#!BPY """ Name: 'Motion Capture (.c3d)...' Blender: 246 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import a C3D Motion Capture file' """ __script__ = "C3D Motion Capture file import" __author__ = " Jean-Baptiste PERIN, Roger D. Wickes (rogerwickes@yahoo.com)" __version__ = "0.8" __url__ = ["Communicate problems and errors, BlenderArtists.org, Python forum"] __email__= ["rogerwickes@yahoo.com", "c3d script"] __bpydoc__ = """\ c3d_import.py v0.8 Script loading Graphics Lab Motion Capture file, Usage:
- Run the script
- Choose the file to open
- Press Import C3D button
Version History: 0.4: PERIN Released under Blender Artistic Licence 0.5: WICKES used marker names, fixed 2.45 depricated call 0.6: WICKES creates armature for each subject 0.7: WICKES constrains armature to follow the empties (markers). Verified for shake hands s 0.8: WICKES resolved DEC support issue """ #---------------------------------------------- # (c) Jean-Baptiste PERIN december 2005, released under Blender Artistic Licence # for the Blender 2.40 Python Scripts Bundle. #---------------------------------------------- ###################################################### # This script imports a C3D file into blender. # Loader is based on MATLAB C3D loader from # Alan Morris, Toronto, October 1998 # Jaap Harlaar, Amsterdam, april 2002 ###################################################### import string import Blender from Blender import * import bpy import struct import BPyMessages Vector= Blender.Mathutils.Vector Euler= Blender.Mathutils.Euler Matrix= Blender.Mathutils.Matrix RotationMatrix = Blender.Mathutils.RotationMatrix TranslationMatrix= Blender.Mathutils.TranslationMatrix #================= # Global Variables, Constants, Defaults, and Shorthand References #================= # set senstitivity for displaying debug/console messages. 0=few, 100=max, including clicks at major steps # debug(num,string) to conditionally display status/info in console window DEBUG=Blender.Get('rt') # marker sets known in the world HUMAN_CMU= "HumanRTKm.mkr" # The Human Real-Time capture marker set used by CMU HUMAN_CMU2="HumanRT.mkr" # found in another file, seems same as others in that series MARKER_SETS = [ HUMAN_CMU, HUMAN_CMU2 ] # marker sets that this program supports (can make an armature for) XYZ_LIMIT= 10000 #max value for coordinates if in integer format # what layers to put stuff on in scene. 1 is selected, so everything goes there # selecting only layer 2 shows only the armature moving, 12 shows only the empties LAYERS_ARMOB= [1,2] LAYERS_MARKER=[1,12] CLEAN=True # Should program ignore markers at (0,0,0) and beyond the outer limits? scn = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() # Why on earth would you rename a scene when importing data??? - Campbell # scn.name="MoCap" #may want this enterable or derived based on motion being analyzed #TODO: ultimately, a library of motions to append from means you need good naming of things BCS=Blender.Constraint.Settings # shorthand dictionary - define with brace, reference with bracket trackto={"+x":BCS.TRACKX, "+y":BCS.TRACKY, "+z":BCS.TRACKZ, "-x":BCS.TRACKNEGX, "-y":BCS.TRACKNEGY, "-z":BCS.TRACKNEGZ} trackup={"x":BCS.UPX, "y":BCS.UPY, "z":BCS.UPZ} #=============================# # Classes #=============================# class Marker: def __init__(self, x, y, z): self.x=0.0 self.y=0.0 self.z=0.0 def __repr__(self): #report on self, as in if just printed return str("[x = "+str(self.x) +" y = " + str(self.y)+" z = "+ str(self.z)+"]") class ParameterGroup: def __init__(self, nom, description, parameter): self.name = nom self.description = description self.parameter = parameter def __repr__(self): return self.name, " ", self.description, " ", self.parameter class Parameter: def __init__(self, name, datatype, dim, data, description): self.name = name self.datatype = datatype self.dim = dim self.data = data self.description = description def __repr__(self): return self.name, " ", self.description, " ", self.dim class MyVector: def __init__(self, fx,fy,fz): self.x=fx self.y=fy self.z=fz class Mybone: "information structure for bone generation and posing" def __init__(self, name,vec,par,head,tail,const): self.name=name # name of this bone. must be unique within armature self.vec=vec # edit bone vector it points self.parent=par # name of parent bone to locate head and form a chain self.headMark=head # list of 0+ markers where the head of this non-parented bone should be placed self.tailMark=tail # list of 0+ markers where the tip should be placed self.const=const # list of 0+ constraint tuples to control posing self.head=MyVector(0,0,0) #T-pose location self.tail=MyVector(0,0,0) def __repr__(self): return '[Mybone "%s"]' % self.name #=============================# # functions/modules #=============================# def error(str): Draw.PupMenu('ERROR%t|'+str) return def status(str): Draw.PupMenu('STATUS%t|'+str+"|Continue?") return def debug(num,msg): #use log4j or just console here. if DEBUG >= num: print 'debug:', (' '*num), msg #TODO: if level 0, make a text file in Blender file to record major stuff return def names(ob): return ob.name ######### # Cette fonction renvoie la liste des empties # in : # out : emp_list (List of Object) la liste des objets de type "Empty" ######### def getEmpty(name): obs = [ob for ob in scn.objects if ob.type=="Empty" and ob.name==name] if len(obs)==0: return None elif len(obs)==1: return obs[0] else: error("FATAL ERROR: %i empties %s in file" % (len(obs),ob[0])) ######### # Cette fonction renvoie un empty # in : objname : le nom de l'empty recherche # out : myobj : l'empty cree ou retrouve ######### def GetOrCreateEmpty(objname): myobj= getEmpty(objname) if myobj==None: myobj = scn.objects.new("Empty",objname) myobj.layers= LAYERS_MARKER debug(50,'Marker/Empty created %s' % myobj) return myobj def GetOrCreateCurve(ipo, curvename): """ Retrieve or create a Blender Ipo Curve named C{curvename} in the C{ipo} Ipo >>> import mylib >>> lIpo = GetOrCreateIPO("Une IPO") >>> laCurve = GetOrCreateCurve(lIpo, "RotX") Either an ipo curve named C{curvename} exists before the call then this curve is returned, Or such a curve doesn't exist before the call .. then it is created into the c{ipo} Ipo and returned @type ipo: Blender Ipo @param ipo: the Ipo in which the curve must be retrieved or created. @type curvename: string @param curvename: name of the IPO. @rtype: Blender Curve @return: a Blender Curve named C{curvename} in the C{ipo} Ipo """ try: mycurve = ipo.getCurve(curvename) if mycurve != None: pass else: mycurve = ipo.addCurve(curvename) except: mycurve = ipo.addCurve(curvename) return mycurve def eraseIPO (objectname): object = Blender.Object.Get(objectname) lIpo = object.getIpo() if lIpo != None: nbCurves = lIpo.getNcurves() for i in range(nbCurves): nbBezPoints = lIpo.getNBezPoints(i) for j in range(nbBezPoints): lIpo.delBezPoint(i) def comp_loc(emptyNameList): myloc=Vector(0,0,0) for emName in emptyNameList: myobj = Blender.Object.Get(emName) for i in range(3): myloc[i]= myloc[i]+(myobj.loc[i]/len(emptyNameList)) #take the average loc of all marks return myloc def comp_len(head, tail): # computes the length of a bone headvec=comp_loc(head) tailvec=comp_loc(tail) netvec=headvec-tailvec return netvec.length def createHumanCMU(): # human bone structure, makes a node set for CMU MoCap Lab # order of bones: "spine","chest","neck","head",...face toward you in front view # pose constraints are tuples of (type,target,influence,other-as-needed) # constraint stack order is important. for proper bone pointing and orinetation: # IK, then TT +YZ in world space. then LR XZ to 0 in world space, this points the bone, twists it, but then # limits the rotation to the sidebar enpty with the Z facing it, and Y pointing along the bone. nodes=[] # bonename, vector, parent, head targets, tail targets, constraint list for i in range(23): nodes.append(Mybone("name","vec","par",[],[],[])) nodes[0]= Mybone("root", "-Y","",["RBWT", "LBWT"],["RFWT", "LFWT", "RBWT", "LBWT"],[("LOC","RBWT",1.0),("LOC","LBWT",0.5),("IK","RFWT",1.0),("IK","LFWT",0.5),("TT","RBWT",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[1]= Mybone("spine","+Z","root",[],["STRN","T10"],[("IK","STRN",1.0),("IK","T10",0.5),("TT","STRN",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[2]= Mybone("chest","+Z","spine",[],["CLAV","C7"],[("IK","CLAV",1.0),("IK","C7",0.5),("TT","CLAV",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[3]= Mybone("neck", "+Z","chest",[],["RBHD","LBHD"],[("IK","RBHD",1.0),("IK","LBHD",0.5),("TT","LBHD",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[4]= Mybone("head" ,"-Y","neck",[],["RFHD","LFHD"],[("IK","RFHD",1.0),("IK","LFHD",0.5),("TT","LFHD",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[5]= Mybone("shoulder.R","-X","chest",[],["RSHO"],[("IK","RSHO",1.0)]) nodes[6]= Mybone("toparm.R", "-X","shoulder.R",[],["RELB"],[("IK","RELB",1.0),("TT","RUPA",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[7]= Mybone("lowarm.R", "-X","toparm.R",[],["RWRA","RWRB"],[("IK","RWRA",1.0),("IK","RWRB",0.5),("TT","RFRM",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[8]= Mybone("hand.R", "-X","lowarm.R",[],["RFIN"],[("IK","RFIN",1.0),("TT","RWRA",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) #missing ,"RTHM" nodes[9]= Mybone("hip.R", "-X","root",[],["RFWT","RBWT"],[("IK","RFWT",1.0),("IK","RBWT",0.5)]) nodes[10]=Mybone("topleg.R","-Z","hip.R",[],["RKNE"],[("IK","RKNE",1),("TT","RTHI",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[11]=Mybone("lowleg.R","-Z","topleg.R",[],["RANK","RHEE"],[("IK","RHEE",1.0),("TT","RSHN",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[12]=Mybone("foot.R", "-Y","lowleg.R",[],["RTOE","RMT5"],[("IK","RTOE",1.0),("IK","RMT5",0.2),("TT","RMT5",1,"+YZ")]) nodes[13]=Mybone("toes.R", "-Y","foot.R",[],["RTOE"],[("IK","RTOE",1.0)]) nodes[14]=Mybone("shoulder.L","+X","chest",[],["LSHO"],[("IK","LSHO",1.0)]) nodes[15]=Mybone("toparm.L", "+X","shoulder.L",[],["LELB"],[("IK","LELB",1.0),("TT","LUPA",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[16]=Mybone("lowarm.L", "+X","toparm.L",[],["LWRA","LWRB"],[("IK","LWRA",1.0),("IK","LWRB",0.5),("TT","LFRM",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[17]=Mybone("hand.L", "+X","lowarm.L",[],["LFIN"],[("IK","LFIN",1.0),("TT","RWRA",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) #missing ,"LTHM" nodes[18]=Mybone("hip.L", "+X","root",[],["LFWT","LBWT"],[("IK","LFWT",1.0),("IK","LBWT",0.5)]) nodes[19]=Mybone("topleg.L","-Z","hip.L",[],["LKNE"],[("IK","LKNE",1),("TT","LTHI",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[20]=Mybone("lowleg.L","-Z","topleg.L",[],["LANK","LHEE"],[("IK","LHEE",1.0),("TT","LSHN",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[21]=Mybone("foot.L", "-Y","lowleg.L",[],["LTOE","LMT5"],[("IK","LTOE",1.0),("IK","LMT5",0.2),("TT","LMT5",1,"+YZ"),("LR","XZ",1)]) nodes[22]=Mybone("toes.L", "-Y","foot.L",[],["LTOE"],[("IK","LTOE",1.0)]) return nodes def createNodes(marker_set): # make a list of bone name, parent, edit head loc, edit tail loc, pose constraints #ultimately, I want to read in an XML file here that specifies the node trees for various marker sets if marker_set==HUMAN_CMU: nodes= createHumanCMU() #load up and verify the file has the CMU marker set elif marker_set==HUMAN_CMU2: nodes= createHumanCMU() else: nodes=[] return nodes def findEntry(item,list): for i in range(len(list)): if item==list[i]: break debug(100,"findEtnry %s is %i in list of %i items" % (item,i,len(list))) return i def makeNodes(prefix, markerList, empties, marker_set): #make sure the file has the nodes selected nodes= createNodes(marker_set) # list has generic marker names; replace them with the actual object names created #each entry in markerlist has a corresponding entry in empties in the same order errList=[] for i in range(len(nodes)): node= nodes[i] debug(60,"Adapting node %s to prefix %s" % (node,prefix)) #replace generic head markers with actual empty names for im in range(len(node.headMark)): marker= node.headMark[im] mark= prefix+marker imn= findEntry(mark,markerList) if imn < len(markerList): debug(90,"Adapating head marker %s to %s" % (marker,empties[imn].name)) nodes[i].headMark[im]= empties[imn].name else: errList.append([node.name,"head location",mark,node,2]) #replace generic tail markers with actual empty names for im in range(len(node.tailMark)): marker= node.tailMark[im] mark= prefix+marker imn= findEntry(mark,markerList) if imn < len(markerList): debug(90,"Adapating marker %s to %s" % (marker,empties[imn].name)) nodes[i].tailMark[im]= empties[imn].name else: errList.append([node.name,"tail location",mark,node,2]) #replace generic constraint markers (if the constraint references a marker) with empty name for im in range(len(node.const)): const=node.const[im] if const[0] in ("LOC","IK","TT"): marker=const[1] mark= prefix+marker imn= findEntry(mark,markerList) if imn < len(markerList): debug(90,"Adapating %s constraint marker %s to %s" % (const[0],marker,empties[imn].name)) if const[0] in ("IK","LR","LOC"): nodes[i].const[im]=(const[0], empties[imn].name, const[2]) else: nodes[i].const[im]=(const[0], empties[imn].name, const[2], const[3]) else: errList.append([node.name,const[0]+" constraint",mark,node,4]) if errList!=[]: #we have issues. for err in errList: debug(0,"Bone "+err[0]+" specifies "+err[2]+" as "+err[1]+"which was not specified in file.") #need a popup here to ignore/cleanup node tree, or add the marker(?) or abort usrOption= 1 if usrOption==0: #ignore this marker (remove it) for node in nodes: #find the bone in error if node.name==err[0]: print "Before",node if err[3] in range(2,3): node[err[3]].remove(err[2]) #find the marker in error and remove it elif err[3]==4: #find the constraint and remove it for const in node.const: if const[1]==err[2]: node.const.remove(const) print "After",node elif usrOption==1: #add these markers as static empties, and user will automate them later #and the bones will be keyed to them, so it will all be good. #file may have just mis-named the empty, or the location can be derived based on other markers em= GetOrCreateEmpty(err[2]) else: abort() #abend if DEBUG==100: status("Nodes Updated") return nodes #nodes may be updated def makeBones(arm,nodes): debug(20,"Making %i edit bones" % len(nodes)) for node in nodes: bone= Blender.Armature.Editbone() bone.name= node.name arm.bones[bone.name]= bone #add it to the armature debug(50,"Bone added: %s" % bone) if bone.name <> node.name: debug(0,"ERROR: duplicate node % name specified" % node.name) node.name= bone.name #you may not get what you asked for if node.parent!="": #parent debug(60,"Bone parent: %s"%node.parent) bone.parent= arm.bones[node.parent] bone.options = [Armature.CONNECTED] #compute head = average of the reference empties if node.headMark==[]: # no head explicitly stated, must be tail of parent for parnode in nodes: if node.parent==parnode.name: break node.headMark= parnode.tailMark node.head= parnode.tail else: node.head= comp_loc(node.headMark) #node head is specified, probably only for root. bone.head= node.head debug(60,"%s bone head: (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)" % (bone.name,bone.head.x, bone.head.y, bone.head.z)) mylen=comp_len(node.headMark,node.tailMark) # length of the bone as it was recorded for that person # for our T position, compute the bone length, add it to the head vector component to get the tail if node.vec[0]=="-": mylen=-mylen debug(80,"Bone vector %s length %0.2f" %(node.vec,mylen)) node.tail= Vector(node.head) myvec=node.vec[1].lower() if myvec=="x": node.tail.x+=mylen elif myvec=="y": node.tail.y+=mylen elif myvec=="z": node.tail.z+=mylen else: debug(0,"%s %s %s %s" % (node.vec,myvec,node.vec[0],node.vec[1])) error("ERROR IN BONE SPEC ") bone.tail= node.tail debug(60,"Bone tail: (%i,%i,%i)" %(bone.tail.x, bone.tail.y, bone.tail.z)) #Armature created in the T postion, but with bone lengths to match the marker set and subject #when this is constrained to the markers, the recorded action will be relative to a know Rotation #so that all recorded actions should be interchangeable. wooot! #Only have to adjust starting object loc when matching up actions. return #arm #updated def makeConstLoc(pbone,const): const_new= pbone.constraints.append(Constraint.Type.COPYLOC) const_new.name = const[0]+"-"+const[1] const_target=Blender.Object.Get(const[1]) const_new[BCS.TARGET]= const_target const_new.influence = const[2] return def makeConstLimRot(pbone,const): const_new= pbone.constraints.append(Constraint.Type.LIMITROT) const_new.name = const[0]+"-"+const[1] for axis in const[1]: if axis.lower()=="x": const_new[BCS.LIMIT] |= BCS.LIMIT_XROT #set if axis.lower()=="y": const_new[BCS.LIMIT] |= BCS.LIMIT_YROT #set if axis.lower()=="z": const_new[BCS.LIMIT] |= BCS.LIMIT_ZROT #set const_new[BCS.OWNERSPACE]= BCS.SPACE_LOCAL const_new.influence = const[2] # fyi, const[Constraint.Settings.LIMIT] &= ~Constraint.Settings.LIMIT_XROT #reset return def makeConstIK(prefix,pbone,const): #Blender 246 only supports one IK Solver per bone, but we might want many, # so we need to create a reference empty named after the bone # that floats between the markers, so the bone can point to it as a singularity myob= GetOrCreateEmpty(prefix+pbone.name) # note that this empty gets all the IK constraints added on myconst= myob.constraints.append(Constraint.Type.COPYLOC) myconst.name=const[0]+"-"+const[1] myconst[Constraint.Settings.TARGET]= Blender.Object.Get(const[1]) myconst.influence = const[2] #point the bone once to the empty via IK success=False for myconst in pbone.constraints: if myconst.type == Constraint.Type.IKSOLVER: success=True if not(success): #add an IK constraint to the bone to point to the empty #print pbone myconst= pbone.constraints.append(Constraint.Type.IKSOLVER) myconst.name = const[1] myconst[BCS.TARGET]= myob myconst.influence = const[2] #const_new[Constraint.Settings.BONE]= ? myconst[BCS.CHAINLEN]= 1 myconst[BCS.USETIP]= True myconst[BCS.STRETCH]= False return def makeConstTT(pbone,const): myconst= pbone.constraints.append(Constraint.Type.TRACKTO) myconst.name=const[0]+"-"+const[1] debug(70,"%s %s" % (myconst,const[3])) myob= GetOrCreateEmpty(const[1]) myconst[BCS.TARGET]= myob myconst.influence = const[2] #const[3] is the Track and the thrird char is the Up indicator myconst[BCS.TRACK]= trackto[const[3][0:2].lower()] myconst[BCS.UP]=trackup[const[3][2].lower()]#up direction myconst[BCS.OWNERSPACE]= BCS.SPACE_LOCAL myconst[BCS.TARGETSPACE]= [BCS.SPACE_LOCAL] if const[3][1]==const[3][2]: debug(0,"WARNING: Track To axis and up axis should not be the same. Constraint is INACTIVE") return def makePoses(prefix,arm_ob,nodes): # pose this armature object based on node requirements #this is constraint-based posing, not hard-keyed posing. #we do constraint-based first so that user can adjust the constraints, possibly smooth/tweak motion # add additional bones or referneces/constraints, before baking to hard keyframes pose= arm_ob.getPose() debug(0,"Posing %s %s" % (arm_ob, pose)) for node in nodes: debug(30, "examining %s" %node) if len(node.const)>0: #constraints for this bone are desired pbone = pose.bones[node.name] debug(40,"Posing bone %s" %pbone) for const in node.const: debug(50,"Constraining %s by %s" %(pbone,const)) if const[0]=="LOC":makeConstLoc(pbone,const) elif const[0]=="IK": makeConstIK(prefix,pbone,const) elif const[0]=="LR": makeConstLimRot(pbone,const) elif const[0]=="TT": makeConstTT(pbone,const) else: error("FATAL: constraint %s not supported" %const[0]) break debug(10, "Posing complete. Cycling pose and edit mode") pose.update() return def make_arm(subject,prefix,markerList, emptyList,marker_set): debug(10,"**************************") debug(00, "**** Making Armature for %s..." % subject) debug(10, "**************************") # copied from bvh import bvh_node_dict2armature; trying to use similar process for further integtration down the road # Add the new armature, nodes= makeNodes(prefix, markerList, emptyList, marker_set) #assume everyone in file uses the same mocap suit # each person in the file may be different height, so each needs their own new armature to match marker location ## obs= Blender.Object.Get() ## success=False ## for ob in obs: ## if ob.name==subject: ## success=True ## if success: ## menu="Human Armature already exists for this subject." ## menu+="%t|Create another in this scene" ## menu+="%l|Start a new scene" ## menu+="%l|Use this armature" ## menusel= Draw.PupMenu(menu) arm= Blender.Armature.New(subject) #make an armature. debug(10,"Created Armature %s" % arm) # Put us into editmode arm.makeEditable() arm.drawType = Armature.OCTAHEDRON makeBones(arm,nodes) scn = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() #add it to the current scene. could create new scenes here as yaf arm_ob= scn.objects.new(arm) #instance it in the scene. this is the new way for 2.46 to instance objects arm_ob.name= subject #name it something like the person it represents arm_ob.layers= LAYERS_ARMOB debug(20,"Instanced Armature %s" % arm_ob) arm.update() #exit editmode. Arm must be instanced as an object before you can save changes or pose it Blender.Redraw() # show the world if DEBUG==100: status("T-Bones made.") makePoses(prefix,arm_ob,nodes) #constrain arm_ob with these markers scn.update(1) #make everyone behave themselves in the scene, and respect the new constraints return arm_ob def setupAnim(StartFrame, EndFrame, VideoFrameRate): debug(100, 'VideoFrameRate is %i' %VideoFrameRate) if VideoFrameRate<1: VideoFrameRate=1 if VideoFrameRate>120: VideoFrameRate=120 # set up anim panel for them context=scn.getRenderingContext() context.startFrame(StartFrame) context.endFrame(EndFrame) context.framesPerSec(int(VideoFrameRate)) Blender.Set("curframe",StartFrame) Blender.Redraw() return def makeCloud(Nmarkers,markerList,StartFrame,EndFrame,Markers): debug(10, "**************************") debug(00, "*** Making Cloud Formation") debug(10, "**************************") empties=[] ipos=[] curvesX=[] curvesY=[] curvesZ=[] debug(0, "%i Markers (empty cloud) will be put on layers %s" % (Nmarkers,LAYERS_MARKER)) # Empty Cloud formation for i in range(Nmarkers): debug(100,"%i marker %s"%(i, markerList[i])) emptyname = markerList[i] # rdw: to use meaningful names from Points parameter em= GetOrCreateEmpty(emptyname) #in this scene #make a list of the actual empty empties.append(em) #assign it an ipo with the loc xyz curves lipo = Ipo.New("Object",em.name) ipos.append(lipo) curvesX.append(GetOrCreateCurve(ipos[i],'LocX')) curvesY.append(GetOrCreateCurve(ipos[i],'LocY')) curvesZ.append(GetOrCreateCurve(ipos[i],'LocZ')) empties[i].setIpo(ipos[i]) debug(30,"Cloud of %i empties created." % len(empties)) NvideoFrames= EndFrame-StartFrame+1 debug(10, "**************************") debug(00, "**** Calculating Marker Ipo Curves over %i Frames ..." % NvideoFrames) debug(10, "**************************") err= index=0 #number of errors, logical frame for frame in range(StartFrame,EndFrame+1): if index==0: start=sys.time() elif index==100: tmp=(NvideoFrames-100)*(sys.time()-start)/6000 debug(0,"%i minutes process time estimated" % tmp) elif index >100: print index*100/(NvideoFrames-1),"% complete\r", for i in range(Nmarkers): if Markers[index][i].z < 0: Markers[index][i].z= -Markers[index][i].z success=True if CLEAN: #check for good data # C3D marker decoding may have coordinates negative (improper sign bit decoding?) myX= abs(Markers[index][i].x) myY= abs(Markers[index][i].y) myZ= Markers[index][i].z if myX > 10000 or myY > 10000 or myZ > 10000: success=False if myX <.01 and myY <.01 and myZ <.01: success=False # discontinuity in marker tracking (lost marker) if success: curvesX[i].append((frame, Markers[index][i].x)) #2.46 knot method curvesY[i].append((frame, Markers[index][i].y)) curvesZ[i].append((frame, Markers[index][i].z)) if frame==StartFrame: debug(40, "%s loc frame %i: (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)" % (markerList[i],frame,Markers[index][i].x,Markers[index][i].y,Markers[index][i].z)) else: err+=1 # some files have thousands... #debug(30,"Point ignored for marker:%s frame %i: (%i, %i, %i)" % (markerList[i],frame,Markers[index][i].x,Markers[index][i].y,Markers[index][i].z)) index += 1 debug(70, "%i points ignored across all markers and frames. Recalculating..." % err) for i in range(Nmarkers): curvesX[i].Recalc() curvesY[i].Recalc() curvesZ[i].Recalc() Blender.Set('curframe', StartFrame) Blender.Redraw() if DEBUG==100: status("Clound formed") return empties def getNumber(str, length): if length==2: # unsigned short return struct.unpack('H',str[0:2])[0], str[2:] sum = 0 for i in range(length): #sum = (sum << 8) + ord(str[i]) for big endian sum = sum + ord(str[i])*(2**(8*i)) return sum, str[length:] def unpackFloat(chunk,proctype): #print proctype myvar=chunk[0:4] if proctype==2: #DEC-VAX myvar=chunk[2:4]+chunk[0:2] #swap lo=hi word order pair return struct.unpack('f',myvar[0:4])[0] def getFloat(chunk,proctype): return unpackFloat(chunk, proctype), chunk[4:] def parseFloat(chunk,ptr,proctype): return unpackFloat(chunk[ptr:ptr+4], proctype), ptr+4 def load_c3d(FullFileName): # Input: FullFileName - file (including path) to be read # # Variable: # Markers 3D-marker data [Nmarkers x NvideoFrames x Ndim(=3)] # VideoFrameRate Frames/sec # AnalogSignals Analog signals [Nsignals x NanalogSamples ] # AnalogFrameRate Samples/sec # Event Event(Nevents).time ..value ..name # ParameterGroup ParameterGroup(Ngroups).Parameters(Nparameters).data ..etc. # CameraInfo MarkerRelated CameraInfo [Nmarkers x NvideoFrames] # ResidualError MarkerRelated ErrorInfo [Nmarkers x NvideoFrames] Markers=[]; VideoFrameRate=120; AnalogSignals=[]; AnalogFrameRate=0; Event=[]; ParameterGroups=[]; CameraInfo=[]; ResidualError=[]; debug(10, "*********************") debug(10, "**** Opening File ***") debug(10, "*********************") #ind=findstr(FullFileName,'\'); #if ind>0, FileName=FullFileName(ind(length(ind))+1:length(FullFileName)); else FileName=FullFileName; end debug(0, "FileName = " + FullFileName) fid=open(FullFileName,'rb'); # native format (PC-intel). ideasman says maybe rU content = fid.read(); content_memory = content #Header section NrecordFirstParameterblock, content = getNumber(content,1) # Reading record number of parameter section key, content = getNumber(content,1) if key!=80: error('File: does not comply to the C3D format') fid.close() return #Paramter section content = content[512*(NrecordFirstParameterblock-1)+1:] # first word ignored #file format spec says that 3rd byte=NumberofParmaterRecords... but is ignored here. proctype,content =getNumber(content,1) proctype = proctype-83 proctypes= ["unknown","(INTEL-PC)","(DEC-VAX)","(MIPS-SUN/SGI)"] if proctype in (1,2): debug(0, "Processor coding %s"%proctypes[proctype]) elif proctype==3: debug(0,"Program untested with %s"%proctypes[proctype]) else: debug(0, "INVALID processor type %i"%proctype) proctype=1 debug(0,"OVERRIDE processor type %i"%proctype) #if proctype==2, # fclose(fid); # fid=fopen(FullFileName,'r','d'); % DEC VAX D floating point and VAX ordering #end debug(10, "***********************") debug(00, "**** Reading Header ***") debug(10, "***********************") # ############################################### # ## ## # ## read header ## # ## ## # ############################################### #%NrecordFirstParameterblock=fread(fid,1,'int8'); % Reading record number of parameter section #%key1=fread(fid,1,'int8'); % key = 80; content = content_memory #fseek(fid,2,'bof'); content = content[2:] # Nmarkers, content=getNumber(content, 2) NanalogSamplesPerVideoFrame, content = getNumber(content, 2) StartFrame, content = getNumber(content, 2) EndFrame, content = getNumber(content, 2) MaxInterpolationGap, content = getNumber(content, 2) Scale, content = getFloat(content,proctype) NrecordDataBlock, content = getNumber(content, 2) NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame, content = getNumber(content, 2) if NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame > 0: NanalogChannels=NanalogSamplesPerVideoFrame/NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame else: NanalogChannels=0 VideoFrameRate, content = getFloat(content,proctype) AnalogFrameRate=VideoFrameRate*NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame NvideoFrames = EndFrame - StartFrame + 1 debug(0, "Scale= %0.2f" %Scale) debug(0, "NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame= %i" %NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame) debug(0, "Video Frame Rate= %i" %VideoFrameRate) debug(0, "AnalogFrame Rate= %i"%AnalogFrameRate) debug(0, "# markers= %i" %Nmarkers) debug(0, "StartFrame= %i" %StartFrame) debug(0, "EndFrame= %i" %EndFrame) debug(0, "# Video Frames= %i" %NvideoFrames) if Scale>0: debug(0, "Marker data is in integer format") if Scale>(XYZ_LIMIT/32767): Scale=XYZ_LIMIT/32767.0 debug(0, "OVERRIDE: Max coordinate is %i, Scale changed to %0.2f" % (XYZ_LIMIT,Scale)) else: debug(0, "Marker data is in floating point format") if VideoFrameRate<1 or VideoFrameRate>120: VideoFrameRate= 120 debug(0, "OVERRIDE Video Frame Rate= %i" %VideoFrameRate) if proctype not in (1,2): # Intel, DEC are known good debug(0, "OVERRIDE|Program not tested with this encoding. Set to Intel") proctype= 1 debug(10, "***********************") debug(10, "**** Reading Events ...") debug(10, "***********************") content = content_memory content = content[298:] #bizarre .. ce devrait être 150 selon la doc rdw skips first 299 bytes? EventIndicator, content = getNumber(content, 2) EventTime=[] EventValue=[] EventName=[] debug(0, "Event Indicator = %i" %EventIndicator) if EventIndicator==12345: #rdw: somehow, this original code seems fishy, but I cannot deny it. Nevents, content = getNumber(content, 2) debug(0, "Nevents= %i" %Nevents) content = content[2:] if Nevents>0: for i in range(Nevents): letime, content = getFloat(content,proctype) EventTime.append(letime) content = content_memory content = content[188*2:] for i in range(Nevents): lavalue, content = getNumber(content, 1) EventValue.append(lavalue) content = content_memory content = content[198*2:] for i in range(Nevents): lenom = content[0:4] content = content[4:] EventName.append(lenom) debug(00, "***************************") debug(00, "**** Reading Parameters ...") debug(10, "***************************") subjects=[] # a name would be nice, but human will do prefixes=[] # added on to mocap marker names, one for each subject marker_subjects = [] # hopefully will be specified in the file and known to this program markerList=[] ParameterGroups = [] ParameterNumberIndex = [] content = content_memory content = content[512*(NrecordFirstParameterblock-1):] dat1, content = getNumber(content, 1) key2, content = getNumber(content, 1) NparameterRecords, content = getNumber(content, 1) debug(100, "NparameterRecords=%i"%NparameterRecords) proctype,content =getNumber(content,1) proctype = proctype-83 # proctype: 1(INTEL-PC); 2(DEC-VAX); 3(MIPS-SUN/SGI) for i in range(NparameterRecords): leparam = ParameterGroup(None, None, []) ParameterGroups.append(leparam) ParameterNumberIndex.append(0) # Ncharacters, content = getNumber(content, 1) if Ncharacters>=128: Ncharacters = -(2**8)+(Ncharacters) GroupNumber, content = getNumber(content, 1) if GroupNumber>=128: GroupNumber = -(2**8)+(GroupNumber) debug(80,"GroupNumber = %i, Nchar=%i" %(GroupNumber,Ncharacters)) while Ncharacters > 0: if GroupNumber<0: GroupNumber=abs(GroupNumber) GroupName = content[0:Ncharacters] content = content[Ncharacters:] #print "Group Number = ", GroupNumber ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].name = GroupName #print "ParameterGroupName =", GroupName offset, content = getNumber(content, 2) deschars, content = getNumber(content, 1) GroupDescription = content[0:deschars] content = content[deschars:] ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].description = GroupDescription # ParameterNumberIndex[GroupNumber]=0 content = content[offset-3-deschars:] else: ParameterNumberIndex[GroupNumber]=ParameterNumberIndex[GroupNumber]+1 ParameterNumber=ParameterNumberIndex[GroupNumber] #print "ParameterNumber=", ParameterNumber ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter.append(Parameter(None, None, [], [], None)) ParameterName = content[0:Ncharacters] content = content[Ncharacters:] #print "ParameterName = ",ParameterName if len(ParameterName)>0: ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].name=ParameterName offset, content = getNumber(content, 2) filepos = len(content_memory)-len(content) nextrec = filepos+offset-2 type, content=getNumber(content, 1) if type>=128: type = -(2**8)+type ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].type=type dimnum, content=getNumber(content, 1) if dimnum == 0: datalength = abs(type) else: mult=1 dimension=[] for j in range (dimnum): ladim, content = getNumber(content, 1) dimension.append(ladim) mult=mult*dimension[j] ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].dim.append(dimension[j]) datalength = abs(type)*mult #print "ParameterNumber = ", ParameterNumber, " Group Number = ", GroupNumber if type==-1: data = "" wordlength=dimension[0] if dimnum==2 and datalength>0: for j in range(dimension[1]): data=string.rstrip(content[0:wordlength]) content = content[wordlength:] ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data.append(data) elif dimnum==1 and datalength>0: data=content[0:wordlength] ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data.append(data) # ??? myParam=string.rstrip(ParameterName) myGroup=string.rstrip(GroupName) msg= "-%s-%s-" % (myGroup,myParam) if myGroup == "POINT": if myParam== "LABELS": # named in form of subject:marker. # the list "empties" is a corresponding list of actual empty object names that make up the cloud markerList= ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data debug(0, "%sLABELS = %i %s" %(msg, len(markerList),markerList)) #list of logical markers from 0 to n corresponding to points elif myParam== "LABELS2": #more labels # named in form of subject:marker. # the list "empties" is a corresponding list of actual empty object names that make up the cloud momarkList= ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data markerList+=momarkList debug(0, "%sLABELS2 = %i %s" %(msg, len(momarkList),momarkList)) #list of logical markers from 0 to n corresponding to points else: debug(70, "%s UNUSED = %s" %(msg,ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data)) elif myGroup in ["SUBJECT", "SUBJECTS"]: #info about the actor if myParam in ["NAME", "NAMES"]: subjects= ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data debug(0, "%sNames of Subjects = %s" %(msg, subjects)) # might be useful in naming armatures for i in range(len(subjects)): subjects[i]=subjects[i].rstrip() if subjects[i]=="": subjects[i]="Human" elif myParam == "LABEL_PREFIXES": prefixes = ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data debug(0, "%sMarker Prefixes = %s" %(msg, prefixes)) # to xlate marker name to that in file for i in range(len(prefixes)): prefixes[i]=prefixes[i].rstrip() elif myParam== "MARKER_SETS": marker_subjects= ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data debug(0, "%sMarker Set = %s"%(msg, marker_subjects)) # marker set that each subject was wearing elif myParam== "MODEL_PARAM": action= ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data debug(0, "%sModel Paramter = %s"%(msg,action)) # might be a good name for the blender scene elif myParam== "LABELS": # named in form of subject:marker. # the list "empties" is a corresponding list of actual empty object names that make up the cloud markerList= ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data debug(0, "%sLABELS = %i %s"%(msg, len(markerList),markerList)) #list of logical markers from 0 to n corresponding to points else: debug(70, "%sUNUSED = %s"%(msg, ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data)) else: debug(70, "%sUNUSED = %s"%(msg, ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data)) elif type == 1: debug(100,"Block type %i is largely unsupported and untested."%type) data = [] Nparameters=datalength/abs(type) debug(100, "Nparameters=%i"%Nparameters) for i in range(Nparameters): ladata,content = getNumber(content, 1) data.append(ladata) ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data=data #print ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data #print "type boolean" elif type == 2 and datalength>0: debug(100,"Block type %i is largely unsupported and untested."%type) data = [] Nparameters=datalength/abs(type) debug(100, "Nparameters=%i"%Nparameters) for i in range(Nparameters): ladata,content = getNumber(content, 2) data.append(ladata) #ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data=data if dimnum>1: #???? print "arg je comprends pas" ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data=data #???ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data=reshape(data,dimension) else: ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data=data #print ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data #pass #print "type integer" elif type == 4 and datalength>0: debug(100,"Block type %i is largely unsupported and untested."%type) data = [] Nparameters=datalength/abs(type) debug(100, "Nparameters=%i"%Nparameters) for i in range(Nparameters): ladata,content = getFloat(content,proctype) data.append(ladata) if dimnum>1: ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data=data #print "arg je comprends pas" #???ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data=reshape(data,dimension) else: ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data=data #print ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].data else: debug(100,"Block type %i is largely unsupported and untested."%type) #print "error" pass deschars, content= getNumber(content, 1) if deschars>0: description = content[0:deschars] content = content[deschars:] ParameterGroups[GroupNumber].parameter[ParameterNumber-1].description=description content = content_memory content = content[nextrec:] Ncharacters,content = getNumber(content, 1) if Ncharacters>=128: Ncharacters = -(2**8)+(Ncharacters) GroupNumber,content = getNumber(content, 1) if GroupNumber>=128: GroupNumber = -(2**8)+(GroupNumber) debug(80,"GroupNumber = %i, Nchar=%i" %(GroupNumber,Ncharacters)) debug(00, "***************************") debug(00, "**** Examining Parameters ...") debug(10, "***************************") if len(subjects)==0: subjects=["Test"] #well, somebody got mocapped! for i in range(0, len(subjects)-len(prefixes)): prefixes.append("") for i in range(0, len(subjects)-len(marker_subjects)): marker_subjects.append(subjects[i]) #make a markerlist if they didn't debug(0, "%i Markers specified, %i marker names supplied" %(Nmarkers,len(markerList))) if len(markerList)==0: debug(0, "File missing any POINT LABELS marker list. Making defaults") #I guess just make cloud of empty.xxx if len(markerList)XYZ_LIMIT or abs(myy)>XYZ_LIMIT or abs(myz)>XYZ_LIMIT: err+=1 if err>100: debug(0, "Warning: 100 data points for markers seem way out there") debug(0, "data read: (%i, %i, %i)" %(x,y,z)) debug(0, "Consider revising Scale %0.2f" % Scale) debug(0, "which now givs coordinates: (%i, %i, %i)" %(x*Scale,y*Scale,z*Scale)) err=-0 if abs(myx)>XYZ_LIMIT: myx= XYZ_LIMIT*myx/abs(myx) #preserve sign if abs(myy)>XYZ_LIMIT: myy= XYZ_LIMIT*myy/abs(myy) #preserve sign if abs(myz)>XYZ_LIMIT: myz= XYZ_LIMIT*myz/abs(myz) #preserve sign Markers[i][j].x = myx Markers[i][j].y = myy Markers[i][j].z = myz a,ptr_read = parseFloat(content, ptr_read, proctype) a = int(a) highbyte = int(a/256) lowbyte=a-highbyte*256 CameraInfo[i][j] = highbyte ResidualError[i][j] = lowbyte*abs(Scale) #Monitor marker location to ensure data block is being parsed properly if j==0: debug(90,"Frame %i loc of %s: (%i, %i, %i)" % (i,markerList[j],myx,myy,myz)) if i==0: debug(50, "Initial loc of %s: (%i, %i, %i)" % (markerList[j],myx,myy,myz)) ptr_read+=residuals #skip over the following #for j in range (NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame): # for k in range(NanalogChannels): # val, content = getNumber(content, 2) # AnalogSignals[j+NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame*(i)][k]=val #??? i-1 #else # for i=1:NvideoFrames # for j=1:Nmarkers # Markers(i,j,1:3)=fread(fid,3,'int16')'.*Scale; # ResidualError(i,j)=fread(fid,1,'int8'); # CameraInfo(i,j)=fread(fid,1,'int8'); # end # waitbar(i/NvideoFrames) # for j=1:NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame, # AnalogSignals(j+NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame*(i-1),1:NanalogChannels)=... # fread(fid,NanalogChannels,'int16')'; # end # end #end else: #Scale is positive, but should be <1 to scale down, like 0.05 two16= -2**16 if len(content) < NvideoFrames*(Nmarkers*(6+2)+residuals): error("%i bytes is not enough data for |%i frames|%i markers|%i residual" %(len(content),NvideoFrames,Nmarkers,residuals)) #Note: I really tried to optimize this loop, since it was taking hours to process for i in range(NvideoFrames): if i==0: start=sys.time() elif i==10: tmp=(sys.time()-start)*NvideoFrames/600 debug(0,"%i minutes remaining..." % tmp) else: print "%i percent complete. On Frame %i Points procesed: %i\r" % (i*100/NvideoFrames,i,i*Nmarkers), for j in range(Nmarkers): #x, content = getNumber(content,2) # this is old skool signed int, not but not a short. x = ord(content[ptr_read+0]) + (ord(content[ptr_read+1])<<8) if x>32768: x+=two16 y = ord(content[ptr_read+2]) + (ord(content[ptr_read+3])<<8) if y>32768: y+=two16 z = ord(content[ptr_read+4]) + (ord(content[ptr_read+5])<<8) if z>32768: z+=two16 ## ## x = ord(content[ptr_read]) + ord(content[ptr_read+1])*(2**8) ## ptr_read+=2 ## if x > 32768: ## x=-(2**16)+(x) ## #y, content = getNumber(content,2) ## y = ord(content[ptr_read]) + ord(content[ptr_read+1])*(2**8) ## ptr_read+=2 ## if y > 32768: ## y=-(2**16)+(y) ## #z, content = getNumber(content,2) ## z = ord(content[ptr_read]) + ord(content[ptr_read+1])*(2**8) ## ptr_read+=2 ## if z > 32768: ## z=-(2**16)+(z) ## ## print "(%i=%i, %i=%i, %i=%i)" %(x,myx,y,myy,z,myz) # for integers, I changed Scale above to avoid getting impossible numbers Markers[i][j].x = x*Scale Markers[i][j].y = y*Scale Markers[i][j].z = z*Scale ## ResidualError[i][j], content = getNumber(content, 1) ## CameraInfo[i][j], content = getNumber(content, 1) #try to improve performance by: ResidualError[i][j]= ord(content[ptr_read+6]) CameraInfo[i][j]= ord(content[ptr_read+7]) content= content[ptr_read+8:] ptr_read=0 if j==0: debug(100,"Frame %i loc of %s: %s" % (i,markerList[j],Markers[i][j])) if i==0: debug(50, "Initial loc of %s: (%s)" % (markerList[j],Markers[i][j])) #for j in range (NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame): # for k in range(NanalogChannels): # val, content = getNumber(content, 2) #AnalogSignals(j+NanalogFramesPerVideoFrame*(i-1),1:NanalogChannels)=val ptr_read= residuals # skip over the above print "\ndone with file." fid.close() cloud= makeCloud(Nmarkers,markerList,StartFrame,EndFrame,Markers) setupAnim(StartFrame, EndFrame,VideoFrameRate) debug(10, "**************************") debug(00, "**** Making %i Armatures" % len(subjects)) debug(10, "**************************") for i in range(len(subjects)): marker_set= marker_subjects[i] success=False if len(marker_set)>0: for trymark in MARKER_SETS: if trymark[0:len(marker_set)]==marker_set: marker_set=trymark success=True if success: debug(0, "Armature for %s will be put on layers %s" % (subjects[i],LAYERS_ARMOB)) debug(0, " based on an markers beginning with %s" % prefixes[i]) ob= make_arm(subjects[i],prefixes[i],markerList,cloud,marker_set) else: debug(00, "Presently, this program can automatically create a constrained armature for marker sets %s" % MARKER_SETS) debug(00, "%s uses an unknown marker set %s" % (subjects[i],marker_set)) debug(10, "Have a nice day! If you figure out an armature node system for this cloud, please add it to the program.") debug(10, "**************************") debug(00, "**** Conclusion") minmax=[0,0,0,0,0,0] for i in range(NvideoFrames): for j in range(Nmarkers): if minmax[0]>Markers[i][j].x: minmax[0]=Markers[i][j].x if minmax[1]>Markers[i][j].y: minmax[1]=Markers[i][j].y if minmax[2]>Markers[i][j].z: minmax[2]=Markers[i][j].z if minmax[3]