#!BPY """ Name: 'Normalize/Scale Weight...' Blender: 241 Group: 'WeightPaint' Tooltip: 'Normalize the weight of the active weightgroup.' """ __author__ = ["Campbell Barton"] __url__ = ("blender", "elysiun", "http://members.iinet.net.au/~cpbarton/ideasman/") __version__ = "0.1" __bpydoc__ = """\ Normalize Weights This Script is to be used only in weight paint mode, It Normalizes the weights of the current group, to the desired peak optionaly scaling groups that are shared by these verts so the proportion of the veighting is unchanged. """ # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Script copyright (C) Campbell J Barton # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from Blender import Scene, Draw, Object, Modifier import BPyMesh SMALL_NUM= 0.000001 def getArmatureGroups(ob, me): arm_obs = [] arm = ob.parent if arm and arm.type == 'Armature' and ob.parentType == Object.ParentTypes.ARMATURE: arm_obs.append(arm) for m in ob.modifiers: if m.type== Modifier.Types.ARMATURE: arm = m[Modifier.Settings.OBJECT] if arm: arm_obs.append(arm) # convert to a dict and back, should be a set! :/ - python 2.3 dosnt like. return dict([ (bonename, None) for arm in arm_obs for bonename in arm.data.bones.keys() ]).keys() def actWeightNormalize(me, ob, PREF_PEAKWEIGHT, PREF_ACTIVE_ONLY, PREF_ARMATURE_ONLY, PREF_KEEP_PROPORTION): groupNames, vWeightDict= BPyMesh.meshWeight2Dict(me) new_weight= max_weight= -1.0 act_group= me.activeGroup if PREF_ACTIVE_ONLY: normalizeGroups = [act_group] else: normalizeGroups = groupNames[:] if PREF_ARMATURE_ONLY: armature_groups = getArmatureGroups(ob, me) i = len(normalizeGroups) while i: i-=1 if not normalizeGroups[i] in armature_groups: del normalizeGroups[i] for act_group in normalizeGroups: vWeightDictUsed=[False] * len(vWeightDict) for i, wd in enumerate(vWeightDict): try: new_weight= wd[act_group] if new_weight > max_weight: max_weight= new_weight vWeightDictUsed[i]=wd except: pass # These can be skipped for now, they complicate things when using multiple vgroups, ''' if max_weight < SMALL_NUM or new_weight == -1: Draw.PupMenu('No verts to normalize. exiting.') #return if abs(max_weight-PREF_PEAKWEIGHT) < SMALL_NUM: Draw.PupMenu('Vert Weights are alredy normalized.') #return ''' max_weight= max_weight/PREF_PEAKWEIGHT if PREF_KEEP_PROPORTION: # TODO, PROPORTIONAL WEIGHT SCALING. for wd in vWeightDictUsed: if wd: # not false. if len(wd) == 1: # Only 1 group for thsi vert. Simple wd[act_group] /= max_weight else: # More then 1 group. will need to scale all users evenly. if PREF_ARMATURE_ONLY: local_maxweight= max([v for k, v in wd.iteritems() if k in armature_groups]) / PREF_PEAKWEIGHT if local_maxweight > 0.0: # So groups that are not used in any bones are ignored. for weight in wd.iterkeys(): if weight in armature_groups: wd[weight] /= local_maxweight else: local_maxweight= max(wd.itervalues()) / PREF_PEAKWEIGHT for weight in wd.iterkeys(): wd[weight] /= local_maxweight else: # Simple, just scale the weights up. we alredy know this is in an armature group (if needed) for wd in vWeightDictUsed: if wd: # not false. wd[act_group] /= max_weight # Copy weights back to the mesh. BPyMesh.dict2MeshWeight(me, groupNames, vWeightDict) def main(): scn= Scene.GetCurrent() ob= scn.objects.active if not ob or ob.type != 'Mesh': Draw.PupMenu('Error, no active mesh object, aborting.') return me= ob.getData(mesh=1) PREF_PEAKWEIGHT= Draw.Create(1.0) PREF_ACTIVE_ONLY= Draw.Create(1) PREF_KEEP_PROPORTION= Draw.Create(1) PREF_ARMATURE_ONLY= Draw.Create(0) pup_block= [\ ('Peak Weight:', PREF_PEAKWEIGHT, 0.01, 1.0, 'Upper weight for normalizing.'),\ ('Active Only', PREF_ACTIVE_ONLY, 'Only Normalize groups that have matching bones in an armature (when an armature is used).'),\ ('Proportional', PREF_KEEP_PROPORTION, 'Scale other weights so verts (Keep weights with other groups in proportion).'),\ ('Armature Only', PREF_ARMATURE_ONLY, 'Only Normalize groups that have matching bones in an armature (when an armature is used).'),\ ] if not Draw.PupBlock('Clean Selected Meshes...', pup_block): return actWeightNormalize(me, ob, PREF_PEAKWEIGHT.val, PREF_ACTIVE_ONLY.val, PREF_ARMATURE_ONLY.val, PREF_KEEP_PROPORTION.val) if __name__=='__main__': main()