# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # if "bpy" in locals(): import imp if "anim_utils" in locals(): imp.reload(anim_utils) import bpy from bpy.types import Operator from bpy.props import (IntProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty, StringProperty, ) class ANIM_OT_keying_set_export(Operator): "Export Keying Set to a python script" bl_idname = "anim.keying_set_export" bl_label = "Export Keying Set..." filepath = StringProperty( subtype='FILE_PATH', ) filter_folder = BoolProperty( name="Filter folders", default=True, options={'HIDDEN'}, ) filter_text = BoolProperty( name="Filter text", default=True, options={'HIDDEN'}, ) filter_python = BoolProperty( name="Filter python", default=True, options={'HIDDEN'}, ) def execute(self, context): if not self.filepath: raise Exception("Filepath not set") f = open(self.filepath, "w") if not f: raise Exception("Could not open file") scene = context.scene ks = scene.keying_sets.active f.write("# Keying Set: %s\n" % ks.bl_idname) f.write("import bpy\n\n") f.write("scene = bpy.context.scene\n\n") # Add KeyingSet and set general settings f.write("# Keying Set Level declarations\n") f.write("ks = scene.keying_sets.new(idname=\"%s\", name=\"%s\")\n" "" % (ks.bl_idname, ks.bl_label)) f.write("ks.bl_description = \"%s\"\n" % ks.bl_description) if not ks.is_path_absolute: f.write("ks.is_path_absolute = False\n") f.write("\n") f.write("ks.bl_options = %r\n" % ks.bl_options) f.write("\n") # -------------------------------------------------------- # generate and write set of lookups for id's used in paths # cache for syncing ID-blocks to bpy paths + shorthand's id_to_paths_cache = {} for ksp in ks.paths: if ksp.id is None: continue if ksp.id in id_to_paths_cache: continue """ - idtype_list is used to get the list of id-datablocks from bpy.data.* since this info isn't available elsewhere - id.bl_rna.name gives a name suitable for UI, with a capitalised first letter, but we need the plural form that's all lower case """ idtype_list = ksp.id.bl_rna.name.lower() + "s" id_bpy_path = "bpy.data.%s[\"%s\"]" % (idtype_list, ksp.id.name) # shorthand ID for the ID-block (as used in the script) short_id = "id_%d" % len(id_to_paths_cache) # store this in the cache now id_to_paths_cache[ksp.id] = [short_id, id_bpy_path] f.write("# ID's that are commonly used\n") for id_pair in id_to_paths_cache.values(): f.write("%s = %s\n" % (id_pair[0], id_pair[1])) f.write("\n") # write paths f.write("# Path Definitions\n") for ksp in ks.paths: f.write("ksp = ks.paths.add(") # id-block + data_path if ksp.id: # find the relevant shorthand from the cache id_bpy_path = id_to_paths_cache[ksp.id][0] else: id_bpy_path = "None" # XXX... f.write("%s, '%s'" % (id_bpy_path, ksp.data_path)) # array index settings (if applicable) if ksp.use_entire_array: f.write(", index=-1") else: f.write(", index=%d" % ksp.array_index) # grouping settings (if applicable) # NOTE: the current default is KEYINGSET, but if this changes, # change this code too if ksp.group_method == 'NAMED': f.write(", group_method='%s', group_name=\"%s\"" % (ksp.group_method, ksp.group)) elif ksp.group_method != 'KEYINGSET': f.write(", group_method='%s'" % ksp.group_method) # finish off f.write(")\n") f.write("\n") f.close() return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager wm.fileselect_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} class BakeAction(Operator): """Bake object/pose loc/scale/rotation animation to a new action""" bl_idname = "nla.bake" bl_label = "Bake Action" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} frame_start = IntProperty( name="Start Frame", description="Start frame for baking", min=0, max=300000, default=1, ) frame_end = IntProperty( name="End Frame", description="End frame for baking", min=1, max=300000, default=250, ) step = IntProperty( name="Frame Step", description="Frame Step", min=1, max=120, default=1, ) only_selected = BoolProperty( name="Only Selected", description="Only key selected object/bones", default=True, ) clear_constraints = BoolProperty( name="Clear Constraints", description="Remove all constraints from keyed object/bones, and do 'visual' keying", default=False, ) clear_parents = BoolProperty( name="Clear Parents", description="Bake animation onto the object then clear parents (objects only)", default=False, ) bake_types = EnumProperty( name="Bake Data", description="Which data's transformations to bake", options={'ENUM_FLAG'}, items=(('POSE', "Pose", "Bake bones transformations"), ('OBJECT', "Object", "Bake object transformations"), ), default={'POSE'}, ) def execute(self, context): from bpy_extras import anim_utils action = anim_utils.bake_action(self.frame_start, self.frame_end, frame_step=self.step, only_selected=self.only_selected, do_pose='POSE' in self.bake_types, do_object='OBJECT' in self.bake_types, do_constraint_clear=self.clear_constraints, do_parents_clear=self.clear_parents, do_clean=True, ) if action is None: self.report({'INFO'}, "Nothing to bake") return {'CANCELLED'} return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): scene = context.scene self.frame_start = scene.frame_start self.frame_end = scene.frame_end self.bake_types = {'POSE'} if context.mode == 'POSE' else {'OBJECT'} wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self) class ClearUselessActions(Operator): """Mark actions with no F-Curves for deletion after save & reload of """ \ """file preserving \"action libraries\"""" bl_idname = "anim.clear_useless_actions" bl_label = "Clear Useless Actions" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} only_unused = BoolProperty(name="Only Unused", description="Only unused (Fake User only) actions get considered", default=True) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return bool(bpy.data.actions) def execute(self, context): removed = 0 for action in bpy.data.actions: # if only user is "fake" user... if ((self.only_unused is False) or (action.use_fake_user and action.users == 1)): # if it has F-Curves, then it's a "action library" # (i.e. walk, wave, jump, etc.) # and should be left alone as that's what fake users are for! if not action.fcurves: # mark action for deletion action.user_clear() removed += 1 self.report({'INFO'}, "Removed %d empty and/or fake-user only Actions" % removed) return {'FINISHED'} class UpdateAnimData(Operator): """Update data paths from 2.56 and previous versions, """ \ """modifying data paths of drivers and fcurves""" bl_idname = "anim.update_data_paths" bl_label = "Update Animation Data" def execute(self, context): import animsys_refactor animsys_refactor.update_data_paths(animsys_refactor.data_2_56_to_2_59) return {'FINISHED'}