echo. echo Convenience targets echo - release ^(identical to the official builds^) echo - full ^(same as release minus the cuda kernels^) echo - lite echo - headless echo - cycles echo - bpy echo. echo Utilities ^(not associated with building^) echo - clean ^(Target must be set^) echo - update ^(Update both SVN and GIT^) echo - code_update ^(Update only GIT^) echo - nobuild ^(only generate project files^) echo - showhash ^(Show git hashes of source tree^) echo - test ^(Run automated tests with ctest^) echo - format [path] ^(Format the source using clang-format, path is optional, requires python 3.x to be available^) echo. echo Configuration options echo - verbose ^(enable diagnostic output during configuration^) echo - developer ^(enable faster builds, error checking and tests, recommended for developers^) echo - with_tests ^(enable building unit tests^) echo - nobuildinfo ^(disable buildinfo^) echo - debug ^(Build an unoptimized debuggable build^) echo - packagename [newname] ^(override default cpack package name^) echo - builddir [newdir] ^(override default build folder^) echo - 2017 ^(build with visual studio 2017^) echo - 2017pre ^(build with visual studio 2017 pre-release^) echo - 2017b ^(build with visual studio 2017 Build Tools^) echo. echo Experimental options echo - with_opengl_tests ^(enable both the render and draw opengl test suites^) echo - 2015 ^(build with visual studio 2015^) echo - clang ^(enable building with clang^) echo - asan ^(enable asan when building with clang^) echo - ninja ^(enable building with ninja instead of msbuild^) echo.