#!BPY """ Name: 'Autodesk DXF (.dxf)' Blender: 249 Group: 'Export' Tooltip: 'Export geometry to DXF/DWG-r12 (Drawing eXchange Format).' """ __version__ = "1.34 - 2009.06.02" __author__ = "Remigiusz Fiedler (AKA migius)" __license__ = "GPL" __url__ = "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/Export/autodesk_dxf" __bpydoc__ ="""The script exports Blender geometry to DXF format r12 version. Version %s Copyright %s License %s extern dependances: dxfLibrary.py, (optionaly: DConvertCon.exe) CONTRIBUTORS: Remigiusz Fiedler (AKA migius) Alexandros Sigalas (AKA alxarch) Stani Michiels (AKA stani) See the homepage for documentation. url: %s IDEAs: - HPGL output, especially usefull for correct scaled printing of 2d drawings TODO: - export dupligroups and dupliverts as blocks (option for the user to decide) - optimize POLYFACE routine: remove double-vertices - optimize POLYFACE routine: remove loose vertices - support any-oriented mirrored curves(to POLYLINEs): fix blender negative-matrix.invert() - support hierarchies: groups, instances, parented structures - write drawing extends for automatic view positioning in CAD - mapping materials to DXF-styles History v1.34 - 2009.06.02 by migius - support XYmirrored 2d-curves to POLYLINEs: works correct only for rotX,rotY==0.0 - support thickness and elevation for curve-objects - fix extrusion 210-code (3d orientation vector) - fix POLYFACE export, synchronized with dxfLibrary.py - changed to the new 2.49 method Vector.cross() - output style manager (first try) v1.33 - 2009.05.25 by migius - bugfix flipping normals in mirrored mesh-objects - added UI-Button for future Shadow Generator - support curve objects in projection-2d mode - UI stuff: camera selector/manager v1.32 - 2009.05.22 by migius - debug mode for curve-objects: output pass to Blender - wip support 210-code(extrusion) calculation - default settings for 2D and 3D export v1.31 - 2009.05.18 by migius - globals translated to GUI_A/B dictionary - optimizing back-faces removal for "hidden-lines" mode - presets for global location and scale (architecture) - UI layout: scrollbars, pan with MMB/WHEEL, dynamic width - new GUI with Draw.Register() from DXF-importer.py v1.30 - 2008.12.14 by migius - started work on GUI with Draw.Register() v1.29 - 2009.04.11 by stani - added DWG support, Stani Michiels idea for binding an extern DXF-DWG-converter v1.28 - 2009.02.05 by Alexandros Sigalas (alxarch) - added option to apply modifiers on exported meshes - added option to also export duplicates (from dupliverts etc) v1.28 - 2008.10.22 by migius - workaround for PVert-bug on ubuntu (reported by Yorik) - add support for FGons - ignore invisible_tagged edges - add support for camera: ortho and perspective v1.27 - 2008.10.07 by migius - exclude Stani's DXF-Library to extern module v1.26 - 2008.10.05 by migius - add "hidden mode" substitut: back-faces removal - add support for mesh ->POLYFACE - optimized code for "Flat" procedure v1.25 - 2008.09.28 by migius - modif FACE class for r12 - add mesh-polygon -> Bezier-curve converter (Yorik's code) - add support for curves ->POLYLINEs - add "3d-View to Flat" - geometry projection to XY-plane v1.24 - 2008.09.27 by migius - add start UI with preferences - modif POLYLINE class for r12 - changing output format from r9 to r12(AC1009) v1.23 - 2008.09.26 by migius - add finish message-box v1.22 - 2008.09.26 by migius - add support for curves ->LINEs - add support for mesh-edges ->LINEs v1.21 - 2008.06.04 by migius - initial adaptation for Blender v1.1 (20/6/2005) by Stani Michiels www.stani.be/python/sdxf - Python library to generate dxf drawings ______________________________________________________________ """ % (__author__,__version__,__license__,__url__) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script copyright (C) 2008 Remigiusz Fiedler (AKA migius) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** import Blender from Blender import Mathutils, Window, Scene, Draw, Camera, BezTriple from Blender import Registry, Object, Mesh, Curve import os import subprocess import dxfLibrary as DXF #reload(DXF) #reload(dxfLibrary) #from dxfLibrary import * import math from math import atan, atan2, log10, sin, cos #pi = math.pi #pi = 3.14159265359 r2d = 180.0 / math.pi d2r = math.pi / 180.0 #note: d2r * angle == math.radians(angle) print '\n\n\n' print 'DXF-Exporter v%s *** start ***' %(__version__) #--------------------- #DEBUG = True #activets debug mode #----globals------------------------------------------ ONLYSELECTED = 1 # 0/1 = False/True POLYLINES = 1 # prefer POLYLINEs not LINEs POLYFACES = 1 # prefer POLYFACEs not 3DFACEs PROJECTION = 0 # flatten output geometry to Z = 0.0 HIDDEN_LINES = 0 #filter out hidden geometry SHADOWS = 0 # sun/shadows simulation CAMERA = 1 # view from active camera or from 3d-view PERSPECTIVE = 0 #perspective camera APPLY_MODIFIERS = 1 INCLUDE_DUPLIS = 0 OUTPUT_DWG = 0 #optional save to DWG with extern converter G_SCALE = 1.0 #(0.0001-1000) global scaling factor for output dxf data G_ORIGIN = [0.0,0.0,0.0] #global translation-vector (x,y,z) in Blender units ELEVATION = 0.0 #standard elevation = coordinate Z value in Blender units MIN_DIST = 0.001 #cut-off value for sort out short-distance polyline-"duoble_vertex" CURV_RESOLUTION = 12 #(1-128) Bezier curves U-resolution CURVARC_RESOLUTION = 4 #(3-32) resolution of circle represented as Bezier curve THIN_RESOLUTION = 8 #(4-64) thin_cylinder arc_resolution - number of segments MIN_THICK = MIN_DIST * 10.0 #minimal thickness by forced thickness MIN_WIDTH = MIN_DIST * 10.0 #minimal width by forced width BYBLOCK = 0 #DXF-attribute: assign property to BLOCK defaults BYLAYER = None #256 #DXF-attribute: assign property to LAYER defaults PREFIX = 'BF_' #used as prefix for DXF names LAYERNAME_DEF = '' #default layer name LAYERCOLOR_DEF = 7 #default layer color index LAYERLTYPE_DEF = 0 #'CONTINUOUS' - default layer lineType ENTITYLAYER_DEF = LAYERNAME_DEF #default entity color index ENTITYCOLOR_DEF = BYLAYER #default entity color index ENTITYLTYPE_DEF = BYLAYER #default entity lineType E_M = 0 LAB = "scroll MMB/WHEEL . wip .. todo" #"*) parts under construction" M_OBJ = 0 FILENAME_MAX = 180 #max length of path+file_name string (FILE_MAXDIR + FILE_MAXFILE) MAX_NAMELENGTH = 17 #max_effective_obnamelength in blender =21=17+(.001) INIFILE_DEFAULT_NAME = 'exportDXF' INIFILE_EXTENSION = '.ini' INIFILE_HEADER = '#ExportDXF.py ver.1.0 config data' INFFILE_HEADER = '#ExportDXF.py ver.1.0 analyze of DXF-data' SCENE = None WORLDX = Mathutils.Vector((1,0,0)) #TODO: a bug? WORLDY = Mathutils.Vector((1,1,0)) WORLDY = Mathutils.Vector((0,1,0)) WORLDZ = Mathutils.Vector((0,0,1)) AUTO = BezTriple.HandleTypes.AUTO FREE = BezTriple.HandleTypes.FREE VECT = BezTriple.HandleTypes.VECT ALIGN = BezTriple.HandleTypes.ALIGN #-------- DWG support ------------------------------------------ extCONV_OK = True extCONV = 'DConvertCon.exe' extCONV_PATH = os.path.join(Blender.Get('scriptsdir'),extCONV) if not os.path.isfile(extCONV_PATH): extCONV_OK = False extCONV_TEXT = 'DWG-Exporter: Abort, nothing done!|\ Copy first %s into Blender script directory.|\ More details in online Help.' %extCONV else: if not os.sys.platform.startswith('win'): # check if Wine installed: if subprocess.Popen(('which', 'winepath'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().strip(): extCONV_PATH = 'wine %s'%extCONV_PATH else: extCONV_OK = False extCONV_TEXT = 'DWG-Exporter: Abort, nothing done!|\ The external DWG-converter (%s) needs Wine installed on your system.|\ More details in online Help.' %extCONV #print 'extCONV_PATH = ', extCONV_PATH #---------------------------------------------- def updateMenuCAMERA(): global CAMERAS global MenuCAMERA global MenuLIGHT scn = Scene.GetCurrent() objs = scn.getChildren() currcam = scn.getCurrentCamera() if currcam: currcam = currcam.getName() maincams = [] MenuCAMERA = "Select Camera%t" for cam in objs: if cam.getType() == 'Camera': if cam.getName()[0:4] != "Temp": maincams.append(cam.getName()) maincams.sort() maincams.reverse() CAMERAS = maincams for i, cam in enumerate(CAMERAS): if cam==currcam: MenuCAMERA += "|* " + cam else: MenuCAMERA += "| " + cam MenuCAMERA += "|current 3d-View" MenuLIGHT = "Select Sun%t| *todo" #---------------------------------------------- def updateCAMERA(): global CAMERA, GUI_A #CAMERA = 1 scn = Scene.GetCurrent() currcam = scn.getCurrentCamera() if currcam: currcam = currcam.getName() if currcam in CAMERAS: CAMERA = CAMERAS.index(currcam)+1 GUI_A['camera_on'].val = CAMERA #---------------------------------------------- def gotoCAMERA(): cam = Object.Get(CAMERAS[CAMERA-1]) print 'deb: CAMERA, cam',CAMERA, cam if cam.getType() != 'Camera': sure = Draw.PupMenu("Info: %t| It is not a Camera Object.") else: scn = Scene.getCurrent() scn.setCurrentCamera(cam) Window.CameraView(0) Window.Redraw() updateMenuCAMERA() #------- Duplicats support ---------------------------------------------- def dupTest(object): """ Checks objects for duplicates enabled (any type) object: Blender Object. Returns: Boolean - True if object has any kind of duplicates enabled. """ if (object.enableDupFrames or \ object.enableDupGroup or \ object.enableDupVerts): return True else: return False def getObjectsAndDuplis(oblist,MATRICES=False,HACK=False): """ Return a list of real objects and duplicates and optionally their matrices oblist: List of Blender Objects MATRICES: Boolean - Check to also get the objects matrices default=False HACK: Boolean - See note default=False Returns: List of objects or List of tuples of the form:(ob,matrix) if MATRICES is set to True NOTE: There is an ugly hack here that excludes all objects whose name starts with "dpl_" to exclude objects that are parented to a duplicating object, User must name objects properly if hack is used. """ result = [] for ob in oblist: if INCLUDE_DUPLIS and dupTest(ob): dup_obs=ob.DupObjects if len(dup_obs): for dup_ob, dup_mx in dup_obs: if MATRICES: result.append((dup_ob,dup_mx)) else: result.append(dup_ob) else: if HACK: if ob.getName()[0:4] != "dpl_": if MATRICES: mx = ob.mat result.append((ob,mx)) else: result.append(ob) else: if MATRICES: mx = ob.mat result.append((ob,mx)) else: result.append(ob) return result #----------------------------------------------------- def hidden_status(faces, mx, mx_n): # sort out back-faces = with normals pointed away from camera print 'HIDDEN_LINES: caution! not full implemented yet' front_faces = [] front_edges = [] for f in faces: #print 'deb: face=', f #--------- #print 'deb: dir(face)=', dir(f) #--------- # get its normal-vector in localCS vec_normal = f.no.copy() #print 'deb: vec_normal=', vec_normal #------------------ # must be transfered to camera/view-CS vec_normal *= mx_n #vec_normal *= mb.rotationPart() #print 'deb:2vec_normal=', vec_normal #------------------ #vec_normal *= mw0.rotationPart() #print 'deb:3vec_normal=', vec_normal, '\n' #------------------ frontFace = False if not PERSPECTIVE: #for ortho mode ---------- # normal must point the Z direction-hemisphere if vec_normal[2] > 0.00001: frontFace = True else: v = f.verts[0] vert = Mathutils.Vector(v.co) * mx if Mathutils.DotVecs(vert, vec_normal) < 0.00001: frontFace = True if frontFace: front_faces.append(f.index) for key in f.edge_keys: #this test can be done faster with set() if key not in front_edges: front_edges.append(key) #print 'deb: amount of visible faces=', len(front_faces) #--------- #print 'deb: visible faces=', front_faces #--------- #print 'deb: amount of visible edges=', len(front_edges) #--------- #print 'deb: visible edges=', front_edges #--------- return front_faces, front_edges #--------not used------------------------------------- def projected_co0(vec, mw): # convert the world coordinates of vector to screen coordinates #co = vec.co.copy().resize4D() co = vec.copy().resize4D() co[3] = 1.0 sc = co * mw #print 'deb: viewprojection=', sc #--------- return [sc[0],sc[1],0.0] #--------not used--------------------------------------------- def flatten(points, mw): for i,v in enumerate(points): v = projected_co(v, mw) points[i]=v #print 'deb: flatten points=', points #--------- return points #---- migration to 2.49------------------------------------------------- if 'cross' in dir(Mathutils.Vector()): #Draw.PupMenu('DXF exporter: Abort%t|This script version works for Blender up 2.49 only!') def M_CrossVecs(v1,v2): return v1.cross(v2) #for up2.49 def M_DotVecs(v1,v2): return v1.dot(v2) #for up2.49 else: def M_CrossVecs(v1,v2): return Mathutils.CrossVecs(v1,v2) #for pre2.49 def M_DotVecs(v1,v2): return Mathutils.DotVecs(v1,v2) #for pre2.49 #----------------------------------------------------- def getExtrusion(matrix): #print 'deb:getExtrusion() given matrix=\n', matrix #--------- AZaxis = matrix[2].copy().resize3D().normalize() # = ArbitraryZvector Extrusion = [AZaxis[0],AZaxis[1],AZaxis[2]] if AZaxis[2]==1.0: Extrusion = None AXaxis = matrix[0].copy().resize3D() # = ArbitraryZvector else: threshold = 1.0 / 64.0 if abs(AZaxis[0]) < threshold or abs(AZaxis[1]) < threshold: # AXaxis is the intersection WorldPlane and ExtrusionPlane AXaxis = M_CrossVecs(WORLDY,AZaxis) else: AXaxis = M_CrossVecs(WORLDZ,AZaxis) #print 'deb:\n' #------------- #print 'deb:getExtrusion() Extrusion=', Extrusion #--------- return Extrusion, AXaxis.normalize() #----------------------------------------------------- def getZRotation(AXaxis, rot_matrix_invert): #ZRotation = Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(WORLDX,AXaxis) #output in degrees # this works: Xaxis is the obj.matrix Xaxis vector #Xaxis = matrix[0].copy().resize3D() # = ArbitraryXvector ##Xaxis.normalize() # = ArbitraryXvector #ZRotation = - d2r * Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(Xaxis,AXaxis) #output in degrees # this works too, maybe faster # transform AXaxis into OCS:Object-Coord-System #rot_matrix = normalizeMat(matrix.rotationPart()) #rot_matrix_invert = rot_matrix.invert() vec = AXaxis * rot_matrix_invert ##vec = AXaxis * matrix.copy().invert() ##vec.normalize() # not needed for atan2() ##print '\ndeb:getExtrusion() vec=', vec #--------- ZRotation = - atan2(vec[1],vec[0]) #output in radians #print 'deb:ZRotation() ZRotation=', ZRotation*r2d #--------- return ZRotation #------------------------------------------ def normalizeMat(matrix): mat12 = matrix.copy() mat12 = [Mathutils.Vector(v).normalize() for v in mat12] if len(mat12)>3: matr12 = Mathutils.Matrix(mat12[0],mat12[1],mat12[2],mat12[3]) else: matr12 = Mathutils.Matrix(mat12[0],mat12[1],mat12[2]) return matr12 #----------------------------------------------------- def projected_co(verts, mx): # converts world coordinates of points to screen coordinates temp_verts = [] for v in verts: #temp_verts.append(Blender.Mesh.MVert(v.co)) temp_verts.append(Mesh.MVert(v)) #print 'deb: temp_verts=', temp_verts #--------- for v in temp_verts: v.co *= mx if GUI_A['Z_force_on'].val: locZ = GUI_A['Z_elev'].val else: locZ = 0.0 if PROJECTION: if PERSPECTIVE: clipStart = 10.0 for v in temp_verts: coef = - clipStart / v.co[2] v.co[0] *= coef v.co[1] *= coef v.co[2] = locZ for v in temp_verts: v.co[2] = locZ temp_verts = [v.co[:3] for v in temp_verts] return temp_verts #----------------------------------------------------- def isLeftHand(matrix): #Is the matrix a left-hand-system, or not? ma = matrix.rotationPart() crossXY = M_CrossVecs(ma[0], ma[1]) check = M_DotVecs(ma[2], crossXY) if check < 0.00001: return 1 return 0 #----------------------------------------------------- def exportMesh(ob, mx, mx_n, me=None, **common): global APPLY_MODIFIERS entities = [] #print 'deb:exportMesh() common=', common #--------- if me is None: # me means mesh me = ob.getData(mesh=1) else: me.getFromObject(ob) # me.transform(mx); get verts data; me.transform(mx_inv)= back to the origin state # above is eventualy faster, but bad, cause # invasive: directly transforms origin geometry and write back rounding errors #we dont want to manipulate origin data #temp_verts = me.verts[:] #doesn't work on ubuntu(Yorik), bug? if me.verts: #print 'deb:exportMesh() started' #--------- allpoints = [v.co for v in me.verts] allpoints = projected_co(allpoints, mx) if GUI_A['g_origin_on'].val: #TODO: scale and object orientation for p in allpoints: p[0] += G_ORIGIN[0] p[1] += G_ORIGIN[1] p[2] += G_ORIGIN[2] faces=[] edges=[] if me.faces and HIDDEN_LINES: if DEBUG: print 'deb:exportMesh HIDDEN_LINES mode' #--------- faces, edges = hidden_status(me.faces, mx, mx_n) faces = [[v.index for v in me.faces[f_nr].verts] for f_nr in faces] else: if DEBUG: print 'deb:exportMesh STANDARD mode' #--------- for e in me.edges: edges.append(e.key) #faces = [f.index for f in me.faces] faces = [[v.index for v in f.verts] for f in me.faces] #faces = [[allpoints[v.index] for v in f.verts] for f in me.faces] #print 'deb: allpoints=\n', allpoints #--------- #print 'deb: edges=\n', edges #--------- #print 'deb: faces=\n', faces #--------- if isLeftHand(mx): # then change vertex-order in every face for f in faces: f.reverse() #f = [f[-1]] + f[:-1] #TODO: might be needed #print 'deb: faces=\n', faces #--------- c = mesh_as_list[GUI_A['mesh_as'].val] if 'POINTs'==c: # export Mesh as multiple POINTs for p in allpoints: dxfPOINT = DXF.Point(points=[p],**common) entities.append(dxfPOINT) elif 'LINEs'==c or (not faces): if edges and allpoints: if DEBUG: mesh_drawBlender(allpoints, edges, None) #deb: draw to blender scene for e in edges: points = [allpoints[e[0]], allpoints[e[1]]] dxfLINE = DXF.Line(points, **common) entities.append(dxfLINE) elif faces: if c in ('POLYFACE','POLYLINE'): if allpoints: #TODO: purge allpoints: left only vertices used by faces if DEBUG: mesh_drawBlender(allpoints, None, faces) #deb: draw to scene faces = [[v+1 for v in f] for f in faces] dxfPOLYFACE = DXF.PolyLine([allpoints, faces], flag=64, **common) #dxfPOLYFACE = DXF.PolyLine([allpoints, faces], flag=64) #print '\n deb: dxfPOLYFACE=',dxfPOLYFACE #------------- entities.append(dxfPOLYFACE) elif '3DFACEs'==c: if DEBUG: mesh_drawBlender(allpoints, None, faces) #deb: draw to scene for f in faces: #print 'deb: face=', f #--------- points = [allpoints[key] for key in f] #points = [p.co[:3] for p in points] #print 'deb: pointsXX=\n', points #--------- dxfFACE = DXF.Face(points, **common) entities.append(dxfFACE) return entities #----------------------------------------------------- def mesh_drawBlender(vertList, edgeList, faceList, name="dxfMesh", flatten=False, AT_CUR=True, link=True): #print 'deb:mesh_drawBlender started XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' #--------- ob = Object.New("Mesh",name) me = Mesh.New(name) #print 'deb: vertList=\n', vertList #--------- #print 'deb: edgeList=\n', edgeList #--------- #print 'deb: faceList=\n', faceList #--------- me.verts.extend(vertList) if edgeList: me.edges.extend(edgeList) if faceList: me.faces.extend(faceList) if flatten: for v in me.verts: v.co.z = 0.0 ob.link(me) if link: sce = Scene.getCurrent() sce.objects.link(ob) #me.triangleToQuad() if AT_CUR: cur_loc = Window.GetCursorPos() ob.setLocation(cur_loc) Blender.Redraw() #return ob #----------------------------------------------------- def curve_drawBlender(vertList, org_point=[0.0,0.0,0.0], closed=0, name="dxfCurve", flatten=False, AT_CUR=True, link=True): #print 'deb:curve_drawBlender started XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' #--------- ob = Object.New("Curve",name) cu = Curve.New(name) #print 'deb: vertList=\n', vertList #--------- curve = cu.appendNurb(BezTriple.New(vertList[0])) for p in vertList[1:]: curve.append(BezTriple.New(p)) for point in curve: #point.handleTypes = [VECT, VECT] point.handleTypes = [FREE, FREE] point.radius = 1.0 curve.flagU = closed # 0 sets the curve not cyclic=open cu.setResolu(6) cu.update() #important for handles calculation if flatten: for v in cu.verts: v.co.z = 0.0 ob.link(cu) if link: sce = Scene.getCurrent() sce.objects.link(ob) #me.triangleToQuad() if AT_CUR: cur_loc = Window.GetCursorPos() ob.setLocation(cur_loc) elif org_point: cur_loc=org_point ob.setLocation(cur_loc) Blender.Redraw() #return ob #----------------------------------------------------- def exportEmpty(ob, mx, mw, **common): p = Mathutils.Vector(ob.loc) print 'is it a vector?:', p [p] = projected_co([p], mx) if GUI_A['g_origin_on'].val: #TODO: scale and object orientation p[0] += G_ORIGIN[0] p[1] += G_ORIGIN[1] p[2] += G_ORIGIN[2] entities = [] c = empty_as_list[GUI_A['empty_as'].val] if c=="POINT": # export Empty as POINT dxfPOINT = DXF.Point(points=[p],**common) entities.append(dxfPOINT) return entities #----------------------------------------------------- def exportCurve(ob, mx, mw, **common): entities = [] curve = ob.getData() Thickness,Extrusion,ZRotation,Elevation = None,None,None,None if not PROJECTION: #Extrusion, ZRotation, Elevation = getExtrusion(mx) Extrusion, AXaxis = getExtrusion(mx) WCS_loc = ob.loc # WCS_loc is object location in WorldCoordSystem #WCS_loc = [0.0,0.0,0.0] #print 'deb: WCS_loc=', WCS_loc #--------- sizeX = ob.SizeX sizeY = ob.SizeY sizeZ = ob.SizeZ rotZ = ob.RotZ #print 'deb: sizeX=%s, sizeY=%s' %(sizeX, sizeY) #--------- #print 'deb: curve.ext1=', curve.ext1 #--------- if curve.ext1: Thickness = curve.ext1 * sizeZ if "POLYLINE"==curve_as_list[GUI_A['curve_as'].val]: # export as POLYLINE rot_matrix = normalizeMat(mx.rotationPart()) #TODO: workaround for blender negative-matrix.invert() # partially done: works only for rotX,rotY==0.0 if sizeX<0.0: rot_matrix[0] *= -1 if sizeY<0.0: rot_matrix[1] *= -1 #if sizeZ<0.0: rot_matrix[2] *= -1 rot_matrix_invert = rot_matrix.invert() OCS_origin = Mathutils.Vector(WCS_loc) * rot_matrix_invert # OCS_origin is global origin in ObjectCoordSystem #print 'deb: OCS_origin=', OCS_origin #--------- ZRotation = rotZ if Extrusion!=None: ZRotation = getZRotation(AXaxis,rot_matrix_invert) #print 'deb: ZRotation=', ZRotation * r2d #-------------- #Zrotmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(-ZRotation, 3, "Z") rs, rc = sin(ZRotation), cos(ZRotation) Zrotmatrix = Mathutils.Matrix([rc, rs,0.0],[-rs,rc,0.0],[0.0,0.0,1.0]) ECS_origin = OCS_origin.copy() #if sizeX<0.0: ECS_origin[0] *= -1 #if sizeY<0.0: ECS_origin[1] *= -1 #if sizeZ<0.0: ECS_origin[2] *= -1 ECS_origin = ECS_origin * Zrotmatrix #print 'deb: ECS_origin=', ECS_origin #--------- # ECS_origin is global origin in EntityCoordSystem #TODO: it doesnt work yet for negative scaled curve-objects! for cur in curve: #print 'deb: START cur=', cur #-------------- points = [] if cur.isNurb(): for point in cur: #print 'deb:isNurb point=', point #--------- vec = point[0:3] #print 'deb: vec=', vec #--------- pkt = Mathutils.Vector(vec) #print 'deb: pkt=', pkt #--------- points.append(pkt) else: for point in cur: #print 'deb:isBezier point=', point.getTriple() #--------- vec = point.getTriple()[1] #print 'deb: vec=', vec #--------- pkt = Mathutils.Vector(vec) #print 'deb: pkt=', pkt #--------- points.append(pkt) #print 'deb: points', points #-------------- if len(points)>1: c = curve_as_list[GUI_A['curve_as'].val] if c=="POLYLINE": # export Curve as POLYLINE for p in points: # vectors4d p[0] *= sizeX p[1] *= sizeY p2 = p * Zrotmatrix p2[0] += ECS_origin[0] p2[1] += ECS_origin[1] p[0],p[1] = p2[0],p2[1] #print 'deb:points', points #-------------- if cur.isCyclic(): closed = 1 else: closed = 0 if GUI_A['g_origin_on'].val: #TODO: scale and object orientation for p in points: p[0] += G_ORIGIN[0] p[1] += G_ORIGIN[1] p[2] += G_ORIGIN[2] if DEBUG: curve_drawBlender(points,OCS_origin,closed) #deb: draw to scene common['extrusion']= Extrusion #common['rotation']= ZRotation #common['elevation']= Elevation common['thickness']= Thickness #print 'deb: common=', common #------------------ if 0: #DEBUG linepoints = [[0,0,0], [AXaxis[0],AXaxis[1],AXaxis[2]]] dxfLINE = DXF.Line(linepoints,**common) entities.append(dxfLINE) dxfPLINE = DXF.PolyLine(points,OCS_origin,closed,**common) entities.append(dxfPLINE) if Thickness: common['thickness']= -Thickness dxfPLINE = DXF.PolyLine(points,OCS_origin,closed,**common) entities.append(dxfPLINE) elif c=="LINEs": # export Curve as multiple LINEs points = projected_co(points, mx) if cur.isCyclic(): points.append(points[0]) #print 'deb: points', points #-------------- if GUI_A['g_origin_on'].val: #TODO: scale and object orientation for p in points: p[0] += G_ORIGIN[0] p[1] += G_ORIGIN[1] p[2] += G_ORIGIN[2] if DEBUG: curve_drawBlender(points,WCS_loc,closed) #deb: draw to scene common['extrusion']= Extrusion common['elevation']= Elevation common['thickness']= Thickness #print 'deb: common=', common #------------------ for i in range(len(points)-1): linepoints = [points[i], points[i+1]] dxfLINE = DXF.Line(linepoints,**common) entities.append(dxfLINE) if Thickness: common['thickness']= -Thickness for i in range(len(points)-1): linepoints = [points[i], points[i+1]] dxfLINE = DXF.Line(linepoints,**common) entities.append(dxfLINE) elif c=="POINTs": # export Curve as multiple POINTs for p in points: dxfPOINT = DXF.Point(points=[p],**common) entities.append(dxfPOINT) return entities #----------------------------------------------------- def getClipBox(camera): sce = Scene.GetCurrent() context = sce.getRenderingContext() #print 'deb: context=\n', context #------------------ sizeX = context.sizeX sizeY = context.sizeY ratioXY = sizeX/float(sizeY) #print 'deb: size X,Y, ratio=', sizeX, sizeY, ratioXY #------------------ clip1_Z = - camera.clipStart clip2_Z = - camera.clipEnd #print 'deb: clip Start=', camera.clipStart #------------------ #print 'deb: clip End=', camera.clipEnd #------------------ if camera.type=='ortho': scale = camera.scale #print 'deb: camscale=', scale #------------------ clip1shiftX = clip2shiftX = camera.shiftX * scale clip1shiftY = clip2shiftY = camera.shiftY * scale clip1_X = scale * 0.5 clip1_Y = scale * 0.5 if ratioXY > 1.0: clip1_Y /= ratioXY else: clip1_X *= ratioXY clip2_X = clip1_X clip2_Y = clip1_Y near = clip1_Z far = clip2_Z right, left = clip1_X, -clip1_X top, bottom = clip1_Y, -clip1_Y scaleX = 2.0/float(right - left) x3 = -float(right + left)/float(right - left) scaleY = 2.0/float(top - bottom) y3 = -float(top + bottom)/float(top - bottom) scaleZ = 1.0/float(far - near) z3 = -float(near)/float(far - near) matr = Mathutils.Matrix( [scaleX, 0.0, 0.0, x3], [0.0, scaleY, 0.0, y3], [0.0, 0.0, scaleZ, z3], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) elif camera.type=='persp': #viewpoint = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] #camera's coordinate system, hehe #lens = camera.lens angle = camera.angle #print 'deb: cam angle=', angle #------------------ shiftX = camera.shiftX shiftY = camera.shiftY fov_coef = atan(angle * d2r) fov_coef *= 1.3 #incl. passpartou clip1_k = clip1_Z * fov_coef clip2_k = clip2_Z * fov_coef clip1shiftX = - camera.shiftX * clip1_k clip2shiftX = - camera.shiftX * clip2_k clip1shiftY = - camera.shiftY * clip1_k clip2shiftY = - camera.shiftY * clip2_k clip1_X = clip1_Y = clip1_k * 0.5 clip2_X = clip2_Y = clip2_k * 0.5 if ratioXY > 1.0: clip1_Y /= ratioXY clip2_Y /= ratioXY else: clip1_X *= ratioXY clip2_X *= ratioXY near = clip1_Z far = clip2_Z right, left = clip1_X, -clip1_X top, bottom = clip1_Y, -clip1_Y #return Matrix( [scaleX, 0.0, x2, 0.0], #[0.0, scaleY, y2, 0.0], #[0.0, 0.0, scaleZ, wZ], #[0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0]) matr = Mathutils.Matrix( [(2.0 * near)/float(right - left), 0.0, float(right + left)/float(right - left), 0.0], [0.0, (2.0 * near)/float(top - bottom), float(top + bottom)/float(top - bottom), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -float(far + near)/float(far - near), -(2.0 * far * near)/float(far - near)], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0]) clip_box = [ -clip1_X + clip1shiftX, clip1_X + clip1shiftX, -clip1_Y + clip1shiftY, clip1_Y + clip1shiftY, -clip2_X + clip2shiftX, clip2_X + clip2shiftX, -clip2_Y + clip2shiftY, clip2_Y + clip2shiftY, clip1_Z, clip2_Z] #print 'deb: clip_box=\n', clip_box #------------------ #drawClipBox(clip_box) return clip_box, matr #----------------------------------------------------- def drawClipBox(clip_box): min_X1, max_X1, min_Y1, max_Y1,\ min_X2, max_X2, min_Y2, max_Y2,\ min_Z, max_Z = clip_box verts = [] verts.append([min_X1, min_Y1, min_Z]) verts.append([max_X1, min_Y1, min_Z]) verts.append([max_X1, max_Y1, min_Z]) verts.append([min_X1, max_Y1, min_Z]) verts.append([min_X2, min_Y2, max_Z]) verts.append([max_X2, min_Y2, max_Z]) verts.append([max_X2, max_Y2, max_Z]) verts.append([min_X2, max_Y2, max_Z]) faces = [[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7]] nme = Mesh.New() nme.verts.extend(verts) nme.faces.extend(faces) plan = Object.New('Mesh','clip_box') plan.link(nme) sce = Scene.GetCurrent() sce.objects.link(plan) plan.setMatrix(sce.objects.camera.matrix) #------------------------------------------------- def getCommons(ob): #set up common attributes for output style: # color=None # extrusion=None # layer='0', # lineType=None # lineTypeScale=None # lineWeight=None # thickness=None # parent=None layers = ob.layers #gives a list e.g.[1,5,19] if layers: ob_layer_nr = layers[0] #print 'ob_layer_nr=', ob_layer_nr #-------------- materials = ob.getMaterials() if materials: ob_material = materials[0] ob_mat_color = ob_material.rgbCol else: ob_mat_color, ob_material = None, None #print 'ob_mat_color, ob_material=', ob_mat_color, ob_material #-------------- data = ob.getData() data_materials = ob.getMaterials() if data_materials: data_material = data_materials[0] data_mat_color = data_material.rgbCol else: data_mat_color, data_material = None, None #print 'data_mat_color, data_material=', data_mat_color, data_material #-------------- entitylayer = ENTITYLAYER_DEF c = entitylayer_from_list[GUI_A['entitylayer_from'].val] #["default_LAYER","obj.name","obj.layer","obj.material","obj.data.name","obj.data.material","..vertexgroup","..group","..map_table"] if c=="default_LAYER": entitylayer = LAYERNAME_DEF elif c=="obj.layer" and ob_layer_nr: entitylayer = 'LAYER'+ str(ob_layer_nr) elif c=="obj.material" and ob_material: entitylayer = ob_material.name elif c=="obj.name": entitylayer = ob.name elif c=="obj.data.material" and ob_material: entitylayer = data_material.name elif c=="obj.data.name": entitylayer = data.name entitylayer = validDXFr12name(PREFIX+entitylayer) if entitylayer=="": entitylayer = "BF_0" entitycolor = ENTITYCOLOR_DEF c = entitycolor_from_list[GUI_A['entitycolor_from'].val] if c=="default_COLOR": entitycolor = LAYERCOLOR_DEF elif c=="BYLAYER": entitycolor = BYLAYER elif c=="BYBLOCK": entitycolor = BYBLOCK elif c=="obj.layer" and ob_layer_nr: entitycolor = ob_layer_nr elif c=="obj.color" and ob.color: entitycolor = col2DXF(ob.color) elif c=="obj.material" and ob_mat_color: entitycolor = col2DXF(ob_mat_color) elif c=="obj.data.material" and data_mat_color: entitycolor = col2DXF(data_mat_color) #if entitycolor!=None: layercolor = entitycolor entityltype = ENTITYLTYPE_DEF c = entityltype_from_list[GUI_A['entityltype_from'].val] if c=="default_LTYPE": entityltype = LAYERLTYPE_DEF elif c=="BYLAYER": entityltype = BYLAYER elif c=="BYBLOCK": entityltype = BYBLOCK elif c: entityltype = c return entitylayer,entitycolor,entityltype #----------------------------------------------------- def do_export(export_list, filepath): global PERSPECTIVE Window.WaitCursor(1) t = Blender.sys.time() #init Drawing --------------------- d=DXF.Drawing() #add Tables ----------------- #d.blocks.append(b) #table blocks #goes automatic: d.styles.append(DXF.Style()) #table styles #d.views.append(DXF.View('Normal')) #table view d.views.append(DXF.ViewByWindow('BF_TOPVIEW',leftBottom=(-10,-6),rightTop=(10,6))) #idem #add Entities -------------------- something_ready = 0 sce = Scene.GetCurrent() mw = Mathutils.Matrix( [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) if PROJECTION: if CAMERA ',\n' # replace: '{' -> '\n{\n' # replace: '}' -> '\n}\n' output_str = ',\n'.join(output_str.split(',')) output_str = '\n}'.join(output_str.split('}')) output_str = '{\n'.join(output_str.split('{')) try: f = file(iniFile, 'w') f.write(INIFILE_HEADER + '\n# this is a comment line\n') f.write(output_str) f.close() #Draw.PupMenu('DXF-Exporter: INI-file: Done!%t|config-data saved in ' + '\'%s\'' %iniFile) except: Draw.PupMenu('DXF-Exporter: INI-file: Error!%t|failure by writing to ' + '\'%s\'|no config-data saved!' %iniFile) else: Draw.PupMenu('DXF-Exporter: INI-file: Alert!%t|no valid name/extension for INI-file selected!') print "DXF-Exporter: Alert!: no valid INI-file selected." if not iniFile: if dxfFileName.val.lower().endswith('.dxf'): iniFileName.val = dxfFileName.val[0:-4] + INIFILE_EXTENSION def loadConfig(): #remi--todo----------------------------------------------- """Load settings/config/materials from INI-file. Read material-assignements from config-file. """ #070724 buggy Window.FileSelector(loadConfigFile, 'Load config data from INI-file', inifilename) global iniFileName, GUI_A, GUI_B iniFile = iniFileName.val update_RegistryKey('iniFileName', iniFile) #print 'deb:loadConfig iniFile: ', iniFile #---------------------- if iniFile.lower().endswith(INIFILE_EXTENSION) and Blender.sys.exists(iniFile): f = file(iniFile, 'r') header_str = f.readline() if header_str.startswith(INIFILE_HEADER): data_str = f.read() f.close() #print 'deb:loadConfig data_str from %s: \n' %iniFile , data_str #----------------- data = eval(data_str) for k, v in data[0].iteritems(): try: GUI_A[k].val = v except: GUI_A[k] = Draw.Create(v) for k, v in data[1].iteritems(): try: GUI_B[k].val = v except: GUI_B[k] = Draw.Create(v) else: f.close() Draw.PupMenu('DXF-Exporter: INI-file: Alert!%t|no valid header in INI-file: ' + '\'%s\'' %iniFile) else: Draw.PupMenu('DXF-Exporter: INI-file: Alert!%t|no valid INI-file selected!') print "DXF-Exporter: Alert!: no valid INI-file selected." if not iniFileName: if dxfFileName.val.lower().endswith('.dxf'): iniFileName.val = dxfFileName.val[0:-4] + INIFILE_EXTENSION def updateConfig(keywords, drawTypes): #----------------------------------------------- """updates GUI_settings with given dictionaries """ global GUI_A, GUI_B #print 'deb:lresetDefaultConfig keywords_org: \n', keywords_org #--------- for k, v in keywords.iteritems(): GUI_A[k].val = v for k, v in drawTypes.iteritems(): GUI_B[k].val = v def resetDefaultConfig(): #----------------------------------------------- """Resets settings/config/materials to defaults. """ #print 'deb:lresetDefaultConfig keywords_org: \n', keywords_org #--------- updateConfig(keywords_org, drawTypes_org) def presetConfig_polyline(activate): #----------------------------------------------- """Sets settings/config for polygon representation: POLYLINE(FACE) or LINEs/3DFACEs. """ global GUI_A if activate: GUI_A['to_polyline_on'].val = 1 GUI_A['mesh_as'].val = 1 GUI_A['curve_as'].val = 1 else: GUI_A['to_polyline_on'].val = 0 GUI_A['mesh_as'].val = 0 GUI_A['curve_as'].val = 0 def resetDefaultConfig_2D(): #----------------------------------------------- """Sets settings/config/materials to defaults 2D. """ keywords2d = { 'projection_on' : 1, 'fill_on' : 1, 'text_as' : 0, 'group_as' : 0, } drawTypes2d = { 'bmesh' : 1, 'bcurve': 1, 'surface':0, 'bmeta' : 0, 'text' : 1, 'empty' : 1, 'group' : 1, 'parent' : 1, #'proxy' : 0, #'camera': 0, #'lamp' : 0, } presetConfig_polyline(1) updateConfig(keywords2d, drawTypes2d) def resetDefaultConfig_3D(): #----------------------------------------------- """Sets settings/config/materials to defaults 3D. """ keywords3d = { 'projection_on' : 0, 'fill_on' : 0, #'text_as' : 0, 'group_as' : 0, } drawTypes3d = { 'bmesh' : 1, 'bcurve': 1, 'surface':0, 'bmeta' : 0, 'text' : 0, 'empty' : 1, 'group' : 1, 'parent' : 1, #'proxy' : 0, 'camera': 1, 'lamp' : 1, } presetConfig_polyline(1) updateConfig(keywords3d, drawTypes3d) def inputGlobalScale(): """Pop-up UI-Block for global scale factor """ global GUI_A #print 'deb:inputGlobalScale ##########' #------------ x_scale = Draw.Create(GUI_A['g_scale'].val) block = [] #block.append("global translation vector:") block.append(("", x_scale, 0.0, 10000000.0)) retval = Draw.PupBlock("set global scale factor:", block) GUI_A['g_scale'].val = float(x_scale.val) def inputOriginVector(): """Pop-up UI-Block for global translation vector """ global GUI_A #print 'deb:inputOriginVector ##########' #------------ x_origin = Draw.Create(GUI_A['g_originX'].val) y_origin = Draw.Create(GUI_A['g_originY'].val) z_origin = Draw.Create(GUI_A['g_originZ'].val) block = [] #block.append("global translation vector:") block.append(("X: ", x_origin, -100000000.0, 100000000.0)) block.append(("Y: ", y_origin, -100000000.0, 100000000.0)) block.append(("Z: ", z_origin, -100000000.0, 100000000.0)) retval = Draw.PupBlock("set global translation vector:", block) GUI_A['g_originX'].val = x_origin.val GUI_A['g_originY'].val = y_origin.val GUI_A['g_originZ'].val = z_origin.val def update_globals(): #----------------------------------------------------------------- """ update globals if GUI_A changed """ global ONLYSELECTED, DEBUG,\ PROJECTION, HIDDEN_LINES, CAMERA, \ G_SCALE, G_ORIGIN,\ PREFIX, LAYERNAME_DEF, LAYERCOLOR_DEF, LAYERLTYPE_DEF,\ APPLY_MODIFIERS, INCLUDE_DUPLIS,\ OUTPUT_DWG #global POLYLINES ONLYSELECTED = GUI_A['only_selected_on'].val """ POLYLINES = GUI_A['to_polyline_on'].val if GUI_A['curve_as'].val==1: POLYLINES=1 else: POLYLINES=0 """ if GUI_A['optimization'].val==0: DEBUG = 1 else: DEBUG = 0 PROJECTION = GUI_A['projection_on'].val HIDDEN_LINES = GUI_A['hidden_lines_on'].val CAMERA = GUI_A['camera_on'].val G_SCALE = GUI_A['g_scale'].val if GUI_A['g_origin_on'].val: #TODO: scale and object orientation G_ORIGIN[0] = GUI_A['g_originX'].val G_ORIGIN[1] = GUI_A['g_originY'].val G_ORIGIN[2] = GUI_A['g_originZ'].val if GUI_A['g_scale_on'].val: G_ORIGIN[0] *= G_SCALE G_ORIGIN[1] *= G_SCALE G_ORIGIN[2] *= G_SCALE PREFIX = GUI_A['prefix_def'].val LAYERNAME_DEF = GUI_A['layername_def'].val LAYERCOLOR_DEF = GUI_A['layercolor_def'].val LAYERLTYPE_DEF = layerltype_def_list[GUI_A['layerltype_def'].val] APPLY_MODIFIERS = GUI_A['apply_modifiers_on'].val INCLUDE_DUPLIS = GUI_A['include_duplis_on'].val OUTPUT_DWG = GUI_A['outputDWG_on'].val #print 'deb: GUI HIDDEN_LINES=', HIDDEN_LINES #--------- #print 'deb: GUI GUI_A: ', GUI_A['hidden_lines_on'].val #--------------- #print 'deb: GUI GUI_B: ', GUI_B #--------------- def draw_UI(): #----------------------------------------------------------------- """ Draw startUI and setup Settings. """ global GUI_A, GUI_B #__version__ global user_preset, iniFileName, dxfFileName, config_UI, g_scale_as global model_space_on global SCROLL global mPAN_X, menu_orgX, mPAN_Xmax global mPAN_Y, menu_orgY, mPAN_Ymax global menu__Area, headerArea, screenArea, scrollArea size=Buffer(GL_FLOAT, 4) glGetFloatv(GL_SCISSOR_BOX, size) #window X,Y,sizeX,sizeY size= size.list #print '-------------size:', size #-------------------------- for s in [0,1,2,3]: size[s]=int(size[s]) window_Area = [0,0,size[2],size[3]-2] scrollXArea = [0,0,window_Area[2],15] scrollYArea = [0,0,15,window_Area[3]] menu_orgX = -mPAN_X #menu_orgX = 0 #scrollW #if menu_pan: menu_orgX -= mPAN_X if menu_orgX < -mPAN_Xmax: menu_orgX, mPAN_X = -mPAN_Xmax,mPAN_Xmax if menu_orgX > 0: menu_orgX, mPAN_X = 0,0 menu_orgY = -mPAN_Y #if menu_pan: menu_orgY -= mPAN_Y if menu_orgY < -mPAN_Ymax: menu_orgY, mPAN_Y = -mPAN_Ymax,mPAN_Ymax if menu_orgY > 0: menu_orgY, mPAN_Y = 0,0 menu_margin = 10 butt_margin = 10 common_column = int((window_Area[2] - (3 * butt_margin) - (2 * menu_margin)-30) / 4.0) common_column = 70 # This is for easy layout changes but_0c = common_column #button 1.column width but_1c = common_column #button 1.column width but_2c = common_column #button 2.column but_3c = common_column #button 3.column menu_w = (3 * butt_margin) + but_0c + but_1c + but_2c + but_3c #menu width simple_menu_h = 240 extend_menu_h = 345 menu_h = simple_menu_h # y is menu upper.y if config_UI.val: menu_h += extend_menu_h mPAN_Xmax = menu_w-window_Area[2]+50 mPAN_Ymax = menu_h-window_Area[3]+30 y = menu_h x = 0 #menu left.x x +=menu_orgX+20 y +=menu_orgY+20 but0c = x + menu_margin #buttons 0.column position.x but1c = but0c + but_0c + butt_margin but2c = but1c + but_1c + butt_margin but3c = but2c + but_2c + butt_margin but4c = but3c + but_3c # Here starts menu ----------------------------------------------------- #glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) #glRasterPos2d(8, 125) ui_box(x, y, x+menu_w+menu_margin*2, y-menu_h) y -= 20 Draw.Label("DXF(r12)-Exporter v" + __version__, but0c, y, menu_w, 20) if config_UI.val: b0, b0_ = but0c, but_0c-20 + butt_margin b1, b1_ = but1c-20, but_1c+20 y_top = y y -= 10 y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_B['bmesh'] = Draw.Toggle('Mesh', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_B['bmesh'].val, "Export Mesh-Objects on/off") if GUI_B['bmesh'].val: GUI_A['mesh_as'] = Draw.Menu(mesh_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['mesh_as'].val, "Select target DXF-object") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_B['bcurve'] = Draw.Toggle('Curve', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_B['bcurve'].val, "Export Curve-Objects on/off") if GUI_B['bcurve'].val: GUI_A['curve_as'] = Draw.Menu(curve_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['curve_as'].val, "Select target DXF-object") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_B['surface'] = Draw.Toggle('..Surface', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_B['surface'].val, "(*todo) Export Surface-Objects on/off") if GUI_B['surface'].val: GUI_A['surface_as'] = Draw.Menu(surface_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['surface_as'].val, "Select target DXF-object") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_B['bmeta'] = Draw.Toggle('..Meta', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_B['bmeta'].val, "(*todo) Export Meta-Objects on/off") if GUI_B['bmeta'].val: GUI_A['meta_as'] = Draw.Menu(meta_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['meta_as'].val, "Select target DXF-object") #GUI_A['plmesh_flip'] = Draw.Toggle('N', EVENT_NONE, b1+b1_-40, y, 20, 20, GUI_A['plmesh_flip'].val, "flip DXF normals on/off") #GUI_A['normals_out'] = Draw.Toggle('N', EVENT_NONE, b1+b1_-20, y, 20, 20, GUI_A['normals_out'].val, "force Blender normals to outside on/off") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_B['text'] = Draw.Toggle('..Text', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_B['text'].val, "(*todo) Export Text-Objects on/off") #GUI_B['mtext'] = Draw.Toggle('..MTEXT', EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_B['mtext'].val, "(*todo) support dxf-MTEXT on/off") if GUI_B['text'].val: GUI_A['text_as'] = Draw.Menu(text_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['text_as'].val, "Select target DXF-object") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_B['empty'] = Draw.Toggle('Empty', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_B['empty'].val, "Export Empty-Objects on/off") if GUI_B['empty'].val: GUI_A['empty_as'] = Draw.Menu(empty_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['empty_as'].val, "Select target DXF-object") # Draw.Label('-->', but2c, y, but_2c, 20) Draw.EndAlign() y_down = y # ----------------------------------------------- y = y_top b0, b0_ = but2c, but_2c-20 + butt_margin b1, b1_ = but3c-20, but_3c+20 y -= 10 y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_B['group'] = Draw.Toggle('..Group', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_B['group'].val, "(*todo) Export Group-Relationships on/off") #GUI_B['insert'].val = GUI_B['group'].val if GUI_B['group'].val: #GUI_A['block_nn'] = Draw.Toggle('n', EVENT_NONE, b1-30, y, 15, 20, GUI_A['block_nn'].val, "Export hatch/noname BLOCKs *X... on/off") #GUI_A['xref_on'] = Draw.Toggle('Xref', EVENT_NONE, b1-15, y, 35, 20, GUI_A['xref_on'].val, "Export for XREF-BLOCKs (place holders) on/off") GUI_A['group_as'] = Draw.Menu(group_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['group_as'].val, "Select target DXF-object") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_B['parent'] = Draw.Toggle('..Parent', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_B['parent'].val, "(*todo) Export Parent-Relationships on/off") if GUI_B['parent'].val: GUI_A['parent_as'] = Draw.Menu(parent_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['parent_as'].val, "Select target DXF-object") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_B['proxy'] = Draw.Toggle('..Proxy', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_B['proxy'].val, "(*todo) Export Proxy-Objects on/off") if GUI_B['proxy'].val: GUI_A['proxy_as'] = Draw.Menu(proxy_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['proxy_as'].val, "Select target DXF-object") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_B['camera'] = Draw.Toggle('..Camera', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_B['camera'].val, "(*todo) Export Camera-Objects on/off") if GUI_B['camera'].val: GUI_A['camera_as'] = Draw.Menu(camera_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['camera_as'].val, "Select target DXF-object") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_B['lamp'] = Draw.Toggle('..Lamp', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_B['lamp'].val, "(*todo) Export Lamp-Objects on/off") if GUI_B['lamp'].val: GUI_A['lamp_as'] = Draw.Menu(lamp_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['lamp_as'].val, "Select target DXF-object") Draw.EndAlign() if y < y_down: y_down = y # -----end supported objects-------------------------------------- y_top = y_down y = y_top y -= 10 y -= 20 but_ = menu_w / 6 b0 = but0c + (menu_w - but_*6)/2 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_A['paper_space_on'] = Draw.Toggle('paper', EVENT_NONE, b0+but_*0, y, but_, 20, GUI_A['paper_space_on'].val, "Export to Paper-Space, otherwise to Model-Space on/off") GUI_A['layFrozen_on'] = Draw.Toggle ('..frozen', EVENT_NONE, b0+but_*1, y, but_, 20, GUI_A['layFrozen_on'].val, "(*todo) Support LAYER.frozen status on/off") GUI_A['materialFilter_on'] = Draw.Toggle('..material', EVENT_NONE, b0+but_*2, y, but_, 20, GUI_A['materialFilter_on'].val, "(*todo) Material filtering on/off") GUI_A['colorFilter_on'] = Draw.Toggle('..color', EVENT_NONE, b0+but_*3, y, but_, 20, GUI_A['colorFilter_on'].val, "(*todo) Color filtering on/off") GUI_A['groupFilter_on'] = Draw.Toggle('..group', EVENT_NONE, b0+but_*4, y, but_, 20, GUI_A['groupFilter_on'].val, "(*todo) Group filtering on/off") GUI_A['objectFilter_on'] = Draw.Toggle('..object', EVENT_NONE, b0+but_*5, y, but_, 20, GUI_A['objectFilter_on'].val, "(*todo) Object filtering on/off") #GUI_A['dummy_on'] = Draw.Toggle('-', EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['dummy_on'].val, "dummy on/off") Draw.EndAlign() # -----end filters-------------------------------------- b0, b0_ = but0c, but_0c + butt_margin b1, b1_ = but1c, but_1c y -= 10 y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_A['g_origin_on'] = Draw.Toggle('Location', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_A['g_origin_on'].val, "Global relocate all objects on/off") if GUI_A['g_origin_on'].val: tmp = Draw.PushButton('=', EVENT_ORIGIN, b1, y, 20, 20, "Edit relocation-vector (x,y,z in DXF units)") origin_str = '(%.4f, %.4f, %.4f)' % ( GUI_A['g_originX'].val, GUI_A['g_originY'].val, GUI_A['g_originZ'].val ) tmp = Draw.Label(origin_str, b1+20, y, 300, 20) #GUI_A['g_origin'] = Draw.String('', EVENT_ORIGIN, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['g_origin'].val, "Global translation-vector (x,y,z) in DXF units") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_A['g_scale_on'] = Draw.Toggle('Scale', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_A['g_scale_on'].val, "Global scale all objects on/off") if GUI_A['g_scale_on'].val: g_scale_as = Draw.Menu(g_scale_list, EVENT_SCALE, b1, y, 45, 20, g_scale_as.val, "Factor for scaling the DXFdata") if g_scale_as.val == 12: pass else: if g_scale_as.val == 6: #scale inches to meters GUI_A['g_scale'].val = 0.0254000 elif g_scale_as.val == 7: #scale feets to meters GUI_A['g_scale'].val = 0.3048000 elif g_scale_as.val == 8: #scale yards to meters GUI_A['g_scale'].val = 0.9144000 else: GUI_A['g_scale'].val = 10.0 ** int(g_scale_as.val) scale_float = GUI_A['g_scale'].val if scale_float < 0.000001 or scale_float > 1000000: scale_str = ' = %s' % GUI_A['g_scale'].val else: scale_str = ' = %.6f' % GUI_A['g_scale'].val Draw.Label(scale_str, b1+45, y, 200, 20) Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_A['Z_force_on'] = Draw.Toggle('Elevation', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_A['Z_force_on'].val, "Overwrite Z-coordinates (flatten geometry) on/off") if GUI_A['Z_force_on'].val: GUI_A['Z_elev'] = Draw.Number('', EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['Z_elev'].val, -1000, 1000, "Set value for default Z-coordinate (in DXF units)") Draw.EndAlign() """ y -= 30 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_A['material_on'] = Draw.Toggle('.material', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y, b0_-20, 20, GUI_A['material_on'].val, "Support for material assignment on/off") if GUI_A['material_on'].val: GUI_A['material_to'] = Draw.Menu(material_to_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1-20, y, b1_+20, 20, GUI_A['material_to'].val, "Material assigned to?") Draw.EndAlign() """ #b0, b0_ = but0c, but_0c + butt_margin b0, b0_ = but0c, 50 b1, b1_ = b0+b0_, but_0c-b0_+ but_1c + butt_margin b2, b2_ = but2c, but_2c b3, b3_ = but3c, but_3c y -= 30 Draw.Label('Output:', b0, y, b0_, 20) Draw.Label('LAYER:', b1, y, b1_, 20) Draw.Label('COLOR:', b2, y, b2_, 20) Draw.Label('LINETYPE:', b3, y, b3_, 20) #Draw.Label('LINESIZE:', b4, y, b4_, 20) y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_A['prefix_def'] = Draw.String('', EVENT_NONE, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_A['prefix_def'].val, 10, "Type Prefix for LAYERs") GUI_A['layername_def'] = Draw.String('', EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['layername_def'].val, 10, "Type default LAYER name") GUI_A['layercolor_def'] = Draw.Number('', EVENT_NONE, b2, y, b2_, 20, GUI_A['layercolor_def'].val, 1, 255, "Set default COLOR. (0=BYBLOCK,256=BYLAYER)") GUI_A['layerltype_def'] = Draw.Menu(layerltype_def_menu, EVENT_NONE, b3, y, b3_, 20, GUI_A['layerltype_def'].val, "Set default LINETYPE") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 25 Draw.Label('Style:', b0, y, b0_, 20) Draw.BeginAlign() GUI_A['entitylayer_from'] = Draw.Menu(entitylayer_from_menu, EVENT_NONE, b1, y, b1_, 20, GUI_A['entitylayer_from'].val, "entity LAYER assigned to?") GUI_A['entitycolor_from'] = Draw.Menu(entitycolor_from_menu, EVENT_NONE, b2, y, b2_, 20, GUI_A['entitycolor_from'].val, "entity COLOR assigned to?") GUI_A['entityltype_from'] = Draw.Menu(entityltype_from_menu, EVENT_NONE, b3, y, b3_, 20, GUI_A['entityltype_from'].val, "Set entity LINETYPE") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 10 y_down = y # -----end material,translate,scale------------------------------------------ """ b0, b0_ = but0c, but_0c + butt_margin b1, b1_ = but1c, but_1c y_top = y_down y = y_top y -= 10 y -= 20 GUI_A['group_bylayer_on'] = Draw.Toggle('Layer', EVENT_NONE, b0, y, 30, 20, GUI_A['group_bylayer_on'].val, "DXF-entities group by layer on/off") y_down = y # ----------------------------------------------- b0, b0_ = but2c, but_2c + butt_margin b1, b1_ = but3c, but_3c y = y_top y -= 10 y -= 20 if y < y_down: y_down = y # -----end options -------------------------------------- """ #-------------------------------------- y_top = y_down y = y_top #GUI_A['dummy_on'] = Draw.Toggle(' - ', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, GUI_A['dummy_on'].val, "reserved") y -= 30 Draw.BeginAlign() Draw.PushButton('INI file >', EVENT_CHOOSE_INI, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, 'Select INI-file with file selector') iniFileName = Draw.String(' :', EVENT_NONE, but1c, y, menu_w-but_1c-60, 20, iniFileName.val, FILENAME_MAX, "Write here the name of the INI-file") but = but4c-60 Draw.PushButton('#', EVENT_PRESETS, but, y, 20, 20, "Toggle Preset-INI-files") Draw.PushButton('L', EVENT_LOAD_INI, but+20, y, 20, 20, 'Loads configuration from selected ini-file: %s' % iniFileName.val) Draw.PushButton('S', EVENT_SAVE_INI, but+40, y, 20, 20, 'Saves configuration to selected ini-file: %s' % iniFileName.val) Draw.EndAlign() bm = butt_margin/2 y -= 10 y -= 20 Draw.BeginAlign() Draw.PushButton('DXFfile >', EVENT_CHOOSE_DXF, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, 'Select DXF-file with file selector') dxfFileName = Draw.String(' :', EVENT_NONE, but1c, y, menu_w-but_0c-menu_margin, 20, dxfFileName.val, FILENAME_MAX, "Type path/name of output DXF-file") Draw.EndAlign() y -= 30 config_UI = Draw.Toggle('CONFIG', EVENT_REDRAW, but0c, y, but_0c+bm, 20, config_UI.val, 'Advanced configuration on/off' ) Draw.BeginAlign() but, but_ = but1c, but_1c+bm but_ /= 3 Draw.PushButton('X', EVENT_RESET, but, y, 15, 20, "Reset configuration to defaults") Draw.PushButton('2D', EVENT_PRESET2D, but+but_, y, but_, 20, 'Set to standard configuration for 2D export') Draw.PushButton('3D', EVENT_PRESET3D, but+(but_*2), y, but_, 20, 'Set to standard configuration for 3D import') Draw.EndAlign() y -= 30 b0, b0_ = but0c, but_0c + butt_margin +but_1c GUI_A['only_selected_on'] = Draw.Toggle('Export Selection', EVENT_NONE, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_A['only_selected_on'].val, "Export only selected geometry on/off") b0, b0_ = but2c, but_2c + butt_margin + but_3c y -= 20 b0, b0_ = but0c, but_0c + butt_margin +but_1c GUI_A['to_polyline_on'] = Draw.Toggle('POLYLINE', EVENT_PRESETPLINE, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_A['to_polyline_on'].val, "Export to POLYLINEs, otherwise to LINEs/3DFACEs on/off") b0, b0_ = but2c, but_2c + butt_margin + but_3c Draw.BeginAlign() #y -=20 GUI_A['projection_on'] = Draw.Toggle('Projection 2d', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y+20, b0_, 20, GUI_A['projection_on'].val, "Export a 2d Projection according 3dView or Camera on/off") if GUI_A['projection_on'].val: #GUI_A['camera_on'] = Draw.Toggle('Camera / 3dView', EVENT_NONE, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_A['camera_on'].val, "get Projection from current Camera, otherwise from 3dView on/off") GUI_A['camera_on'] = Draw.Menu(MenuCAMERA, EVENT_CAMERA, b0, y, b0_-20, 20, GUI_A['camera_on'].val, 'Choose the camera to be rendered') Draw.PushButton('>', EVENT_setCAMERA, b0+b0_-20, y, 20, 20, 'switch to selected Camera - make it active') GUI_A['hidden_lines_on'] = Draw.Toggle('.Hidden Lines', EVENT_NONE, b0, y-20, b0_, 20, GUI_A['hidden_lines_on'].val, "Filter out hidden lines on/off") #GUI_A['shadows_on'] = Draw.Toggle('..Shadows', EVENT_REDRAW, b0, y-40, but_2c, 20, GUI_A['shadows_on'].val, "(*todo) Shadow tracing on/off") #GUI_A['light_on'] = Draw.Menu(MenuLIGHT, EVENT_LIGHT, but3c, y-40, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['light_on'].val, '(*todo) Choose the light source(sun) to be rendered') Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 b0, b0_ = but0c, but_0c + butt_margin +but_1c GUI_A['apply_modifiers_on'] = Draw.Toggle('Apply Modifiers', EVENT_NONE, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_A['apply_modifiers_on'].val, "Apply modifier stack to mesh objects before export on/off") b0, b0_ = but2c, but_2c + butt_margin + but_3c #GUI_A['target_layer'] = Draw.Number('layer', EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['target_layer'].val, 1, 18, "target Blender-layer (<19> reserved for block_definitions)") y -= 20 b0, b0_ = but0c, but_0c + butt_margin +but_1c GUI_A['include_duplis_on'] = Draw.Toggle('Include Duplis', EVENT_NONE, b0, y, b0_, 20, GUI_A['include_duplis_on'].val, "Export Duplicates (dupliverts, dupliframes, dupligroups) on/off") b0, b0_ = but2c, but_2c + butt_margin + but_3c y -= 50 Draw.PushButton('EXIT', EVENT_EXIT, but0c, y, but_0c+bm, 20, '' ) Draw.PushButton('HELP', EVENT_HELP, but1c, y, but_1c+bm, 20, 'goes to online-Manual on wiki.blender.org') GUI_A['optimization'] = Draw.Number('', EVENT_NONE, but2c, y, 40, 20, GUI_A['optimization'].val, 0, 3, "Optimization Level: 0=Debug/Draw-in, 1=Verbose, 2=ProgressBar, 3=SilentMode") GUI_A['outputDWG_on'] = Draw.Toggle('DWG*', EVENT_NONE, but2c, y+20, 40, 20, GUI_A['outputDWG_on'].val, "converts DXF to DWG (needs external converter) on/off") Draw.BeginAlign() #Draw.PushButton('TEST', EVENT_LIST, but2c, y, 40, 20, 'DXF-Analyze-Tool: reads data from selected dxf file and writes report in project_directory/dxf_blendname.INF') Draw.PushButton('START EXPORT', EVENT_START, but2c+40, y, but_2c-40+but_3c+butt_margin, 40, 'Start the export process. For Cancel go to console and hit Ctrl-C') Draw.EndAlign() y -= 20 #Draw.BeginAlign() #Draw.Label(' ', but0c-menu_margin, y, menu_margin, 20) #Draw.Label(LAB, but0c, y, menu_w, 20) Draw.Label(LAB, 30, y, menu_w, 20) #Draw.Label(' ', but0c+menu_w, y, menu_margin, 20) #Draw.EndAlign() ui_scrollbarX(menu_orgX, menu_w+50, scrollXArea, c_fg, c_bg) ui_scrollbarY(menu_orgY, menu_h+30, scrollYArea, c_fg, c_bg) #-- END GUI Stuf----------------------------------------------------- c0=[0.2,0.2,0.2,0.0] c1=[0.7,0.7,0.9,0.0] c2=[0.71,0.71,0.71,0.0] c3=[0.4,0.4,0.4,0.0] c4=[0.95,0.95,0.9,0.0] c5=[0.64,0.64,0.64,0] c6=[0.75,0.75,0.75,0] c7=[0.6,0.6,0.6,0] c8=[1.0,0.0,0.0,0] c9=[0.7,0.0,0.0,0] c10=[0.64,0.81,0.81,0] c11=[0.57,0.71,0.71,0] c_nor= c5[:3] c_act= c10[:3] c_sel= c11[:3] c_tx = c0[:3] c_fg = c2[:3] c_bg = c5[:3] def ui_rect(coords,color): [X1,Y1,X2,Y2],[r,g,b] = coords,color glColor3f(r,g,b) glRecti(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) def ui_rectA(coords,color): [X1,Y1,X2,Y2],[r,g,b,a] = coords,color glColor4f(r,g,b,a) glRecti(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) #integer coords #glRectf(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) #floating coords def ui_line(coords,color): [X1,Y1,X2,Y2],[r,g,b] = coords,color glColor3f(r,g,b) glBegin(GL_LINES) glVertex2i(X1,Y1) glVertex2i(X2,Y2) glEnd() def ui_panel(posX,posY,L,H,color): [r,g,b] = color ui_rect([posX+4,posY-4,posX+L+4,posY-H-4],[.55,.55,.55]) #1st shadow ui_rect([posX+3,posY-3,posX+L+3,posY-H-3],[.45,.45,.45]) ui_rect([posX+3,posY-3,posX+L+2,posY-H-2],[.30,.30,.30]) #2nd shadow ui_rect([posX,posY-H,posX+L,posY],[r,g,b]) #Main ui_rect([posX+3,posY-19,posX+L-3,posY-2],[.75*r,.75*g,.75*b]) #Titlebar ui_line([posX+3,posY-19,posX+3,posY-2],[.25,.25,.25]) ui_line([posX+4,posY-19,posX+4,posY-2],[(r+.75)/4,(g+.75)/4,(b+.75)/4]) ui_line([posX+4,posY-2,posX+L-3,posY-2],[(r+.75)/4,(g+.75)/4,(b+.75)/4]) def ui_box(x,y,xright,bottom): color = [0.75, 0.75, 0.75] coords = x+1,y+1,xright-1,bottom-1 ui_rect(coords,color) def ui_scrollbarX(Focus,PanelH,Area, color_fg, color_bg): # Area = ScrollBarArea # point1=down/left, point2=top/right P1X,P1Y,P2X,P2Y = Area AreaH = P2X-P1X if PanelH > AreaH: Slider = int(AreaH * (AreaH / float(PanelH))) if Slider<3: Slider = 3 #minimal slider heigh posX = -int(AreaH * (Focus / float(PanelH))) ui_rect([P1X,P1Y,P2X,P2Y], color_bg) ui_rect([P1X+posX,P1Y+3,P1X+posX+Slider,P2Y-3], color_fg) def ui_scrollbarY(Focus,PanelH,Area, color_fg, color_bg): # Area = ScrollBarArea # point1=down/left, point2=top/right P1X,P1Y,P2X,P2Y = Area AreaH = P2Y-P1Y if PanelH > AreaH: Slider = int(AreaH * (AreaH / float(PanelH))) if Slider<3: Slider = 3 #minimal slider heigh posY = -int(AreaH * (Focus / float(PanelH))) ui_rect([P1X,P1Y,P2X-1,P2Y], color_bg) #ui_rect([P1X+3,P2Y-posY,P2X-4,P2Y-posY-Slider], color_fg) ui_rect([P1X+3,P1Y+posY,P2X-4,P1Y+posY+Slider], color_fg) #------------------------------------------------------------ def dxf_callback(input_filename): global dxfFileName dxfFileName.val=input_filename # dirname == Blender.sys.dirname(Blender.Get('filename')) # update_RegistryKey('DirName', dirname) # update_RegistryKey('dxfFileName', input_filename) def ini_callback(input_filename): global iniFileName iniFileName.val=input_filename #------------------------------------------------------------ def getSpaceRect(): __UI_RECT__ = Buffer(GL_FLOAT, 4) glGetFloatv(GL_SCISSOR_BOX, __UI_RECT__) __UI_RECT__ = __UI_RECT__.list return (int(__UI_RECT__[0]), int(__UI_RECT__[1]), int(__UI_RECT__[2]), int(__UI_RECT__[3])) def getRelMousePos(mco, winRect): # mco = Blender.Window.GetMouseCoords() if pointInRect(mco, winRect): return (mco[0] - winRect[0], mco[1] - winRect[1]) return None def pointInRect(pt, rect): if rect[0] < pt[0] < rect[0]+rect[2] and\ rect[1] < pt[1] < rect[1]+rect[3]: return True else: return False #--- variables UI menu --------------------------- mco = [0,0] # mouse coordinaten mbX, mbY = 0,0 # mouse buffer coordinaten scrollW = 20 # width of scrollbar rowH = 20 # height of menu raw menu__H = 2 * rowH +5 # height of menu bar headerH = 1 * rowH # height of column header bar scroll_left = True # position of scrollbar menu_bottom = False # position of menu edit_mode = False # indicator/activator iconlib_mode = False # indicator/activator icon_maps = [] #[['blenderbuttons.png',12,25,20,21], #['referenceicons.png',12,25,20,21]] help_text = False # indicator/activator menu_pan = False # indicator/activator compact_DESIGN = True # toggle UI showLINK = True # toggle Links filterList=[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] dubbleclik_delay = 0.25 PAN_X,PAN_Y = 0,0 # pan coordinates in characters mPAN_X,mPAN_Y = 0,0 # manu pan coordinates in characters menu_orgX = 0 menu_orgY = 0 mPAN_Xmax = 800 mPAN_Ymax = 800 #------------------------------------------------------------ def event(evt, val): global mbX, mbY, UP, UP0, scroll_pan, FOCUS_fix global menu_bottom, scroll_left, mco global PAN_X, PAN_Y, PAN_X0, PAN_Y0 global mPAN_X, mPAN_Y, mPAN_X0, mPAN_Y0, menu_pan #if Blender.event: # print 'Blender.event:%s, evt:%s' %(Blender.event, evt) #------------ if evt in (Draw.QKEY, Draw.ESCKEY) and not val: print 'DXF-Exporter *** end ***' #--------------------- Draw.Exit() elif val: if evt==Draw.MIDDLEMOUSE: mco2 = Window.GetMouseCoords() relativeMouseCo = getRelMousePos(mco2, getSpaceRect()) if relativeMouseCo != None: #rect = [menu__X1,menu__Y1,menu__X2,menu__Y2] if 1: #pointInRect(relativeMouseCo, menu__Area): menu_pan = True mPAN_X0 = mPAN_X mPAN_Y0 = mPAN_Y mco = mco2 elif evt == Draw.MOUSEY or evt == Draw.MOUSEX: if menu_pan: mco2 = Window.GetMouseCoords() mbX = mco2[0]-mco[0] mbY = mco2[1]-mco[1] mPAN_X = mPAN_X0 - mbX mPAN_Y = mPAN_Y0 - mbY #print mbX, mbY #-------------------- Draw.Redraw() elif evt == Draw.WHEELDOWNMOUSE: mPAN_Y -= 80 Draw.Redraw() elif evt == Draw.WHEELUPMOUSE: mPAN_Y += 80 Draw.Redraw() else: # = if val==False: if evt==Draw.LEFTMOUSE: scroll_pan = False elif evt==Draw.MIDDLEMOUSE: menu_pan = False def bevent(evt): # global EVENT_NONE,EVENT_LOAD_DXF,EVENT_LOAD_INI,EVENT_SAVE_INI,EVENT_EXIT global config_UI, user_preset global CAMERA, GUI_A ######### Manages GUI events if (evt==EVENT_EXIT): Draw.Exit() print 'DXF-Exporter *** end ***' #--------------------- elif (evt==EVENT_CHOOSE_INI): Window.FileSelector(ini_callback, "INI-file Selection", '*.ini') elif (evt==EVENT_REDRAW): Draw.Redraw() elif (evt==EVENT_RESET): resetDefaultConfig() Draw.Redraw() elif (evt==EVENT_PRESET2D): resetDefaultConfig_2D() Draw.Redraw() elif (evt==EVENT_PRESET3D): resetDefaultConfig_3D() Draw.Redraw() elif evt in (EVENT_CAMERA,EVENT_LIGHT): CAMERA = GUI_A['camera_on'].val if CAMERA==len(CAMERAS)+1: doAllCameras = True else: print 'deb: CAMERAS=',CAMERAS #---------------- Draw.Redraw() elif (evt==EVENT_setCAMERA): if CAMERA 5: user_preset = 0; index = '' iniFileName.val = INIFILE_DEFAULT_NAME + index + INIFILE_EXTENSION Draw.Redraw() elif (evt==EVENT_LIST): dxfFile = dxfFileName.val update_RegistryKey('dxfFileName', dxfFileName.val) if dxfFile.lower().endswith('.dxf') and Blender.sys.exists(dxfFile): analyzeDXF(dxfFile) else: Draw.PupMenu('DXF-Exporter: Alert!%t|no valid DXF-file selected!') print "DXF-Exporter: error, no valid DXF-file selected! try again" Draw.Redraw() elif (evt==EVENT_HELP): try: import webbrowser webbrowser.open('http://wiki.blender.org/index.php?title=Scripts/Manual/Export/autodesk_dxf') except: Draw.PupMenu('DXF-Exporter: HELP Alert!%t|no connection to manual-page on Blender-Wiki! try:|\ http://wiki.blender.org/index.php?title=Scripts/Manual/Export/autodesk_dxf') Draw.Redraw() elif (evt==EVENT_LOAD_INI): loadConfig() Draw.Redraw() elif (evt==EVENT_SAVE_INI): saveConfig() Draw.Redraw() elif (evt==EVENT_DXF_DIR): dxfFile = dxfFileName.val dxfPathName = '' if '/' in dxfFile: dxfPathName = '/'.join(dxfFile.split('/')[:-1]) + '/' elif '\\' in dxfFile: dxfPathName = '\\'.join(dxfFile.split('\\')[:-1]) + '\\' dxfFileName.val = dxfPathName + '*.dxf' # dirname == Blender.sys.dirname(Blender.Get('filename')) # update_RegistryKey('DirName', dirname) # update_RegistryKey('dxfFileName', dxfFileName.val) GUI_A['only_selected_on'].val = 1 Draw.Redraw() elif (evt==EVENT_CHOOSE_DXF): filename = '' # '*.dxf' if dxfFileName.val: filename = dxfFileName.val Window.FileSelector(dxf_callback, "DXF-file Selection", filename) elif (evt==EVENT_START): dxfFile = dxfFileName.val #print 'deb: dxfFile file: ', dxfFile #---------------------- if E_M: dxfFileName.val, dxfFile = e_mode(dxfFile) #evaluation mode update_RegistryKey('dxfFileName', dxfFileName.val) update_globals() if dxfFile.lower().endswith('*.dxf'): if Draw.PupMenu('DXF-Exporter: OK?|will write multiple DXF-files, one for each Scene, in:|%s' % dxfFile) == 1: global UI_MODE UI_MODE = False #multi_import(dxfFile[:-5]) # cut last 5 characters '*.dxf' Draw.Redraw() #Draw.Exit() else: Draw.Redraw() elif dxfFile.lower()[-4:] in ('.dxf','.dwg'): # and Blender.sys.exists(dxfFile): print '\nStandard Mode: active' filepath = dxfFile sce = Scene.GetCurrent() if ONLYSELECTED: sel_group = sce.objects.selected else: sel_group = sce.objects export_list = getObjectsAndDuplis(sel_group,MATRICES=True) if export_list: do_export(export_list, filepath) else: print "Abort: selection was empty, no object to export!" Draw.PupMenu('DXF Exporter: nothing exported!|empty selection!') else: Draw.PupMenu('DXF-Exporter: Alert!%t|no valid DXF-file selected!') print "DXF-Exporter: error, no valid DXF-file selected! try again" Draw.Redraw() def multi_import(DIR): """Imports all DXF-files from directory DIR. """ global SCENE batchTIME = Blender.sys.time() #if #DIR == "": DIR = os.path.curdir if DIR == "": DIR = Blender.sys.dirname(Blender.Get('filename')) print 'Multifiles Import from %s' %DIR files = \ [Blender.sys.join(DIR, f) for f in os.listdir(DIR) if f.lower().endswith('.dxf')] if not files: print '...None DXF-files found. Abort!' return i = 0 for dxfFile in files: i += 1 print '\nDXF-file', i, 'of', len(files) #,'\nImporting', dxfFile if ONLYSELECTED: _dxf_file = dxfFile.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1] _dxf_file = _dxf_file[:-4] # cut last char:'.dxf' _dxf_file = _dxf_file[:MAX_NAMELENGTH] #? [-MAX_NAMELENGTH:]) SCENE = Blender.Scene.New(_dxf_file) SCENE.makeCurrent() #or so? Blender.Scene.makeCurrent(_dxf_file) #sce = bpy.data.scenes.new(_dxf_file) #bpy.data.scenes.active = sce else: SCENE = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() SCENE.objects.selected = [] # deselect all main(dxfFile) #Blender.Redraw() print 'TOTAL TIME: %.6f' % (Blender.sys.time() - batchTIME) print '\a\r', # beep when done #----------------------------------------------------- if __name__=='__main__': if not DXF.copy: Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|The dxfLibrary.py script requires a full python install') #Window.FileSelector(dxf_export_ui, 'EXPORT DXF', Blender.sys.makename(ext='.dxf')) # recall last used DXF-file and INI-file names dxffilename = check_RegistryKey('dxfFileName') #print 'deb:start dxffilename:', dxffilename #---------------- if dxffilename: dxfFileName.val = dxffilename else: dirname = Blender.sys.dirname(Blender.Get('filename')) #print 'deb:start dirname:', dirname #---------------- dxfFileName.val = Blender.sys.join(dirname, '') inifilename = check_RegistryKey('iniFileName') if inifilename: iniFileName.val = inifilename updateMenuCAMERA() updateCAMERA() Draw.Register(draw_UI, event, bevent)