# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # __all__ = ( "mesh_linked_faces", "edge_face_count_dict", "edge_face_count", "edge_loops_from_faces", "edge_loops_from_edges", "ngon_tessellate", "face_random_points", ) def mesh_linked_faces(mesh): """ Splits the mesh into connected faces, use this for seperating cubes from other mesh elements within 1 mesh datablock. :arg mesh: the mesh used to group with. :type mesh: :class:`bpy.types.Mesh` :return: lists of lists containing faces. :rtype: list """ # Build vert face connectivity vert_faces = [[] for i in range(len(mesh.vertices))] for f in mesh.faces: for v in f.vertices: vert_faces[v].append(f) # sort faces into connectivity groups face_groups = [[f] for f in mesh.faces] face_mapping = list(range(len(mesh.faces))) # map old, new face location # Now clump faces iteratively ok = True while ok: ok = False for i, f in enumerate(mesh.faces): mapped_index = face_mapping[f.index] mapped_group = face_groups[mapped_index] for v in f.vertices: for nxt_f in vert_faces[v]: if nxt_f != f: nxt_mapped_index = face_mapping[nxt_f.index] # We are not a part of the same group if mapped_index != nxt_mapped_index: ok = True # Assign mapping to this group so they # all map to this group for grp_f in face_groups[nxt_mapped_index]: face_mapping[grp_f.index] = mapped_index # Move faces into this group mapped_group.extend(face_groups[nxt_mapped_index]) # remove reference to the list face_groups[nxt_mapped_index] = None # return all face groups that are not null # this is all the faces that are connected in their own lists. return [fg for fg in face_groups if fg] def edge_face_count_dict(mesh): """ :return: dict of edge keys with their value set to the number of faces using each edge. :rtype: dict """ face_edge_keys = [face.edge_keys for face in mesh.faces] face_edge_count = {} for face_keys in face_edge_keys: for key in face_keys: try: face_edge_count[key] += 1 except: face_edge_count[key] = 1 return face_edge_count def edge_face_count(mesh): """ :return: list face users for each item in mesh.edges. :rtype: list """ edge_face_count = edge_face_count_dict(mesh) get = dict.get return [get(edge_face_count, ed.key, 0) for ed in mesh.edges] def edge_loops_from_faces(mesh, faces=None, seams=()): """ Edge loops defined by faces Takes me.faces or a list of faces and returns the edge loops These edge loops are the edges that sit between quads, so they dont touch 1 quad, note: not connected will make 2 edge loops, both only containing 2 edges. return a list of edge key lists [[(0, 1), (4, 8), (3, 8)], ...] :arg mesh: the mesh used to get edge loops from. :type mesh: :class:`bpy.types.Mesh` :arg faces: optional face list to only use some of the meshes faces. :type faces: :class:`bpy.types.MeshTessFace`, sequence or or NoneType :return: return a list of edge vertex index lists. :rtype: list """ OTHER_INDEX = 2, 3, 0, 1 # opposite face index if faces is None: faces = mesh.faces edges = {} for f in faces: if len(f.vertices) == 4: edge_keys = f.edge_keys for i, edkey in enumerate(f.edge_keys): edges.setdefault(edkey, []).append(edge_keys[OTHER_INDEX[i]]) for edkey in seams: edges[edkey] = [] # Collect edge loops here edge_loops = [] for edkey, ed_adj in edges.items(): if 0 < len(ed_adj) < 3: # 1 or 2 # Seek the first edge context_loop = [edkey, ed_adj[0]] edge_loops.append(context_loop) if len(ed_adj) == 2: other_dir = ed_adj[1] else: other_dir = None ed_adj[:] = [] flipped = False while 1: # from knowing the last 2, look for the next. ed_adj = edges[context_loop[-1]] if len(ed_adj) != 2: # the original edge had 2 other edges if other_dir and flipped == False: flipped = True # only flip the list once context_loop.reverse() ed_adj[:] = [] context_loop.append(other_dir) # save 1 look-up ed_adj = edges[context_loop[-1]] if len(ed_adj) != 2: ed_adj[:] = [] break else: ed_adj[:] = [] break i = ed_adj.index(context_loop[-2]) context_loop.append(ed_adj[not i]) # Dont look at this again ed_adj[:] = [] return edge_loops def edge_loops_from_edges(mesh, edges=None): """ Edge loops defined by edges Takes me.edges or a list of edges and returns the edge loops return a list of vertex indices. [ [1, 6, 7, 2], ...] closed loops have matching start and end values. """ line_polys = [] # Get edges not used by a face if edges is None: edges = mesh.edges if not hasattr(edges, "pop"): edges = edges[:] while edges: current_edge = edges.pop() vert_end, vert_start = current_edge.vertices[:] line_poly = [vert_start, vert_end] ok = True while ok: ok = False #for i, ed in enumerate(edges): i = len(edges) while i: i -= 1 ed = edges[i] v1, v2 = ed.vertices if v1 == vert_end: line_poly.append(v2) vert_end = line_poly[-1] ok = 1 del edges[i] # break elif v2 == vert_end: line_poly.append(v1) vert_end = line_poly[-1] ok = 1 del edges[i] #break elif v1 == vert_start: line_poly.insert(0, v2) vert_start = line_poly[0] ok = 1 del edges[i] # break elif v2 == vert_start: line_poly.insert(0, v1) vert_start = line_poly[0] ok = 1 del edges[i] #break line_polys.append(line_poly) return line_polys def ngon_tessellate(from_data, indices, fix_loops=True): ''' Takes a polyline of indices (fgon) and returns a list of face indicie lists. Designed to be used for importers that need indices for an fgon to create from existing verts. from_data: either a mesh, or a list/tuple of vectors. indices: a list of indices to use this list is the ordered closed polyline to fill, and can be a subset of the data given. fix_loops: If this is enabled polylines that use loops to make multiple polylines are delt with correctly. ''' from mathutils.geometry import tessellate_polygon from mathutils import Vector vector_to_tuple = Vector.to_tuple if not indices: return [] def mlen(co): # manhatten length of a vector, faster then length return abs(co[0]) + abs(co[1]) + abs(co[2]) def vert_treplet(v, i): return v, vector_to_tuple(v, 6), i, mlen(v) def ed_key_mlen(v1, v2): if v1[3] > v2[3]: return v2[1], v1[1] else: return v1[1], v2[1] if not fix_loops: ''' Normal single concave loop filling ''' if type(from_data) in {tuple, list}: verts = [Vector(from_data[i]) for ii, i in enumerate(indices)] else: verts = [from_data.vertices[i].co for ii, i in enumerate(indices)] # same as reversed(range(1, len(verts))): for i in range(len(verts) - 1, 0, -1): if verts[i][1] == verts[i - 1][0]: verts.pop(i - 1) fill = tessellate_polygon([verts]) else: ''' Seperate this loop into multiple loops be finding edges that are used twice. This is used by lightwave LWO files a lot ''' if type(from_data) in {tuple, list}: verts = [vert_treplet(Vector(from_data[i]), ii) for ii, i in enumerate(indices)] else: verts = [vert_treplet(from_data.vertices[i].co, ii) for ii, i in enumerate(indices)] edges = [(i, i - 1) for i in range(len(verts))] if edges: edges[0] = (0, len(verts) - 1) if not verts: return [] edges_used = set() edges_doubles = set() # We need to check if any edges are used twice location based. for ed in edges: edkey = ed_key_mlen(verts[ed[0]], verts[ed[1]]) if edkey in edges_used: edges_doubles.add(edkey) else: edges_used.add(edkey) # Store a list of unconnected loop segments split by double edges. # will join later loop_segments = [] v_prev = verts[0] context_loop = [v_prev] loop_segments = [context_loop] for v in verts: if v != v_prev: # Are we crossing an edge we removed? if ed_key_mlen(v, v_prev) in edges_doubles: context_loop = [v] loop_segments.append(context_loop) else: if context_loop and context_loop[-1][1] == v[1]: #raise "as" pass else: context_loop.append(v) v_prev = v # Now join loop segments def join_seg(s1, s2): if s2[-1][1] == s1[0][1]: s1, s2 = s2, s1 elif s1[-1][1] == s2[0][1]: pass else: return False # If were stuill here s1 and s2 are 2 segments in the same polyline s1.pop() # remove the last vert from s1 s1.extend(s2) # add segment 2 to segment 1 if s1[0][1] == s1[-1][1]: # remove endpoints double s1.pop() s2[:] = [] # Empty this segment s2 so we don't use it again. return True joining_segments = True while joining_segments: joining_segments = False segcount = len(loop_segments) for j in range(segcount - 1, -1, -1): # reversed(range(segcount)): seg_j = loop_segments[j] if seg_j: for k in range(j - 1, -1, -1): # reversed(range(j)): if not seg_j: break seg_k = loop_segments[k] if seg_k and join_seg(seg_j, seg_k): joining_segments = True loop_list = loop_segments for verts in loop_list: while verts and verts[0][1] == verts[-1][1]: verts.pop() loop_list = [verts for verts in loop_list if len(verts) > 2] # DONE DEALING WITH LOOP FIXING # vert mapping vert_map = [None] * len(indices) ii = 0 for verts in loop_list: if len(verts) > 2: for i, vert in enumerate(verts): vert_map[i + ii] = vert[2] ii += len(verts) fill = tessellate_polygon([[v[0] for v in loop] for loop in loop_list]) #draw_loops(loop_list) #raise 'done loop' # map to original indices fill = [[vert_map[i] for i in reversed(f)] for f in fill] if not fill: print('Warning Cannot scanfill, fallback on a triangle fan.') fill = [[0, i - 1, i] for i in range(2, len(indices))] else: # Use real scanfill. # See if its flipped the wrong way. flip = None for fi in fill: if flip is not None: break for i, vi in enumerate(fi): if vi == 0 and fi[i - 1] == 1: flip = False break elif vi == 1 and fi[i - 1] == 0: flip = True break if not flip: for i, fi in enumerate(fill): fill[i] = tuple([ii for ii in reversed(fi)]) return fill def face_random_points(num_points, faces): """ Generates a list of random points over mesh faces. :arg num_points: the number of random points to generate on each face. :type int: :arg faces: list of the faces to generate points on. :type faces: :class:`bpy.types.MeshTessFace`, sequence :return: list of random points over all faces. :rtype: list """ from random import random from mathutils.geometry import area_tri # Split all quads into 2 tris, tris remain unchanged tri_faces = [] for f in faces: tris = [] verts = f.id_data.vertices fv = f.vertices[:] tris.append((verts[fv[0]].co, verts[fv[1]].co, verts[fv[2]].co, )) if len(fv) == 4: tris.append((verts[fv[0]].co, verts[fv[3]].co, verts[fv[2]].co, )) tri_faces.append(tris) # For each face, generate the required number of random points sampled_points = [None] * (num_points * len(faces)) for i, tf in enumerate(tri_faces): for k in range(num_points): # If this is a quad, we need to weight its 2 tris by their area if len(tf) != 1: area1 = area_tri(*tf[0]) area2 = area_tri(*tf[1]) area_tot = area1 + area2 area1 = area1 / area_tot area2 = area2 / area_tot vecs = tf[0 if (random() < area1) else 1] else: vecs = tf[0] u1 = random() u2 = random() u_tot = u1 + u2 if u_tot > 1: u1 = 1.0 - u1 u2 = 1.0 - u2 side1 = vecs[1] - vecs[0] side2 = vecs[2] - vecs[0] p = vecs[0] + u1 * side1 + u2 * side2 sampled_points[num_points * i + k] = p return sampled_points