import bpy import sys, os, re import http, http.client, http.server, urllib import subprocess, shutil, time, hashlib import netrender.slave as slave import netrender.master as master from netrender.utils import * def clientSendJob(conn, scene, anim = False, chunks = 5): netsettings = scene.network_render job = netrender.model.RenderJob() if anim: for f in range(scene.start_frame, scene.end_frame + 1): job.addFrame(f) else: job.addFrame(scene.current_frame) filename = job.addFile(filename) job_name = netsettings.job_name path, name = os.path.split(filename) if job_name == "[default]": job_name = name ########################### # LIBRARIES ########################### for lib in lib_path = lib.filename if lib_path.startswith("//"): lib_path = path + os.sep + lib_path[2:] job.addFile(lib_path) ########################### # POINT CACHES ########################### root, ext = os.path.splitext(name) cache_path = path + os.sep + "blendcache_" + root + os.sep # need an API call for that if os.path.exists(cache_path): caches = {} pattern = re.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_[0-9]+\.bphys") for cache_file in sorted(os.listdir(cache_path)): match = pattern.match(cache_file) if match: cache_id = match.groups()[0] cache_frame = int(match.groups()[1]) cache_files = caches.get(cache_id, []) cache_files.append((cache_frame, cache_file)) caches[cache_id] = cache_files for cache in caches.values(): cache.sort() if len(cache) == 1: cache_frame, cache_file = cache[0] job.addFile(cache_path + cache_file, cache_frame, cache_frame) else: for i in range(len(cache)): current_item = cache[i] next_item = cache[i+1] if i + 1 < len(cache) else None previous_item = cache[i - 1] if i > 0 else None current_frame, current_file = current_item if not next_item and not previous_item: job.addFile(cache_path + current_file, current_frame, current_frame) elif next_item and not previous_item: next_frame = next_item[0] job.addFile(cache_path + current_file, current_frame, next_frame - 1) elif not next_item and previous_item: previous_frame = previous_item[0] job.addFile(cache_path + current_file, previous_frame + 1, current_frame) else: next_frame = next_item[0] previous_frame = previous_item[0] job.addFile(cache_path + current_file, previous_frame + 1, next_frame - 1) ########################### # IMAGES ########################### for image in if image.source == "FILE" and not image.packed_file: job.addFile(image.filename) # print(job.files) = job_name for slave in scene.network_render.slaves_blacklist: job.blacklist.append( job.chunks = netsettings.chunks job.priority = netsettings.priority # try to send path first conn.request("POST", "/job", repr(job.serialize())) response = conn.getresponse() job_id = response.getheader("job-id") # if not ACCEPTED (but not processed), send files if response.status == http.client.ACCEPTED: for filepath, start, end in job.files: f = open(filepath, "rb") conn.request("PUT", "/file", f, headers={"job-id": job_id, "job-file": filepath}) f.close() response = conn.getresponse() # server will reply with NOT_FOUD until all files are found return job_id def requestResult(conn, job_id, frame): conn.request("GET", "/render", headers={"job-id": job_id, "job-frame":str(frame)}) @rnaType class NetworkRenderEngine(bpy.types.RenderEngine): __idname__ = 'NET_RENDER' __label__ = "Network Render" def render(self, scene): if scene.network_render.mode == "RENDER_CLIENT": self.render_client(scene) elif scene.network_render.mode == "RENDER_SLAVE": self.render_slave(scene) elif scene.network_render.mode == "RENDER_MASTER": self.render_master(scene) else: print("UNKNOWN OPERATION MODE") def render_master(self, scene): netsettings = scene.network_render address = "" if netsettings.server_address == "[default]" else netsettings.server_address master.runMaster((address, netsettings.server_port), netsettings.server_broadcast, netsettings.path, self.update_stats, self.test_break) def render_slave(self, scene): slave.render_slave(self, scene) def render_client(self, scene): netsettings = scene.network_render self.update_stats("", "Network render client initiation") conn = clientConnection(scene) if conn: # Sending file self.update_stats("", "Network render exporting") job_id = netsettings.job_id # reading back result self.update_stats("", "Network render waiting for results") requestResult(conn, job_id, scene.current_frame) response = conn.getresponse() if response.status == http.client.NO_CONTENT: netsettings.job_id = clientSendJob(conn, scene) requestResult(conn, job_id, scene.current_frame) while response.status == http.client.ACCEPTED and not self.test_break(): time.sleep(1) requestResult(conn, job_id, scene.current_frame) response = conn.getresponse() if response.status != http.client.OK: conn.close() return r = scene.render_data x= int(r.resolution_x*r.resolution_percentage*0.01) y= int(r.resolution_y*r.resolution_percentage*0.01) f = open(netsettings.path + "output.exr", "wb") buf = while buf: f.write(buf) buf = f.close() result = self.begin_result(0, 0, x, y) result.load_from_file(netsettings.path + "output.exr", 0, 0) self.end_result(result) conn.close()