# -*- coding: latin-1 -*- """ SVG 2 OBJ translater, 0.5.9h Copyright (c) jm soler juillet/novembre 2004-april 2007, # --------------------------------------------------------------- released under GNU Licence for the Blender 2.42 Python Scripts Bundle. Ce programme est libre, vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou le modifier selon les termes de la Licence Publique Générale GNU publiée par la Free Software Foundation (version 2 ou bien toute autre version ultérieure choisie par vous). Ce programme est distribué car potentiellement utile, mais SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE, ni explicite ni implicite, y compris les garanties de commercialisation ou d'adaptation dans un but spécifique. Reportez-vous à la Licence Publique Générale GNU pour plus de détails. Vous devez avoir reçu une copie de la Licence Publique Générale GNU en même temps que ce programme ; si ce n'est pas le cas, écrivez à la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, États-Unis. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # --------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Page officielle : # http://jmsoler.free.fr/didacticiel/blender/tutor/cpl_import_svg.htm # http://jmsoler.free.fr/didacticiel/blender/tutor/cpl_import_svg_en.htm # Communiquer les problemes et erreurs sur: # http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/newsportal/thread.php?group=3D.Blender #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Old Concept : translate SVG file in GEO .obj file and try to load it. was removed for the Blender 2.4x release. .-- Curiousity : the original matrix must be : | | 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 | 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 | | and not: | 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 | '-- Possible bug : sometime, the new curves object's RotY value jumps to -90.0 degrees without any reason. --Options : SHARP_IMPORT = 0 choise between "As is", "Devide by height" and "Devide by width" SHARP_IMPORT = 1 no choise All commands are managed: M : absolute move to Z : close path L : absolute line to C : absolute curve to S : absolute curve to with only one handle H : absolute horizontal line to V : absolute vertical line to l : relative line to 2004/08/03 c : relative curve to 2004/08/03 s : relative curve to with only one handle h : relative horizontal line to v : relative vertical line to A : curve_to_a, V : draw_line_v, H : draw_line_h, Z : close_z, Q : curve_to_q, T : curve_to_t, a : curve_to_a, v : draw_line_v, h : draw_line_h, z : close_z, q : curve_to_q, transfrom for tag transform for tag The circle, rectangle closed or open polygons lines are managed too. Changelog: 0.1.1 : - control file without extension 0.2.0 : - improved reading of several data of the same type following the same command (for gimp import) 0.2.1 : - better choice for viewboxing ( takes the viewbox if found, instead of x,y,width and height 0.2.2 : - read compact path data from Illustrator 10 0.2.3 : - read a few new relative displacements 0.2.4 : - better hash for command followed by a lone data (h,v) or uncommun number (a) 0.2.5 : - correction for gimp import 0.2.6 : - correction for illustrator 10 SVG 0.2.7 : - correction for inskape 0.40 cvs SVG 0.2.8 : - correction for inskape plain SVG 0.3 : - reading of the transform properties added : translate 0.3.1 : - compatibility restored with gimp 0.3.2 : - transform properties added (june, 15-16): scale, rotate, matrix, skew - added a test on __name__ to load the script outside from the blender menu 0.3.3 : - matrix transform content control 0.3.4 : - paths data reading rewritten (19/06/05) 0.3.5 : - test on empty curve (22/06/05) - removed overlayed points 0.3.6 : - rewriting of the bezier point contruction to correct a problem in the connection between L type point and C or S type point 0.3.7 : - code correction for bezier knot in Curveto command when the command close a path 0.3.8 : - code was aded to manage quadratic bezier, Q,q command and T,t commands, as a normal blender's bezier point - The last modications does not work with gimp 2.0 svg export . corrected too . 0.3.9 : - Path's A,a command for ellipse's arc . 0.4.0 : - To speed up the function filter_DATA was removed and text variables are changed into numeric variables 0.4.1 : - svg, groups and shapes hierarchy added - now transform properties are computed using a stack with all parented groups - removed or replaced useless functions : - skewY, skewX transforms - radians in rotate transform 0.4.2 : - Added functon to translate others shapes in path rect, line, polyline, polygon 0.4.3 : - various corrections text font (id property exported by Adobe Illustrator are between coma) function to code s tag has been rewritten 0.4.4 : - various corrections to oblige the script to understand a line feed just after a tag . Rarely encountered problem, but it exits in a svg file format exported by a outliner script for mesh . 0.4.5 : - update for CVS only, at least blender 2.38 and upper no BezTriple module in older version added a createCURVES function to avoid to use the OBJ format export/import . Perhaps problems with cyclic curves . If a closed curve does not appear closed in blender, enter edit mode select all knot with Akey, do a Hkey to set handle type (without this the knot are recalculated) , and finally use the Ckey to close the curve . Should work ... not guaranted . 0.4.6 : - cyclic flag ... 0.4.7 : - Management of the svgz files . the complete python or the gzip.py file is needed . Little improvement of the curve drawing using the createCURVES function 0.4.8 : - short modif for a fantasy font case in the OOo svg format ('viewbox' is written 'viewBox', for instance) . Note that (at this time, 2006/05/01, 1OOo exports in svg but does not read its own export 0.4.9 : - skipped version : private test 0.5.0 : - the script worked perfectly with Blender 2.41 but in Blender 2.42, use the original svg name file + 'OOO.obj' to write a videoscape file made blender crash under window XP when the script loaded it . Curiously, use a more simple name with a sole 'O' solved this problem . - script returned errors on open path : corrected - in b2.42, several successive imports seem to be added to the same original curve . So now the script automaticaly renames the last group of imported curve with the original name file . 0.5.1 : - without join option in the internal curve creation function 0.5.2 : - the createCURVES() function has been cleanded . Now it works fine but all bezier curves are joined in the same curve object . 0.5.3 : - removed two things : 1/ the ajustement function to increase speed . 35 % faster : 5690 curves and 30254 points in 11 seconds . User should do a ctrl-a on the object . 2/ the import method menu . No reason to choose between the old extern curve creat and the new intern curve creation this last one is largely faster . 0.5.4 : - translation of the functions' name + improvment in the dict lookup . Quite 15% faster . 9.75 seconds instead of 11 to load the file test . A test was also added to find the fill style so now the script closes these curves even if they are not defined as closed in the strict path commands . The old non used functions have been completely removed . 0.5.5 : - Modifs for architect users . 0.5.6 : - Exec was removed from the collect_ATTRIBUTS function . Other uses was evaluated. 0.5.7 : - Wash down of some handle problems. 0.5.8 : - 2007/3/9 Wash down of the last exec and correction of a problem with the curve's first beztriple handle which was not recorded at first time . - Added some units managements - Correction of the rotate matrix - Correction of the skew matrix - change in the wash_DATA function suggested by cambo - added __slot__ in class Bez, ITEM and CURVE suggested by cambo - remove unused properties in class ITEM and CURVE 0.5.9 : - 2007/3/28 - many improvements for faster and clearer code suggested by cambo and martin. replacement of "%s" statement by str function. - correction of an error in the scale transform management - correction in the management of the stack transformation that rise an error under python 2.5 but curiously not with python 2.4 0.5.9a : - 2007/3/29 - Again a lot of minors corrections - Backward to 0.5.8 of the function that manages float numbers exported by the Adobe Illustrator's SVG. After a lot of tests it seems that this oldest version is also faster too . - correction (bad) on handle management with V and H commands. 0.5.9b : - 2007/3/31 - one or two minor corrections - now the new object curve is added in the current layer. - short modif in the scale menu... 0.5.9d : - 2007/4/5 - when a svg file containts several curves they can be imported in separate object. - managment of paths' name when paths are imported as separate curves. - a menu was added to select between separate or joined curves - management of colors 0.5.9e : - 2007/4/7 - corrected a scale problem that only appears when one uses beveldepth - in separate curve option, name is also given to the curve data - added the list of svg's color names (147) and modified the color's method to work with. 0.5.9h : - 2007/5/2 - script was updated with the modifs by cambo - removed all debug statements - correction of a zero division error in the calc_arc function. ================================================================================== ==================================================================================""" SHARP_IMPORT=0 SCALE=1 scale_=1 DEBUG = 0#print DEVELOPPEMENT=0 TESTCOLOR=0 LAST_ID='' LAST_COLOR=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] SEPARATE_CURVES=0 USE_COLORS=0 SVGCOLORNAMELIST={ 'aliceblue':[240, 248, 255] ,'antiquewhite':[250, 235, 215] ,'aqua':[ 0, 255, 255], 'aquamarine':[127, 255, 212] ,'azure':[240, 255, 255], 'beige':[245, 245, 220] ,'bisque':[255, 228, 196], 'black':[ 0, 0, 0] ,'blanchedalmond':[255, 235, 205] ,'blue':[ 0, 0, 255] ,'blueviolet':[138, 43, 226],'brown':[165, 42, 42] ,'burlywood':[222, 184, 135],'cadetblue':[ 95, 158, 160] ,'chartreuse':[127, 255, 0] ,'chocolate':[210, 105, 30] ,'coral':[255, 127, 80],'cornflowerblue':[100, 149, 237] ,'cornsilk':[255, 248, 220],'crimson':[220, 20, 60] ,'cyan':[ 0, 255, 255],'darkblue':[ 0, 0, 139] ,'darkcyan':[ 0, 139, 139],'darkgoldenrod':[184, 134, 11] ,'darkgray':[169, 169, 169],'darkgreen':[ 0, 100, 0] ,'darkgrey':[169, 169, 169],'darkkhaki':[189, 183, 107] ,'darkmagenta':[139, 0, 139],'darkolivegreen':[ 85, 107, 47] ,'darkorange':[255, 140, 0],'darkorchid':[153, 50, 204] ,'darkred':[139, 0, 0],'darksalmon':[233, 150, 122] ,'darkseagreen':[143, 188, 143],'darkslateblue':[ 72, 61, 139] ,'darkslategray':[ 47, 79, 79],'darkslategrey':[ 47, 79, 79] ,'darkturquoise':[ 0, 206, 209],'darkviolet':[148, 0, 211] ,'deeppink':[255, 20, 147],'deepskyblue':[ 0, 191, 255] ,'dimgray':[105, 105, 105],'dimgrey':[105, 105, 105] ,'dodgerblue':[ 30, 144, 255],'firebrick':[178, 34, 34] ,'floralwhite':[255, 250, 240],'forestgreen':[ 34, 139, 34] ,'fuchsia':[255, 0, 255],'gainsboro':[220, 220, 220] ,'ghostwhite':[248, 248, 255],'gold':[255, 215, 0] ,'goldenrod':[218, 165, 32],'gray':[128, 128, 128] ,'grey':[128, 128, 128],'green':[ 0, 128, 0] ,'greenyellow':[173, 255, 47],'honeydew':[240, 255, 240] ,'hotpink':[255, 105, 180],'indianred':[205, 92, 92] ,'indigo':[ 75, 0, 130],'ivory':[255, 255, 240] ,'khaki':[240, 230, 140],'lavender':[230, 230, 250] ,'lavenderblush':[255, 240, 245],'lawngreen':[124, 252, 0] ,'lemonchiffon':[255, 250, 205],'lightblue':[173, 216, 230] ,'lightcoral':[240, 128, 128],'lightcyan':[224, 255, 255] ,'lightgoldenrodyellow':[250, 250, 210],'lightgray':[211, 211, 211] ,'lightgreen':[144, 238, 144],'lightgrey':[211, 211, 211] ,'lightpink':[255, 182, 193],'lightsalmon':[255, 160, 122] ,'lightseagreen':[ 32, 178, 170],'lightskyblue':[135, 206, 250] ,'lightslategray':[119, 136, 153],'lightslategrey':[119, 136, 153] ,'lightsteelblue':[176, 196, 222],'lightyellow':[255, 255, 224] ,'lime':[ 0, 255, 0],'limegreen':[ 50, 205, 50] ,'linen':[250, 240, 230],'magenta':[255, 0, 255] ,'maroon':[128, 0, 0],'mediumaquamarine':[102, 205, 170] ,'mediumblue':[ 0, 0, 205],'mediumorchid':[186, 85, 211] ,'mediumpurple':[147, 112, 219],'mediumseagreen':[ 60, 179, 113] ,'mediumslateblue':[123, 104, 238],'mediumspringgreen':[ 0, 250, 154] ,'mediumturquoise':[ 72, 209, 204],'mediumvioletred':[199, 21, 133] ,'midnightblue':[ 25, 25, 112],'mintcream':[245, 255, 250] ,'mistyrose':[255, 228, 225],'moccasin':[255, 228, 181] ,'navajowhite':[255, 222, 173],'navy':[ 0, 0, 128] ,'oldlace':[253, 245, 230],'olive':[128, 128, 0] ,'olivedrab':[107, 142, 35],'orange':[255, 165, 0] ,'orangered':[255, 69, 0],'orchid':[218, 112, 214] ,'palegoldenrod':[238, 232, 170],'palegreen':[152, 251, 152] ,'paleturquoise':[175, 238, 238],'palevioletred':[219, 112, 147] ,'papayawhip':[255, 239, 213],'peachpuff':[255, 218, 185] ,'peru':[205, 133, 63],'pink':[255, 192, 203] ,'plum':[221, 160, 221],'powderblue':[176, 224, 230] ,'purple':[128, 0, 128],'red':[255, 0, 0] ,'rosybrown':[188, 143, 143],'royalblue':[ 65, 105, 225] ,'saddlebrown':[139, 69, 19],'salmon':[250, 128, 114] ,'sandybrown':[244, 164, 96],'seagreen':[ 46, 139, 87] ,'seashell':[255, 245, 238],'sienna':[160, 82, 45] ,'silver':[192, 192, 192],'skyblue':[135, 206, 235] ,'slateblue':[106, 90, 205],'slategray':[112, 128, 144] ,'slategrey':[112, 128, 144],'snow':[255, 250, 250] ,'springgreen':[ 0, 255, 127],'steelblue':[ 70, 130, 180] ,'tan':[210, 180, 140],'teal':[ 0, 128, 128] ,'thistle':[216, 191, 216],'tomato':[255, 99, 71] ,'turquoise':[ 64, 224, 208],'violet':[238, 130, 238] ,'wheat':[245, 222, 179],'white':[255, 255, 255] ,'whitesmoke':[245, 245, 245],'yellow':[255, 255, 0] ,'yellowgreen':[154, 205, 50]} import sys from math import cos,sin,tan, atan2, pi, ceil PI=pi import Blender from Blender import Mathutils try: import nt os=nt os.sep='\\' except: import posix os=posix os.sep='/' def isdir(path): try: st = os.stat(path) return 1 except: return 0 def split(pathname): if os.sep in pathname: k0=pathname.split(os.sep) else: if os.sep=='/': k0=pathname.split('\\') else: k0=pathname.split('/') directory=pathname.replace(k0[len(k0)-1],'') Name=k0[len(k0)-1] return directory, Name def join(l0,l1): return l0+os.sep+l1 os.isdir=isdir os.split=split os.join=join def filterFILE(nom): """ Function filterFILE in : string nom , filename out : string t , if correct filecontaint read the file's content and try to see if the format is correct . Lit le contenu du fichier et en fait une pre-analyse pour savoir s'il merite d'etre traite . """ # ---------- # 0.4.7 # ---------- if nom.upper().endswith('.SVGZ'): try : import gzip tz=gzip.GzipFile(nom) t=tz.read() except: name = "ERROR: fail to import gzip module or gzip error ... " result = Blender.Draw.PupMenu(name) return "false" else: f=open(nom,'rU') t=f.read() f.close() # ---------- # 0.4.7 : end # ---------- # ----------------- # pre-format ... # ----------------- # -------------------- # 0.4.4 '\r','' --> '\r',' ' # '\n','' --> '\n',' ' #-------------------- t=t.replace('\r',' ') t=t.replace('\n',' ') t=t.replace('svg:','') #-------------------- # may be needed in some import case when the # file is saved from a mozilla display #-------------------- t=t.replace(chr(0),'') if not '= 0.0\ and abs(f1[5])-abs(f2[5])< EPSILON and abs(f1[5])-abs(f2[5])>= 0.0 : return 1 else: return 0 #-------------------- # 0.4.5 : for blender cvs 2.38 .... #-------------------- def createCURVES(curves, name): """ internal curves creation """ global SCALE, B, BOUNDINGBOX,scale_, SEPARATE_CURVES global USE_COLORS from Blender import Curve, Object, Scene, BezTriple HANDLE={'C':BezTriple.HandleTypes.FREE,'L':BezTriple.HandleTypes.VECT} r=BOUNDINGBOX['rec'] if scale_==3: SCALE=1.0 elif scale_==1: SCALE=r[2]-r[0] elif scale_==2: SCALE=r[3]-r[1] scene = Scene.GetCurrent() scene.objects.selected = [] if not SEPARATE_CURVES: c = Curve.New() c.setResolu(24) MATNAME=[] nloc=0.0 def new_MATERIAL(val): # ----------------------- # have to create a material #------------------------ if val.matname and val.matname in MATNAME: mat = Blender.Material.Get(val.matname) elif val.matname: mat = Blender.Material.New(val.matname) mat.rgbCol = [val.color[0]/255.0, val.color[1]/255.0, val.color[2]/255.0] else: mat = Blender.Material.New(val.id) mat.rgbCol = [val.color[0]/255.0, val.color[1]/255.0, val.color[2]/255.0] return [mat] for I,val in curves.ITEM.iteritems(): if SEPARATE_CURVES: c = Curve.New() c.setResolu(24) if USE_COLORS and val.mat: c.materials=new_MATERIAL(val) bzn=0 if val.beziers_knot[-1].tag in ['L','l','V','v','H','h'] and\ test_samelocations(val.beziers_knot[-1].co,val.beziers_knot[0].co): del val.beziers_knot[-1] for k2 in xrange(0,len(val.beziers_knot)): bz= [co for co in val.beziers_knot[k2].co] if bzn==0: cp1 = bz[4]/SCALE, bz[5]/-SCALE,0.0, bz[0]/SCALE, bz[1]/-SCALE,0.0, bz[2]/SCALE,bz[3]/-SCALE,0.0, beztriple1 = BezTriple.New(cp1) bez = c.appendNurb(beztriple1) bez[0].handleTypes=(HANDLE[val.beziers_knot[k2].ha[0]],HANDLE[val.beziers_knot[k2].ha[1]]) bzn = 1 else: cp2 = bz[4]/SCALE,bz[5]/-SCALE,0.0 , bz[0]/SCALE, bz[1]/-SCALE,0.0, bz[2]/SCALE,bz[3]/-SCALE,0.0 beztriple2 = BezTriple.New(cp2) beztriple2.handleTypes= (HANDLE[val.beziers_knot[k2].ha[0]],HANDLE[val.beziers_knot[k2].ha[1]]) bez.append(beztriple2) if val.flagUV[0]==1 or val.fill==1: #-------------------- # 0.4.6 : cyclic flag ... #-------------------- bez.flagU += 1 if SEPARATE_CURVES: ob = scene.objects.new(c,val.id) scene.objects.active = ob ob.setLocation(0.0,0.0,nloc) nloc+=0.0001 c.update() if not SEPARATE_CURVES: ob = scene.objects.new(c,name) scene.objects.active = ob c.update() #===================================================================== #===== SVG format : DEBUT ========================= #===================================================================== #-------------------- # 0.5.8, needed with the new # tranform evaluation #-------------------- pxUNIT={'pt':1.25, 'pc':15.0, 'mm':3.543307, 'cm':35.43307, 'in':90.0, 'em':1.0, # should be taken from font size # but not currently managed 'ex':1.0, # should be taken from font size # but not currently managed '%':1.0, } #-------------------- # 0.4.2 # 0.5.8, to remove exec #-------------------- def rect(prp): """ build rectangle paths """ D=[] if 'x' not in prp: x=0.0 else : x=float(prp['x']) if 'y' not in prp: y=0.0 else : y=float(prp['y']) #-------------------- # 0.5.8 #-------------------- try: height=float(prp['height']) except: pxUNIT['%']=(BOUNDINGBOX['rec'][3]-BOUNDINGBOX['rec'][1])/100.0 for key in pxUNIT:#.keys(): if key in prp['height']: height=float(prp['height'].replace(key,''))*pxUNIT[key] try: width=float(prp['width']) except: pxUNIT['%']=(BOUNDINGBOX['rec'][2]-BOUNDINGBOX['rec'][0])/100.0 for key in pxUNIT:#.keys(): if key in prp['width']: width=float(prp['width'].replace(key,''))*pxUNIT[key] #-------------------- # 0.5.8, end #-------------------- """ normal rect x,y h1 *----------* | | | | | | *----------* v1 h2 """ if 'rx' not in prp or 'rx' not in prp: D=['M',str(x),str(y),'h',str(width),'v',str(height),'h',str(-width),'z'] else : rx=float(prp['rx']) if 'ry' not in prp : ry=float(prp['rx']) else : ry=float(prp['ry']) if 'rx' in prp and prp['rx']<0.0: rx*=-1 if 'ry' in prp and prp['ry']<0.0: ry*=-1 """ rounded corner x,y M h1 ---*----------* / \ / \ v2 * * c1 | | | | | | c3 * * v2 \ / \ / *----------* h2 c2 """ D=['M',str(x+rx),str(y), 'h',str(width-2*rx), 'c',str(rx),'0.0',str(rx),str(ry),str(rx),str(ry), 'v',str(height-ry), 'c','0.0',str(ry),str(-rx),str(ry),str(-rx),str(ry), 'h',str(-width+2*rx), 'c',str(-rx),'0.0',str(-rx),str(-ry),str(-rx),str(-ry), 'v',str(-height+ry), 'c','0.0','0.0','0.0',str(-ry),str(rx),str(-ry), 'z'] return D #-------------------- # 0.4.2 # 0.5.8, to remove exec #-------------------- def circle(prp): if 'cx' not in prp: cx=0.0 else : cx =float(prp['cx']) if 'cy' not in prp: cy=0.0 else : cy =float(prp['cy']) #print prp.keys() r = float(prp['r']) D=['M',str(cx),str(cy+r), 'C',str(cx-r), str(cy+r*0.552),str(cx-0.552*r),str(cy+r), str(cx),str(cy+r), 'C',str(cx+r*0.552), str(cy+r), str(cx+r), str(cy+r*0.552), str(cx+r),str(cy), 'C',str(cx+r), str(cy-r*0.552),str(cx+r*0.552),str(cy-r),str(cx), str(cy-r), 'C',str(cx-r*0.552), str(cy-r), str(cx-r), str(cy-r*0.552),str(cx-r),str(cy), 'Z'] return D #-------------------- # 0.4.2 # 0.5.8, to remove exec #-------------------- def ellipse(prp): if 'cx' not in prp: cx=0.0 else : cx =float(prp['cx']) if 'cy' not in prp: cy=0.0 else : cy =float(prp['cy']) ry = float(prp['rx']) rx = float(prp['ry']) D=['M',str(cx),str(cy+rx), 'C',str(cx-ry),str(cy+rx*0.552),str(cx-0.552*ry),str(cy+rx),str(cx),str(cy+rx), 'C',str(cx+ry*0.552),str(cy+rx),str(cx+ry),str(cy+rx*0.552),str(cx+ry),str(cy), 'C',str(cx+ry),str(cy-rx*0.552),str(cx+ry*0.552),str(cy-rx),str(cx),str(cy-rx), 'C',str(cx-ry*0.552),str(cy-rx),str(cx-ry),str(cy-rx*0.552),str(cx-ry),str(cy), 'z'] return D #-------------------- # 0.4.2 # 0.5.8, to remove exec #-------------------- def line(prp): D=['M',str(prp['x1']),str(prp['y1']), 'L',str(prp['x2']),str(prp['y2'])] return D #-------------------- # 0.4.2 # 0.5.8, to remove exec #-------------------- def polyline(prp): if 'points' in prp: points=prp['points'].split(' ') np=0 for p in points: if p!='': p=p.split(',') if np==0: D=['M',str(p[0]),str(p[1])] np+=1 else: D.append('L'); D.append(str(p[0])); D.append(str(p[1])) return D else: return [] #-------------------- # 0.4.2 # 0.5.8, to remove exec #-------------------- def polygon(prp): D=polyline(prp) if D!=[]: D.append('Z') return D #-------------------- # 0.5.8, to remove exec #-------------------- OTHERSSHAPES={ 'rect' : rect, 'line' : line, 'polyline': polyline, 'polygon' : polygon, 'circle' : circle, 'ellipse' : ellipse} #-------------------- # 0.3.9 #-------------------- def calc_arc (cpx,cpy, rx, ry, ang, fa , fs , x, y) : """ Calc arc paths """ rx=abs(rx) ry=abs(ry) px=abs((cos(ang)*(cpx-x)+sin(ang)*(cpy-y))*0.5)**2.0 py=abs((cos(ang)*(cpy-y)-sin(ang)*(cpx-x))*0.5)**2.0 rpx=rpy=0.0 if abs(rx)>0.0: rpx=px/(rx**2.0) if abs(ry)>0.0: rpy=py/(ry**2.0) pl=rpx+rpy if pl>1.0: pl=pl**0.5;rx*=pl;ry*=pl carx=sarx=cary=sary=0.0 if abs(rx)>0.0: carx=cos(ang)/rx;sarx=sin(ang)/rx if abs(ry)>0.0: cary=cos(ang)/ry;sary=sin(ang)/ry x0=(carx)*cpx+(sarx)*cpy y0=(-sary)*cpx+(cary)*cpy x1=(carx)*x+(sarx)*y y1=(-sary)*x+(cary)*y d=(x1-x0)*(x1-x0)+(y1-y0)*(y1-y0) if abs(d)>0.0 :sq=1.0/d-0.25 else: sq=-0.25 if sq<0.0 :sq=0.0 sf=sq**0.5 if fs==fa :sf=-sf xc=0.5*(x0+x1)-sf*(y1-y0) yc=0.5*(y0+y1)+sf*(x1-x0) ang_0=atan2(y0-yc,x0-xc) ang_1=atan2(y1-yc,x1-xc) ang_arc=ang_1-ang_0; if (ang_arc < 0.0 and fs==1) : ang_arc += 2.0 * PI elif (ang_arc>0.0 and fs==0) : ang_arc-=2.0*PI n_segs=int(ceil(abs(ang_arc*2.0/(PI*0.5+0.001)))) P=[] for i in xrange(n_segs): ang0=ang_0+i*ang_arc/n_segs ang1=ang_0+(i+1)*ang_arc/n_segs ang_demi=0.25*(ang1-ang0) t=2.66666*sin(ang_demi)*sin(ang_demi)/sin(ang_demi*2.0) x1=xc+cos(ang0)-t*sin(ang0) y1=yc+sin(ang0)+t*cos(ang0) x2=xc+cos(ang1) y2=yc+sin(ang1) x3=x2+t*sin(ang1) y3=y2-t*cos(ang1) P.append([[(cos(ang)*rx)*x1+(-sin(ang)*ry)*y1, (sin(ang)*rx)*x1+(cos(ang)*ry)*y1], [(cos(ang)*rx)*x3+(-sin(ang)*ry)*y3, (sin(ang)*rx)*x3+(cos(ang)*ry)*y3], [(cos(ang)*rx)*x2+(-sin(ang)*ry)*y2, (sin(ang)*rx)*x2+(cos(ang)*ry)*y2]]) return P #-------------------- # 0.3.9 #-------------------- def curve_to_a(c,D,n0,CP): #A,a global SCALE l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2]),float(D[c[1]+3]), int(D[c[1]+4]),int(D[c[1]+5]),float(D[c[1]+6]),float(D[c[1]+7])] if c[0]=='a': l[5]=l[5] + CP[0] l[6]=l[6] + CP[1] B=Bez() B.co=[ CP[0], CP[1], CP[0], CP[1], CP[0], CP[1] ] B.ha=['C','C'] B.tag=c[0] POINTS= calc_arc (CP[0],CP[1], l[0], l[1], l[2]*(PI / 180.0), l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6] ) #if DEBUG == 1 : print POINTS for p in POINTS : B=Bez() B.co=[ p[2][0],p[2][1], p[0][0],p[0][1], p[1][0],p[1][1]] B.ha=['C','C'] B.tag='C' BP=curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] BP.co[2]=B.co[2] BP.co[3]=B.co[3] curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) BP=curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] BP.co[2]=BP.co[0] BP.co[3]=BP.co[1] CP=[l[5], l[6]] return curves,n0,CP def move_to(c, D, n0,CP, proprietes): global DEBUG,TAGcourbe, LAST_ID global USE_COLORS l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2])] if c[0]=='m': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1] + CP[1]] if n0 in curves.ITEM: n0+=1 CP=[l[0],l[1]] curves.ITEM[n0]=ITEM() if 'id' in proprietes: curves.ITEM[n0].id=proprietes['id'] else: curves.ITEM[n0].id=LAST_ID proprietes['n'].append(n0) if USE_COLORS: pr= proprietes.get('fill') # None or the property if pr != None: if '#' in pr: i=1 curves.ITEM[n0].color=[int(pr[i:i+2],16),int(pr[i+2:i+4],16),int(pr[i+4:i+6],16)] curves.ITEM[n0].mat=1 elif pr in SVGCOLORNAMELIST: Courbe[n].color=SVGCOLORNAMELIST[pr] Courbe[n].mat=1 B=Bez() B.co=[CP[0],CP[1],CP[0],CP[1],CP[0],CP[1]] B.ha=['L','C'] B.tag=c[0] curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) #if DEBUG==1: print curves.ITEM[n0], CP return curves,n0,CP def close_z(c,D,n0,CP): #Z,z curves.ITEM[n0].flagUV[0]=1 if len(curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot)>1: #print len(curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot) BP=curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] BP0=curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[0] if BP.tag in ['c','C','s','S',]: BP.co[2]=BP0.co[2] #4-5 point prec BP.co[3]=BP0.co[3] del curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[0] else: del curves.ITEM[n0] n0-=1 return curves,n0,CP def curve_to_q(c,D,n0,CP): #Q,q l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2]),float(D[c[1]+3]),float(D[c[1]+4])] if c[0]=='q': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1]+CP[1], l[2]+CP[0], l[3]+CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[2], l[3], l[2], l[3], l[0], l[1]] #plus toucher au 2-3 B.ha=['C','C'] B.tag=c[0] BP=curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] BP.co[2]=BP.co[0] BP.co[3]=BP.co[1] curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) #if DEBUG==1: print B.co,BP.co CP=[l[2],l[3]] #if DEBUG==1: pass if len(D)>c[1]+5 and D[c[1]+5] not in TAGcourbe : c[1]+=4 curve_to_q(c, D, n0,CP) return curves,n0,CP def curve_to_t(c,D,n0,CP): #T,t l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2])] if c[0]=='t': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1]+CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[0], l[1], l[0], l[1], l[0], l[1]] #plus toucher au 2-3 B.ha=['C','C'] B.tag=c[0] BP=curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] l0=build_SYMETRIC([BP.co[0],BP.co[1],BP.co[4],BP.co[5]]) if BP.tag in ['q','Q','t','T','m','M']: BP.co[2]=l0[2] BP.co[3]=l0[3] curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) #if DEBUG==1: print B.co,BP.co CP=[l[0],l[1]] if len(D)>c[1]+3 and D[c[1]+3] not in TAGcourbe : c[1]+=4 curve_to_t(c, D, n0,CP) return curves,n0,CP #-------------------- # 0.4.3 : rewritten #-------------------- def build_SYMETRIC(l): X=l[2]-(l[0]-l[2]) Y=l[3]-(l[1]-l[3]) return X,Y def curve_to_s(c,D,n0,CP): #S,s l=[float(D[c[1]+1]), float(D[c[1]+2]), float(D[c[1]+3]), float(D[c[1]+4])] if c[0]=='s': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1]+CP[1], l[2]+CP[0], l[3]+CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[2],l[3],l[2],l[3],l[0],l[1]] #plus toucher au 2-3 B.ha=['C','C'] B.tag=c[0] BP=curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] #-------------------- # 0.4.3 #-------------------- BP.co[2],BP.co[3]=build_SYMETRIC([BP.co[4],BP.co[5],BP.co[0],BP.co[1]]) curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) #if DEBUG==1: print B.co,BP.co #-------------------- # 0.4.3 #-------------------- CP=[l[2],l[3]] if len(D)>c[1]+5 and D[c[1]+5] not in TAGcourbe : c[1]+=4 curve_to_c(c, D, n0,CP) return curves,n0,CP def curve_to_c(c, D, n0,CP): #c,C l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2]),float(D[c[1]+3]), float(D[c[1]+4]),float(D[c[1]+5]),float(D[c[1]+6])] if c[0]=='c': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1]+CP[1], l[2]+CP[0], l[3]+CP[1], l[4]+CP[0], l[5]+CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[4], l[5], l[4], l[5], l[2], l[3]] #plus toucher au 2-3 B.ha=['C','C'] B.tag=c[0] BP=curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] BP.co[2]=l[0] BP.co[3]=l[1] BP.ha[1]='C' curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) #if DEBUG==1: print B.co,BP.co CP=[l[4],l[5]] if len(D)>c[1]+7 and D[c[1]+7] not in TAGcourbe : c[1]+=6 curve_to_c(c, D, n0,CP) return curves,n0,CP def draw_line_l(c, D, n0,CP): #L,l l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2])] if c[0]=='l': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1]+CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1]] B.ha=['L','L'] B.tag=c[0] BP=curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] BP.ha[1]='L' curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) CP=[B.co[0],B.co[1]] if len(D)>c[1]+3 and D[c[1]+3] not in TAGcourbe : c[1]+=2 draw_line_l(c, D, n0,CP) #L return curves,n0,CP def draw_line_h(c,D,n0,CP): #H,h if c[0]=='h': l=[float(D[c[1]+1])+float(CP[0]),CP[1]] else: l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1]] B.ha=['L','L'] B.tag=c[0] #BP=curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] #BP.ha[0]='L' curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) CP=[l[0],l[1]] return curves,n0,CP def draw_line_v(c,D,n0,CP): #V, v if c[0]=='v': l=[CP[0], float(D[c[1]+1])+CP[1]] else: l=[CP[0], float(D[c[1]+1])] B=Bez() B.co=[l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1]] B.ha=['L','L'] B.tag=c[0] #BP=curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] #BP.ha[0]='L' curves.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) CP=[l[0],l[1]] return curves,n0,CP Actions= { "C" : curve_to_c, "A" : curve_to_a, "S" : curve_to_s, "M" : move_to, "V" : draw_line_v, "L" : draw_line_l, "H" : draw_line_h, "Z" : close_z, "Q" : curve_to_q, "T" : curve_to_t, "c" : curve_to_c, "a" : curve_to_a, "s" : curve_to_s, "m" : move_to, "v" : draw_line_v, "l" : draw_line_l, "h" : draw_line_h, "z" : close_z, "q" : curve_to_q, "T" : curve_to_t } TAGcourbe=Actions.keys() TAGtransform=['M','L','C','S','H','V','T','Q'] tagTRANSFORM=0 def wash_DATA(ndata): if ndata: #if DEBUG==1: print ndata ndata = ndata.strip() if ndata[0]==',':ndata=ndata[1:] if ndata[-1]==',':ndata=ndata[:-1] #-------------------- # 0.4.0 : 'e' #-------------------- i = ndata.find('-') if i != -1 and ndata[i-1] not in ' ,e': ndata=ndata.replace('-',',-') ndata=ndata.replace(',,',',') ndata=ndata.replace(' ',',') ndata=ndata.split(',') ndata=[i for i in ndata if i] #059a return ndata #-------------------- # 0.3.4 : - read data rewrittten #-------------------- def list_DATA(DATA): """ This function translate a text in a list of correct commandswith the right number of waited values for each of them . For example : d="'M0,14.0 z" becomes ['M','0.0','14.0','z'] """ # ---------------------------------------- # borner les differents segments qui devront etre # traites # pour cela construire une liste avec chaque # la position de chaqe emplacement tag de type # commande path... # ---------------------------------------- tagplace=[] for d in Actions: b1=0 while True: i = DATA.find(d,b1) if i==-1: break tagplace.append(i) b1=i+1 #------------------------------------------ # cette liste doit etre traites dans l'ordre # d'apparition des tags #------------------------------------------ tagplace.sort() tpn=range(len(tagplace)) #-------------------- # 0.3.5 :: short data, only one tag #-------------------- if len(tagplace)-1>0: DATA2=[] for t in tpn[:-1]: DATA2.append(DATA[tagplace[t]:tagplace[t]+1]) ndata=DATA[tagplace[t]+1:tagplace[t+1]] if DATA2[-1] not in ['z','Z'] : ndata=wash_DATA(ndata) DATA2.extend(ndata) DATA2.append(DATA[tagplace[t+1]:tagplace[t+1]+1]) if DATA2[-1] not in ['z','Z'] and len(DATA)-1>=tagplace[t+1]+1: ndata=DATA[tagplace[t+1]+1:] ndata=wash_DATA(ndata) DATA2.extend(ndata) #059a else: #-------------------- # 0.3.5 : short data,only one tag #-------------------- DATA2=[] DATA2.append(DATA[tagplace[0]:tagplace[0]+1]) ndata=DATA[tagplace[0]+1:] ndata=wash_DATA(ndata) DATA2.extend(ndata) return DATA2 #---------------------------------------------- # 0.3 # 0.5.8, to remove exec #---------------------------------------------- def translate(t): tx=t[0] ty=t[1] return [1, 0, tx], [0, 1, ty],[0,0,1] #---------------------------------------------- # 0.3.2 # 0.5.8, to remove exec #---------------------------------------------- def scale(s): sx=s[0] if len(s)>1: sy=s[1] else: sy=sx return [sx, 0, 0], [0, sy, 0],[0,0,1] #---------------------------------------------- # 0.4.1 : transslate a in radians # 0.5.8, to remove exec #---------------------------------------------- def rotate(t): a=t[0] return [cos(a*3.1416/180.0), -sin(a*3.1416/180.0), 0], [sin(a*3.1416/180.0), cos(a*3.1416/180.0),0],[0,0,1] #---------------------------------------------- # 0.3.2 # 0.5.8, to remove exec #---------------------------------------------- def skewx(t): a=t[0] return [1, tan(a*3.1416/180.0), 0], [0, 1, 0],[0,0,1] #---------------------------------------------- # 0.4.1 # 0.5.8, to remove exec #---------------------------------------------- def skewy(t): a=t[0] return [1, 0, 0], [tan(a*3.1416/180.0), 1 , 0],[0,0,1] #---------------------------------------------- # 0.3.2 # 0.5.8, to remove exec #---------------------------------------------- def matrix(t): a,b,c,d,e,f=t return [a,c,e],[b,d,f],[0,0,1] #-------------------- # 0.5.8, to remove exec #-------------------- matrixTRANSFORM={ 'translate':translate, 'scale':scale, 'rotate':rotate, 'skewx':skewx, 'skewy':skewy, 'matrix':matrix } #---------------------------------------------- # 0.4.2 : rewritten # 0.5.8 : to remove exec uses. #---------------------------------------------- def control_CONTAINT(txt): """ the transforms' descriptions can be sole or several and separators might be forgotten """ t0=0 tlist=[] while txt.count(')',t0)>0: t1=txt.find(')',t0) nt0=txt[t0:t1+1] t2=nt0[nt0.find('(')+1:-1] val=nt0[:nt0.find('(')] while t2.find(' ')!=-1: t2=t2.replace(' ',' ') t2=t2.replace(' ',',') """ t2=t2.split(',') for index, t in enumerate(t2): t2[index]=float(t) """ t2=[float(t) for t in t2.split(',')] if val=='rotate' : t3=t2 if len(t3)==3: tlist.append(['translate',[t3[1],t3[2]]]) tlist.append(['rotate',[t3[0]/180.0*3.1416]]) tlist.append(['translate',[-t3[1],-t3[2]]]) else: tlist.append(['rotate',[t3[0]]]) else: tlist.append([val,t2]) t0=t1+1 return tlist def curve_FILL(Courbe,proprietes): global USE_COLORS for n in proprietes['n']: pr = proprietes['style'] if n in Courbe and 'fill:' in pr: if not 'fill:none' in pr: Courbe[n].fill=1 if USE_COLORS: i= pr.find('fill:#') if i != -1: i= i+6 Courbe[n].color=[int(pr[i:i+2],16),int(pr[i+2:i+4],16),int(pr[i+4:i+6],16)] Courbe[n].mat=1 elif ';fill-opacity' in pr: i= pr.find('fill:')+5 i2= pr.find(';',i) COLORNAME= pr[i:i2] Courbe[n].color=SVGCOLORNAMELIST[COLORNAME] Courbe[n].mat=1 #---------------------------------------------- # 0.4.1 : apply transform stack #---------------------------------------------- def curve_TRANSFORM(Courbe,proprietes): # 1/ unpack the STACK # create a matrix for each transform ST=[] for st in proprietes['stack'] : if st and type(st)==list: for t in st: code = control_CONTAINT(t) a,b,c=matrixTRANSFORM[code[0][0]](code[0][1][:]) T=Mathutils.Matrix(a,b,c) ST.append(T) elif st : code = control_CONTAINT(st) a,b,c=matrixTRANSFORM[code[0][0]](code[0][1][:]) T=Mathutils.Matrix(a,b,c) ST.append(T) if 'transform' in proprietes: for trans in control_CONTAINT(proprietes['transform']): #-------------------- # 0.5.8, to remove exec #-------------------- a,b,c=matrixTRANSFORM[trans[0].strip()](trans[1][:]) #059 T=Mathutils.Matrix(a,b,c) ST.append(T) ST.reverse() for n in proprietes['n']: if n in Courbe: for bez0 in Courbe[n].beziers_knot: bez=bez0.co for b in [0,2,4]: for t in ST: v=t * Mathutils.Vector([bez[b],bez[b+1],1.0]) #059a bez[b]=v[0] bez[b+1]=v[1] def filter(d): for nn in d: if nn not in '0123456789.': #059a d=d.replace(nn,"") return d def get_BOUNDBOX(BOUNDINGBOX,SVG): if 'viewbox' not in SVG: h=float(filter(SVG['height'])) #if DEBUG==1 : print 'h : ',h w=float(filter(SVG['width'])) #if DEBUG==1 : print 'w :',w BOUNDINGBOX['rec']=[0.0,0.0,w,h] r=BOUNDINGBOX['rec'] BOUNDINGBOX['coef']=w/h else: viewbox=SVG['viewbox'].split() BOUNDINGBOX['rec']=[float(viewbox[0]),float(viewbox[1]),float(viewbox[2]),float(viewbox[3])] r=BOUNDINGBOX['rec'] BOUNDINGBOX['coef']=(r[2]-r[0])/(r[3]-r[1]) return BOUNDINGBOX #---------------------------------------------- # 0.4.1 : attributs ex : 'id=', 'transform=', 'd=' ... #---------------------------------------------- def collect_ATTRIBUTS(data): #---------------------------------------------- # 0.4.8 : short modif for a fantasy font case # in the OOo svg format ('viewbox' is # written 'viewBox', for instance) #---------------------------------------------- data=data.replace(' ',' ').lower() ELEM={'TYPE':data[1:data.find(' ')]} t1=len(data) t2=0 ct=data.count('="') while ct>0: t0=data.find('="',t2) t2=data.find(' ',t2)+1 id=data[t2:t0] t2=data.find('"',t0+2) if id!='d': ELEM[id]=data[t0+2:t2].replace('\\','/') else: ELEM[id]=[] ELEM[id].append(t0+2) ELEM[id].append(t2) ct=data.count('="',t2) return ELEM # -------------------------------------------- # 0.4.1 : to avoid to use sax and ths xml # tools of the complete python # -------------------------------------------- def build_HIERARCHY(t): global CP, curves, SCALE, DEBUG, BOUNDINGBOX, scale_, tagTRANSFORM global LAST_ID TRANSFORM=0 t=t.replace('\t',' ') while t.find(' ')!=-1: t=t.replace(' ',' ') n0=0 t0=t1=0 baliste=[] balisetype=['?','?','/','/','!','!'] BALISES=['D', #DECL_TEXTE', 'D', #DECL_TEXTE', 'F', #FERMANTE', 'E', #ELEM_VIDE', 'd', #DOC', 'R', #REMARQUES', 'C', #CONTENU', 'O' #OUVRANTE' ] STACK=[] while t1-1: t0=t.find('<',t0) t1=t.find('>',t0) ouvrante=0 #-------------------- # 0.4.4 , add 'else:' and 'break' to the 'if' statement #-------------------- if t0>-1 and t1>-1: if t[t0+1] in balisetype: b=balisetype.index(t[t0+1]) if t[t0+2]=='-': b=balisetype.index(t[t0+1])+1 #print t[t0:t1] balise=BALISES[b] if b==2: parent=STACK.pop(-1) if parent!=None and TRANSFORM>0: TRANSFORM-=1 elif t[t1-1] in balisetype: balise=BALISES[balisetype.index(t[t1-1])+1] else: t2=t.find(' ',t0) if t2>t1: t2=t1 ouvrante=1 NOM=t[t0+1:t2] if '-1: balise=BALISES[-1] else: balise=BALISES[-2] if balise=='E' or balise=='O': proprietes=collect_ATTRIBUTS(t[t0:t1+ouvrante]) #print proprietes if 'id' in proprietes: LAST_ID=proprietes['id'] #print LAST_ID if balise=='O' and 'transform' in proprietes: STACK.append(proprietes['transform']) TRANSFORM+=1 elif balise=='O' : STACK.append(None) proprietes['stack']=STACK[:] D=[] if proprietes['TYPE'] in ['path'] and (proprietes['d'][1]-proprietes['d'][0]>1): D=list_DATA(t[proprietes['d'][0]+t0:proprietes['d'][1]+t0]) elif proprietes['TYPE'] in OTHERSSHAPES: #-------------------- # 0.5.8, to remove exec #-------------------- D=OTHERSSHAPES[proprietes['TYPE']](proprietes) if len(D)>0: cursor=0 proprietes['n']=[] for cell in D: #if DEBUG==2 : print 'cell : ',cell ,' --' if len(cell)>=1 and cell[0] in TAGcourbe: #-------------------- # 0.5.8, to remove exec #-------------------- if cell[0] in ['m','M']: curves,n0,CP=Actions[cell]([cell,cursor], D, n0,CP,proprietes) else: curves,n0,CP=Actions[cell]([cell,cursor], D, n0,CP) cursor+=1 if TRANSFORM>0 or 'transform' in proprietes : curve_TRANSFORM(curves.ITEM,proprietes) if 'style' in proprietes : curve_FILL(curves.ITEM,proprietes) elif proprietes['TYPE'] == 'svg': #print 'proprietes.keys()',proprietes.keys() BOUNDINGBOX = get_BOUNDBOX(BOUNDINGBOX,proprietes) else: #-------------------- # 0.4.4 #-------------------- break t1+=1 t0=t1 def scan_FILE(nom): global CP, curves, SCALE, DEBUG, BOUNDINGBOX, scale_, tagTRANSFORM global SEPARATE_CURVES, USE_COLORS dir,name=split(nom) name=name.split('.') result=0 #Choise=1 t1=Blender.sys.time() t=filterFILE(nom) if t!='false': Blender.Window.EditMode(0) if not SHARP_IMPORT: togH = Blender.Draw.Create(1) togW = Blender.Draw.Create(0) togAS = Blender.Draw.Create(0) togSP = Blender.Draw.Create(0) togCOL = Blender.Draw.Create(0) block=[\ ("Clamp Width 1", togW, "Rescale the import with a Width of one unit"),\ ("Clamp Height 1", togH, "Rescale the import with a Heightof one unit"),\ ("No Rescaling", togAS, "No rescaling, the result can be very large"),\ ("Separate Curves", togSP, "Create an object for each curve, Slower. May manage colors"),\ ("Import Colors", togCOL, "try to import color if the path is set as 'fill'. Only With separate option")] retval = Blender.Draw.PupBlock("Import Options", block) if togW.val: scale_=1 elif togH.val: scale_=2 elif togAS.val: scale_=3 if togSP.val: SEPARATE_CURVES=1 if togCOL.val and SEPARATE_CURVES : USE_COLORS=1 t1=Blender.sys.time() # 0.4.1 : to avoid to use sax and the xml # tools of the complete python build_HIERARCHY(t) r=BOUNDINGBOX['rec'] curves.number_of_items=len(curves.ITEM) for k, val in curves.ITEM.iteritems(): val.pntsUV[0] =len(val.beziers_knot) if curves.number_of_items>0 : #and Choise==1 : #-------------------- # 0.4.5 and 0.4.9 #-------------------- createCURVES(curves, name[0]) else: pass print ' elapsed time : ',Blender.sys.time()-t1 Blender.Redraw() #===================================================================== #====================== SVG format mouvements ======================== #===================================================================== def functionSELECT(nom): scan_FILE(nom) if __name__=='__main__': Blender.Window.FileSelector (functionSELECT, 'SELECT an .SVG FILE', '*.svg')