/** \file itasc/Scene.cpp * \ingroup itasc */ /* $Id$ * Scene.cpp * * Created on: Jan 5, 2009 * Author: rubensmits */ #include "Scene.hpp" #include "ControlledObject.hpp" #include "kdl/utilities/svd_eigen_HH.hpp" #include namespace iTaSC { class SceneLock : public ControlledObject::JointLockCallback { private: Scene* m_scene; Range m_qrange; public: SceneLock(Scene* scene) : m_scene(scene), m_qrange(0,0) {} virtual ~SceneLock() {} void setRange(Range& range) { m_qrange = range; } // lock a joint, no need to update output virtual void lockJoint(unsigned int q_nr, unsigned int ndof) { q_nr += m_qrange.start; project(m_scene->m_Wq, Range(q_nr, ndof), m_qrange).setZero(); } // lock a joint and update output in view of reiteration virtual void lockJoint(unsigned int q_nr, unsigned int ndof, double* qdot) { q_nr += m_qrange.start; project(m_scene->m_Wq, Range(q_nr, ndof), m_qrange).setZero(); // update the ouput vector so that the movement of this joint will be // taken into account and we can put the joint back in its initial position // which means that the jacobian doesn't need to be changed for (unsigned int i=0 ;im_ydot -= m_scene->m_A.col(q_nr)*qdot[i]; } } }; Scene::Scene(): m_A(), m_B(), m_Atemp(), m_Wq(), m_Jf(), m_Jq(), m_Ju(), m_Cf(), m_Cq(), m_Jf_inv(), m_Vf(),m_Uf(), m_Wy(), m_ydot(), m_qdot(), m_xdot(), m_Sf(),m_tempf(), m_ncTotal(0),m_nqTotal(0),m_nuTotal(0),m_nsets(0), m_solver(NULL),m_cache(NULL) { m_minstep = 0.01; m_maxstep = 0.06; } Scene::~Scene() { ConstraintMap::iterator constraint_it; while ((constraint_it = constraints.begin()) != constraints.end()) { delete constraint_it->second; constraints.erase(constraint_it); } ObjectMap::iterator object_it; while ((object_it = objects.begin()) != objects.end()) { delete object_it->second; objects.erase(object_it); } } bool Scene::setParam(SceneParam paramId, double value) { switch (paramId) { case MIN_TIMESTEP: m_minstep = value; break; case MAX_TIMESTEP: m_maxstep = value; break; default: return false; } return true; } bool Scene::addObject(const std::string& name, Object* object, UncontrolledObject* base, const std::string& baseFrame) { // finalize the object before adding object->finalize(); //Check if Object is controlled or uncontrolled. if(object->getType()==Object::Controlled){ int baseFrameIndex = base->addEndEffector(baseFrame); if (baseFrameIndex < 0) return false; std::pair result; if (base->getNrOfCoordinates() == 0) { // base is fixed object, no coordinate range result = objects.insert(ObjectMap::value_type( name, new Object_struct(object,base,baseFrameIndex, Range(m_nqTotal,object->getNrOfCoordinates()), Range(m_ncTotal,((ControlledObject*)object)->getNrOfConstraints()), Range(0,0)))); } else { // base is a moving object, must be in list already ObjectMap::iterator base_it; for (base_it=objects.begin(); base_it != objects.end(); base_it++) { if (base_it->second->object == base) break; } if (base_it == objects.end()) return false; result = objects.insert(ObjectMap::value_type( name, new Object_struct(object,base,baseFrameIndex, Range(m_nqTotal,object->getNrOfCoordinates()), Range(m_ncTotal,((ControlledObject*)object)->getNrOfConstraints()), base_it->second->coordinaterange))); } if (!result.second) { return false; } m_nqTotal+=object->getNrOfCoordinates(); m_ncTotal+=((ControlledObject*)object)->getNrOfConstraints(); return true; } if(object->getType()==Object::UnControlled){ if ((WorldObject*)base != &Object::world) return false; std::pair result = objects.insert(ObjectMap::value_type( name,new Object_struct(object,base,0, Range(0,0), Range(0,0), Range(m_nuTotal,object->getNrOfCoordinates())))); if(!result.second) return false; m_nuTotal+=object->getNrOfCoordinates(); return true; } return false; } bool Scene::addConstraintSet(const std::string& name,ConstraintSet* task,const std::string& object1,const std::string& object2, const std::string& ee1, const std::string& ee2) { //Check if objects exist: ObjectMap::iterator object1_it = objects.find(object1); ObjectMap::iterator object2_it = objects.find(object2); if(object1_it==objects.end()||object2_it==objects.end()) return false; int ee1_index = object1_it->second->object->addEndEffector(ee1); int ee2_index = object2_it->second->object->addEndEffector(ee2); if (ee1_index < 0 || ee2_index < 0) return false; std::pair result = constraints.insert(ConstraintMap::value_type(name,new ConstraintSet_struct( task,object1_it,ee1_index,object2_it,ee2_index, Range(m_ncTotal,task->getNrOfConstraints()),Range(6*m_nsets,6)))); if(!result.second) return false; m_ncTotal+=task->getNrOfConstraints(); m_nsets+=1; return true; } bool Scene::addSolver(Solver* _solver){ if(m_solver==NULL){ m_solver=_solver; return true; } else return false; } bool Scene::addCache(Cache* _cache){ if(m_cache==NULL){ m_cache=_cache; return true; } else return false; } bool Scene::initialize(){ //prepare all matrices: if (m_ncTotal == 0 || m_nqTotal == 0 || m_nsets == 0) return false; m_A = e_zero_matrix(m_ncTotal,m_nqTotal); if (m_nuTotal > 0) { m_B = e_zero_matrix(m_ncTotal,m_nuTotal); m_xdot = e_zero_vector(m_nuTotal); m_Ju = e_zero_matrix(6*m_nsets,m_nuTotal); } m_Atemp = e_zero_matrix(m_ncTotal,6*m_nsets); m_ydot = e_zero_vector(m_ncTotal); m_qdot = e_zero_vector(m_nqTotal); m_Wq = e_zero_matrix(m_nqTotal,m_nqTotal); m_Wy = e_zero_vector(m_ncTotal); m_Jq = e_zero_matrix(6*m_nsets,m_nqTotal); m_Jf = e_zero_matrix(6*m_nsets,6*m_nsets); m_Jf_inv = m_Jf; m_Cf = e_zero_matrix(m_ncTotal,m_Jf.rows()); m_Cq = e_zero_matrix(m_ncTotal,m_nqTotal); bool result=true; // finalize all objects for (ObjectMap::iterator it=objects.begin(); it!=objects.end(); ++it) { Object_struct* os = it->second; os->object->initCache(m_cache); if (os->constraintrange.count > 0) project(m_Cq,os->constraintrange,os->jointrange) = (((ControlledObject*)(os->object))->getCq()); } m_ytask.resize(m_ncTotal); bool toggle=true; int cnt = 0; //Initialize all ConstraintSets: for(ConstraintMap::iterator it=constraints.begin();it!=constraints.end();++it){ //Calculate the external pose: ConstraintSet_struct* cs = it->second; Frame external_pose; getConstraintPose(cs->task, cs, external_pose); result&=cs->task->initialise(external_pose); cs->task->initCache(m_cache); for (int i=0; iconstraintrange.count; i++, cnt++) { m_ytask[cnt] = toggle; } toggle = !toggle; project(m_Cf,cs->constraintrange,cs->featurerange)=cs->task->getCf(); } if(m_solver!=NULL) m_solver->init(m_nqTotal,m_ncTotal,m_ytask); else return false; return result; } bool Scene::getConstraintPose(ConstraintSet* constraint, void *_param, KDL::Frame& _pose) { // function called from constraint when they need to get the external pose ConstraintSet_struct* cs = (ConstraintSet_struct*)_param; // verification, the pointer MUST match assert (constraint == cs->task); Object_struct* ob1 = cs->object1->second; Object_struct* ob2 = cs->object2->second; //Calculate the external pose: _pose=(ob1->base->getPose(ob1->baseFrameIndex)*ob1->object->getPose(cs->ee1index)).Inverse()*(ob2->base->getPose(ob2->baseFrameIndex)*ob2->object->getPose(cs->ee2index)); return true; } bool Scene::update(double timestamp, double timestep, unsigned int numsubstep, bool reiterate, bool cache, bool interpolate) { // we must have valid timestep and timestamp if (timestamp < KDL::epsilon || timestep < 0.0) return false; Timestamp ts; ts.realTimestamp = timestamp; // initially we start with the full timestep to allow velocity estimation over the full interval ts.realTimestep = timestep; setCacheTimestamp(ts); ts.substep = 0; // for reiteration don't load cache // reiteration=additional iteration with same timestamp if application finds the convergence not good enough ts.reiterate = (reiterate) ? 1 : 0; ts.interpolate = (interpolate) ? 1 : 0; ts.cache = (cache) ? 1 : 0; ts.update = 1; ts.numstep = (numsubstep & 0xFF); bool autosubstep = (numsubstep == 0) ? true : false; if (numsubstep < 1) numsubstep = 1; double timesubstep = timestep/numsubstep; double timeleft = timestep; if (timeleft == 0.0) { // this special case correspond to a request to cache data for(ObjectMap::iterator it=objects.begin();it!=objects.end();++it){ it->second->object->pushCache(ts); } //Update the Constraints for(ConstraintMap::iterator it=constraints.begin();it!=constraints.end();++it){ it->second->task->pushCache(ts); } return true; } double maxqdot; e_scalar nlcoef; SceneLock lockCallback(this); Frame external_pose; bool locked; // initially we keep timestep unchanged so that update function compute the velocity over while (numsubstep > 0) { // get objects for(ObjectMap::iterator it=objects.begin();it!=objects.end();++it) { Object_struct* os = it->second; if (os->object->getType()==Object::Controlled) { ((ControlledObject*)(os->object))->updateControlOutput(ts); if (os->constraintrange.count > 0) { project(m_ydot, os->constraintrange) = ((ControlledObject*)(os->object))->getControlOutput(); project(m_Wy, os->constraintrange) = ((ControlledObject*)(os->object))->getWy(); // project(m_Cq,os->constraintrange,os->jointrange) = (((ControlledObject*)(os->object))->getCq()); } if (os->jointrange.count > 0) { project(m_Wq,os->jointrange,os->jointrange) = ((ControlledObject*)(os->object))->getWq(); } } if (os->object->getType()==Object::UnControlled && ((UncontrolledObject*)os->object)->getNrOfCoordinates() != 0) { ((UncontrolledObject*)(os->object))->updateCoordinates(ts); if (!ts.substep) { // velocity of uncontrolled object remains constant during substepping project(m_xdot,os->coordinaterange) = ((UncontrolledObject*)(os->object))->getXudot(); } } } //get new Constraints values for(ConstraintMap::iterator it=constraints.begin();it!=constraints.end();++it) { ConstraintSet_struct* cs = it->second; Object_struct* ob1 = cs->object1->second; Object_struct* ob2 = cs->object2->second; if (ob1->base->updated() || ob1->object->updated() || ob2->base->updated() || ob2->object->updated()) { // the object from which the constraint depends have changed position // recompute the constraint pose getConstraintPose(cs->task, cs, external_pose); cs->task->initialise(external_pose); } cs->task->updateControlOutput(ts); project(m_ydot,cs->constraintrange)=cs->task->getControlOutput(); if (!ts.substep || cs->task->substep()) { project(m_Wy,cs->constraintrange)=(cs->task)->getWy(); //project(m_Cf,cs->constraintrange,cs->featurerange)=cs->task->getCf(); } project(m_Jf,cs->featurerange,cs->featurerange)=cs->task->getJf(); //std::cout << "Jf = " << Jf << std::endl; //Transform the reference frame of this jacobian to the world reference frame Eigen::Block Jf_part = project(m_Jf,cs->featurerange,cs->featurerange); changeBase(Jf_part,ob1->base->getPose(ob1->baseFrameIndex)*ob1->object->getPose(cs->ee1index)); //std::cout << "Jf_w = " << Jf << std::endl; //calculate the inverse of Jf KDL::svd_eigen_HH(project(m_Jf,cs->featurerange,cs->featurerange),m_Uf,m_Sf,m_Vf,m_tempf); for(unsigned int i=0;i<6;++i) if(m_Sf(i)featurerange,cs->featurerange)=(m_Vf*m_Uf.transpose()).lazy(); //Get the robotjacobian associated with this constraintset //Each jacobian is expressed in robot base frame => convert to world reference //and negate second robot because it is taken reversed when closing the loop: if(ob1->object->getType()==Object::Controlled){ project(m_Jq,cs->featurerange,ob1->jointrange) = (((ControlledObject*)(ob1->object))->getJq(cs->ee1index)); //Transform the reference frame of this jacobian to the world reference frame: Eigen::Block Jq_part = project(m_Jq,cs->featurerange,ob1->jointrange); changeBase(Jq_part,ob1->base->getPose(ob1->baseFrameIndex)); // if the base of this object is moving, get the Ju part if (ob1->base->getNrOfCoordinates() != 0) { // Ju is already computed for world reference frame project(m_Ju,cs->featurerange,ob1->coordinaterange)=ob1->base->getJu(ob1->baseFrameIndex); } } else if (ob1->object->getType() == Object::UnControlled && ((UncontrolledObject*)ob1->object)->getNrOfCoordinates() != 0) { // object1 is uncontrolled moving object project(m_Ju,cs->featurerange,ob1->coordinaterange)=((UncontrolledObject*)ob1->object)->getJu(cs->ee1index); } if(ob2->object->getType()==Object::Controlled){ //Get the robotjacobian associated with this constraintset // process a special case where object2 and object1 are equal but using different end effector if (ob1->object == ob2->object) { // we must create a temporary matrix e_matrix JqTemp(((ControlledObject*)(ob2->object))->getJq(cs->ee2index)); //Transform the reference frame of this jacobian to the world reference frame: changeBase(JqTemp,ob2->base->getPose(ob2->baseFrameIndex)); // substract in place project(m_Jq,cs->featurerange,ob2->jointrange) -= JqTemp; } else { project(m_Jq,cs->featurerange,ob2->jointrange) = -(((ControlledObject*)(ob2->object))->getJq(cs->ee2index)); //Transform the reference frame of this jacobian to the world reference frame: Eigen::Block Jq_part = project(m_Jq,cs->featurerange,ob2->jointrange); changeBase(Jq_part,ob2->base->getPose(ob2->baseFrameIndex)); } if (ob2->base->getNrOfCoordinates() != 0) { // if base is the same as first object or first object base, // that portion of m_Ju has been set already => substract inplace if (ob2->base == ob1->base || ob2->base == ob1->object) { project(m_Ju,cs->featurerange,ob2->coordinaterange) -= ob2->base->getJu(ob2->baseFrameIndex); } else { project(m_Ju,cs->featurerange,ob2->coordinaterange) = -ob2->base->getJu(ob2->baseFrameIndex); } } } else if (ob2->object->getType() == Object::UnControlled && ((UncontrolledObject*)ob2->object)->getNrOfCoordinates() != 0) { if (ob2->object == ob1->base || ob2->object == ob1->object) { project(m_Ju,cs->featurerange,ob2->coordinaterange) -= ((UncontrolledObject*)ob2->object)->getJu(cs->ee2index); } else { project(m_Ju,cs->featurerange,ob2->coordinaterange) = -((UncontrolledObject*)ob2->object)->getJu(cs->ee2index); } } } //Calculate A m_Atemp=(m_Cf*m_Jf_inv).lazy(); m_A = m_Cq-(m_Atemp*m_Jq).lazy(); if (m_nuTotal > 0) { m_B=(m_Atemp*m_Ju).lazy(); m_ydot += (m_B*m_xdot).lazy(); } //Call the solver with A, Wq, Wy, ydot to solver qdot: if(!m_solver->solve(m_A,m_Wy,m_ydot,m_Wq,m_qdot,nlcoef)) // this should never happen return false; //send result to the objects for(ObjectMap::iterator it=objects.begin();it!=objects.end();++it) { Object_struct* os = it->second; if(os->object->getType()==Object::Controlled) ((ControlledObject*)(os->object))->setJointVelocity(project(m_qdot,os->jointrange)); } // compute the constraint velocity for(ConstraintMap::iterator it=constraints.begin();it!=constraints.end();++it){ ConstraintSet_struct* cs = it->second; Object_struct* ob1 = cs->object1->second; Object_struct* ob2 = cs->object2->second; //Calculate the twist of the world reference frame due to the robots (Jq*qdot+Ju*chiudot): e_vector6 external_vel = e_zero_vector(6); if (ob1->jointrange.count > 0) external_vel += (project(m_Jq,cs->featurerange,ob1->jointrange)*project(m_qdot,ob1->jointrange)).lazy(); if (ob2->jointrange.count > 0) external_vel += (project(m_Jq,cs->featurerange,ob2->jointrange)*project(m_qdot,ob2->jointrange)).lazy(); if (ob1->coordinaterange.count > 0) external_vel += (project(m_Ju,cs->featurerange,ob1->coordinaterange)*project(m_xdot,ob1->coordinaterange)).lazy(); if (ob2->coordinaterange.count > 0) external_vel += (project(m_Ju,cs->featurerange,ob2->coordinaterange)*project(m_xdot,ob2->coordinaterange)).lazy(); //the twist caused by the constraint must be opposite because of the closed loop //estimate the velocity of the joints using the inverse jacobian e_vector6 estimated_chidot = project(m_Jf_inv,cs->featurerange,cs->featurerange)*(-external_vel); cs->task->setJointVelocity(estimated_chidot); } if (autosubstep) { // automatic computing of substep based on maximum joint change // and joint limit gain variation // We will pass the joint velocity to each object and they will recommend a maximum timestep timesubstep = timeleft; // get armature max joint velocity to estimate the maximum duration of integration maxqdot = m_qdot.cwise().abs().maxCoeff(); double maxsubstep = nlcoef*m_maxstep; if (maxsubstep < m_minstep) maxsubstep = m_minstep; if (timesubstep > maxsubstep) timesubstep = maxsubstep; for(ObjectMap::iterator it=objects.begin();it!=objects.end();++it){ Object_struct* os = it->second; if(os->object->getType()==Object::Controlled) ((ControlledObject*)(os->object))->getMaxTimestep(timesubstep); } for(ConstraintMap::iterator it=constraints.begin();it!=constraints.end();++it){ ConstraintSet_struct* cs = it->second; cs->task->getMaxTimestep(timesubstep); } // use substep that are even dividers of timestep for more regularity maxsubstep = 2.0*floor(timestep/2.0/timesubstep-0.66666); timesubstep = (maxsubstep < 0.0) ? timestep : timestep/(2.0+maxsubstep); if (timesubstep >= timeleft-(m_minstep/2.0)) { timesubstep = timeleft; numsubstep = 1; timeleft = 0.; } else { numsubstep = 2; timeleft -= timesubstep; } } if (numsubstep > 1) { ts.substep = 1; } else { // set substep to false for last iteration so that controlled output // can be updated in updateKinematics() and model_update)() before next call to Secne::update() ts.substep = 0; } // change timestep so that integration is done correctly ts.realTimestep = timesubstep; do { ObjectMap::iterator it; Object_struct* os; locked = false; for(it=objects.begin();it!=objects.end();++it){ os = it->second; if (os->object->getType()==Object::Controlled) { lockCallback.setRange(os->jointrange); if (((ControlledObject*)os->object)->updateJoint(ts, lockCallback)) { // this means one of the joint was locked and we must rerun // the solver to update the remaining joints locked = true; break; } } } if (locked) { // Some rows of m_Wq have been cleared so that the corresponding joint will not move if(!m_solver->solve(m_A,m_Wy,m_ydot,m_Wq,m_qdot,nlcoef)) // this should never happen return false; //send result to the objects for(it=objects.begin();it!=objects.end();++it) { os = it->second; if(os->object->getType()==Object::Controlled) ((ControlledObject*)(os->object))->setJointVelocity(project(m_qdot,os->jointrange)); } } } while (locked); //Update the Objects for(ObjectMap::iterator it=objects.begin();it!=objects.end();++it){ it->second->object->updateKinematics(ts); // mark this object not updated since the constraint will be updated anyway // this flag is only useful to detect external updates it->second->object->updated(false); } //Update the Constraints for(ConstraintMap::iterator it=constraints.begin();it!=constraints.end();++it){ ConstraintSet_struct* cs = it->second; //Calculate the external pose: getConstraintPose(cs->task, cs, external_pose); cs->task->modelUpdate(external_pose,ts); // update the constraint output and cache cs->task->updateKinematics(ts); } numsubstep--; } return true; } }