verts.delete([GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL']+1]) if not side: # second last vert is on the pointy bit of the cone bpymesh.verts.delete([GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL']]) return bpymesh def importMesh_Box(geom): # bpymesh = bpy.data.meshes.new() size = geom.getFieldAsFloatTuple('size', (2.0, 2.0, 2.0)) bpymesh = Mesh.Primitives.Cube(1.0) # Scale the box to the size set scale_mat = Matrix([size[0],0,0], [0, size[1], 0], [0, 0, size[2]]) bpymesh.transform(scale_mat.resize4x4()) return bpymesh def importShape(node, ancestry): vrmlname = node.getDefName() if not vrmlname: vrmlname = 'Shape' # works 100% in vrml, but not x3d #appr = node.getChildByName('appearance') # , 'Appearance' #geom = node.getChildByName('geometry') # , 'IndexedFaceSet' # Works in vrml and x3d appr = node.getChildBySpec('Appearance') geom = node.getChildBySpec(['IndexedFaceSet', 'IndexedLineSet', 'PointSet', 'Sphere', 'Box', 'Cylinder', 'Cone']) # For now only import IndexedFaceSet's if geom: bpymat = None bpyima = None texmtx = None if appr: #mat = appr.getChildByName('material') # 'Material' #ima = appr.getChildByName('texture') # , 'ImageTexture' #if ima and ima.getSpec() != 'ImageTexture': # print '\tWarning: texture type "%s" is not supported' % ima.getSpec() # ima = None # textx = appr.getChildByName('textureTransform') mat = appr.getChildBySpec('Material') ima = appr.getChildBySpec('ImageTexture') textx = appr.getChildBySpec('TextureTransform') if textx: texmtx = translateTexTransform(textx) # print mat, ima if mat or ima: if not mat: mat = ima # This is a bit dumb, but just means we use default values for all # all values between 0.0 and 1.0, defaults from VRML docs bpymat = bpy.data.materials.new() bpymat.amb = mat.getFieldAsFloat('ambientIntensity', 0.2) bpymat.rgbCol = mat.getFieldAsFloatTuple('diffuseColor', [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) # NOTE - blender dosnt support emmisive color # Store in mirror color and approximate with emit. emit = mat.getFieldAsFloatTuple('emissiveColor', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) bpymat.mirCol = emit bpymat.emit = (emit[0]+emit[1]+emit[2])/3.0 bpymat.hard = int(1+(510*mat.getFieldAsFloat('shininess', 0.2))) # 0-1 -> 1-511 bpymat.specCol = mat.getFieldAsFloatTuple('specularColor', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) bpymat.alpha = 1.0 - mat.getFieldAsFloat('transparency', 0.0) if bpymat.alpha < 0.999: bpymat.mode |= Material.Modes.ZTRANSP if ima: # print ima ima_url = ima.getFieldAsString('url') if ima_url==None: print "\twarning, image with no URL, this is odd" else: bpyima= BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad(ima_url, dirName(node.getFilename()), PLACE_HOLDER= False, RECURSIVE= False) if bpyima: texture= bpy.data.textures.new() texture.setType('Image') texture.image = bpyima # Adds textures for materials (rendering) try: depth = bpyima.depth except: depth = -1 if depth == 32: # Image has alpha bpymat.setTexture(0, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.COL | Texture.MapTo.ALPHA) texture.setImageFlags('MipMap', 'InterPol', 'UseAlpha') bpymat.mode |= Material.Modes.ZTRANSP bpymat.alpha = 0.0 else: bpymat.setTexture(0, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.COL) ima_repS = ima.getFieldAsBool('repeatS', True) ima_repT = ima.getFieldAsBool('repeatT', True) texture.repeat = max(1, ima_repS * 512), max(1, ima_repT * 512) if not ima_repS: bpyima.clampX = True if not ima_repT: bpyima.clampY = True bpydata = None geom_spec = geom.getSpec() ccw = True if geom_spec == 'IndexedFaceSet': bpydata, ccw = importMesh_IndexedFaceSet(geom, bpyima) elif geom_spec == 'IndexedLineSet': bpydata = importMesh_IndexedLineSet(geom) elif geom_spec == 'PointSet': bpydata = importMesh_PointSet(geom) elif geom_spec == 'Sphere': bpydata = importMesh_Sphere(geom) elif geom_spec == 'Box': bpydata = importMesh_Box(geom) elif geom_spec == 'Cylinder': bpydata = importMesh_Cylinder(geom) elif geom_spec == 'Cone': bpydata = importMesh_Cone(geom) else: print '\tWarning: unsupported type "%s"' % geom_spec return if bpydata: vrmlname = vrmlname + geom_spec bpydata.name = vrmlname bpyob = node.blendObject = bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new(bpydata) if type(bpydata) == Types.MeshType: is_solid = geom.getFieldAsBool('solid', True) creaseAngle = geom.getFieldAsFloat('creaseAngle', None) if creaseAngle != None: bpydata.maxSmoothAngle = 1+int(min(79, creaseAngle * RAD_TO_DEG)) bpydata.mode |= Mesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH # Only ever 1 material per shape if bpymat: bpydata.materials = [bpymat] if bpydata.faceUV and texmtx: # Apply texture transform? uv_copy = Vector() for f in bpydata.faces: for uv in f.uv: uv_copy.x = uv.x uv_copy.y = uv.y uv.x, uv.y = (uv_copy * texmtx)[0:2] # Done transforming the texture # Must be here and not in IndexedFaceSet because it needs an object for the flip func. Messy :/ if not ccw: bpydata.flipNormals() # else could be a curve for example # Can transform data or object, better the object so we can instance the data #bpymesh.transform(getFinalMatrix(node)) bpyob.setMatrix( getFinalMatrix(node, None, ancestry) ) def importLamp_PointLight(node): vrmlname = node.getDefName() if not vrmlname: vrmlname = 'PointLight' # ambientIntensity = node.getFieldAsFloat('ambientIntensity', 0.0) # TODO # attenuation = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('attenuation', (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # TODO color = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('color', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) intensity = node.getFieldAsFloat('intensity', 1.0) # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher. location = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('location', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # is_on = node.getFieldAsBool('on', True) # TODO radius = node.getFieldAsFloat('radius', 100.0) bpylamp = bpy.data.lamps.new() bpylamp.setType('Lamp') bpylamp.energy = intensity bpylamp.dist = radius bpylamp.col = color mtx = TranslationMatrix(Vector(location)) return bpylamp, mtx def importLamp_DirectionalLight(node): vrmlname = node.getDefName() if not vrmlname: vrmlname = 'DirectLight' # ambientIntensity = node.getFieldAsFloat('ambientIntensity', 0.0) # TODO color = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('color', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) direction = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('direction', (0.0, 0.0, -1.0)) intensity = node.getFieldAsFloat('intensity', 1.0) # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher. # is_on = node.getFieldAsBool('on', True) # TODO bpylamp = bpy.data.lamps.new(vrmlname) bpylamp.setType('Sun') bpylamp.energy = intensity bpylamp.col = color # lamps have their direction as -z, yup mtx = Vector(direction).toTrackQuat('-z', 'y').toMatrix().resize4x4() return bpylamp, mtx # looks like default values for beamWidth and cutOffAngle were swapped in VRML docs. def importLamp_SpotLight(node): vrmlname = node.getDefName() if not vrmlname: vrmlname = 'SpotLight' # ambientIntensity = geom.getFieldAsFloat('ambientIntensity', 0.0) # TODO # attenuation = geom.getFieldAsFloatTuple('attenuation', (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # TODO beamWidth = node.getFieldAsFloat('beamWidth', 1.570796) * RAD_TO_DEG # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher. color = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('color', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) cutOffAngle = node.getFieldAsFloat('cutOffAngle', 0.785398) * RAD_TO_DEG # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher. direction = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('direction', (0.0, 0.0, -1.0)) intensity = node.getFieldAsFloat('intensity', 1.0) # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher. location = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('location', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # is_on = node.getFieldAsBool('on', True) # TODO radius = node.getFieldAsFloat('radius', 100.0) bpylamp = bpy.data.lamps.new(vrmlname) bpylamp.setType('Spot') bpylamp.energy = intensity bpylamp.dist = radius bpylamp.col = color bpylamp.spotSize = cutOffAngle if beamWidth > cutOffAngle: bpylamp.spotBlend = 0.0 else: if cutOffAngle==0.0: #@#$%^&*(!!! - this should never happen bpylamp.spotBlend = 0.5 else: bpylamp.spotBlend = beamWidth / cutOffAngle # Convert # lamps have their direction as -z, y==up mtx = TranslationMatrix(Vector(location)) * Vector(direction).toTrackQuat('-z', 'y').toMatrix().resize4x4() return bpylamp, mtx def importLamp(node, spec, ancestry): if spec=='PointLight': bpylamp,mtx = importLamp_PointLight(node) elif spec=='DirectionalLight': bpylamp,mtx = importLamp_DirectionalLight(node) elif spec=='SpotLight': bpylamp,mtx = importLamp_SpotLight(node) else: print "Error, not a lamp" raise "" bpyob = node.blendObject = bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new(bpylamp) bpyob.setMatrix( getFinalMatrix(node, mtx, ancestry) ) def importViewpoint(node, ancestry): name = node.getDefName() if not name: name = 'Viewpoint' fieldOfView = node.getFieldAsFloat('fieldOfView', 0.785398) * RAD_TO_DEG # max is documented to be 1.0 but some files have higher. # jump = node.getFieldAsBool('jump', True) orientation = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('orientation', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) position = node.getFieldAsFloatTuple('position', (0.0, 0.0, 10.0)) description = node.getFieldAsString('description', '') bpycam = bpy.data.cameras.new(name) bpycam.angle = fieldOfView mtx = TranslationMatrix(Vector(position)) * translateRotation(orientation) * MATRIX_Z_TO_Y bpyob = node.blendObject = bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new(bpycam) bpyob.setMatrix( getFinalMatrix(node, mtx, ancestry) ) def importTransform(node, ancestry): name = node.getDefName() if not name: name = 'Transform' bpyob = node.blendObject = bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new('Empty', name) # , name) bpyob.setMatrix( getFinalMatrix(node, None, ancestry) ) def load_web3d(path, PREF_FLAT=False, PREF_CIRCLE_DIV=16): # Used when adding blender primitives GLOBALS['CIRCLE_DETAIL'] = PREF_CIRCLE_DIV #root_node = vrml_parse('/_Cylinder.wrl') if path.lower().endswith('.x3d'): root_node, msg = x3d_parse(path) else: root_node, msg = vrml_parse(path) if not root_node: if Blender.mode == 'background': print msg else: Blender.Draw.PupMenu(msg) return # fill with tuples - (node, [parents-parent, parent]) all_nodes = root_node.getSerialized([], []) for node, ancestry in all_nodes: #if 'castle.wrl' not in node.getFilename(): # continue spec = node.getSpec() if spec=='Shape': importShape(node, ancestry) elif spec in ('PointLight', 'DirectionalLight', 'SpotLight'): importLamp(node, spec, ancestry) elif spec=='Viewpoint': importViewpoint(node, ancestry) elif spec=='Transform': # Only use transform nodes when we are not importing a flat object hierarchy if PREF_FLAT==False: importTransform(node, ancestry) # Add in hierarchy if PREF_FLAT==False: child_dict = {} for node, ancestry in all_nodes: if node.blendObject: blendObject = None # Get the last parent i = len(ancestry) while i: i-=1 blendObject = ancestry[i].blendObject if blendObject: break if blendObject: # Parent Slow, - 1 liner but works # blendObject.makeParent([node.blendObject], 0, 1) # Parent FAST try: child_dict[blendObject].append(node.blendObject) except: child_dict[blendObject] = [node.blendObject] # Parent FAST for parent, children in child_dict.iteritems(): parent.makeParent(children, 0, 1) # update deps bpy.data.scenes.active.update(1) del child_dict def load_ui(path): Draw = Blender.Draw PREF_HIERARCHY= Draw.Create(0) PREF_CIRCLE_DIV= Draw.Create(16) # Get USER Options pup_block= [\ 'Import...',\ ('Hierarchy', PREF_HIERARCHY, 'Import transform nodes as empties to create a parent/child hierarchy'),\ ('Circle Div:', PREF_CIRCLE_DIV, 3, 128, 'Number of divisions to use for circular primitives') ] if not Draw.PupBlock('Import X3D/VRML...', pup_block): return Window.WaitCursor(1) load_web3d(path,\ (not PREF_HIERARCHY.val),\ PREF_CIRCLE_DIV.val,\ ) Window.WaitCursor(0) if __name__ == '__main__': Window.FileSelector(load_ui, 'Import X3D/VRML97') # Testing stuff # load_web3d('/test.x3d') # load_web3d('/_Cylinder.x3d') # Testing below # load_web3d('m:\\root\\Desktop\\_Cylinder.wrl') # load_web3d('/_Cylinder.wrl') # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/Vrml/EGS/BCKGD.WRL') # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/Vrml/EGS/GRNDPLNE.WRL') # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/Vrml/EGS/INDEXFST.WRL') # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/panel1c.wrl') # load_web3d('/test.wrl') # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/dulcimer.wrl') # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/rccad/Ju-52.wrl') # Face index out of range # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/16lat.wrl') # spotlight # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/Vrml/EGS/FOG.WRL') # spotlight # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/Vrml/EGS/LOD.WRL') # vcolor per face # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/new/daybreak_final.wrl') # no faces in mesh, face duplicate error # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/new/earth.wrl') # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/new/hendrix.ei.dtu.dk/vrml/talairach/fourd/TalaDruryRight.wrl') # define/use fields # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/new/imac.wrl') # extrusion and define/use fields, face index is a float somehow # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/new/www.igs.net/~mascott/vrml/vrml2/mcastle.wrl') # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/new/www.igs.net/~mascott/vrml/vrml2/tower.wrl') # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/new/www.igs.net/~mascott/vrml/vrml2/temple.wrl') # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/brain.wrl') # field define test 'a IS b' # load_web3d('/fe/wrl/new/coaster.wrl') # fields that are confusing to read. # X3D # load_web3d('/fe/x3d/www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/StudentProjects/PlayRoom.x3d') # invalid UVs ''' import os # files = os.popen('find /fe/wrl -iname "*.wrl"').readlines() # files = os.popen('find /fe/x3d -iname "*.x3d"').readlines() files = os.popen('find /fe/x3d/X3dExamplesSavage -iname "*.x3d"').readlines() files.sort() tot = len(files) for i, f in enumerate(files): if i < 12803 or i > 1000000: continue #if i != 12686: # continue f = f.strip() print f, i, tot sce = bpy.data.scenes.new(f.split('/')[-1]) bpy.data.scenes.active = sce # Window. load_web3d(f, PREF_FLAT=True) '''