# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Some misc utilities... import collections import concurrent.futures import copy import hashlib import os import re import struct import sys import tempfile #import time from bl_i18n_utils import (settings, utils_rtl, ) import bpy ##### Misc Utils ##### from bpy.app.translations import locale_explode _valid_po_path_re = re.compile(r"^\S+:[0-9]+$") def is_valid_po_path(path): return bool(_valid_po_path_re.match(path)) def get_best_similar(data): import difflib key, use_similar, similar_pool = data # try to find some close key in existing messages... # Optimized code inspired by difflib.get_close_matches (as we only need the best match). # We also consider to never make a match when len differs more than -len_key / 2, +len_key * 2 (which is valid # as long as use_similar is not below ~0.7). # Gives an overall ~20% of improvement! #tmp = difflib.get_close_matches(key[1], similar_pool, n=1, cutoff=use_similar) #if tmp: #tmp = tmp[0] tmp = None s = difflib.SequenceMatcher() s.set_seq2(key[1]) len_key = len(key[1]) min_len = len_key // 2 max_len = len_key * 2 for x in similar_pool: if min_len < len(x) < max_len: s.set_seq1(x) if s.real_quick_ratio() >= use_similar and s.quick_ratio() >= use_similar: sratio = s.ratio() if sratio >= use_similar: tmp = x use_similar = sratio return key, tmp def locale_match(loc1, loc2): """ Return: -n if loc1 is a subtype of loc2 (e.g. 'fr_FR' is a subtype of 'fr'). +n if loc2 is a subtype of loc1. n becomes smaller when both locales are more similar (e.g. (sr, sr_SR) are more similar than (sr, sr_SR@latin)). 0 if they are exactly the same. ... (Ellipsis) if they cannot match! Note: We consider that 'sr_SR@latin' is a subtype of 'sr@latin', 'sr_SR' and 'sr', but 'sr_SR' and 'sr@latin' won't match (will return ...)! Note: About similarity, diff in variants are more important than diff in countries, currently here are the cases: (sr, sr_SR) -> 1 (sr@latin, sr_SR@latin) -> 1 (sr, sr@latin) -> 2 (sr_SR, sr_SR@latin) -> 2 (sr, sr_SR@latin) -> 3 """ if loc1 == loc2: return 0 l1, c1, v1, *_1 = locale_explode(loc1) l2, c2, v2, *_2 = locale_explode(loc2) if l1 == l2: if c1 == c2: if v1 == v2: return 0 elif v2 is None: return -2 elif v1 is None: return 2 return ... elif c2 is None: if v1 == v2: return -1 elif v2 is None: return -3 return ... elif c1 is None: if v1 == v2: return 1 elif v1 is None: return 3 return ... return ... def find_best_isocode_matches(uid, iso_codes): """ Return an ordered tuple of elements in iso_codes that can match the given uid, from most similar to lesser ones. """ tmp = ((e, locale_match(e, uid)) for e in iso_codes) return tuple(e[0] for e in sorted((e for e in tmp if e[1] is not ... and e[1] >= 0), key=lambda e: e[1])) def get_po_files_from_dir(root_dir, langs=set()): """ Yield tuples (uid, po_path) of translations for each po file found in the given dir, which should be either a dir containing po files using language uid's as names (e.g. fr.po, es_ES.po, etc.), or a dir containing dirs which names are language uids, and containing po files of the same names. """ found_uids = set() for p in os.listdir(root_dir): uid = None po_file = os.path.join(root_dir, p) print(p) if p.endswith(".po") and os.path.isfile(po_file): uid = p[:-3] if langs and uid not in langs: continue elif os.path.isdir(p): uid = p if langs and uid not in langs: continue po_file = os.path.join(root_dir, p, p + ".po") if not os.path.isfile(po_file): continue else: continue if uid in found_uids: printf("WARNING! {} id has been found more than once! only first one has been loaded!".format(uid)) continue found_uids.add(uid) yield uid, po_file def enable_addons(addons={}, support={}, disable=False, check_only=False): """ Enable (or disable) addons based either on a set of names, or a set of 'support' types. Returns the list of all affected addons (as fake modules)! If "check_only" is set, no addon will be enabled nor disabled. """ import addon_utils userpref = bpy.context.user_preferences used_ext = {ext.module for ext in userpref.addons} ret = [mod for mod in addon_utils.modules() if ((addons and mod.__name__ in addons) or (not addons and addon_utils.module_bl_info(mod)["support"] in support))] if not check_only: for mod in ret: module_name = mod.__name__ if disable: if module_name not in used_ext: continue print(" Disabling module ", module_name) bpy.ops.wm.addon_disable(module=module_name) else: if module_name in used_ext: continue print(" Enabling module ", module_name) bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module=module_name) # XXX There are currently some problems with bpy/rna... # *Very* tricky to solve! # So this is a hack to make all newly added operator visible by # bpy.types.OperatorProperties.__subclasses__() for cat in dir(bpy.ops): cat = getattr(bpy.ops, cat) for op in dir(cat): getattr(cat, op).get_rna() return ret ##### Main Classes ##### class I18nMessage: """ Internal representation of a message. """ __slots__ = ("msgctxt_lines", "msgid_lines", "msgstr_lines", "comment_lines", "is_fuzzy", "is_commented", "settings") def __init__(self, msgctxt_lines=[], msgid_lines=[], msgstr_lines=[], comment_lines=[], is_commented=False, is_fuzzy=False, settings=settings): self.settings = settings self.msgctxt_lines = msgctxt_lines self.msgid_lines = msgid_lines self.msgstr_lines = msgstr_lines self.comment_lines = comment_lines self.is_fuzzy = is_fuzzy self.is_commented = is_commented def _get_msgctxt(self): return "".join(self.msgctxt_lines) def _set_msgctxt(self, ctxt): self.msgctxt_lines = [ctxt] msgctxt = property(_get_msgctxt, _set_msgctxt) def _get_msgid(self): return "".join(self.msgid_lines) def _set_msgid(self, msgid): self.msgid_lines = [msgid] msgid = property(_get_msgid, _set_msgid) def _get_msgstr(self): return "".join(self.msgstr_lines) def _set_msgstr(self, msgstr): self.msgstr_lines = [msgstr] msgstr = property(_get_msgstr, _set_msgstr) def _get_sources(self): lstrip1 = len(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE) lstrip2 = len(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE_CUSTOM) return ([l[lstrip1:] for l in self.comment_lines if l.startswith(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE)] + [l[lstrip2:] for l in self.comment_lines if l.startswith(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE_CUSTOM)]) def _set_sources(self, sources): cmmlines = self.comment_lines.copy() for l in cmmlines: if (l.startswith(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE) or l.startswith(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE_CUSTOM)): self.comment_lines.remove(l) lines_src = [] lines_src_custom = [] for src in sources: if is_valid_po_path(src): lines_src.append(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE + src) else: lines_src_custom.append(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE_CUSTOM + src) self.comment_lines += lines_src_custom + lines_src sources = property(_get_sources, _set_sources) def _get_is_tooltip(self): # XXX For now, we assume that all messages > 30 chars are tooltips! return len(self.msgid) > 30 is_tooltip = property(_get_is_tooltip) def copy(self): # Deepcopy everything but the settings! return self.__class__(msgctxt_lines=self.msgctxt_lines[:], msgid_lines=self.msgid_lines[:], msgstr_lines=self.msgstr_lines[:], comment_lines=self.comment_lines[:], is_commented=self.is_commented, is_fuzzy=self.is_fuzzy, settings=self.settings) def normalize(self, max_len=80): """ Normalize this message, call this before exporting it... Currently normalize msgctxt, msgid and msgstr lines to given max_len (if below 1, make them single line). """ max_len -= 2 # The two quotes! def _splitlines(text): lns = text.splitlines() return [l + "\n" for l in lns[:-1]] + lns[-1:] # We do not need the full power of textwrap... We just split first at escaped new lines, then into each line # if needed... No word splitting, nor fancy spaces handling! def _wrap(text, max_len, init_len): if len(text) + init_len < max_len: return [text] lines = _splitlines(text) ret = [] for l in lines: tmp = [] cur_len = 0 words = l.split(' ') for w in words: cur_len += len(w) + 1 if cur_len > (max_len - 1) and tmp: ret.append(" ".join(tmp) + " ") del tmp[:] cur_len = len(w) + 1 tmp.append(w) if tmp: ret.append(" ".join(tmp)) return ret if max_len < 1: self.msgctxt_lines = _splitlines(self.msgctxt) self.msgid_lines = _splitlines(self.msgid) self.msgstr_lines = _splitlines(self.msgstr) else: init_len = len(self.settings.PO_MSGCTXT) + 1 if self.is_commented: init_len += len(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_MSG) self.msgctxt_lines = _wrap(self.msgctxt, max_len, init_len) init_len = len(self.settings.PO_MSGID) + 1 if self.is_commented: init_len += len(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_MSG) self.msgid_lines = _wrap(self.msgid, max_len, init_len) init_len = len(self.settings.PO_MSGSTR) + 1 if self.is_commented: init_len += len(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_MSG) self.msgstr_lines = _wrap(self.msgstr, max_len, init_len) # Be sure comment lines are not duplicated (can happen with sources...). tmp = [] for l in self.comment_lines: if l not in tmp: tmp.append(l) self.comment_lines = tmp _esc_quotes = re.compile(r'(?!<\\)((?:\\\\)*)"') _unesc_quotes = re.compile(r'(?!<\\)((?:\\\\)*)\\"') _esc_names = ("msgctxt_lines", "msgid_lines", "msgstr_lines") _esc_names_all = _esc_names + ("comment_lines",) @classmethod def do_escape(cls, txt): """Replace some chars by their escaped versions!""" if "\n" in txt: txt = txt.replace("\n", r"\n") if "\t" in txt: txt.replace("\t", r"\t") if '"' in txt: txt = cls._esc_quotes.sub(r'\1\"', txt) return txt @classmethod def do_unescape(cls, txt): """Replace escaped chars by real ones!""" if r"\n" in txt: txt = txt.replace(r"\n", "\n") if r"\t" in txt: txt = txt.replace(r"\t", "\t") if r'\"' in txt: txt = cls._unesc_quotes.sub(r'\1"', txt) return txt def escape(self, do_all=False): names = self._esc_names_all if do_all else self._esc_names for name in names: setattr(self, name, [self.do_escape(l) for l in getattr(self, name)]) def unescape(self, do_all=True): names = self._esc_names_all if do_all else self._esc_names for name in names: setattr(self, name, [self.do_unescape(l) for l in getattr(self, name)]) class I18nMessages: """ Internal representation of messages for one language (iso code), with additional stats info. """ # Avoid parsing again! # Keys should be (pseudo) file-names, values are tuples (hash, I18nMessages) # Note: only used by po parser currently! #_parser_cache = {} def __init__(self, uid=None, kind=None, key=None, src=None, settings=settings): self.settings = settings self.uid = uid if uid is not None else settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID self.msgs = self._new_messages() self.trans_msgs = set() self.fuzzy_msgs = set() self.comm_msgs = set() self.ttip_msgs = set() self.contexts = set() self.nbr_msgs = 0 self.nbr_trans_msgs = 0 self.nbr_ttips = 0 self.nbr_trans_ttips = 0 self.nbr_comm_msgs = 0 self.nbr_signs = 0 self.nbr_trans_signs = 0 self.parsing_errors = [] if kind and src: self.parse(kind, key, src) self.update_info() self._reverse_cache = None @staticmethod def _new_messages(): return getattr(collections, 'OrderedDict', dict)() @classmethod def gen_empty_messages(cls, uid, blender_ver, blender_rev, time, year, default_copyright=True, settings=settings): """Generate an empty I18nMessages object (only header is present!).""" fmt = settings.PO_HEADER_MSGSTR msgstr = fmt.format(blender_ver=str(blender_ver), blender_rev=int(blender_rev), time=str(time), uid=str(uid)) comment = "" if default_copyright: comment = settings.PO_HEADER_COMMENT_COPYRIGHT.format(year=str(year)) comment = comment + settings.PO_HEADER_COMMENT msgs = cls(uid=uid, settings=settings) key = settings.PO_HEADER_KEY msgs.msgs[key] = I18nMessage([key[0]], [key[1]], msgstr.split("\n"), comment.split("\n"), False, False, settings=settings) msgs.update_info() return msgs def normalize(self, max_len=80): for msg in self.msgs.values(): msg.normalize(max_len) def escape(self, do_all=False): for msg in self.msgs.values(): msg.escape(do_all) def unescape(self, do_all=True): for msg in self.msgs.values(): msg.unescape(do_all) def check(self, fix=False): """ Check consistency between messages and their keys! Check messages using format stuff are consistant between msgid and msgstr! If fix is True, tries to fix the issues. Return a list of found errors (empty if everything went OK!). """ ret = [] default_context = self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT _format = re.compile("%[.0-9]*[tslfd]").findall done_keys = set() tmp = {} rem = set() for key, msg in self.msgs.items(): msgctxt, msgid, msgstr = msg.msgctxt, msg.msgid, msg.msgstr real_key = (msgctxt or default_context, msgid) if key != real_key: ret.append("Error! msg's context/message do not match its key ({} / {})".format(real_key, key)) if real_key in self.msgs: ret.append("Error! msg's real_key already used!") if fix: rem.add(real_key) elif fix: tmp[real_key] = msg done_keys.add(key) if '%' in msgid and msgstr and len(_format(msgid)) != len(_format(msgstr)): if not msg.is_fuzzy: ret.append("Error! msg's format entities are not matched in msgid and msgstr ({})".format(real_key)) if fix: msg.msgstr = "" for k in rem: del self.msgs[k] self.msgs.update(tmp) return ret def clean_commented(self): self.update_info() nbr = len(self.comm_msgs) for k in self.comm_msgs: del self.msgs[k] return nbr def rtl_process(self): keys = [] trans = [] for k, m in self.msgs.items(): keys.append(k) trans.append(m.msgstr) trans = utils_rtl.log2vis(trans, self.settings) for k, t in zip(keys, trans): self.msgs[k].msgstr = t def merge(self, msgs, replace=False): """ Merge translations from msgs into self, following those rules: * If a msg is in self and not in msgs, keep self untouched. * If a msg is in msgs and not in self, skip it. * Else (msg both in self and msgs): * If self is not translated and msgs is translated or fuzzy, replace by msgs. * If self is fuzzy, and msgs is translated, replace by msgs. * If self is fuzzy, and msgs is fuzzy, and replace is True, replace by msgs. * If self is translated, and msgs is translated, and replace is True, replace by msgs. * Else, skip it! """ for k, m in msgs.msgs.items(): if k not in self.msgs: continue sm = self.msgs[k] if (sm.is_commented or m.is_commented or not m.msgstr): continue if (not sm.msgstr or replace or (sm.is_fuzzy and (not m.is_fuzzy or replace))): sm.msgstr = m.msgstr sm.is_fuzzy = m.is_fuzzy def update(self, ref, use_similar=None, keep_old_commented=True): """ Update this I18nMessage with the ref one. Translations from ref are never used. Source comments from ref completely replace current ones. If use_similar is not 0.0, it will try to match new messages in ref with an existing one. Messages no more found in ref will be marked as commented if keep_old_commented is True, or removed. """ if use_similar is None: use_similar = self.settings.SIMILAR_MSGID_THRESHOLD similar_pool = {} if use_similar > 0.0: for key, msg in self.msgs.items(): if msg.msgstr: # No need to waste time with void translations! similar_pool.setdefault(key[1], set()).add(key) msgs = self._new_messages().fromkeys(ref.msgs.keys()) ref_keys = set(ref.msgs.keys()) org_keys = set(self.msgs.keys()) new_keys = ref_keys - org_keys removed_keys = org_keys - ref_keys # First process keys present in both org and ref messages. for key in ref_keys - new_keys: msg, refmsg = self.msgs[key], ref.msgs[key] msg.sources = refmsg.sources msg.is_commented = refmsg.is_commented msgs[key] = msg # Next process new keys. if use_similar > 0.0: with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as exctr: for key, msgid in exctr.map(get_best_similar, tuple((nk, use_similar, tuple(similar_pool.keys())) for nk in new_keys)): if msgid: # Try to get the same context, else just get one... skey = (key[0], msgid) if skey not in similar_pool[msgid]: skey = tuple(similar_pool[msgid])[0] # We keep org translation and comments, and mark message as fuzzy. msg, refmsg = self.msgs[skey].copy(), ref.msgs[key] msg.msgctxt = refmsg.msgctxt msg.msgid = refmsg.msgid msg.sources = refmsg.sources msg.is_fuzzy = True msg.is_commented = refmsg.is_commented msgs[key] = msg else: msgs[key] = ref.msgs[key] else: for key in new_keys: msgs[key] = ref.msgs[key] # Add back all "old" and already commented messages as commented ones, if required # (and translation was not void!). if keep_old_commented: for key in removed_keys: msgs[key] = self.msgs[key] msgs[key].is_commented = True msgs[key].sources = [] # Special 'meta' message, change project ID version and pot creation date... key = self.settings.PO_HEADER_KEY rep = [] markers = ("Project-Id-Version:", "POT-Creation-Date:") for mrk in markers: for rl in ref.msgs[key].msgstr_lines: if rl.startswith(mrk): for idx, ml in enumerate(msgs[key].msgstr_lines): if ml.startswith(mrk): rep.append((idx, rl)) for idx, txt in rep: msgs[key].msgstr_lines[idx] = txt # And finalize the update! self.msgs = msgs def update_info(self): self.trans_msgs.clear() self.fuzzy_msgs.clear() self.comm_msgs.clear() self.ttip_msgs.clear() self.contexts.clear() self.nbr_signs = 0 self.nbr_trans_signs = 0 for key, msg in self.msgs.items(): if key == self.settings.PO_HEADER_KEY: continue if msg.is_commented: self.comm_msgs.add(key) else: if msg.msgstr: self.trans_msgs.add(key) if msg.is_fuzzy: self.fuzzy_msgs.add(key) if msg.is_tooltip: self.ttip_msgs.add(key) self.contexts.add(key[0]) self.nbr_signs += len(msg.msgid) self.nbr_trans_signs += len(msg.msgstr) self.nbr_msgs = len(self.msgs) self.nbr_trans_msgs = len(self.trans_msgs - self.fuzzy_msgs) self.nbr_ttips = len(self.ttip_msgs) self.nbr_trans_ttips = len(self.ttip_msgs & (self.trans_msgs - self.fuzzy_msgs)) self.nbr_comm_msgs = len(self.comm_msgs) def print_info(self, prefix="", output=print, print_stats=True, print_errors=True): """ Print out some info about an I18nMessages object. """ lvl = 0.0 lvl_ttips = 0.0 lvl_comm = 0.0 lvl_trans_ttips = 0.0 lvl_ttips_in_trans = 0.0 if self.nbr_msgs > 0: lvl = float(self.nbr_trans_msgs) / float(self.nbr_msgs) lvl_ttips = float(self.nbr_ttips) / float(self.nbr_msgs) lvl_comm = float(self.nbr_comm_msgs) / float(self.nbr_msgs + self.nbr_comm_msgs) if self.nbr_ttips > 0: lvl_trans_ttips = float(self.nbr_trans_ttips) / float(self.nbr_ttips) if self.nbr_trans_msgs > 0: lvl_ttips_in_trans = float(self.nbr_trans_ttips) / float(self.nbr_trans_msgs) lines = [] if print_stats: lines += [ "", "{:>6.1%} done! ({} translated messages over {}).\n" "".format(lvl, self.nbr_trans_msgs, self.nbr_msgs), "{:>6.1%} of messages are tooltips ({} over {}).\n" "".format(lvl_ttips, self.nbr_ttips, self.nbr_msgs), "{:>6.1%} of tooltips are translated ({} over {}).\n" "".format(lvl_trans_ttips, self.nbr_trans_ttips, self.nbr_ttips), "{:>6.1%} of translated messages are tooltips ({} over {}).\n" "".format(lvl_ttips_in_trans, self.nbr_trans_ttips, self.nbr_trans_msgs), "{:>6.1%} of messages are commented ({} over {}).\n" "".format(lvl_comm, self.nbr_comm_msgs, self.nbr_comm_msgs + self.nbr_msgs), "This translation is currently made of {} signs.\n".format(self.nbr_trans_signs) ] if print_errors and self.parsing_errors: lines += ["WARNING! Errors during parsing:\n"] lines += [" Around line {}: {}\n".format(line, error) for line, error in self.parsing_errors] output(prefix.join(lines)) def invalidate_reverse_cache(self, rebuild_now=False): """ Invalidate the reverse cache used by find_best_messages_matches. """ self._reverse_cache = None if rebuild_now: src_to_msg, ctxt_to_msg, msgid_to_msg, msgstr_to_msg = {}, {}, {}, {} for key, msg in self.msgs.items(): if msg.is_commented: continue ctxt, msgid = key ctxt_to_msg.setdefault(ctxt, set()).add(key) msgid_to_msg.setdefault(msgid, set()).add(key) msgstr_to_msg.setdefault(msg.msgstr, set()).add(key) for src in msg.sources: src_to_msg.setdefault(src, set()).add(key) self._reverse_cache = (src_to_msg, ctxt_to_msg, msgid_to_msg, msgstr_to_msg) def find_best_messages_matches(self, msgs, msgmap, rna_ctxt, rna_struct_name, rna_prop_name, rna_enum_name): """ Try to find the best I18nMessages (i.e. context/msgid pairs) for the given UI messages: msgs: an object containing properties listed in msgmap's values. msgmap: a dict of various messages to use for search: {"but_label": subdict, "rna_label": subdict, "enum_label": subdict, "but_tip": subdict, "rna_tip": subdict, "enum_tip": subdict} each subdict being like that: {"msgstr": id, "msgid": id, "msg_flags": id, "key": set()} where msgstr and msgid are identifiers of string props in msgs (resp. translated and org message), msg_flags is not used here, and key is a set of matching (msgctxt, msgid) keys for the item. The other parameters are about the RNA element from which the strings come from, if it could be determined: rna_ctxt: the labels' i18n context. rna_struct_name, rna_prop_name, rna_enum_name: should be self-explanatory! """ # Build helper mappings. # Note it's user responsibility to know when to invalidate (and hence force rebuild) this cache! if self._reverse_cache is None: self.invalidate_reverse_cache(True) src_to_msg, ctxt_to_msg, msgid_to_msg, msgstr_to_msg = self._reverse_cache # print(len(src_to_msg), len(ctxt_to_msg), len(msgid_to_msg), len(msgstr_to_msg)) # Build RNA key. src, src_rna, src_enum = bpy.utils.make_rna_paths(rna_struct_name, rna_prop_name, rna_enum_name) print("src: ", src_rna, src_enum) # Labels. elbl = getattr(msgs, msgmap["enum_label"]["msgstr"]) if elbl: # Enum items' labels have no i18n context... k = ctxt_to_msg[self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT].copy() if elbl in msgid_to_msg: k &= msgid_to_msg[elbl] elif elbl in msgstr_to_msg: k &= msgstr_to_msg[elbl] else: k = set() # We assume if we already have only one key, it's the good one! if len(k) > 1 and src_enum in src_to_msg: k &= src_to_msg[src_enum] msgmap["enum_label"]["key"] = k rlbl = getattr(msgs, msgmap["rna_label"]["msgstr"]) #print("rna label: " + rlbl, rlbl in msgid_to_msg, rlbl in msgstr_to_msg) if rlbl: k = ctxt_to_msg[rna_ctxt].copy() if k and rlbl in msgid_to_msg: k &= msgid_to_msg[rlbl] elif k and rlbl in msgstr_to_msg: k &= msgstr_to_msg[rlbl] else: k = set() # We assume if we already have only one key, it's the good one! if len(k) > 1 and src_rna in src_to_msg: k &= src_to_msg[src_rna] msgmap["rna_label"]["key"] = k blbl = getattr(msgs, msgmap["but_label"]["msgstr"]) blbls = [blbl] if blbl.endswith(self.settings.NUM_BUTTON_SUFFIX): # Num buttons report their label with a trailing ': '... blbls.append(blbl[:-len(self.settings.NUM_BUTTON_SUFFIX)]) print("button label: " + blbl) if blbl and elbl not in blbls and (rlbl not in blbls or rna_ctxt != self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT): # Always Default context for button label :/ k = ctxt_to_msg[self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT].copy() found = False for bl in blbls: if bl in msgid_to_msg: k &= msgid_to_msg[bl] found = True break elif bl in msgstr_to_msg: k &= msgstr_to_msg[bl] found = True break if not found: k = set() # XXX No need to check against RNA path here, if blabel is different # from rlabel, should not match anyway! msgmap["but_label"]["key"] = k # Tips (they never have a specific context). etip = getattr(msgs, msgmap["enum_tip"]["msgstr"]) #print("enum tip: " + etip) if etip: k = ctxt_to_msg[self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT].copy() if etip in msgid_to_msg: k &= msgid_to_msg[etip] elif etip in msgstr_to_msg: k &= msgstr_to_msg[etip] else: k = set() # We assume if we already have only one key, it's the good one! if len(k) > 1 and src_enum in src_to_msg: k &= src_to_msg[src_enum] msgmap["enum_tip"]["key"] = k rtip = getattr(msgs, msgmap["rna_tip"]["msgstr"]) #print("rna tip: " + rtip) if rtip: k = ctxt_to_msg[self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT].copy() if k and rtip in msgid_to_msg: k &= msgid_to_msg[rtip] elif k and rtip in msgstr_to_msg: k &= msgstr_to_msg[rtip] else: k = set() # We assume if we already have only one key, it's the good one! if len(k) > 1 and src_rna in src_to_msg: k &= src_to_msg[src_rna] msgmap["rna_tip"]["key"] = k #print(k) btip = getattr(msgs, msgmap["but_tip"]["msgstr"]) #print("button tip: " + btip) if btip and btip not in {rtip, etip}: k = ctxt_to_msg[self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT].copy() if btip in msgid_to_msg: k &= msgid_to_msg[btip] elif btip in msgstr_to_msg: k &= msgstr_to_msg[btip] else: k = set() # XXX No need to check against RNA path here, if btip is different from rtip, should not match anyway! msgmap["but_tip"]["key"] = k def parse(self, kind, key, src): del self.parsing_errors[:] self.parsers[kind](self, src, key) if self.parsing_errors: print("{} ({}):".format(key, src)) self.print_info(print_stats=False) print("The parser solved them as well as it could...") self.update_info() def parse_messages_from_po(self, src, key=None): """ Parse a po file. Note: This function will silently "arrange" mis-formated entries, thus using afterward write_messages() should always produce a po-valid file, though not correct! """ reading_msgid = False reading_msgstr = False reading_msgctxt = False reading_comment = False is_commented = False is_fuzzy = False msgctxt_lines = [] msgid_lines = [] msgstr_lines = [] comment_lines = [] default_context = self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT # Helper function def finalize_message(self, line_nr): nonlocal reading_msgid, reading_msgstr, reading_msgctxt, reading_comment nonlocal is_commented, is_fuzzy, msgid_lines, msgstr_lines, msgctxt_lines, comment_lines msgid = I18nMessage.do_unescape("".join(msgid_lines)) msgctxt = I18nMessage.do_unescape("".join(msgctxt_lines)) msgkey = (msgctxt or default_context, msgid) # Never allow overriding existing msgid/msgctxt pairs! if msgkey in self.msgs: self.parsing_errors.append((line_nr, "{} context/msgid is already in current messages!".format(msgkey))) return self.msgs[msgkey] = I18nMessage(msgctxt_lines, msgid_lines, msgstr_lines, comment_lines, is_commented, is_fuzzy, settings=self.settings) # Let's clean up and get ready for next message! reading_msgid = reading_msgstr = reading_msgctxt = reading_comment = False is_commented = is_fuzzy = False msgctxt_lines = [] msgid_lines = [] msgstr_lines = [] comment_lines = [] # try to use src as file name... if os.path.isfile(src): if os.stat(src).st_size > self.settings.PARSER_MAX_FILE_SIZE: # Security, else we could read arbitrary huge files! print("WARNING: skipping file {}, too huge!".format(src)) return if not key: key = src with open(src, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: src = f.read() _msgctxt = self.settings.PO_MSGCTXT _comm_msgctxt = self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_MSG + _msgctxt _len_msgctxt = len(_msgctxt + '"') _len_comm_msgctxt = len(_comm_msgctxt + '"') _msgid = self.settings.PO_MSGID _comm_msgid = self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_MSG + _msgid _len_msgid = len(_msgid + '"') _len_comm_msgid = len(_comm_msgid + '"') _msgstr = self.settings.PO_MSGSTR _comm_msgstr = self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_MSG + _msgstr _len_msgstr = len(_msgstr + '"') _len_comm_msgstr = len(_comm_msgstr + '"') _comm_str = self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_MSG _comm_fuzzy = self.settings.PO_COMMENT_FUZZY _len_comm_str = len(_comm_str + '"') # Main loop over all lines in src... for line_nr, line in enumerate(src.splitlines()): if line == "": if reading_msgstr: finalize_message(self, line_nr) continue elif line.startswith(_msgctxt) or line.startswith(_comm_msgctxt): reading_comment = False reading_ctxt = True if line.startswith(_comm_str): is_commented = True line = line[_len_comm_msgctxt:-1] else: line = line[_len_msgctxt:-1] msgctxt_lines.append(line) elif line.startswith(_msgid) or line.startswith(_comm_msgid): reading_comment = False reading_msgid = True if line.startswith(_comm_str): if not is_commented and reading_ctxt: self.parsing_errors.append((line_nr, "commented msgid following regular msgctxt")) is_commented = True line = line[_len_comm_msgid:-1] else: line = line[_len_msgid:-1] reading_ctxt = False msgid_lines.append(line) elif line.startswith(_msgstr) or line.startswith(_comm_msgstr): if not reading_msgid: self.parsing_errors.append((line_nr, "msgstr without a prior msgid")) else: reading_msgid = False reading_msgstr = True if line.startswith(_comm_str): line = line[_len_comm_msgstr:-1] if not is_commented: self.parsing_errors.append((line_nr, "commented msgstr following regular msgid")) else: line = line[_len_msgstr:-1] if is_commented: self.parsing_errors.append((line_nr, "regular msgstr following commented msgid")) msgstr_lines.append(line) elif line.startswith(_comm_str[0]): if line.startswith(_comm_str): if reading_msgctxt: if is_commented: msgctxt_lines.append(line[_len_comm_str:-1]) else: msgctxt_lines.append(line) self.parsing_errors.append((line_nr, "commented string while reading regular msgctxt")) elif reading_msgid: if is_commented: msgid_lines.append(line[_len_comm_str:-1]) else: msgid_lines.append(line) self.parsing_errors.append((line_nr, "commented string while reading regular msgid")) elif reading_msgstr: if is_commented: msgstr_lines.append(line[_len_comm_str:-1]) else: msgstr_lines.append(line) self.parsing_errors.append((line_nr, "commented string while reading regular msgstr")) else: if reading_msgctxt or reading_msgid or reading_msgstr: self.parsing_errors.append((line_nr, "commented string within msgctxt, msgid or msgstr scope, ignored")) elif line.startswith(_comm_fuzzy): is_fuzzy = True else: comment_lines.append(line) reading_comment = True else: if reading_msgctxt: msgctxt_lines.append(line[1:-1]) elif reading_msgid: msgid_lines.append(line[1:-1]) elif reading_msgstr: line = line[1:-1] msgstr_lines.append(line) else: self.parsing_errors.append((line_nr, "regular string outside msgctxt, msgid or msgstr scope")) #self.parsing_errors += (str(comment_lines), str(msgctxt_lines), str(msgid_lines), str(msgstr_lines)) # If no final empty line, last message is not finalized! if reading_msgstr: finalize_message(self, line_nr) self.unescape() def write(self, kind, dest): self.writers[kind](self, dest) def write_messages_to_po(self, fname): """ Write messages in fname po file. """ default_context = self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT def _write(self, f): _msgctxt = self.settings.PO_MSGCTXT _msgid = self.settings.PO_MSGID _msgstr = self.settings.PO_MSGSTR _comm = self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_MSG self.escape() for num, msg in enumerate(self.msgs.values()): f.write("\n".join(msg.comment_lines)) # Only mark as fuzzy if msgstr is not empty! if msg.is_fuzzy and msg.msgstr: f.write("\n" + self.settings.PO_COMMENT_FUZZY) _p = _comm if msg.is_commented else "" chunks = [] if msg.msgctxt and msg.msgctxt != default_context: if len(msg.msgctxt_lines) > 1: chunks += [ "\n" + _p + _msgctxt + "\"\"\n" + _p + "\"", ("\"\n" + _p + "\"").join(msg.msgctxt_lines), "\"", ] else: chunks += ["\n" + _p + _msgctxt + "\"" + msg.msgctxt + "\""] if len(msg.msgid_lines) > 1: chunks += [ "\n" + _p + _msgid + "\"\"\n" + _p + "\"", ("\"\n" + _p + "\"").join(msg.msgid_lines), "\"", ] else: chunks += ["\n" + _p + _msgid + "\"" + msg.msgid + "\""] if len(msg.msgstr_lines) > 1: chunks += [ "\n" + _p + _msgstr + "\"\"\n" + _p + "\"", ("\"\n" + _p + "\"").join(msg.msgstr_lines), "\"", ] else: chunks += ["\n" + _p + _msgstr + "\"" + msg.msgstr + "\""] chunks += ["\n\n"] f.write("".join(chunks)) self.unescape() self.normalize(max_len=0) # No wrapping for now... if isinstance(fname, str): with open(fname, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: _write(self, f) # Else assume fname is already a file(like) object! else: _write(self, fname) def write_messages_to_mo(self, fname): """ Write messages in fname mo file. """ # XXX Temp solution, until I can make own mo generator working... import subprocess with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', encoding="utf-8") as tmp_po_f: self.write_messages_to_po(tmp_po_f) cmd = (self.settings.GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE, "--statistics", # show stats tmp_po_f.name, "-o", fname, ) print("Running ", " ".join(cmd)) ret = subprocess.call(cmd) print("Finished.") return # XXX Code below is currently broken (generates corrupted mo files it seems :( )! # Using http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/MO-Files.html notation. # Not generating hash table! # Only translated, unfuzzy messages are taken into account! default_context = self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT msgs = tuple(v for v in self.msgs.values() if not (v.is_fuzzy or v.is_commented) and v.msgstr and v.msgid) msgs = sorted(msgs[:2], key=lambda e: (e.msgctxt + e.msgid) if (e.msgctxt and e.msgctxt != default_context) else e.msgid) magic_nbr = 0x950412de format_rev = 0 N = len(msgs) O = 32 T = O + N * 8 S = 0 H = T + N * 8 # Prepare our data! we need key (optional context and msgid), translation, and offset and length of both. # Offset are relative to start of their own list. EOT = b"0x04" # Used to concatenate context and msgid _msgid_offset = 0 _msgstr_offset = 0 def _gen(v): nonlocal _msgid_offset, _msgstr_offset msgid = v.msgid.encode("utf-8") msgstr = v.msgstr.encode("utf-8") if v.msgctxt and v.msgctxt != default_context: msgctxt = v.msgctxt.encode("utf-8") msgid = msgctxt + EOT + msgid # Don't forget the final NULL char! _msgid_len = len(msgid) + 1 _msgstr_len = len(msgstr) + 1 ret = ((msgid, _msgid_len, _msgid_offset), (msgstr, _msgstr_len, _msgstr_offset)) _msgid_offset += _msgid_len _msgstr_offset += _msgstr_len return ret msgs = tuple(_gen(v) for v in msgs) msgid_start = H msgstr_start = msgid_start + _msgid_offset print(N, msgstr_start + _msgstr_offset) print(msgs) with open(fname, 'wb') as f: # Header... f.write(struct.pack("=8I", magic_nbr, format_rev, N, O, T, S, H, 0)) # Msgid's length and offset. f.write(b"".join(struct.pack("=2I", length, msgid_start + offset) for (_1, length, offset), _2 in msgs)) # Msgstr's length and offset. f.write(b"".join(struct.pack("=2I", length, msgstr_start + offset) for _1, (_2, length, offset) in msgs)) # No hash table! # Msgid's. f.write(b"\0".join(msgid for (msgid, _1, _2), _3 in msgs) + b"\0") # Msgstr's. f.write(b"\0".join(msgstr for _1, (msgstr, _2, _3) in msgs) + b"\0") parsers = { "PO": parse_messages_from_po, } writers = { "PO": write_messages_to_po, "MO": write_messages_to_mo, } class I18n: """ Internal representation of a whole translation set. """ @staticmethod def _parser_check_file(path, maxsize=settings.PARSER_MAX_FILE_SIZE, _begin_marker=settings.PARSER_PY_MARKER_BEGIN, _end_marker=settings.PARSER_PY_MARKER_END): if os.stat(path).st_size > maxsize: # Security, else we could read arbitrary huge files! print("WARNING: skipping file {}, too huge!".format(path)) return None, None, None, False txt = "" with open(path) as f: txt = f.read() _in = 0 _out = len(txt) if _begin_marker: _in = None if _begin_marker in txt: _in = txt.index(_begin_marker) + len(_begin_marker) if _end_marker: _out = None if _end_marker in txt: _out = txt.index(_end_marker) if _in is not None and _out is not None: in_txt, txt, out_txt = txt[:_in], txt[_in:_out], txt[_out:] elif _in is not None: in_txt, txt, out_txt = txt[:_in], txt[_in:], None elif _out is not None: in_txt, txt, out_txt = None, txt[:_out], txt[_out:] else: in_txt, txt, out_txt = None, txt, None return in_txt, txt, out_txt, (True if "translations_tuple" in txt else False) @staticmethod def _dst(self, path, uid, kind): if isinstance(path, str): if kind == 'PO': if uid == self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID: if not path.endswith(".pot"): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), "blender.pot") if not path.endswith(".po"): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), uid + ".po") elif kind == 'PY': if not path.endswith(".py"): if self.src.get(self.settings.PARSER_PY_ID): return self.src[self.settings.PARSER_PY_ID] return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), "translations.py") return path def __init__(self, kind=None, src=None, langs=set(), settings=settings): self.settings = settings self.trans = {} self.src = {} # Should have the same keys as self.trans (plus PARSER_PY_ID for py file)! self.dst = self._dst # A callable that transforms src_path into dst_path! if kind and src: self.parse(kind, src, langs) self.update_info() def _py_file_get(self): return self.src.get(self.settings.PARSER_PY_ID) def _py_file_set(self, value): self.src[self.settings.PARSER_PY_ID] = value py_file = property(_py_file_get, _py_file_set) def escape(self, do_all=False): for trans in self.trans.values(): trans.escape(do_all) def unescape(self, do_all=True): for trans in self.trans.values(): trans.unescape(do_all) def update_info(self): self.nbr_trans = 0 self.lvl = 0.0 self.lvl_ttips = 0.0 self.lvl_trans_ttips = 0.0 self.lvl_ttips_in_trans = 0.0 self.lvl_comm = 0.0 self.nbr_signs = 0 self.nbr_trans_signs = 0 self.contexts = set() if self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID in self.trans: self.nbr_trans = len(self.trans) - 1 self.nbr_signs = self.trans[self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID].nbr_signs else: self.nbr_trans = len(self.trans) for msgs in self.trans.values(): msgs.update_info() if msgs.nbr_msgs > 0: self.lvl += float(msgs.nbr_trans_msgs) / float(msgs.nbr_msgs) self.lvl_ttips += float(msgs.nbr_ttips) / float(msgs.nbr_msgs) self.lvl_comm += float(msgs.nbr_comm_msgs) / float(msgs.nbr_msgs + msgs.nbr_comm_msgs) if msgs.nbr_ttips > 0: self.lvl_trans_ttips = float(msgs.nbr_trans_ttips) / float(msgs.nbr_ttips) if msgs.nbr_trans_msgs > 0: self.lvl_ttips_in_trans = float(msgs.nbr_trans_ttips) / float(msgs.nbr_trans_msgs) if self.nbr_signs == 0: self.nbr_signs = msgs.nbr_signs self.nbr_trans_signs += msgs.nbr_trans_signs self.contexts |= msgs.contexts def print_stats(self, prefix="", print_msgs=True): """ Print out some stats about an I18n object. If print_msgs is True, it will also print all its translations' stats. """ if print_msgs: msgs_prefix = prefix + " " for key, msgs in self.trans.items(): if key == self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID: continue print(prefix + key + ":") msgs.print_stats(prefix=msgs_prefix) print(prefix) nbr_contexts = len(self.contexts - {bpy.app.translations.contexts.default}) if nbr_contexts != 1: if nbr_contexts == 0: nbr_contexts = "No" _ctx_txt = "s are" else: _ctx_txt = " is" lines = (("", "Average stats for all {} translations:\n".format(self.nbr_trans), " {:>6.1%} done!\n".format(self.lvl / self.nbr_trans), " {:>6.1%} of messages are tooltips.\n".format(self.lvl_ttips / self.nbr_trans), " {:>6.1%} of tooltips are translated.\n".format(self.lvl_trans_ttips / self.nbr_trans), " {:>6.1%} of translated messages are tooltips.\n".format(self.lvl_ttips_in_trans / self.nbr_trans), " {:>6.1%} of messages are commented.\n".format(self.lvl_comm / self.nbr_trans), " The org msgids are currently made of {} signs.\n".format(self.nbr_signs), " All processed translations are currently made of {} signs.\n".format(self.nbr_trans_signs), " {} specific context{} present:\n".format(self.nbr_contexts, _ctx_txt)) + tuple(" " + c + "\n" for c in self.contexts - {bpy.app.translations.contexts.default}) + ("\n",) ) print(prefix.join(lines)) @classmethod def check_py_module_has_translations(clss, src, settings=settings): """ Check whether a given src (a py module, either a directory or a py file) has some i18n translation data, and returns a tuple (src_file, translations_tuple) if yes, else (None, None). """ txts = [] if os.path.isdir(src): for root, dnames, fnames in os.walk(src): for fname in fnames: if not fname.endswith(".py"): continue path = os.path.join(root, fname) _1, txt, _2, has_trans = clss._parser_check_file(path) if has_trans: txts.append((path, txt)) elif src.endswith(".py") and os.path.isfile(src): _1, txt, _2, has_trans = clss._parser_check_file(src) if has_trans: txts.append((src, txt)) for path, txt in txts: tuple_id = "translations_tuple" env = globals().copy() exec(txt, env) if tuple_id in env: return path, env[tuple_id] return None, None # No data... def parse(self, kind, src, langs=set()): self.parsers[kind](self, src, langs) def parse_from_po(self, src, langs=set()): """ src must be a tuple (dir_of_pos, pot_file), where: * dir_of_pos may either contains iso_CODE.po files, and/or iso_CODE/iso_CODE.po files. * pot_file may be None (in which case there will be no ref messages). if langs set is void, all languages found are loaded. """ root_dir, pot_file = src if pot_file and os.path.isfile(pot_file): self.trans[self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID] = I18nMessages(self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID, 'PO', pot_file, pot_file, settings=self.settings) self.src_po[self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID] = pot_file for uid, po_file in get_po_files_from_dir(root_dir, langs): self.trans[uid] = I18nMessages(uid, 'PO', po_file, po_file, settings=self.settings) self.src_po[uid] = po_file def parse_from_py(self, src, langs=set()): """ src must be a valid path, either a py file or a module directory (in which case all py files inside it will be checked, first file macthing will win!). if langs set is void, all languages found are loaded. """ default_context = self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT self.src[self.settings.PARSER_PY_ID], msgs = self.check_py_module_has_translations(src, self.settings) if msgs is None: self.src[self.settings.PARSER_PY_ID] = src msgs = () for key, (sources, gen_comments), *translations in msgs: if self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID not in self.trans: self.trans[self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID] = I18nMessages(self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID, settings=self.settings) self.src[self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID] = self.src[self.settings.PARSER_PY_ID] if key in self.trans[self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID].msgs: print("ERROR! key {} is defined more than once! Skipping re-definitions!") continue custom_src = [c for c in sources if c.startswith("bpy.")] src = [c for c in sources if not c.startswith("bpy.")] common_comment_lines = [self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_GENERATED + c for c in gen_comments] + \ [self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE_CUSTOM + c for c in custom_src] + \ [self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE + c for c in src] ctxt = [key[0]] if key[0] else [default_context] self.trans[self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID].msgs[key] = I18nMessage(ctxt, [key[1]], [""], common_comment_lines, False, False, settings=self.settings) for uid, msgstr, (is_fuzzy, user_comments) in translations: if uid not in self.trans: self.trans[uid] = I18nMessages(uid, settings=self.settings) self.src[uid] = self.src[self.settings.PARSER_PY_ID] comment_lines = [self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX + c for c in user_comments] + common_comment_lines self.trans[uid].msgs[key] = I18nMessage(ctxt, [key[1]], [msgstr], comment_lines, False, is_fuzzy, settings=self.settings) #key = self.settings.PO_HEADER_KEY #for uid, trans in self.trans.items(): #if key not in trans.msgs: #trans.msgs[key] self.unescape() def write(self, kind, langs=set()): self.writers[kind](self, langs) def write_to_po(self, langs=set()): """ Write all translations into po files. By default, write in the same files (or dir) as the source, specify a custom self.dst function to write somewhere else! Note: If langs is set and you want to export the pot template as well, langs must contain PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID ({} currently). """.format(self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID) keys = self.trans.keys() if langs: keys &= langs for uid in keys: dst = self.dst(self, self.src.get(uid, ""), uid, 'PO') self.trans[uid].write('PO', dst) def write_to_py(self, langs=set()): """ Write all translations as python code, either in a "translations.py" file under same dir as source(s), or in specified file if self.py_file is set (default, as usual can be customized with self.dst callable!). Note: If langs is set and you want to export the pot template as well, langs must contain PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID ({} currently). """.format(self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID) default_context = self.settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT def _gen_py(self, langs, tab=" "): _lencomm = len(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX) _lengen = len(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_GENERATED) _lensrc = len(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE) _lencsrc = len(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE_CUSTOM) ret = [ "# NOTE: You can safely move around this auto-generated block (with the begin/end markers!),", "# and edit the translations by hand.", "# Just carefully respect the format of the tuple!", "", "# Tuple of tuples " "((msgctxt, msgid), (sources, gen_comments), (lang, translation, (is_fuzzy, comments)), ...)", "translations_tuple = (", ] # First gather all keys (msgctxt, msgid) - theoretically, all translations should share the same, but... # Note: using an ordered dict if possible (stupid sets cannot be ordered :/ ). keys = I18nMessages._new_messages() for trans in self.trans.values(): keys.update(trans.msgs) # Get the ref translation (ideally, PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID one, else the first one that pops up! # Ref translation will be used to generate sources "comments" ref = self.trans.get(self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID) or self.trans[list(self.trans.keys())[0]] # Get all languages (uids) and sort them (PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID and PARSER_PY_ID excluded!) translations = self.trans.keys() - {self.settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID, self.settings.PARSER_PY_ID} if langs: translations &= langs translations = [('"' + lng + '"', " " * (len(lng) + 6), self.trans[lng]) for lng in sorted(translations)] print(k for k in keys.keys()) for key in keys.keys(): if ref.msgs[key].is_commented: continue # Key (context + msgid). msgctxt, msgid = ref.msgs[key].msgctxt, ref.msgs[key].msgid if not msgctxt: msgctxt = default_context ret.append(tab + "(({}, \"{}\"),".format('"' + msgctxt + '"' if msgctxt else "None", msgid)) # Common comments (mostly sources!). sources = [] gen_comments = [] for comment in ref.msgs[key].comment_lines: if comment.startswith(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE_CUSTOM): sources.append(comment[_lencsrc:]) elif comment.startswith(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE): sources.append(comment[_lensrc:]) elif comment.startswith(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_GENERATED): gen_comments.append(comment[_lengen:]) if not (sources or gen_comments): ret.append(tab + " ((), ()),") else: if len(sources) > 1: ret.append(tab + ' (("' + sources[0] + '",') ret += [tab + ' "' + s + '",' for s in sources[1:-1]] ret.append(tab + ' "' + sources[-1] + '"),') else: ret.append(tab + " ((" + ('"' + sources[0] + '",' if sources else "") + "),") if len(gen_comments) > 1: ret.append(tab + ' ("' + gen_comments[0] + '",') ret += [tab + ' "' + s + '",' for s in gen_comments[1:-1]] ret.append(tab + ' "' + gen_comments[-1] + '")),') else: ret.append(tab + " (" + ('"' + gen_comments[0] + '",' if gen_comments else "") + ")),") # All languages for lngstr, lngsp, trans in translations: if trans.msgs[key].is_commented: continue # Language code and translation. ret.append(tab + " (" + lngstr + ', "' + trans.msgs[key].msgstr + '",') # User comments and fuzzy. comments = [] for comment in trans.msgs[key].comment_lines: if comment.startswith(self.settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX): comments.append(comment[_lencomm:]) ret.append(tab + lngsp + "(" + ("True" if trans.msgs[key].is_fuzzy else "False") + ",") if len(comments) > 1: ret.append(tab + lngsp + ' ("' + comments[0] + '",') ret += [tab + lngsp + ' "' + s + '",' for s in comments[1:-1]] ret.append(tab + lngsp + ' "' + comments[-1] + '"))),') else: ret[-1] = ret[-1] + " (" + (('"' + comments[0] + '",') if comments else "") + ")))," ret.append(tab + "),") ret += [ ")", "", "translations_dict = {}", "for msg in translations_tuple:", tab + "key = msg[0]", tab + "for lang, trans, (is_fuzzy, comments) in msg[2:]:", tab * 2 + "if trans and not is_fuzzy:", tab * 3 + "translations_dict.setdefault(lang, {})[key] = trans", "", ] return ret self.escape(True) dst = self.dst(self, self.src.get(self.settings.PARSER_PY_ID, ""), self.settings.PARSER_PY_ID, 'PY') print(dst) prev = txt = nxt = "" if os.path.exists(dst): if not os.path.isfile(dst): print("WARNING: trying to write as python code into {}, which is not a file! Aborting.".format(dst)) return prev, txt, nxt, has_trans = self._parser_check_file(dst) if prev is None and nxt is None: print("WARNING: Looks like given python file {} has no auto-generated translations yet, will be added " "at the end of the file, you can move that section later if needed...".format(dst)) txt = ([txt, "", self.settings.PARSER_PY_MARKER_BEGIN] + _gen_py(self, langs) + ["", self.settings.PARSER_PY_MARKER_END]) else: # We completely replace the text found between start and end markers... txt = _gen_py(self, langs) else: printf("Creating python file {} containing translations.".format(dst)) txt = [ "# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****", "#", "# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or", "# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License", "# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2", "# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "#", "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,", "# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of", "# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the", "# GNU General Public License for more details.", "#", "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License", "# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,", "# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.", "#", "# ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****", "", self.settings.PARSER_PY_MARKER_BEGIN, "", ] txt += _gen_py(self, langs) txt += [ "", self.settings.PARSER_PY_MARKER_END, ] with open(dst, 'w') as f: f.write((prev or "") + "\n".join(txt) + (nxt or "")) self.unescape() parsers = { "PO": parse_from_po, "PY": parse_from_py, } writers = { "PO": write_to_po, "PY": write_to_py, }