#!BPY """ Name: '3D Studio (.3ds)...' Blender: 241 Group: 'Export' Tooltip: 'Export to 3DS file format (.3ds).' """ __author__ = ["Campbell Barton", "Bob Holcomb", "Richard Lärkäng", "Damien McGinnes", "Mark Stijnman"] __url__ = ("blender", "elysiun", "http://www.gametutorials.com", "http://lib3ds.sourceforge.net/") __version__ = "0.90" __bpydoc__ = """\ 3ds Exporter This script Exports a 3ds file. Exporting is based on 3ds loader from www.gametutorials.com(Thanks DigiBen) and using information from the lib3ds project (http://lib3ds.sourceforge.net/) sourcecode. """ # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Script copyright (C) Bob Holcomb # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###################################################### # Importing modules ###################################################### import Blender from Blender import NMesh, Scene, Object, Material import struct ###################################################### # Data Structures ###################################################### #Some of the chunks that we will export #----- Primary Chunk, at the beginning of each file PRIMARY= long("0x4D4D",16) #------ Main Chunks OBJECTINFO = long("0x3D3D",16); #This gives the version of the mesh and is found right before the material and object information VERSION = long("0x0002",16); #This gives the version of the .3ds file KFDATA = long("0xB000",16); #This is the header for all of the key frame info #------ sub defines of OBJECTINFO MATERIAL=45055 #0xAFFF // This stored the texture info OBJECT=16384 #0x4000 // This stores the faces, vertices, etc... #>------ sub defines of MATERIAL MATNAME = long("0xA000",16); # This holds the material name MATAMBIENT = long("0xA010",16); # Ambient color of the object/material MATDIFFUSE = long("0xA020",16); # This holds the color of the object/material MATSPECULAR = long("0xA030",16); # SPecular color of the object/material MATSHINESS = long("0xA040",16); # ?? MATMAP = long("0xA200",16); # This is a header for a new material MATMAPFILE = long("0xA300",16); # This holds the file name of the texture RGB1= long("0x0011",16) RGB2= long("0x0012",16) #>------ sub defines of OBJECT OBJECT_MESH = long("0x4100",16); # This lets us know that we are reading a new object OBJECT_LIGHT = long("0x4600",16); # This lets un know we are reading a light object OBJECT_CAMERA= long("0x4700",16); # This lets un know we are reading a camera object #>------ sub defines of CAMERA OBJECT_CAM_RANGES= long("0x4720",16); # The camera range values #>------ sub defines of OBJECT_MESH OBJECT_VERTICES = long("0x4110",16); # The objects vertices OBJECT_FACES = long("0x4120",16); # The objects faces OBJECT_MATERIAL = long("0x4130",16); # This is found if the object has a material, either texture map or color OBJECT_UV = long("0x4140",16); # The UV texture coordinates OBJECT_TRANS_MATRIX = long("0x4160",16); # The Object Matrix #>------ sub defines of KFDATA KFDATA_KFHDR = long("0xB00A",16); KFDATA_KFSEG = long("0xB008",16); KFDATA_KFCURTIME = long("0xB009",16); KFDATA_OBJECT_NODE_TAG = long("0xB002",16); #>------ sub defines of OBJECT_NODE_TAG OBJECT_NODE_ID = long("0xB030",16); OBJECT_NODE_HDR = long("0xB010",16); OBJECT_PIVOT = long("0xB013",16); OBJECT_INSTANCE_NAME = long("0xB011",16); POS_TRACK_TAG = long("0xB020",16); ROT_TRACK_TAG = long("0xB021",16); SCL_TRACK_TAG = long("0xB022",16); #==============================================# # Strips the slashes from the back of a string # #==============================================# def stripPath(path): """Strips the slashes from the back of a string. """ return path.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1] #==================================================# # New name based on old with a different extension # #==================================================# def newFName(ext): """New name based on old with a different extension. """ return Blender.Get('filename')[: -len(Blender.Get('filename').split('.', -1)[-1]) ] + ext # size defines: SZ_SHORT = 2 SZ_INT = 4 SZ_FLOAT = 4 class _3ds_short: """Class representing a short (2-byte integer) for a 3ds file.""" value=0 def __init__(self, val=0): self.value=val def get_size(self): return SZ_SHORT def write(self,file): data=struct.pack(" 2: num_fv = len(face) if num_fv==3: new_tri = tri((face[0].index, face[1].index, face[2].index), face.mat) if (do_uv): new_tri.uvco = face.uv tri_list.append(new_tri) elif num_fv==4: #it's a quad first_tri, second_tri = split_into_tri(face, do_uv) tri_list.append(first_tri) tri_list.append(second_tri) return tri_list def remove_face_uv(verts, tri_list): """Remove face UV coordinates from a list of triangles. Since 3ds files only support one pair of uv coordinates for each vertex, face uv coordinates need to be converted to vertex uv coordinates. That means that vertices need to be duplicated when there are multiple uv coordinates per vertex.""" # initialize a list of UniqueLists, one per vertex: uv_list = [UniqueList() for i in xrange(len(verts))] offset_list = [ ] # for each face uv coordinate, add it to the UniqueList of the vertex for tri in tri_list: offset = [] for i in xrange(3): # store the index into the UniqueList for future reference: offset.append(uv_list[tri.vertex_index[i]].add(_3ds_point_uv(tri.uvco[i]))) offset_list.append(offset) # At this point, each vertex has a UniqueList containing every uv coordinate that is associated with it # only once. # Now we need to duplicate every vertex as many times as it has uv coordinates and make sure the # faces refer to the new face indices: vert_index = 0 vert_array = _3ds_array() uv_array = _3ds_array() index_list=[] for i,vert in enumerate(verts): index_list.append(vert_index) for uv in uv_list[i].items: # add a vertex duplicate to the vertex_array for every uv associated with this vertex: vert_array.add(_3ds_point_3d(vert)) # add the uv coordinate to the uv array: uv_array.add(uv) vert_index+=1 # Make sure the triangle vertex indices now refer to the new vertex list: for tri, offset in zip(tri_list, offset_list): for i in xrange(3): offset[i]+=index_list[tri.vertex_index[i]] tri.vertex_index = offset return vert_array, uv_array, tri_list def make_faces_chunk(tri_list, materials): """Make a chunk for the faces. Also adds subchunks assigning materials to all faces.""" face_chunk = _3ds_chunk(OBJECT_FACES) face_list = _3ds_array() obj_material_faces=[] obj_material_names=[] for m in materials: obj_material_names.append(_3ds_string(m.name)) obj_material_faces.append(_3ds_array()) n_materials = len(obj_material_names) for i,tri in enumerate(tri_list): face_list.add(_3ds_face(tri.vertex_index)) if (tri.mat < n_materials): obj_material_faces[tri.mat].add(_3ds_short(i)) face_chunk.add_variable("faces", face_list) for i in xrange(n_materials): obj_material_chunk=_3ds_chunk(OBJECT_MATERIAL) obj_material_chunk.add_variable("name", obj_material_names[i]) obj_material_chunk.add_variable("face_list", obj_material_faces[i]) face_chunk.add_subchunk(obj_material_chunk) return face_chunk def make_vert_chunk(vert_array): """Make a vertex chunk out of an array of vertices.""" vert_chunk = _3ds_chunk(OBJECT_VERTICES) vert_chunk.add_variable("vertices",vert_array) return vert_chunk def make_uv_chunk(uv_array): """Make a UV chunk out of an array of UVs.""" uv_chunk = _3ds_chunk(OBJECT_UV) uv_chunk.add_variable("uv coords", uv_array) return uv_chunk def make_mesh_chunk(mesh): """Make a chunk out of a Blender mesh.""" # Extract the triangles from the mesh: tri_list = extract_triangles(mesh) if (mesh.hasFaceUV()): # Remove the face UVs and convert it to vertex UV: vert_array, uv_array, tri_list = remove_face_uv(mesh.verts, tri_list) else: # Add the vertices to the vertex array: vert_array = _3ds_array() for vert in mesh.verts: vert_array.add(_3ds_point_3d(vert.co)) # If the mesh has vertex UVs, create an array of UVs: if (mesh.hasVertexUV()): uv_array = _3ds_array() for vert in mesh.verts: uv_array.add(_3ds_point_uv(vert.uvco)) else: # no UV at all: uv_array = None # create the chunk: mesh_chunk = _3ds_chunk(OBJECT_MESH) # add vertex chunk: mesh_chunk.add_subchunk(make_vert_chunk(vert_array)) # add faces chunk: mesh_chunk.add_subchunk(make_faces_chunk(tri_list, mesh.materials)) # if available, add uv chunk: if uv_array: mesh_chunk.add_subchunk(make_uv_chunk(uv_array)) return mesh_chunk def make_kfdata(start=0, stop=0, curtime=0): """Make the basic keyframe data chunk""" kfdata = _3ds_chunk(KFDATA) kfhdr = _3ds_chunk(KFDATA_KFHDR) kfhdr.add_variable("revision", _3ds_short(0)) # Not really sure what filename is used for, but it seems it is usually used # to identify the program that generated the .3ds: kfhdr.add_variable("filename", _3ds_string("Blender")) kfhdr.add_variable("animlen", _3ds_int(stop-start)) kfseg = _3ds_chunk(KFDATA_KFSEG) kfseg.add_variable("start", _3ds_int(start)) kfseg.add_variable("stop", _3ds_int(stop)) kfcurtime = _3ds_chunk(KFDATA_KFCURTIME) kfcurtime.add_variable("curtime", _3ds_int(curtime)) kfdata.add_subchunk(kfhdr) kfdata.add_subchunk(kfseg) kfdata.add_subchunk(kfcurtime) return kfdata def make_track_chunk(ID, obj): """Make a chunk for track data. Depending on the ID, this will construct a position, rotation or scale track.""" track_chunk = _3ds_chunk(ID) track_chunk.add_variable("track_flags", _3ds_short()) track_chunk.add_variable("unknown", _3ds_int()) track_chunk.add_variable("unknown", _3ds_int()) track_chunk.add_variable("nkeys", _3ds_int(1)) # Next section should be repeated for every keyframe, but for now, animation is not actually supported. track_chunk.add_variable("tcb_frame", _3ds_int(0)) track_chunk.add_variable("tcb_flags", _3ds_short()) if ID==POS_TRACK_TAG: # position vector: track_chunk.add_variable("position", _3ds_point_3d(obj.getLocation())) elif ID==ROT_TRACK_TAG: # rotation (quaternion, angle first, followed by axis): q = obj.getEuler().toQuat() track_chunk.add_variable("rotation", _3ds_point_4d((q.angle, q.axis[0], q.axis[1], q.axis[2]))) elif ID==SCL_TRACK_TAG: # scale vector: track_chunk.add_variable("scale", _3ds_point_3d(obj.getSize())) return track_chunk def make_kf_obj_node(obj, name_to_id): """Make a node chunk for a Blender object. Takes the Blender object as a parameter. Object id's are taken from the dictionary name_to_id. Blender Empty objects are converted to dummy nodes.""" name = obj.getName() # main object node chunk: kf_obj_node = _3ds_chunk(KFDATA_OBJECT_NODE_TAG) # chunk for the object id: obj_id_chunk = _3ds_chunk(OBJECT_NODE_ID) # object id is from the name_to_id dictionary: obj_id_chunk.add_variable("node_id", _3ds_short(name_to_id[name])) # object node header: obj_node_header_chunk = _3ds_chunk(OBJECT_NODE_HDR) # object name: if (obj.getType() == 'Empty'): # Empties are called "$$$DUMMY" and use the OBJECT_INSTANCE_NAME chunk # for their name (see below): obj_node_header_chunk.add_variable("name", _3ds_string("$$$DUMMY")) else: # Add the name: obj_node_header_chunk.add_variable("name", _3ds_string(name)) # Add Flag variables (not sure what they do): obj_node_header_chunk.add_variable("flags1", _3ds_short(0)) obj_node_header_chunk.add_variable("flags2", _3ds_short(0)) # Check parent-child relationships: parent = obj.getParent() if (parent == None) or (parent.getName() not in name_to_id): # If no parent, or the parents name is not in the name_to_id dictionary, # parent id becomes -1: obj_node_header_chunk.add_variable("parent", _3ds_short(-1)) else: # Get the parent's id from the name_to_id dictionary: obj_node_header_chunk.add_variable("parent", _3ds_short(name_to_id[parent.getName()])) # Add pivot chunk: obj_pivot_chunk = _3ds_chunk(OBJECT_PIVOT) obj_pivot_chunk.add_variable("pivot", _3ds_point_3d(obj.getLocation())) kf_obj_node.add_subchunk(obj_pivot_chunk) # add subchunks for object id and node header: kf_obj_node.add_subchunk(obj_id_chunk) kf_obj_node.add_subchunk(obj_node_header_chunk) # Empty objects need to have an extra chunk for the instance name: if (obj.getType() == 'Empty'): obj_instance_name_chunk = _3ds_chunk(OBJECT_INSTANCE_NAME) obj_instance_name_chunk.add_variable("name", _3ds_string(name)) kf_obj_node.add_subchunk(obj_instance_name_chunk) # Add track chunks for position, rotation and scale: kf_obj_node.add_subchunk(make_track_chunk(POS_TRACK_TAG, obj)) kf_obj_node.add_subchunk(make_track_chunk(ROT_TRACK_TAG, obj)) kf_obj_node.add_subchunk(make_track_chunk(SCL_TRACK_TAG, obj)) return kf_obj_node def save_3ds(filename): """Save the Blender scene to a 3ds file.""" # Time the export time1 = Blender.sys.time() # Initialize the main chunk (primary): primary = _3ds_chunk(PRIMARY) # Add version chunk: version_chunk = _3ds_chunk(VERSION) version_chunk.add_variable("version", _3ds_int(3)) primary.add_subchunk(version_chunk) # init main object info chunk: object_info = _3ds_chunk(OBJECTINFO) # init main key frame data chunk: kfdata = make_kfdata() # Make chunks for all materials in the scene: for material in Material.Get(): object_info.add_subchunk(make_material_chunk(material)) # Get all the supported objects in this scene mesh_objects = [ ob for ob in Blender.Object.Get() if ob.getType() == 'Mesh' ] empty_objects = [ ob for ob in Blender.Object.Get() if ob.getType() == 'Empty' ] all_objects = mesh_objects + empty_objects # Give all objects a unique ID and build a dictionary from object name to object id: name_to_id = {} for i,obj in enumerate(all_objects): name_to_id[obj.getName()] = i # Create object chunks for all meshes: for obj in mesh_objects: #create a new object chunk object_chunk = _3ds_chunk(OBJECT) #get the mesh data blender_mesh = obj.getData() blender_mesh.transform(obj.getMatrix()) #set the object name object_chunk.add_variable("name", _3ds_string(obj.getName())) # make a mesh chunk out of the mesh: object_chunk.add_subchunk(make_mesh_chunk(blender_mesh)) object_info.add_subchunk(object_chunk) # make a kf object node for the object: kfdata.add_subchunk(make_kf_obj_node(obj, name_to_id)) # Create chunks for all empties: for obj in empty_objects: # Empties only require a kf object node: kfdata.add_subchunk(make_kf_obj_node(obj, name_to_id)) # Add main object info chunk to primary chunk: primary.add_subchunk(object_info) # Add main keyframe data chunk to primary chunk: primary.add_subchunk(kfdata) # At this point, the chunk hierarchy is completely built. # Check the size: primary.get_size() # Open the file for writing: file = open( filename, "wb" ) # Recursively write the chunks to file: primary.write(file) # Close the file: file.close() # Debugging only: report the exporting time: print "3ds export time: %.2f" % (Blender.sys.time() - time1) # Debugging only: dump the chunk hierarchy: #primary.dump() Blender.Window.FileSelector(save_3ds, "Export 3DS", newFName('3ds'))