/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2011 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation, * Sergey Sharybin * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* define this to generate PNG images with content of search areas tracking between which failed */ #undef DUMP_FAILURE #include "libmv-capi.h" #include "glog/logging.h" #include "Math/v3d_optimization.h" #include "libmv/tracking/esm_region_tracker.h" #include "libmv/tracking/klt_region_tracker.h" #include "libmv/tracking/trklt_region_tracker.h" #include "libmv/tracking/lmicklt_region_tracker.h" #include "libmv/tracking/pyramid_region_tracker.h" #include "libmv/tracking/sad.h" #include "libmv/simple_pipeline/tracks.h" #include "libmv/simple_pipeline/initialize_reconstruction.h" #include "libmv/simple_pipeline/bundle.h" #include "libmv/simple_pipeline/detect.h" #include "libmv/simple_pipeline/pipeline.h" #include "libmv/simple_pipeline/camera_intrinsics.h" #include #include #ifdef DUMP_FAILURE # include #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER # define snprintf _snprintf #endif typedef struct libmv_Reconstruction { libmv::EuclideanReconstruction reconstruction; /* used for per-track average error calculation after reconstruction */ libmv::Tracks tracks; libmv::CameraIntrinsics intrinsics; double error; } libmv_Reconstruction; typedef struct libmv_Features { int count, margin; libmv::Feature *features; } libmv_Features; /* ************ Logging ************ */ void libmv_initLogging(const char *argv0) { google::InitGoogleLogging(argv0); google::SetCommandLineOption("logtostderr", "1"); google::SetCommandLineOption("v", "0"); google::SetCommandLineOption("stderrthreshold", "7"); google::SetCommandLineOption("minloglevel", "7"); V3D::optimizerVerbosenessLevel = 0; } void libmv_startDebugLogging(void) { google::SetCommandLineOption("logtostderr", "1"); google::SetCommandLineOption("v", "0"); google::SetCommandLineOption("stderrthreshold", "1"); google::SetCommandLineOption("minloglevel", "0"); V3D::optimizerVerbosenessLevel = 1; } void libmv_setLoggingVerbosity(int verbosity) { char val[10]; snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%d", verbosity); google::SetCommandLineOption("v", val); V3D::optimizerVerbosenessLevel = verbosity; } /* ************ RegionTracker ************ */ libmv_RegionTracker *libmv_regionTrackerNew(int max_iterations, int pyramid_level, int half_window_size) { libmv::EsmRegionTracker *klt_region_tracker = new libmv::EsmRegionTracker; klt_region_tracker->half_window_size = half_window_size; klt_region_tracker->max_iterations = max_iterations; klt_region_tracker->min_determinant = 1e-4; libmv::PyramidRegionTracker *region_tracker = new libmv::PyramidRegionTracker(klt_region_tracker, pyramid_level); return (libmv_RegionTracker *)region_tracker; } static void floatBufToImage(const float *buf, int width, int height, libmv::FloatImage *image) { int x, y, a = 0; image->resize(height, width); for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { (*image)(y, x, 0) = buf[a++]; } } } #ifdef DUMP_FAILURE void savePNGImage(png_bytep *row_pointers, int width, int height, int depth, int color_type, char *file_name) { png_infop info_ptr; png_structp png_ptr; FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "wb"); if (!fp) return; /* Initialize stuff */ png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) { fclose(fp); return; } png_init_io(png_ptr, fp); /* write header */ if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) { fclose(fp); return; } png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, width, height, depth, color_type, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE); png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); /* write bytes */ if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) { fclose(fp); return; } png_write_image(png_ptr, row_pointers); /* end write */ if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) { fclose(fp); return; } png_write_end(png_ptr, NULL); fclose(fp); } static void saveImage(char *prefix, libmv::FloatImage image, int x0, int y0) { int x, y; png_bytep *row_pointers; row_pointers= (png_bytep*)malloc(sizeof(png_bytep)*image.Height()); for (y = 0; y < image.Height(); y++) { row_pointers[y]= (png_bytep)malloc(sizeof(png_byte)*4*image.Width()); for (x = 0; x < image.Width(); x++) { if (x0 == x && y0 == y) { row_pointers[y][x*4+0]= 255; row_pointers[y][x*4+1]= 0; row_pointers[y][x*4+2]= 0; row_pointers[y][x*4+3]= 255; } else { float pixel = image(y, x, 0); row_pointers[y][x*4+0]= pixel*255; row_pointers[y][x*4+1]= pixel*255; row_pointers[y][x*4+2]= pixel*255; row_pointers[y][x*4+3]= 255; } } } { static int a= 0; char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s_%02d.png", prefix, ++a); savePNGImage(row_pointers, image.Width(), image.Height(), 8, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA, buf); } for (y = 0; y < image.Height(); y++) { free(row_pointers[y]); } free(row_pointers); } static void saveBytesImage(char *prefix, unsigned char *data, int width, int height) { int x, y; png_bytep *row_pointers; row_pointers= (png_bytep*)malloc(sizeof(png_bytep)*height); for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { row_pointers[y]= (png_bytep)malloc(sizeof(png_byte)*4*width); for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { char pixel = data[width*y+x]; row_pointers[y][x*4+0]= pixel; row_pointers[y][x*4+1]= pixel; row_pointers[y][x*4+2]= pixel; row_pointers[y][x*4+3]= 255; } } { static int a= 0; char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s_%02d.png", prefix, ++a); savePNGImage(row_pointers, width, height, 8, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA, buf); } for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { free(row_pointers[y]); } free(row_pointers); } #endif int libmv_regionTrackerTrack(libmv_RegionTracker *libmv_tracker, const float *ima1, const float *ima2, int width, int height, double x1, double y1, double *x2, double *y2) { libmv::RegionTracker *region_tracker = (libmv::RegionTracker *)libmv_tracker; libmv::FloatImage old_patch, new_patch; floatBufToImage(ima1, width, height, &old_patch); floatBufToImage(ima2, width, height, &new_patch); #ifndef DUMP_FAILURE return region_tracker->Track(old_patch, new_patch, x1, y1, x2, y2); #else { double sx2 = *x2, sy2 = *y2; int result = region_tracker->Track(old_patch, new_patch, x1, y1, x2, y2); if (!result) { saveImage("old_patch", old_patch, x1, y1); saveImage("new_patch", new_patch, sx2, sy2); } return result; } #endif } void libmv_regionTrackerDestroy(libmv_RegionTracker *libmv_tracker) { libmv::RegionTracker *region_tracker= (libmv::RegionTracker *)libmv_tracker; delete region_tracker; } /* ************ Tracks ************ */ void libmv_SADSamplePattern(unsigned char *image, int stride, float warp[3][2], unsigned char *pattern) { libmv::mat32 mat32; memcpy(mat32.data, warp, sizeof(float)*3*2); libmv::SamplePattern(image, stride, mat32, pattern, 16); } float libmv_SADTrackerTrack(unsigned char *pattern, unsigned char *warped, unsigned char *image, int stride, int width, int height, float warp[3][2]) { float result; libmv::mat32 mat32; memcpy(mat32.data, warp, sizeof(float)*3*2); result = libmv::Track(pattern, warped, 16, image, stride, width, height, &mat32, 16, 16); memcpy(warp, mat32.data, sizeof(float)*3*2); return result; } /* ************ Tracks ************ */ libmv_Tracks *libmv_tracksNew(void) { libmv::Tracks *libmv_tracks = new libmv::Tracks(); return (libmv_Tracks *)libmv_tracks; } void libmv_tracksInsert(struct libmv_Tracks *libmv_tracks, int image, int track, double x, double y) { ((libmv::Tracks*)libmv_tracks)->Insert(image, track, x, y); } void libmv_tracksDestroy(libmv_Tracks *libmv_tracks) { delete (libmv::Tracks*)libmv_tracks; } /* ************ Reconstruction solver ************ */ int libmv_refineParametersAreValid(int parameters) { return (parameters == (LIBMV_REFINE_FOCAL_LENGTH)) || (parameters == (LIBMV_REFINE_FOCAL_LENGTH | LIBMV_REFINE_PRINCIPAL_POINT)) || (parameters == (LIBMV_REFINE_FOCAL_LENGTH | LIBMV_REFINE_PRINCIPAL_POINT | LIBMV_REFINE_RADIAL_DISTORTION_K1 | LIBMV_REFINE_RADIAL_DISTORTION_K2)) || (parameters == (LIBMV_REFINE_FOCAL_LENGTH | LIBMV_REFINE_RADIAL_DISTORTION_K1 | LIBMV_REFINE_RADIAL_DISTORTION_K2)) || (parameters == (LIBMV_REFINE_FOCAL_LENGTH | LIBMV_REFINE_RADIAL_DISTORTION_K1)); } libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_solveReconstruction(libmv_Tracks *tracks, int keyframe1, int keyframe2, int refine_intrinsics, double focal_length, double principal_x, double principal_y, double k1, double k2, double k3) { /* Invert the camera intrinsics. */ libmv::vector markers = ((libmv::Tracks*)tracks)->AllMarkers(); libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction = new libmv_Reconstruction(); libmv::EuclideanReconstruction *reconstruction = &libmv_reconstruction->reconstruction; libmv::CameraIntrinsics *intrinsics = &libmv_reconstruction->intrinsics; intrinsics->SetFocalLength(focal_length, focal_length); intrinsics->SetPrincipalPoint(principal_x, principal_y); intrinsics->SetRadialDistortion(k1, k2, k3); if(focal_length) { /* do a lens undistortion if focal length is non-zero only */ for (int i = 0; i < markers.size(); ++i) { intrinsics->InvertIntrinsics(markers[i].x, markers[i].y, &(markers[i].x), &(markers[i].y)); } } libmv::Tracks normalized_tracks(markers); // printf("frames to init from: %d, %d\n", keyframe1, keyframe2); libmv::vector keyframe_markers = normalized_tracks.MarkersForTracksInBothImages(keyframe1, keyframe2); // printf("number of markers for init: %d\n", keyframe_markers.size()); libmv::EuclideanReconstructTwoFrames(keyframe_markers, reconstruction); libmv::EuclideanBundle(normalized_tracks, reconstruction); libmv::EuclideanCompleteReconstruction(normalized_tracks, reconstruction); if (refine_intrinsics) { /* only a few combinations are supported but trust the caller */ int libmv_refine_flags = 0; if (refine_intrinsics & LIBMV_REFINE_FOCAL_LENGTH) { libmv_refine_flags |= libmv::BUNDLE_FOCAL_LENGTH; } if (refine_intrinsics & LIBMV_REFINE_PRINCIPAL_POINT) { libmv_refine_flags |= libmv::BUNDLE_PRINCIPAL_POINT; } if (refine_intrinsics & LIBMV_REFINE_RADIAL_DISTORTION_K1) { libmv_refine_flags |= libmv::BUNDLE_RADIAL_K1; } if (refine_intrinsics & LIBMV_REFINE_RADIAL_DISTORTION_K2) { libmv_refine_flags |= libmv::BUNDLE_RADIAL_K2; } libmv::EuclideanBundleCommonIntrinsics(*(libmv::Tracks *)tracks, libmv_refine_flags, reconstruction, intrinsics); } libmv_reconstruction->tracks = *(libmv::Tracks *)tracks; libmv_reconstruction->error = libmv::EuclideanReprojectionError(*(libmv::Tracks *)tracks, *reconstruction, *intrinsics); return (libmv_Reconstruction *)libmv_reconstruction; } int libmv_reporojectionPointForTrack(libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction, int track, double pos[3]) { libmv::EuclideanReconstruction *reconstruction = &libmv_reconstruction->reconstruction; libmv::EuclideanPoint *point = reconstruction->PointForTrack(track); if(point) { pos[0] = point->X[0]; pos[1] = point->X[2]; pos[2] = point->X[1]; return 1; } return 0; } static libmv::Marker ProjectMarker(const libmv::EuclideanPoint &point, const libmv::EuclideanCamera &camera, const libmv::CameraIntrinsics &intrinsics) { libmv::Vec3 projected = camera.R * point.X + camera.t; projected /= projected(2); libmv::Marker reprojected_marker; intrinsics.ApplyIntrinsics(projected(0), projected(1), &reprojected_marker.x, &reprojected_marker.y); reprojected_marker.image = camera.image; reprojected_marker.track = point.track; return reprojected_marker; } double libmv_reporojectionErrorForTrack(libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction, int track) { libmv::EuclideanReconstruction *reconstruction = &libmv_reconstruction->reconstruction; libmv::CameraIntrinsics *intrinsics = &libmv_reconstruction->intrinsics; libmv::vector markers = libmv_reconstruction->tracks.MarkersForTrack(track); int num_reprojected = 0; double total_error = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < markers.size(); ++i) { const libmv::EuclideanCamera *camera = reconstruction->CameraForImage(markers[i].image); const libmv::EuclideanPoint *point = reconstruction->PointForTrack(markers[i].track); if (!camera || !point) { continue; } num_reprojected++; libmv::Marker reprojected_marker = ProjectMarker(*point, *camera, *intrinsics); double ex = reprojected_marker.x - markers[i].x; double ey = reprojected_marker.y - markers[i].y; total_error += sqrt(ex*ex + ey*ey); } return total_error / num_reprojected; } double libmv_reporojectionErrorForImage(libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction, int image) { libmv::EuclideanReconstruction *reconstruction = &libmv_reconstruction->reconstruction; libmv::CameraIntrinsics *intrinsics = &libmv_reconstruction->intrinsics; libmv::vector markers = libmv_reconstruction->tracks.MarkersInImage(image); const libmv::EuclideanCamera *camera = reconstruction->CameraForImage(image); int num_reprojected = 0; double total_error = 0.0; if (!camera) return 0; for (int i = 0; i < markers.size(); ++i) { const libmv::EuclideanPoint *point = reconstruction->PointForTrack(markers[i].track); if (!point) { continue; } num_reprojected++; libmv::Marker reprojected_marker = ProjectMarker(*point, *camera, *intrinsics); double ex = reprojected_marker.x - markers[i].x; double ey = reprojected_marker.y - markers[i].y; total_error += sqrt(ex*ex + ey*ey); } return total_error / num_reprojected; } int libmv_reporojectionCameraForImage(libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction, int image, double mat[4][4]) { libmv::EuclideanReconstruction *reconstruction = &libmv_reconstruction->reconstruction; libmv::EuclideanCamera *camera = reconstruction->CameraForImage(image); if(camera) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { int l = k; if (k == 1) l = 2; else if (k == 2) l = 1; if (j == 2) mat[j][l] = -camera->R(j,k); else mat[j][l] = camera->R(j,k); } mat[j][3]= 0.0; } libmv::Vec3 optical_center = -camera->R.transpose() * camera->t; mat[3][0] = optical_center(0); mat[3][1] = optical_center(2); mat[3][2] = optical_center(1); mat[3][3]= 1.0; return 1; } return 0; } double libmv_reprojectionError(libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction) { return libmv_reconstruction->error; } void libmv_destroyReconstruction(libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction) { delete libmv_reconstruction; } /* ************ feature detector ************ */ struct libmv_Features *libmv_detectFeaturesFAST(unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int stride, int margin, int min_trackness, int min_distance) { libmv::Feature *features = NULL; std::vector v; libmv_Features *libmv_features = new libmv_Features(); int i= 0, count; if(margin) { data += margin*stride+margin; width -= 2*margin; height -= 2*margin; } v = libmv::DetectFAST(data, width, height, stride, min_trackness, min_distance); count = v.size(); if(count) { features= new libmv::Feature[count]; for(std::vector::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) { features[i++]= *it; } } libmv_features->features = features; libmv_features->count = count; libmv_features->margin = margin; return (libmv_Features *)libmv_features; } struct libmv_Features *libmv_detectFeaturesMORAVEC(unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int stride, int margin, int count, int min_distance) { libmv::Feature *features = NULL; libmv_Features *libmv_features = new libmv_Features; if(count) { if(margin) { data += margin*stride+margin; width -= 2*margin; height -= 2*margin; } features = new libmv::Feature[count]; libmv::DetectMORAVEC(data, stride, width, height, features, &count, min_distance, NULL); } libmv_features->count = count; libmv_features->margin = margin; libmv_features->features = features; return libmv_features; } int libmv_countFeatures(struct libmv_Features *libmv_features) { return libmv_features->count; } void libmv_getFeature(struct libmv_Features *libmv_features, int number, double *x, double *y, double *score, double *size) { libmv::Feature feature= libmv_features->features[number]; *x = feature.x + libmv_features->margin; *y = feature.y + libmv_features->margin; *score = feature.score; *size = feature.size; } void libmv_destroyFeatures(struct libmv_Features *libmv_features) { if(libmv_features->features) delete [] libmv_features->features; delete libmv_features; } /* ************ camera intrinsics ************ */ struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_ReconstructionExtractIntrinsics(struct libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_Reconstruction) { return (struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *)&libmv_Reconstruction->intrinsics; } struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_CameraIntrinsicsNew(double focal_length, double principal_x, double principal_y, double k1, double k2, double k3, int width, int height) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics *intrinsics= new libmv::CameraIntrinsics(); intrinsics->SetFocalLength(focal_length, focal_length); intrinsics->SetPrincipalPoint(principal_x, principal_y); intrinsics->SetRadialDistortion(k1, k2, k3); intrinsics->SetImageSize(width, height); return (struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *) intrinsics; } struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_CameraIntrinsicsCopy(struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmvIntrinsics) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics *orig_intrinsics = (libmv::CameraIntrinsics *) libmvIntrinsics; libmv::CameraIntrinsics *new_intrinsics= new libmv::CameraIntrinsics(*orig_intrinsics); return (struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *) new_intrinsics; } void libmv_CameraIntrinsicsDestroy(struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmvIntrinsics) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics *intrinsics = (libmv::CameraIntrinsics *) libmvIntrinsics; delete intrinsics; } void libmv_CameraIntrinsicsUpdate(struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmvIntrinsics, double focal_length, double principal_x, double principal_y, double k1, double k2, double k3, int width, int height) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics *intrinsics = (libmv::CameraIntrinsics *) libmvIntrinsics; if (intrinsics->focal_length() != focal_length) intrinsics->SetFocalLength(focal_length, focal_length); if (intrinsics->principal_point_x() != principal_x || intrinsics->principal_point_y() != principal_y) intrinsics->SetFocalLength(focal_length, focal_length); if (intrinsics->k1() != k1 || intrinsics->k2() != k2 || intrinsics->k3() != k3) intrinsics->SetRadialDistortion(k1, k2, k3); if (intrinsics->image_width() != width || intrinsics->image_height() != height) intrinsics->SetImageSize(width, height); } void libmv_CameraIntrinsicsExtract(struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmvIntrinsics, double *focal_length, double *principal_x, double *principal_y, double *k1, double *k2, double *k3, int *width, int *height) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics *intrinsics= (libmv::CameraIntrinsics *) libmvIntrinsics; *focal_length = intrinsics->focal_length(); *principal_x = intrinsics->principal_point_x(); *principal_y = intrinsics->principal_point_y(); *k1 = intrinsics->k1(); *k2 = intrinsics->k2(); } void libmv_CameraIntrinsicsUndistortByte(struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmvIntrinsics, unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int width, int height, float overscan, int channels) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics *intrinsics = (libmv::CameraIntrinsics *) libmvIntrinsics; intrinsics->Undistort(src, dst, width, height, overscan, channels); } void libmv_CameraIntrinsicsUndistortFloat(struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmvIntrinsics, float *src, float *dst, int width, int height, float overscan, int channels) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics *intrinsics = (libmv::CameraIntrinsics *) libmvIntrinsics; intrinsics->Undistort(src, dst, width, height, overscan, channels); } void libmv_CameraIntrinsicsDistortByte(struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmvIntrinsics, unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int width, int height, float overscan, int channels) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics *intrinsics = (libmv::CameraIntrinsics *) libmvIntrinsics; intrinsics->Distort(src, dst, width, height, overscan, channels); } void libmv_CameraIntrinsicsDistortFloat(struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmvIntrinsics, float *src, float *dst, int width, int height, float overscan, int channels) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics *intrinsics = (libmv::CameraIntrinsics *) libmvIntrinsics; intrinsics->Distort(src, dst, width, height, overscan, channels); } /* ************ distortion ************ */ void libmv_undistortByte(double focal_length, double principal_x, double principal_y, double k1, double k2, double k3, unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int width, int height, float overscan, int channels) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics intrinsics; intrinsics.SetFocalLength(focal_length, focal_length); intrinsics.SetPrincipalPoint(principal_x, principal_y); intrinsics.SetRadialDistortion(k1, k2, k3); intrinsics.Undistort(src, dst, width, height, overscan, channels); } void libmv_undistortFloat(double focal_length, double principal_x, double principal_y, double k1, double k2, double k3, float *src, float *dst, int width, int height, float overscan, int channels) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics intrinsics; intrinsics.SetFocalLength(focal_length, focal_length); intrinsics.SetPrincipalPoint(principal_x, principal_y); intrinsics.SetRadialDistortion(k1, k2, k3); intrinsics.Undistort(src, dst, width, height, overscan, channels); } void libmv_distortByte(double focal_length, double principal_x, double principal_y, double k1, double k2, double k3, unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int width, int height, float overscan, int channels) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics intrinsics; intrinsics.SetFocalLength(focal_length, focal_length); intrinsics.SetPrincipalPoint(principal_x, principal_y); intrinsics.SetRadialDistortion(k1, k2, k3); intrinsics.Distort(src, dst, width, height, overscan, channels); } void libmv_distortFloat(double focal_length, double principal_x, double principal_y, double k1, double k2, double k3, float *src, float *dst, int width, int height, float overscan, int channels) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics intrinsics; intrinsics.SetFocalLength(focal_length, focal_length); intrinsics.SetPrincipalPoint(principal_x, principal_y); intrinsics.SetRadialDistortion(k1, k2, k3); intrinsics.Distort(src, dst, width, height, overscan, channels); } /* ************ utils ************ */ void libmv_applyCameraIntrinsics(double focal_length, double principal_x, double principal_y, double k1, double k2, double k3, double x, double y, double *x1, double *y1) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics intrinsics; intrinsics.SetFocalLength(focal_length, focal_length); intrinsics.SetPrincipalPoint(principal_x, principal_y); intrinsics.SetRadialDistortion(k1, k2, k3); if(focal_length) { /* do a lens undistortion if focal length is non-zero only */ intrinsics.ApplyIntrinsics(x, y, x1, y1); } } void libmv_InvertIntrinsics(double focal_length, double principal_x, double principal_y, double k1, double k2, double k3, double x, double y, double *x1, double *y1) { libmv::CameraIntrinsics intrinsics; intrinsics.SetFocalLength(focal_length, focal_length); intrinsics.SetPrincipalPoint(principal_x, principal_y); intrinsics.SetRadialDistortion(k1, k2, k3); if(focal_length) { /* do a lens distortion if focal length is non-zero only */ intrinsics.InvertIntrinsics(x, y, x1, y1); } }