/* Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erwin Coumans http://continuousphysics.com/Bullet/ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #ifndef CCDPHYSICSENVIRONMENT #define CCDPHYSICSENVIRONMENT #include "PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment.h" #include #include class CcdPhysicsController; class CcdGraphicController; #include "LinearMath/btVector3.h" #include "LinearMath/btTransform.h" class btTypedConstraint; class btSimulationIslandManager; class btCollisionDispatcher; class btDispatcher; //#include "btBroadphaseInterface.h" //switch on/off new vehicle support #define NEW_BULLET_VEHICLE_SUPPORT 1 #include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btContactSolverInfo.h" class WrapperVehicle; class btPersistentManifold; class btBroadphaseInterface; struct btDbvtBroadphase; class btOverlappingPairCache; class btIDebugDraw; class PHY_IVehicle; class CcdOverlapFilterCallBack; /// CcdPhysicsEnvironment is an experimental mainloop for physics simulation using optional continuous collision detection. /// Physics Environment takes care of stepping the simulation and is a container for physics entities. /// It stores rigidbodies,constraints, materials etc. /// A derived class may be able to 'construct' entities by loading and/or converting class CcdPhysicsEnvironment : public PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment { friend class CcdOverlapFilterCallBack; btVector3 m_gravity; protected: btIDebugDraw* m_debugDrawer; class btDefaultCollisionConfiguration* m_collisionConfiguration; class btBroadphaseInterface* m_broadphase; // broadphase for dynamic world // for culling only btOverlappingPairCache* m_cullingCache; struct btDbvtBroadphase* m_cullingTree; // broadphase for culling //solver iterations int m_numIterations; //timestep subdivisions int m_numTimeSubSteps; int m_ccdMode; int m_solverType; int m_profileTimings; bool m_enableSatCollisionDetection; btContactSolverInfo m_solverInfo; void processFhSprings(double curTime,float timeStep); public: CcdPhysicsEnvironment(bool useDbvtCulling, btDispatcher* dispatcher=0, btOverlappingPairCache* pairCache=0); virtual ~CcdPhysicsEnvironment(); ///////////////////////////////////// //PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment interface ///////////////////////////////////// /// Perform an integration step of duration 'timeStep'. virtual void setDebugDrawer(btIDebugDraw* debugDrawer); virtual void setNumIterations(int numIter); virtual void setNumTimeSubSteps(int numTimeSubSteps) { m_numTimeSubSteps = numTimeSubSteps; } virtual void setDeactivationTime(float dTime); virtual void setDeactivationLinearTreshold(float linTresh) ; virtual void setDeactivationAngularTreshold(float angTresh) ; virtual void setContactBreakingTreshold(float contactBreakingTreshold) ; virtual void setCcdMode(int ccdMode); virtual void setSolverType(int solverType); virtual void setSolverSorConstant(float sor); virtual void setSolverTau(float tau); virtual void setSolverDamping(float damping); virtual void setLinearAirDamping(float damping); virtual void setUseEpa(bool epa) ; virtual void beginFrame(); virtual void endFrame() {}; /// Perform an integration step of duration 'timeStep'. virtual bool proceedDeltaTime(double curTime,float timeStep,float interval); virtual void debugDrawWorld(); // virtual bool proceedDeltaTimeOneStep(float timeStep); virtual void setFixedTimeStep(bool useFixedTimeStep,float fixedTimeStep){}; //returns 0.f if no fixed timestep is used virtual float getFixedTimeStep(){ return 0.f;}; virtual void setDebugMode(int debugMode); virtual void setGravity(float x,float y,float z); virtual void getGravity(PHY__Vector3& grav); virtual int createConstraint(class PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl,class PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl2,PHY_ConstraintType type, float pivotX,float pivotY,float pivotZ, float axisX,float axisY,float axisZ, float axis1X=0,float axis1Y=0,float axis1Z=0, float axis2X=0,float axis2Y=0,float axis2Z=0,int flag=0 ); //Following the COLLADA physics specification for constraints virtual int createUniversalD6Constraint( class PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrlRef,class PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrlOther, btTransform& localAttachmentFrameRef, btTransform& localAttachmentOther, const btVector3& linearMinLimits, const btVector3& linearMaxLimits, const btVector3& angularMinLimits, const btVector3& angularMaxLimits,int flags ); virtual void setConstraintParam(int constraintId,int param,float value,float value1); virtual float getConstraintParam(int constraintId,int param); virtual void removeConstraint(int constraintid); virtual float getAppliedImpulse(int constraintid); virtual void CallbackTriggers(); #ifdef NEW_BULLET_VEHICLE_SUPPORT //complex constraint for vehicles virtual PHY_IVehicle* getVehicleConstraint(int constraintId); #else virtual class PHY_IVehicle* getVehicleConstraint(int constraintId) { return 0; } #endif //NEW_BULLET_VEHICLE_SUPPORT btTypedConstraint* getConstraintById(int constraintId); virtual PHY_IPhysicsController* rayTest(PHY_IRayCastFilterCallback &filterCallback, float fromX,float fromY,float fromZ, float toX,float toY,float toZ); virtual bool cullingTest(PHY_CullingCallback callback, void* userData, PHY__Vector4* planes, int nplanes, int occlusionRes); //Methods for gamelogic collision/physics callbacks virtual void addSensor(PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl); virtual void removeSensor(PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl); virtual void addTouchCallback(int response_class, PHY_ResponseCallback callback, void *user); virtual bool requestCollisionCallback(PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl); virtual bool removeCollisionCallback(PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl); //These two methods are used *solely* to create controllers for Near/Radar sensor! Don't use for anything else virtual PHY_IPhysicsController* CreateSphereController(float radius,const PHY__Vector3& position); virtual PHY_IPhysicsController* CreateConeController(float coneradius,float coneheight); virtual int getNumContactPoints(); virtual void getContactPoint(int i,float& hitX,float& hitY,float& hitZ,float& normalX,float& normalY,float& normalZ); ////////////////////// //CcdPhysicsEnvironment interface //////////////////////// void addCcdPhysicsController(CcdPhysicsController* ctrl); void removeCcdPhysicsController(CcdPhysicsController* ctrl); void updateCcdPhysicsController(CcdPhysicsController* ctrl, btScalar newMass, int newCollisionFlags, short int newCollisionGroup, short int newCollisionMask); void disableCcdPhysicsController(CcdPhysicsController* ctrl); void enableCcdPhysicsController(CcdPhysicsController* ctrl); void refreshCcdPhysicsController(CcdPhysicsController* ctrl); void addCcdGraphicController(CcdGraphicController* ctrl); void removeCcdGraphicController(CcdGraphicController* ctrl); btBroadphaseInterface* getBroadphase(); btDbvtBroadphase* getCullingTree() { return m_cullingTree; } btDispatcher* getDispatcher(); bool IsSatCollisionDetectionEnabled() const { return m_enableSatCollisionDetection; } void EnableSatCollisionDetection(bool enableSat) { m_enableSatCollisionDetection = enableSat; } const btPersistentManifold* GetManifold(int index) const; void SyncMotionStates(float timeStep); class btSoftRigidDynamicsWorld* getDynamicsWorld() { return m_dynamicsWorld; } class btConstraintSolver* GetConstraintSolver(); protected: std::set m_controllers; std::set m_triggerControllers; PHY_ResponseCallback m_triggerCallbacks[PHY_NUM_RESPONSE]; void* m_triggerCallbacksUserPtrs[PHY_NUM_RESPONSE]; std::vector m_wrapperVehicles; //use explicit btSoftRigidDynamicsWorld/btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* so that we have access to //btDiscreteDynamicsWorld::addRigidBody(body,filter,group) //so that we can set the body collision filter/group at the time of creation //and not afterwards (breaks the collision system for radar/near sensor) //Ideally we would like to have access to this function from the btDynamicsWorld interface //class btDynamicsWorld* m_dynamicsWorld; class btSoftRigidDynamicsWorld* m_dynamicsWorld; class btConstraintSolver* m_solver; class btOverlappingPairCache* m_ownPairCache; class CcdOverlapFilterCallBack* m_filterCallback; class btDispatcher* m_ownDispatcher; bool m_scalingPropagated; }; #endif //CCDPHYSICSENVIRONMENT