from Blender import Draw, sys def Error_NoMeshSelected(): Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|No mesh objects selected') def Error_NoActive(): Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|No active object') def Error_NoMeshActive(): Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|Active object is not a mesh') def Error_NoMeshUvSelected(): Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|No mesh objects with texface selected') def Error_NoMeshUvActive(): Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|Active object is not a mesh with texface') def Error_NoMeshMultiresEdit(): Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|Unable to complete action with multires enabled') # File I/O messages def Error_NoFile(path): '''True if file missing, False if files there Use simply by doing... if Error_NoFile(path): return ''' if not sys.exists(sys.expandpath(path)): Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|Can't open file: " + path) return True return False def Error_NoDir(path): '''True if dirs missing, False if dirs there Use simply by doing... if Error_NoDir(path): return ''' if not sys.exists(sys.expandpath(path)): Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|Path does not exist: " + path) return True return False def Warning_SaveOver(path): '''Returns - True to save, False dont save''' if sys.exists(sys.expandpath(path)): ret= Draw.PupMenu('Save over%t|' + path) if ret == -1: return False return True