/** * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Blender's Ketsji startpoint */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #ifdef WIN32 // don't show stl-warnings #pragma warning (disable:4786) #endif #include "GL/glew.h" #include "KX_BlenderGL.h" #include "KX_BlenderCanvas.h" #include "KX_BlenderKeyboardDevice.h" #include "KX_BlenderMouseDevice.h" #include "KX_BlenderRenderTools.h" #include "KX_BlenderSystem.h" #include "BL_Material.h" #include "KX_KetsjiEngine.h" #include "KX_BlenderSceneConverter.h" #include "KX_PythonInit.h" #include "KX_PyConstraintBinding.h" #include "RAS_GLExtensionManager.h" #include "RAS_OpenGLRasterizer.h" #include "RAS_VAOpenGLRasterizer.h" #include "RAS_ListRasterizer.h" #include "NG_LoopBackNetworkDeviceInterface.h" #include "SND_DeviceManager.h" #include "SYS_System.h" /***/ #include "DNA_view3d_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BIF_screen.h" #include "BIF_scrarea.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLO_readfile.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" /***/ #include "GPU_extensions.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "BSE_headerbuttons.h" void update_for_newframe(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif static BlendFileData *load_game_data(char *filename) { BlendReadError error; BlendFileData *bfd= BLO_read_from_file(filename, &error); if (!bfd) { printf("Loading %s failed: %s\n", filename, BLO_bre_as_string(error)); } return bfd; } extern "C" void StartKetsjiShell(struct ScrArea *area, char* scenename, struct Main* maggie1, struct SpaceIpo *sipo, int always_use_expand_framing) { int exitrequested = KX_EXIT_REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; Main* blenderdata = maggie1; char* startscenename = scenename; char pathname[160]; strcpy (pathname, blenderdata->name); STR_String exitstring = ""; BlendFileData *bfd= NULL; // Acquire Python's GIL (global interpreter lock) // so we can safely run Python code and API calls PyGILState_STATE gilstate = PyGILState_Ensure(); PyObject *pyGlobalDict = PyDict_New(); /* python utility storage, spans blend file loading */ bgl::InitExtensions(true); do { View3D *v3d= (View3D*) area->spacedata.first; // get some preferences SYS_SystemHandle syshandle = SYS_GetSystem(); bool properties = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "show_properties", 0) != 0); bool usefixed = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "fixedtime", 0) != 0); bool profile = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "show_profile", 0) != 0); bool frameRate = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "show_framerate", 0) != 0); bool game2ipo = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "game2ipo", 0) != 0); bool displaylists = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "displaylists", 0) != 0); bool usemat = false, useglslmat = false; if(GLEW_ARB_multitexture && GLEW_VERSION_1_1) usemat = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "blender_material", 1) != 0); if(GPU_extensions_minimum_support()) useglslmat = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "blender_glsl_material", 1) != 0); else if(G.fileflags & G_FILE_GAME_MAT_GLSL) usemat = false; // create the canvas, rasterizer and rendertools RAS_ICanvas* canvas = new KX_BlenderCanvas(area); canvas->SetMouseState(RAS_ICanvas::MOUSE_INVISIBLE); RAS_IRenderTools* rendertools = new KX_BlenderRenderTools(); RAS_IRasterizer* rasterizer = NULL; if(displaylists) { if (GLEW_VERSION_1_1) rasterizer = new RAS_ListRasterizer(canvas, true, true); else rasterizer = new RAS_ListRasterizer(canvas); } else if (GLEW_VERSION_1_1) rasterizer = new RAS_VAOpenGLRasterizer(canvas, false); else rasterizer = new RAS_OpenGLRasterizer(canvas); // create the inputdevices KX_BlenderKeyboardDevice* keyboarddevice = new KX_BlenderKeyboardDevice(); KX_BlenderMouseDevice* mousedevice = new KX_BlenderMouseDevice(); // create a networkdevice NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* networkdevice = new NG_LoopBackNetworkDeviceInterface(); // get an audiodevice SND_DeviceManager::Subscribe(); SND_IAudioDevice* audiodevice = SND_DeviceManager::Instance(); audiodevice->UseCD(); // create a ketsji/blendersystem (only needed for timing and stuff) KX_BlenderSystem* kxsystem = new KX_BlenderSystem(); // create the ketsjiengine KX_KetsjiEngine* ketsjiengine = new KX_KetsjiEngine(kxsystem); // set the devices ketsjiengine->SetKeyboardDevice(keyboarddevice); ketsjiengine->SetMouseDevice(mousedevice); ketsjiengine->SetNetworkDevice(networkdevice); ketsjiengine->SetCanvas(canvas); ketsjiengine->SetRenderTools(rendertools); ketsjiengine->SetRasterizer(rasterizer); ketsjiengine->SetNetworkDevice(networkdevice); ketsjiengine->SetAudioDevice(audiodevice); ketsjiengine->SetUseFixedTime(usefixed); ketsjiengine->SetTimingDisplay(frameRate, profile, properties); // some blender stuff MT_CmMatrix4x4 projmat; MT_CmMatrix4x4 viewmat; float camzoom; int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { float *viewmat_linear= (float*) v3d->viewmat; viewmat.setElem(i, viewmat_linear[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { float *projmat_linear = (float*) area->winmat; projmat.setElem(i, projmat_linear[i]); } if(v3d->persp==V3D_CAMOB) { camzoom = (1.41421 + (v3d->camzoom / 50.0)); camzoom *= camzoom; } else camzoom = 2.0; camzoom = 4.0 / camzoom; ketsjiengine->SetDrawType(v3d->drawtype); ketsjiengine->SetCameraZoom(camzoom); // if we got an exitcode 3 (KX_EXIT_REQUEST_START_OTHER_GAME) load a different file if (exitrequested == KX_EXIT_REQUEST_START_OTHER_GAME || exitrequested == KX_EXIT_REQUEST_RESTART_GAME) { exitrequested = KX_EXIT_REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; if (bfd) BLO_blendfiledata_free(bfd); char basedpath[240]; // base the actuator filename with respect // to the original file working directory if (exitstring != "") strcpy(basedpath, exitstring.Ptr()); BLI_convertstringcode(basedpath, pathname); bfd = load_game_data(basedpath); // if it wasn't loaded, try it forced relative if (!bfd) { // just add "//" in front of it char temppath[242]; strcpy(temppath, "//"); strcat(temppath, basedpath); BLI_convertstringcode(temppath, pathname); bfd = load_game_data(temppath); } // if we got a loaded blendfile, proceed if (bfd) { blenderdata = bfd->main; startscenename = bfd->curscene->id.name + 2; } // else forget it, we can't find it else { exitrequested = KX_EXIT_REQUEST_QUIT_GAME; } } Scene *blscene = NULL; if (!bfd) { blscene = (Scene*) blenderdata->scene.first; for (Scene *sce= (Scene*) blenderdata->scene.first; sce; sce= (Scene*) sce->id.next) { if (startscenename == (sce->id.name+2)) { blscene = sce; break; } } } else { blscene = bfd->curscene; } if (blscene) { int startFrame = blscene->r.cfra; ketsjiengine->SetGame2IpoMode(game2ipo,startFrame); } // Quad buffered needs a special window. if (blscene->r.stereomode != RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_STEREO_QUADBUFFERED) rasterizer->SetStereoMode((RAS_IRasterizer::StereoMode) blscene->r.stereomode); if (exitrequested != KX_EXIT_REQUEST_QUIT_GAME) { if (v3d->persp != V3D_CAMOB) { ketsjiengine->EnableCameraOverride(startscenename); ketsjiengine->SetCameraOverrideUseOrtho((v3d->persp == V3D_ORTHO)); ketsjiengine->SetCameraOverrideProjectionMatrix(projmat); ketsjiengine->SetCameraOverrideViewMatrix(viewmat); ketsjiengine->SetCameraOverrideClipping(v3d->near, v3d->far); } // create a scene converter, create and convert the startingscene KX_ISceneConverter* sceneconverter = new KX_BlenderSceneConverter(blenderdata,sipo, ketsjiengine); ketsjiengine->SetSceneConverter(sceneconverter); sceneconverter->addInitFromFrame=false; if (always_use_expand_framing) sceneconverter->SetAlwaysUseExpandFraming(true); if(usemat && (G.fileflags & G_FILE_GAME_MAT)) sceneconverter->SetMaterials(true); if(useglslmat && (G.fileflags & G_FILE_GAME_MAT_GLSL)) sceneconverter->SetGLSLMaterials(true); KX_Scene* startscene = new KX_Scene(keyboarddevice, mousedevice, networkdevice, audiodevice, startscenename, blscene); // some python things PyObject* dictionaryobject = initGamePythonScripting("Ketsji", psl_Lowest); ketsjiengine->SetPythonDictionary(dictionaryobject); initRasterizer(rasterizer, canvas); PyObject *gameLogic = initGameLogic(ketsjiengine, startscene); PyDict_SetItemString(dictionaryobject, "GameLogic", gameLogic); // Same as importing the module. PyDict_SetItemString(PyModule_GetDict(gameLogic), "globalDict", pyGlobalDict); // Same as importing the module. initGameKeys(); initPythonConstraintBinding(); initMathutils(); if (sceneconverter) { // convert and add scene sceneconverter->ConvertScene( startscenename, startscene, dictionaryobject, keyboarddevice, rendertools, canvas); ketsjiengine->AddScene(startscene); // init the rasterizer rasterizer->Init(); // start the engine ketsjiengine->StartEngine(true); // Set the animation playback rate for ipo's and actions // the framerate below should patch with FPS macro defined in blendef.h // Could be in StartEngine set the framerate, we need the scene to do this ketsjiengine->SetAnimFrameRate( (((double) blscene->r.frs_sec) / blscene->r.frs_sec_base) ); // the mainloop while (!exitrequested) { // first check if we want to exit exitrequested = ketsjiengine->GetExitCode(); // kick the engine bool render = ketsjiengine->NextFrame(); if (render) { // render the frame ketsjiengine->Render(); } // test for the ESC key while (qtest()) { short val; unsigned short event = extern_qread(&val); if (keyboarddevice->ConvertBlenderEvent(event,val)) exitrequested = KX_EXIT_REQUEST_BLENDER_ESC; /* Coordinate conversion... where * should this really be? */ if (event==MOUSEX) { val = val - scrarea_get_win_x(area); } else if (event==MOUSEY) { val = scrarea_get_win_height(area) - (val - scrarea_get_win_y(area)) - 1; } mousedevice->ConvertBlenderEvent(event,val); } } exitstring = ketsjiengine->GetExitString(); // when exiting the mainloop // Clears the dictionary by hand: // This prevents, extra references to global variables // inside the GameLogic dictionary when the python interpreter is finalized. // which allows the scene to safely delete them :) // see: (space.c)->start_game PyDict_Clear(PyModule_GetDict(gameLogic)); PyDict_SetItemString(PyModule_GetDict(gameLogic), "globalDict", pyGlobalDict); ketsjiengine->StopEngine(); exitGamePythonScripting(); networkdevice->Disconnect(); } if (sceneconverter) { delete sceneconverter; sceneconverter = NULL; } } // set the cursor back to normal canvas->SetMouseState(RAS_ICanvas::MOUSE_NORMAL); // clean up some stuff audiodevice->StopCD(); if (ketsjiengine) { delete ketsjiengine; ketsjiengine = NULL; } if (kxsystem) { delete kxsystem; kxsystem = NULL; } if (networkdevice) { delete networkdevice; networkdevice = NULL; } if (keyboarddevice) { delete keyboarddevice; keyboarddevice = NULL; } if (mousedevice) { delete mousedevice; mousedevice = NULL; } if (rasterizer) { delete rasterizer; rasterizer = NULL; } if (rendertools) { delete rendertools; rendertools = NULL; } if (canvas) { delete canvas; canvas = NULL; } SND_DeviceManager::Unsubscribe(); } while (exitrequested == KX_EXIT_REQUEST_RESTART_GAME || exitrequested == KX_EXIT_REQUEST_START_OTHER_GAME); if (bfd) BLO_blendfiledata_free(bfd); // Release Python's GIL PyGILState_Release(gilstate); } extern "C" void StartKetsjiShellSimulation(struct ScrArea *area, char* scenename, struct Main* maggie, struct SpaceIpo *sipo, int always_use_expand_framing) { int exitrequested = KX_EXIT_REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; Main* blenderdata = maggie; char* startscenename = scenename; char pathname[160]; strcpy (pathname, maggie->name); STR_String exitstring = ""; BlendFileData *bfd= NULL; // Acquire Python's GIL (global interpreter lock) // so we can safely run Python code and API calls PyGILState_STATE gilstate = PyGILState_Ensure(); bgl::InitExtensions(true); do { // get some preferences SYS_SystemHandle syshandle = SYS_GetSystem(); bool properties = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "show_properties", 0) != 0); bool usefixed = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "fixedtime", 0) != 0); bool profile = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "show_profile", 0) != 0); bool frameRate = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "show_framerate", 0) != 0); bool game2ipo = true;//(SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "game2ipo", 0) != 0); bool displaylists = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "displaylists", 0) != 0); bool usemat = false; // create the canvas, rasterizer and rendertools RAS_ICanvas* canvas = new KX_BlenderCanvas(area); //canvas->SetMouseState(RAS_ICanvas::MOUSE_INVISIBLE); RAS_IRenderTools* rendertools = new KX_BlenderRenderTools(); RAS_IRasterizer* rasterizer = NULL; if(displaylists) { if (GLEW_VERSION_1_1) rasterizer = new RAS_ListRasterizer(canvas, true, true); else rasterizer = new RAS_ListRasterizer(canvas); } else if (GLEW_VERSION_1_1) rasterizer = new RAS_VAOpenGLRasterizer(canvas, false); else rasterizer = new RAS_OpenGLRasterizer(canvas); // create the inputdevices KX_BlenderKeyboardDevice* keyboarddevice = new KX_BlenderKeyboardDevice(); KX_BlenderMouseDevice* mousedevice = new KX_BlenderMouseDevice(); // create a networkdevice NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* networkdevice = new NG_LoopBackNetworkDeviceInterface(); // get an audiodevice SND_DeviceManager::Subscribe(); SND_IAudioDevice* audiodevice = SND_DeviceManager::Instance(); audiodevice->UseCD(); // create a ketsji/blendersystem (only needed for timing and stuff) KX_BlenderSystem* kxsystem = new KX_BlenderSystem(); // create the ketsjiengine KX_KetsjiEngine* ketsjiengine = new KX_KetsjiEngine(kxsystem); Scene *blscene = NULL; if (!bfd) { blscene = (Scene*) maggie->scene.first; for (Scene *sce= (Scene*) maggie->scene.first; sce; sce= (Scene*) sce->id.next) { if (startscenename == (sce->id.name+2)) { blscene = sce; break; } } } else { blscene = bfd->curscene; } int cframe = 1, startFrame; if (blscene) { cframe=blscene->r.cfra; startFrame = blscene->r.sfra; blscene->r.cfra=startFrame; update_for_newframe(); ketsjiengine->SetGame2IpoMode(game2ipo,startFrame); } // Quad buffered needs a special window. if (blscene->r.stereomode != RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_STEREO_QUADBUFFERED) rasterizer->SetStereoMode((RAS_IRasterizer::StereoMode) blscene->r.stereomode); if (exitrequested != KX_EXIT_REQUEST_QUIT_GAME) { // create a scene converter, create and convert the startingscene KX_ISceneConverter* sceneconverter = new KX_BlenderSceneConverter(maggie,sipo, ketsjiengine); ketsjiengine->SetSceneConverter(sceneconverter); sceneconverter->addInitFromFrame=true; if (always_use_expand_framing) sceneconverter->SetAlwaysUseExpandFraming(true); if(usemat) sceneconverter->SetMaterials(true); KX_Scene* startscene = new KX_Scene(keyboarddevice, mousedevice, networkdevice, audiodevice, startscenename, blscene); // some python things PyObject* dictionaryobject = initGamePythonScripting("Ketsji", psl_Lowest); ketsjiengine->SetPythonDictionary(dictionaryobject); initRasterizer(rasterizer, canvas); PyObject *gameLogic = initGameLogic(ketsjiengine, startscene); PyDict_SetItemString(dictionaryobject, "GameLogic", gameLogic); // Same as importing the module initGameKeys(); initPythonConstraintBinding(); initMathutils(); if (sceneconverter) { // convert and add scene sceneconverter->ConvertScene( startscenename, startscene, dictionaryobject, keyboarddevice, rendertools, canvas); ketsjiengine->AddScene(startscene); // start the engine ketsjiengine->StartEngine(false); ketsjiengine->SetUseFixedTime(true); ketsjiengine->SetTicRate( (double) blscene->r.frs_sec / (double) blscene->r.frs_sec_base); // the mainloop while ((blscene->r.cfra<=blscene->r.efra)&&(!exitrequested)) { printf("frame %i\n",blscene->r.cfra); // first check if we want to exit exitrequested = ketsjiengine->GetExitCode(); // kick the engine ketsjiengine->NextFrame(); blscene->r.cfra=blscene->r.cfra+1; update_for_newframe(); } exitstring = ketsjiengine->GetExitString(); } if (sceneconverter) { delete sceneconverter; sceneconverter = NULL; } } blscene->r.cfra=cframe; // set the cursor back to normal canvas->SetMouseState(RAS_ICanvas::MOUSE_NORMAL); // clean up some stuff audiodevice->StopCD(); if (ketsjiengine) { delete ketsjiengine; ketsjiengine = NULL; } if (kxsystem) { delete kxsystem; kxsystem = NULL; } if (networkdevice) { delete networkdevice; networkdevice = NULL; } if (keyboarddevice) { delete keyboarddevice; keyboarddevice = NULL; } if (mousedevice) { delete mousedevice; mousedevice = NULL; } SND_DeviceManager::Unsubscribe(); } while (exitrequested == KX_EXIT_REQUEST_RESTART_GAME || exitrequested == KX_EXIT_REQUEST_START_OTHER_GAME); if (bfd) BLO_blendfiledata_free(bfd); // Release Python's GIL PyGILState_Release(gilstate); }