from CPropValue import * class CListValue(CPropValue): """ CListValue This is a list like object used in the game engine internally that behaves similar to a python list in most ways. As well as the normal index lookup. C{val= clist[i]} CListValue supports string lookups. C{val= scene.objects["OBCube"]} Other operations such as C{len(clist), list(clist), clist[0:10]} are also supported. """ def append(val): """ Add an item to the list (like pythons append) Warning: Appending values to the list can cause crashes when the list is used internally by the game engine. """ def count(val): """ Count the number of instances of a value in the list. @rtype: integer @return: number of instances """ def index(val): """ Return the index of a value in the list. @rtype: integer @return: The index of the value in the list. """ def reverse(): """ Reverse the order of the list. """ def from_id(id): """ This is a funtion especially for the game engine to return a value with a spesific id. Since object names are not always unique, the id of an object can be used to get an object from the CValueList. Example. C{myObID = id(gameObject)} C{...} C{ob= scene.objects.from_id(myObID)} Where myObID is an int or long from the id function. This has the advantage that you can store the id in places you could not store a gameObject. Warning: the id is derived from a memory location and will be different each time the game engine starts. """