import Blender from Blender import Scene, sys, Camera, Object, Image from Blender.Scene import Render Vector= Blender.Mathutils.Vector def extFromFormat(format): if format == Render.TARGA: return 'tga' if format == Render.RAWTGA: return 'tga' if format == Render.HDR: return 'hdr' if format == Render.PNG: return 'png' if format == Render.BMP: return 'bmp' if format == Render.JPEG: return 'jpg' if format == Render.HAMX: return 'ham' if format == Render.TIFF: return 'tif' if format == Render.CINEON: return 'cine' if format == Render.DPX: return 'tif' if format == Render.OPENEXR: return 'exr' if format == Render.IRIS: return 'rgb' return '' def imageFromObjectsOrtho(objects, path, width, height, smooth, alpha= True, camera_matrix= None, format=Render.PNG): ''' Takes any number of objects and renders them on the z axis, between x:y-0 and x:y-1 Usefull for making images from a mesh without per pixel operations - objects must be alredy placed - smooth, anti alias True/False - path renders to a PNG image - alpha weather to render background as alpha returns the blender image ''' ext = '.' + extFromFormat(format) print ext # remove an extension if its alredy there if path.lower().endswith(ext): path= path[:-4] path_expand= sys.expandpath(path) + ext print path_expand, 'path' # Touch the path try: f= open(path_expand, 'w') f.close() except: raise 'Error, could not write to path:' + path_expand # RENDER THE FACES. scn= Scene.GetCurrent() render_scn= Scene.New() render_scn.makeCurrent() render_scn.Layers |= (1<<20)-1 # all layers enabled # Add objects into the current scene for ob in objects: render_context= render_scn.getRenderingContext() render_context.setRenderPath('') # so we can ignore any existing path and save to the abs path. render_context.imageSizeX(width) render_context.imageSizeY(height) if smooth: render_context.enableOversampling(True) render_context.setOversamplingLevel(16) else: render_context.enableOversampling(False) render_context.setRenderWinSize(100) render_context.setImageType(format) render_context.enableExtensions(True) #render_context.enableSky() # No alpha needed. if alpha: render_context.alphaMode= 1 render_context.enableRGBAColor() else: render_context.alphaMode= 0 render_context.enableRGBColor() render_context.displayMode= 0 # fullscreen # New camera and object render_cam_data= Camera.New('ortho') render_cam_ob= Object.New('Camera') render_scn.setCurrentCamera(render_cam_ob) render_cam_data.type= 'ortho' # Position the camera if camera_matrix: render_cam_ob.setMatrix(camera_matrix) # We need to take into account the matrix scaling when setting the size # so we get the image bounds defined by the matrix # first get the x and y factors from the matrix. # To render the correct dimensions we must use the aspy and aspy to force the matrix scale to # override the aspect enforced by the width and weight. cent= Vector() * camera_matrix xvec= Vector(1,0,0) * camera_matrix yvec= Vector(0,1,0) * camera_matrix # zvec= Vector(0,0,1) * camera_matrix xlen = (cent-xvec).length # half height of the image ylen = (cent-yvec).length # half width of the image # zlen = (cent-zvec).length # dist to place the camera? - just use the loc for now. # less then 1.0 portrate, 1.0 or more is portrate asp_cam_mat= xlen/ylen # divide by zero? - possible but scripters fault. asp_image_res= float(width)/height #print 'asp quad', asp_cam_mat, 'asp_image', asp_image_res #print 'xylen', xlen, ylen, 'w/h', width, height # Setup the aspect if asp_cam_mat > asp_image_res: # camera is wider then image res. # to make the image wider, reduce the aspy asp_diff= asp_image_res/asp_cam_mat min_asp= int(round(asp_diff * 200)) #print 'X', min_asp elif asp_cam_mat < asp_image_res: # asp_cam_mat < asp_image_res # camera is narrower then image res # to make the image narrower, reduce the aspx asp_diff= asp_cam_mat/asp_image_res min_asp= int(round(asp_diff * 200)) #print 'Y', min_asp else: min_asp= 200 # set the camera size if xlen > ylen: if asp_cam_mat > asp_image_res: render_context.aspectX= 200 # get the greatest range possible render_context.aspectY= min_asp # get the greatest range possible else: render_context.aspectY= 200 # get the greatest range possible render_context.aspectX= min_asp # get the greatest range possible #print "xlen bigger" render_cam_data.scale= xlen * 2 elif xlen < ylen:# ylen is bigger if asp_cam_mat > asp_image_res: render_context.aspectX= 200 # get the greatest range possible render_context.aspectY= min_asp # get the greatest range possible else: render_context.aspectY= 200 # get the greatest range possible render_context.aspectX= min_asp # get the greatest range possible #print "ylen bigger" render_cam_data.scale= ylen *2 else: # asppect 1:1 #print 'NOLEN Bigger' render_cam_data.scale= xlen * 2 #print xlen, ylen, 'xlen, ylen' else: if width > height: min_asp = int((float(height) / width) * 200) render_context.aspectX= min_asp render_context.aspectY= 200 else: min_asp = int((float(width) / height) * 200) render_context.aspectX= 200 render_context.aspectY= min_asp render_cam_data.scale= 1.0 render_cam_ob.LocZ= 1.0 render_cam_ob.LocX= 0.5 render_cam_ob.LocY= 0.5 Blender.Window.RedrawAll() render_context.threads= 2 # good for dual core cpu's render_context.render() render_context.saveRenderedImage(path) Render.CloseRenderWindow() #if not B.sys.exists(PREF_IMAGE_PATH_EXPAND): # raise 'Error!!!' scn.makeCurrent() Scene.Unlink(render_scn) # NOW APPLY THE SAVED IMAGE TO THE FACES! #print PREF_IMAGE_PATH_EXPAND try: target_image= Image.Load(path_expand) return target_image except: raise 'Error: Could not render or load the image at path "%s"' % path_expand return #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # UV Baking functions, make a picture from mesh(es) uvs # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# def mesh2uv(me_s, PREF_SEL_FACES_ONLY=False): ''' Converts a uv mapped mesh into a 2D Mesh from UV coords. returns a triple - (mesh2d, face_list, col_list) "mesh" is the new mesh and... "face_list" is the faces that were used to make the mesh, "material_list" is a list of materials used by each face These are in alligned with the meshes faces, so you can easerly copy data between them ''' render_me= Blender.Mesh.New() render_me.verts.extend( [Vector(0,0,0),] ) # 0 vert uv bugm dummy vert face_list= [] material_list= [] for me in me_s: me_materials= me.materials FACE_SEL= Blender.Mesh.FaceFlags.SELECT if PREF_SEL_FACES_ONLY: me_faces= [f for f in me.faces if f.flag & FACE_SEL] else: me_faces= me.faces face_list.extend(me_faces) # Dittro if me_materials: material_list.extend([me_materials[f.mat] for f in me_faces]) else: material_list.extend([None]*len(me_faces)) # Now add the verts render_me.verts.extend( [ Vector(uv.x, uv.y, 0) for f in face_list for uv in f.uv ] ) # Now add the faces tmp_faces= [] vert_offset= 1 for f in face_list: tmp_faces.append( [ii+vert_offset for ii in xrange(len(f))] ) vert_offset+= len(f) render_me.faces.extend(tmp_faces) render_me.faceUV=1 return render_me, face_list, material_list def uvmesh_apply_normals(render_me, face_list): '''Worldspace normals to vertex colors''' for i, f in enumerate(render_me.faces): face_orig= face_list[i] f_col= f.col for j, v in enumerate(face_orig): c= f_col[j] nx, ny, nz= c.r= int((nx+1)*128)-1 c.g= int((ny+1)*128)-1 c.b= int((nz+1)*128)-1 def uvmesh_apply_image(render_me, face_list): '''Copy the image and uvs from the original faces''' for i, f in enumerate(render_me.faces): f.uv= face_list[i].uv f.image= face_list[i].image def uvmesh_apply_vcol(render_me, face_list): '''Copy the vertex colors from the original faces''' for i, f in enumerate(render_me.faces): face_orig= face_list[i] f_col= f.col for j, c_orig in enumerate(face_orig.col): c= f_col[j] c.r= c_orig.r c.g= c_orig.g c.b= c_orig.b def uvmesh_apply_matcol(render_me, material_list): '''Get the vertex colors from the original materials''' for i, f in enumerate(render_me.faces): mat_orig= material_list[i] f_col= f.col if mat_orig: for c in f_col: c.r= int(mat_orig.R*255) c.g= int(mat_orig.G*255) c.b= int(mat_orig.B*255) else: for c in f_col: c.r= 255 c.g= 255 c.b= 255 def uvmesh_apply_col(render_me, color): '''Get the vertex colors from the original materials''' r,g,b= color for i, f in enumerate(render_me.faces): f_col= f.col for c in f_col: c.r= r c.g= g c.b= b def vcol2image(me_s,\ PREF_IMAGE_PATH,\ PREF_IMAGE_SIZE,\ PREF_IMAGE_BLEED,\ PREF_IMAGE_SMOOTH,\ PREF_IMAGE_WIRE,\ PREF_IMAGE_WIRE_INVERT,\ PREF_IMAGE_WIRE_UNDERLAY,\ PREF_USE_IMAGE,\ PREF_USE_VCOL,\ PREF_USE_MATCOL,\ PREF_USE_NORMAL,\ PREF_USE_TEXTURE,\ PREF_SEL_FACES_ONLY): def rnd_mat(): render_mat= Blender.Material.New() mode= render_mat.mode # Dont use lights ever mode |= Blender.Material.Modes.SHADELESS if PREF_IMAGE_WIRE: # Set the wire color if PREF_IMAGE_WIRE_INVERT: render_mat.rgbCol= (1,1,1) else: render_mat.rgbCol= (0,0,0) mode |= Blender.Material.Modes.WIRE if PREF_USE_VCOL or PREF_USE_MATCOL or PREF_USE_NORMAL: # both vcol and material color use vertex cols to avoid the 16 max limit in materials mode |= Blender.Material.Modes.VCOL_PAINT if PREF_USE_IMAGE: mode |= Blender.Material.Modes.TEXFACE # Copy back the mode render_mat.mode |= mode return render_mat render_me, face_list, material_list= mesh2uv(me_s, PREF_SEL_FACES_ONLY) # Normals exclude all others if PREF_USE_NORMAL: uvmesh_apply_normals(render_me, face_list) else: if PREF_USE_IMAGE: uvmesh_apply_image(render_me, face_list) uvmesh_apply_vcol(render_me, face_list) elif PREF_USE_VCOL: uvmesh_apply_vcol(render_me, face_list) elif PREF_USE_MATCOL: uvmesh_apply_matcol(render_me, material_list) elif PREF_USE_TEXTURE: # if we have more then 16 materials across all the mesh objects were stuffed :/ # get unique materials tex_unique_materials= dict([(, mat) for mat in material_list]).values()[:16] # just incase we have more then 16 tex_me= Blender.Mesh.New() # Backup the original shadless setting tex_unique_materials_shadeless= [ mat.mode & Blender.Material.Modes.SHADELESS for mat in tex_unique_materials ] # Turn shadeless on for mat in tex_unique_materials: mat.mode |= Blender.Material.Modes.SHADELESS # Assign materials render_me.materials= tex_unique_materials tex_material_indicies= dict([(, i) for i, mat in enumerate(tex_unique_materials)]) tex_me.verts.extend([Vector(0,0,0),]) # dummy tex_me.verts.extend( [ Vector( for f in face_list for v in f ] ) # Now add the faces tmp_faces= [] vert_offset= 1 for f in face_list: tmp_faces.append( [ii+vert_offset for ii in xrange(len(f))] ) vert_offset+= len(f) tex_me.faces.extend(tmp_faces) # Now we have the faces, put materials and normal, uvs into the mesh if len(tex_me.faces) != len(face_list): # Should never happen raise "Error face length mismatch" # Copy data to the mesh that could be used as texture coords for i, tex_face in enumerate(tex_me.faces): orig_face= face_list[i] # Set the material index try: render_face.mat= tex_material_indicies[ material_list[i].name ] except: # more then 16 materials pass # set the uvs on the texmesh mesh tex_face.uv= orig_face.uv orig_face_v= orig_face.v # Set the normals for j, v in enumerate(tex_face): orig_face_v[j].no # Set the texmesh render_me.texMesh= tex_me # END TEXMESH # Handel adding objects render_ob= Blender.Object.New('Mesh') if not PREF_USE_TEXTURE: # textures use the original materials render_me.materials= [rnd_mat()] obs= [render_ob] if PREF_IMAGE_WIRE_UNDERLAY: # Make another mesh with the material colors render_me_under, face_list, material_list= mesh2uv(me_s, PREF_SEL_FACES_ONLY) uvmesh_apply_matcol(render_me_under, material_list) # Handel adding objects render_ob= Blender.Object.New('Mesh') render_ob.LocZ= -0.01 # Add material and disable wire mat= rnd_mat() mat.rgbCol= 1,1,1 mat.alpha= 0.5 mat.mode &= ~Blender.Material.Modes.WIRE mat.mode |= Blender.Material.Modes.VCOL_PAINT render_me_under.materials= [mat] obs.append(render_ob) elif PREF_IMAGE_BLEED and not PREF_IMAGE_WIRE: # EVIL BLEEDING CODE!! - Just do copys of the mesh and place behind. Crufty but better then many other methods I have seen. - Cam BLEED_PIXEL= 1.0/PREF_IMAGE_SIZE z_offset= 0.0 for i in xrange(PREF_IMAGE_BLEED): for diag1, diag2 in ((-1,-1),(-1,1),(1,-1),(1,1), (1,0), (0,1), (-1,0), (0, -1)): # This line extends the object in 8 different directions, top avoid bleeding. render_ob= Blender.Object.New('Mesh') render_ob.LocX= (i+1)*diag1*BLEED_PIXEL render_ob.LocY= (i+1)*diag2*BLEED_PIXEL render_ob.LocZ= -z_offset obs.append(render_ob) z_offset += 0.01 image= imageFromObjectsOrtho(obs, PREF_IMAGE_PATH, PREF_IMAGE_SIZE, PREF_IMAGE_SIZE, PREF_IMAGE_SMOOTH) # Clear from memory as best as we can render_me.verts= None if PREF_IMAGE_WIRE_UNDERLAY: render_me_under.verts= None if PREF_USE_TEXTURE: tex_me.verts= None # Restire Shadeless setting for i, mat in enumerate(tex_unique_materials): # we know there all on so turn it off of its not set if not tex_unique_materials_shadeless[i]: mat.mode &= ~Blender.Material.Modes.SHADELESS return image