#!BPY """ Name: 'FLT Toolbar' Blender: 240 Group: 'Misc' Tooltip: 'Tools for working with FLT databases' """ __author__ = "Geoffrey Bantle" __version__ = "1.0 11/21/07" __email__ = ('scripts', 'Author, ') __url__ = ('blender', 'elysiun') __bpydoc__ ="""\ This script provides tools for working with OpenFlight databases in Blender. OpenFlight is a registered trademark of MultiGen-Paradigm, Inc. Feature overview and more availible at: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/FLTools """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # flt_palettemanager.py version 0.1 2005/04/08 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Copyright (C) 2007: Blender Foundation # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Blender.Draw as Draw from Blender.BGL import * import Blender import flt_properties reload(flt_properties) from flt_properties import * xrefprefix = "" xrefstack = list() vofsstack = list() vquatstack = list() prop_w = 256 prop_h = 256 #event codes evcode = { "XREF_MAKE" : 100, "XREF_EDIT" : 101, "XREF_FILE" : 102, "XREF_PICK" : 103, "XREF_SELECT" : 104, "XREF_POP" : 105, "XREF_PREFIX" : 106, "FACE_NAME" : 200, "FACE_MAKESUB" : 201, "FACE_KILLSUB" : 202, "FACE_SELSUB" : 203, "SCENE_UPDATE" : 303, "IDPROP_COPY" : 501, "IDPROP_KILL" : 502, "CLIGHT_MAKE" : 700, "DFROMACT" : 701 } XREF_PREFIX = None XREF_MAKE = None XREF_EDIT = None XREF_SELECT = None XREF_POP = None FACE_MAKESUB = None FACE_SELSUB = None FACE_KILLSUB = None IDPROP_KILL = None IDPROP_COPY = None SCENE_UPDATE = None CLIGHT_MAKE = None DFROMACT = None def update_state(): state = dict() state["activeScene"] = Blender.Scene.getCurrent() state["activeObject"] = state["activeScene"].getActiveObject() if state["activeObject"] and not state["activeObject"].sel: state["activeObject"] = None state["activeMesh"] = None if state["activeObject"] and state["activeObject"].type == 'Mesh': state["activeMesh"] = state["activeObject"].getData(mesh=True) state["activeFace"] = None if state["activeMesh"]: if state["activeMesh"].faceUV and state["activeMesh"].activeFace != None: state["activeFace"] = state["activeMesh"].faces[state["activeMesh"].activeFace] #update editmode state["editmode"] = Blender.Window.EditMode() return state def pack_face_index(index, intensity): return ((127*intensity)+(128*index)) def unpack_face_index(face_index): index = face_index / 128 intensity = float(face_index - 128.0 * index) / 127.0 return(index,intensity) def idprops_append(object, typecode, props): object.properties["FLT"] = dict() object.properties["FLT"]['type'] = typecode for prop in props: object.properties["FLT"][prop] = props[prop] object.properties["FLT"]['3t8!id'] = object.name def idprops_kill(object): state = update_state() if object and object.properties.has_key('FLT'): object.properties.pop('FLT') def idprops_copy(source): state = update_state() if source.properties.has_key('FLT'): for object in state["activeScene"].objects: if object.sel and object != source and (state["activeScene"].Layers & object.Layers): idprops_kill(object) object.properties['FLT'] = dict() for key in source.properties['FLT']: object.properties['FLT'][key] = source.properties['FLT'][key] def update_all(): state = update_state() #update the baked FLT colors for all meshes. for object in state["activeScene"].objects: if object.type == "Mesh": mesh = object.getData(mesh=True) if 'FLT_COL' in mesh.faces.properties: mesh.activeColorLayer = "FLT_Fcol" for face in mesh.faces: (index,intensity) = unpack_face_index(face.getProperty('FLT_COL')) color = struct.unpack('>BBBB',struct.pack('>I',state["colors"][index])) #update the vertex colors for this face for col in face.col: col.r = int(color[0] * intensity) col.g = int(color[1] * intensity) col.b = int(color[2] * intensity) col.a = 255 #Change this to find the deep parent def xref_create(): global xrefprefix global xrefstack global vofsstack global vquatstack global prop_w global prop_h state = update_state() def findchildren(object): children = list() for candidate in state["activeScene"].objects: if candidate.parent == object: children.append(candidate) retlist = list(children) for child in children: retlist = retlist + findchildren(child) return retlist actObject = state["activeObject"] if actObject and xrefprefix: scenenames = list() for scene in Blender.Scene.Get(): scenenames.append(scene.name) if xrefprefix in scenenames: #build a unique name for the xref... suffix = 1 found = False while not found: candidate = xrefprefix + str(suffix) if not candidate in scenenames: xrefname = candidate found = True suffix+=1 else: xrefname = xrefprefix #create our XRef node xnode = state["activeScene"].objects.new('Empty') xnode.name = 'X:' + xrefname xnode.properties['FLT'] = dict() for prop in FLTXRef: xnode.properties['FLT'][prop] = FLTXRef[prop] xnode.properties['FLT']['3t200!filename'] = xrefname + '.flt' xnode.properties['FLT']['type'] = 63 xnode.enableDupGroup = True xnode.DupGroup = Blender.Group.New(xrefname) #this is dangerous... be careful! #copy rot and loc of actObject xnode.setLocation(actObject.getLocation()) xnode.setEuler(actObject.getEuler()) #build the new scene xrefscene = Blender.Scene.New(xrefname) xrefscene.properties['FLT'] = dict() xrefscene.properties['FLT']['Filename'] = xrefname xrefscene.properties['FLT']['Main'] = 0 #find the children of actObject so that we can add them to the group linkobjects = findchildren(actObject) linkobjects.append(actObject) for object in linkobjects: xrefscene.objects.link(object) state["activeScene"].objects.unlink(object) xnode.DupGroup.objects.link(object) #clear rotation of actObject and location actObject.setLocation(0.0,0.0,0.0) actObject.setEuler(0.0,0.0,0.0) xrefscene.update(1) state["activeScene"].update(1) def xref_select(): state = update_state() candidates = list() scenelist = [scene.name for scene in Blender.Scene.Get()] for object in state["activeScene"].objects: if object.type == 'Empty' and object.enableDupGroup == True and object.DupGroup: candidates.append(object) for object in candidates: if object.DupGroup.name in scenelist: object.sel = 1 def xref_edit(): global xrefprefix global xrefstack global vofsstack global vquatstack global prop_w global prop_h state = update_state() actObject = state["activeObject"] if actObject and actObject.type == 'Empty' and actObject.DupGroup: # if actObject.properties.has_key('FLT') and actObject.properties['FLT']['type'] == 63: for FLTscene in Blender.Scene.Get(): if FLTscene.properties.has_key('FLT') and FLTscene.name == actObject.DupGroup.name: actObject.sel = 0 xrefstack.append(state["activeScene"]) vofsstack.append(Blender.Window.GetViewOffset()) vquatstack.append(Blender.Window.GetViewQuat()) FLTscene.makeCurrent() Blender.Window.SetViewOffset(0.0,0.0,0.0) def xref_finish(): global xrefprefix global xrefstack global vofsstack global vquatstack global prop_w global prop_h state = update_state() if xrefstack: scene = xrefstack.pop() Blender.Window.SetViewQuat(vquatstack.pop()) Blender.Window.SetViewOffset(vofsstack.pop()) scene.makeCurrent() def sortSub(a,b): aindex = a.getProperty("FLT_ORIGINDEX") bindex = b.getProperty("FLT_ORIGINDEX") if aindex > bindex: return 1 elif aindex < bindex: return -1 return 0 def subface_make(): global xrefprefix global xrefstack global vofsstack global vquatstack global prop_w global prop_h editmode = 0 if Blender.Window.EditMode(): Blender.Window.EditMode(0) editmode = 1 state = update_state() actmesh = state["activeMesh"] activeFace = state["activeFace"] if actmesh: if not "FLT_ORIGINDEX" in actmesh.faces.properties: actmesh.faces.addPropertyLayer("FLT_ORIGINDEX",Blender.Mesh.PropertyTypes["INT"]) for i, face in enumerate(actmesh.faces): face.setProperty("FLT_ORIGINDEX",i) if not "FLT_SFLEVEL" in actmesh.faces.properties: actmesh.faces.addPropertyLayer("FLT_SFLEVEL",Blender.Mesh.PropertyTypes["INT"]) #attach the subfaces to the active face. Note, this doesnt really work 100 percent properly yet, just enough for one level! if activeFace: #steps: #remove actface and selected faces from the facelist #quicksort facelist #append actface and subfaces to end of facelist. #generate new indices facelist = list() sublist = list() for face in actmesh.faces: facelist.append(face) for face in facelist: if face == activeFace: face.setProperty("FLT_SFLEVEL",0) sublist.insert(0,face) elif face.sel: face.setProperty("FLT_SFLEVEL",1) sublist.append(face) for face in sublist: facelist.remove(face) facelist.sort(sortSub) for face in sublist: facelist.append(face) for i, face in enumerate(facelist): face.setProperty("FLT_ORIGINDEX",i) else: pass if editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(1) def subface_kill(): global xrefprefix global xrefstack global vofsstack global vquatstack global prop_w global prop_h editmode = 0 if Blender.Window.EditMode(): Blender.Window.EditMode(0) editmode = 1 state = update_state() actmesh = state["activeMesh"] if actmesh: if "FLT_ORIGINDEX" in actmesh.faces.properties and "FLT_SFLEVEL" in actmesh.faces.properties: for i,face in enumerate(actmesh.faces): face.setProperty("FLT_ORIGINDEX",i) face.setProperty("FLT_SFLEVEL",0) if editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(1) def subface_select(): global xrefprefix global xrefstack global vofsstack global vquatstack global prop_w global prop_h editmode = 0 if Blender.Window.EditMode(): Blender.Window.EditMode(0) editmode = 1 state = update_state() actmesh = state["activeMesh"] activeFace = state["activeFace"] if actmesh and activeFace: if "FLT_ORIGINDEX" in actmesh.faces.properties and "FLT_SFLEVEL" in actmesh.faces.properties: facelist = list() actIndex = None sublevel = None for face in actmesh.faces: facelist.append(face) facelist.sort(sortSub) for i, face in enumerate(facelist): if face == activeFace: actIndex = i sublevel = face.getProperty("FLT_SFLEVEL")+1 break leftover = facelist[actIndex+1:] for face in leftover: if face.getProperty("FLT_SFLEVEL") == sublevel: face.sel = 1 else: break if editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(1) def select_by_typecode(typecode): global xrefprefix global xrefstack global vofsstack global vquatstack global prop_w global prop_h state = update_state() for object in state["activeScene"].objects: if object.properties.has_key('FLT') and object.properties['FLT']['type'] == typecode and state["activeScene"].Layers & object.Layers: object.select(1) def clight_make(): state = update_state() actmesh = state["activeMesh"] actobj = state["activeObject"] if actobj and actmesh: actobj.properties['FLT'] = dict() actobj.properties['FLT']['type'] = 111 for prop in FLTInlineLP: actobj.properties['FLT'][prop] = FLTInlineLP[prop] actmesh.verts.addPropertyLayer("FLT_VCOL", Blender.Mesh.PropertyTypes["INT"]) for v in actmesh.verts: v.setProperty("FLT_VCOL", 83815) def dfromact(): state = update_state() actobj = state["activeObject"] actscene = state["activeScene"] dof = None for object in actscene.objects.context: if object.sel and (object != actobj): if not dof: dof = object else: return if 'FLT' not in dof.properties: dof.properties['FLT'] = dict() #Warning! assumes 1 BU == 10 meters. #do origin dof.properties['FLT']['5d!ORIGX'] = actobj.getLocation('worldspace')[0]*10.0 dof.properties['FLT']['6d!ORIGY'] = actobj.getLocation('worldspace')[1]*10.0 dof.properties['FLT']['7d!ORIGZ'] = actobj.getLocation('worldspace')[2]*10.0 #do X axis x = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(1.0,0.0,0.0) x = x * actobj.getMatrix('worldspace') x = x * 10.0 dof.properties['FLT']['8d!XAXIS-X'] = x[0] dof.properties['FLT']['9d!XAXIS-Y'] = x[1] dof.properties['FLT']['10d!XAXIS-Z'] = x[2] #do X/Y plane x = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(1.0,1.0,0.0) x.normalize() x = x * actobj.getMatrix('worldspace') x = x * 10.0 dof.properties['FLT']['11d!XYPLANE-X'] = x[0] dof.properties['FLT']['12d!XYPLANE-Y'] = x[1] dof.properties['FLT']['13d!XZPLANE-Z'] = x[2] def event(evt,val): if evt == Draw.ESCKEY: Draw.Exit() def but_event(evt): global xrefprefix global xrefstack global vofsstack global vquatstack global prop_w global prop_h global evcode state = update_state() #do Xref buttons if evt == evcode["XREF_PREFIX"]: xrefprefix = XREF_PREFIX.val if evt == evcode["XREF_EDIT"]: xref_edit() if evt == evcode["XREF_SELECT"]: xref_select() if evt == evcode["XREF_MAKE"]: xref_create() #do scene buttons if evt == evcode["SCENE_UPDATE"]: update_all() #do face buttons if evt == evcode["FACE_MAKESUB"]: subface_make() if evt== evcode["FACE_KILLSUB"]: subface_kill() if evt== evcode["FACE_SELSUB"]: subface_select() #common buttons if evt == evcode["IDPROP_KILL"]: if state["activeObject"]: idprops_kill(state["activeObject"]) if evt == evcode["IDPROP_COPY"]: if state["activeObject"]: idprops_copy(state["activeObject"]) if evt == evcode["XREF_POP"]: xref_finish() if evt == evcode["CLIGHT_MAKE"]: clight_make() if evt == evcode["DFROMACT"]: dfromact() Draw.Redraw(1) Blender.Window.RedrawAll() def box(x,y,w,h,c,mode): glColor3f(c[0],c[1],c[2]) if mode == "outline": glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP) else: glBegin(GL_POLYGON) glVertex2i(x,y) glVertex2i(x+w,y) glVertex2i(x+w,y+h) glVertex2i(x,y+h) glEnd() def draw_postcommon(x,y,finaly): global sheetlabel global xrefprefix global xrefstack global vofsstack global vquatstack global prop_w global prop_h global evcode state = update_state() width = prop_w height = prop_h #draw the header glColor3f(0.15,0.15,0.15) glBegin(GL_POLYGON) glVertex2i(x-1,y) glVertex2i(x+width+1,y) glVertex2i(x+width+1,y-25) glVertex2i(x-1,y-25) glEnd() glColor3f(1,1,1) glRasterPos2i(x,y-20) sheetlabel = Blender.Draw.Text("FLT Tools Panel") #draw the box outline glColor3f(0,0,0) glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP) glVertex2i(x-1,y) glVertex2i(x+1+width,y) glVertex2i(x+1+width,finaly-1) glVertex2i(x-1,finaly-1) glEnd() return finaly def draw_propsheet(x,y): global XREF_PREFIX global XREF_MAKE global XREF_EDIT global XREF_SELECT global XREF_POP global FACE_MAKESUB global FACE_SELSUB global FACE_KILLSUB global IDPROP_KILL global IDPROP_COPY global SCENE_UPDATE global CLIGHT_MAKE global xrefprefix global xrefstack global vofsstack global vquatstack global prop_w global prop_h global evcode state = update_state() width = prop_w height = prop_h origx = x origy = y #draw Xref tools y = y-20 XREF_PREFIX = Blender.Draw.String("XRef Name:",evcode["XREF_PREFIX"],x,y,width,20,xrefprefix,18,"Xref prefix name, Actual name is generated from this") y = y-20 XREF_MAKE = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Make XRef",evcode["XREF_MAKE"],x,y,width,20,"Make External Reference") y = y-20 XREF_EDIT = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Edit XRef",evcode["XREF_EDIT"],x,y,width,20,"Edit External Reference") y = y-20 XREF_SELECT = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Select XRefs",evcode["XREF_SELECT"],x,y,width,20,"Select External References") y = y - 20 XREF_POP = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Return to previous scene",evcode["XREF_POP"],x,y,width,20,"Go up one level in xref hierarchy") #Draw facetools y = y-20 FACE_MAKESUB = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Make Subfaces",evcode["FACE_MAKESUB"],x,y,width,20,"Make subfaces") y = y-20 FACE_SELSUB = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Select Subfaces",evcode["FACE_SELSUB"],x,y,width,20,"Select subfaces") y = y-20 FACE_KILLSUB = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Kill Subfaces",evcode["FACE_KILLSUB"],x,y,width,20,"Kill subfaces") #Draw ID Property tools y = y - 20 IDPROP_KILL = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Delete ID props",evcode["IDPROP_KILL"],x,y,width,20,"Delete ID props") y = y - 20 IDPROP_COPY = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Copy to selected",evcode["IDPROP_COPY"],x,y,width,20, "Copy from active to all selected") y= y - 20 CLIGHT_MAKE = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Make Light Point", evcode["CLIGHT_MAKE"],x,y,width,20,"Create inline light points from current mesh") #General tools y = y-20 SCENE_UPDATE = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Update All",evcode["SCENE_UPDATE"],x,y,width,20,"Update all vertex colors") y=y-20 DFROMACT = Blender.Draw.PushButton("Dof from Active", evcode["DFROMACT"],x,y,width,20,"Get Dof origin from active object") draw_postcommon(origx, origy,y) def gui(): #draw the propsheet/toolbox. psheety = 280 #psheetx = psheety + 10 draw_propsheet(0,psheety) Draw.Register(gui,event,but_event)