#!BPY """ Name: 'Bone Weight Copy' Blender: 241 Group: 'Object' Tooltip: 'Copy Bone Weights from 1 weighted mesh, to other unweighted meshes.' """ import Blender from Blender import Armature, Object, Mathutils, Window, Mesh Vector= Mathutils.Vector def copy_bone_influences(_from, _to, PREF_SEL_ONLY, PREF_NO_XCROSS): ob_from, me_from, world_verts_from, from_groups= _from ob_to, me_to, world_verts_to, dummy= _to del dummy def getSnapIdx(seek_vec, vecs): ''' Returns the closest vec to snap_points ''' # First seek the closest Z axis vert idx/v seek_vec_x,seek_vec_y,seek_vec_z= tuple(seek_vec) from_vec_idx= 0 len_vecs= len(vecs) upidx= len_vecs-1 loidx= 0 _range=upidx-loidx # Guess the right index, keep re-adjusting the high and the low. while _range > 3: half= _range/2 z= vecs[upidx-half][1].z if z >= seek_vec_z: upidx= upidx-half elif z < seek_vec_z: loidx= loidx+half _range=upidx-loidx from_vec_idx= loidx # Seek the rest of the way. should only need to seek 2 or 3 items at the most. while from_vec_idx < len_vecs and vecs[from_vec_idx][1].z < seek_vec_z: from_vec_idx+=1 # Clamp if we overstepped. if from_vec_idx >= len_vecs: from_vec_idx-=1 close_dist= (vecs[from_vec_idx][1]-seek_vec).length close_idx= vecs[from_vec_idx][0] upidx= from_vec_idx+1 loidx= from_vec_idx-1 # Set uselo/useup. This means we can keep seeking up/down. if upidx >= len_vecs: useup= False else: useup= True if loidx < 0: uselo= False else: uselo= True # Seek up/down to find the closest v to seek vec. while uselo or useup: if useup: if upidx >= len_vecs: useup= False else: i,v= vecs[upidx] if (not PREF_NO_XCROSS) or ((v.x >0 and seek_vec_x >0) or (v.x <0 and seek_vec_x <0)): # enfoce xcrossing if v.z-seek_vec_z > close_dist: # the verticle distance is greater then the best distance sofar. we can stop looking up. useup= False elif abs(seek_vec_y-v.y) < close_dist and abs(seek_vec_x-v.x) < close_dist: # This is in the limit measure it. l= (seek_vec-v).length if l0 and seek_vec_x >0) or (v.x <0 and seek_vec_x <0)): # enfoce xcrossing if seek_vec_z-v.z > close_dist: # the verticle distance is greater then the best distance sofar. we can stop looking up. uselo= False elif abs(seek_vec_y-v.y) < close_dist and abs(seek_vec_x-v.x) < close_dist: # This is in the limit measure it. l= (seek_vec-v).length if l "%s" ' % (ob_from.name, ob_to.name)) from_idx= getSnapIdx(co, world_verts_from) from_infs= me_from.getVertexInfluences(from_idx) for group, weight in from_infs: # Add where needed. if PREF_SEL_ONLY and group not in to_groups: me_to.addVertGroup(group) to_groups.append(group) me_to.assignVertsToGroup(group, [i], weight, add_) me_to.update() # ZSORT return (i/co) tuples, used for fast seeking of the snapvert. def worldspace_verts_idx(me, ob): mat= ob.matrixWorld def worldvert(v): vec= Vector(v) vec.resize4D() vec= vec*mat vec.resize3D() return vec verts_zsort= [ (i, worldvert(v.co)) for i, v in enumerate(me.verts) ] # Sorts along the Z Axis so we can optimize the getsnap. verts_zsort.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[1].z, b[1].z,)) return verts_zsort def worldspace_verts(me, ob): mat= ob.matrixWorld def worldvert(v): vec= Vector(v) vec.resize4D() vec= vec*mat vec.resize3D() return vec return [ worldvert(v.co) for v in me.verts ] def subdivMesh(me, subdivs): oldmode = Mesh.Mode() Mesh.Mode(Mesh.SelectModes['FACE']) for f in me.faces: f.sel = 1 for i in xrange(subdivs): me.subdivide(0) Mesh.Mode(oldmode) def main(): print '\nStarting BoneWeight Copy...' scn= Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() contextSel= Object.GetSelected() PREF_QUALITY= Blender.Draw.Create(3) PREF_NO_XCROSS= Blender.Draw.Create(0) PREF_SEL_ONLY= Blender.Draw.Create(0) pup_block = [\ ('Quality:', PREF_QUALITY, 0, 4, 'Generate interpolated verts so closer vert weights can be copied.'),\ ('No X Crossing', PREF_NO_XCROSS, 'Do not snap accross the zero X axis'),\ ('Copy to Selected', PREF_SEL_ONLY, 'Over wright vertex weights to selected verts on the target mesh. (use active ob as source)'),\ ] if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock("Copy Weights for %i Meshs" % len(contextSel), pup_block): return PREF_SEL_ONLY= PREF_SEL_ONLY.val PREF_NO_XCROSS= PREF_NO_XCROSS.val quality= PREF_QUALITY.val act_ob= scn.getActiveObject() if PREF_SEL_ONLY and act_ob==None: Blender.Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|When dealing with 2 or more meshes with vgroups|There must be an active object|to be used as a source|aborting.') return ''' quality= Blender.Draw.PupIntInput('Quality: ', 2, 0, 4) if quality==None: return ''' sel=[] from_data= None act_ob= scn.getActiveObject() for ob in contextSel: if ob.getType()=='Mesh': me= ob.getData(mesh=1) groups= me.getVertGroupNames() # If this is the only mesh with a group OR if its one of many, but its active. if groups and ((ob==act_ob and PREF_SEL_ONLY) or (not PREF_SEL_ONLY)): if from_data: Blender.Draw.PupMenu('More then 1 mesh has vertex weights, only select 1 mesh with weights. aborting.') return else: # This uses worldspace_verts_idx which gets (idx,co) pairs, then zsorts. if quality: for _ob in contextSel: _ob.sel=0 ob.sel=1 Object.Duplicate(mesh=1) ob= scn.getActiveObject() me= ob.getData(mesh=1) # groups will be the same print '\tGenerating higher %ix quality weights.' % quality subdivMesh(me, quality) scn.unlink(ob) from_data= (ob, me, worldspace_verts_idx(me, ob), groups) else: data= (ob, me, worldspace_verts(me, ob), groups) sel.append(data) if not sel or from_data==None: Blender.Draw.PupMenu('Select 2 or more mesh objects, aborting.') if not sel and quality: from_data[1].verts= None return t= Blender.sys.time() Window.WaitCursor(1) # Now do the copy. print '\tCopying from "%s" to %i other meshe(s).' % (from_data[0].name, len(sel)) for data in sel: copy_bone_influences(from_data, data, PREF_SEL_ONLY, PREF_NO_XCROSS) # We cant unlink the mesh, but at least remove its data. if quality: from_data[1].verts= None print 'Copy Compleate in %.6f sec' % (Blender.sys.time()-t) Window.DrawProgressBar(1.0, '') Window.WaitCursor(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()