# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # """ This module translates a python like XML representation into XML or simple python blender/ui function calls. sometag(arg=10) [ another() another(key="value") ] # converts into ... """ TAG, ARGS, CHILDREN = range(3) class ReturnStore(tuple): def __getitem__(self, key): # single item get's if type(key) is ReturnStore: key = (key, ) if type(key) is tuple: children = self[CHILDREN] if children: raise Exception("Only a single __getitem__ is allowed on the ReturnStore") else: children[:] = key return self else: return tuple.__getitem__(self, key) class FunctionStore(object): def __call__(self, **kwargs): return ReturnStore((self.__class__.__name__, kwargs, [])) def tag_vars(tags, module=__name__): return {tag: type(tag, (FunctionStore, ), {"__module__": module})() for tag in tags} def tag_module(mod_name, tags): import sys from types import ModuleType mod = ModuleType(mod_name) sys.modules[mod_name] = mod dict_values = tag_vars(tags, mod_name) mod.__dict__.update(dict_values) return mod def toxml(py_data, indent=" "): if len(py_data) != 1 or type(py_data) != list: raise Exception("Expected a list with one member") def _to_xml(py_item, xml_node=None): if xml_node is None: xml_node = newdoc.createElement(py_item[TAG]) for key, value in py_item[ARGS].items(): xml_node.setAttribute(key, str(value)) for py_item_child in py_item[CHILDREN]: xml_node.appendChild(_to_xml(py_item_child)) return xml_node def _to_xml_iter(xml_parent, data_ls): for py_item in data_ls: xml_node = newdoc.createElement(py_item[TAG]) # ok if its empty _to_xml_iter(xml_node, py_item[CHILDREN]) import xml.dom.minidom impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation() newdoc = impl.createDocument(None, py_data[0][TAG], None) _to_xml(py_data[0], newdoc.documentElement) return newdoc.documentElement.toprettyxml(indent=" ") def fromxml(data): def _fromxml_kwargs(xml_node): kwargs = {} for key, value in xml_node.attributes.items(): kwargs[key] = value return kwargs def _fromxml(xml_node): py_item = (xml_node.tagName, _fromxml_kwargs(xml_node), []) #_fromxml_iter(py_item, xml_node.childNodes) for xml_node_child in xml_node.childNodes: if xml_node_child.nodeType not in (xml_node_child.TEXT_NODE, xml_node_child.COMMENT_NODE): py_item[CHILDREN].append(_fromxml(xml_node_child)) return py_item import xml.dom.minidom xml_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data) return [_fromxml(xml_doc.documentElement)] def topretty_py(py_data, indent=" "): if len(py_data) != 1: raise Exception("Expected a list with one member") lines = [] def _to_kwargs(kwargs): return ", ".join([("%s=%s" % (key, repr(value))) for key, value in sorted(kwargs.items())]) def _topretty(py_item, indent_ctx, last): if py_item[CHILDREN]: lines.append("%s%s(%s) [" % (indent_ctx, py_item[TAG], _to_kwargs(py_item[ARGS]))) py_item_last = py_item[CHILDREN][-1] for py_item_child in py_item[CHILDREN]: _topretty(py_item_child, indent_ctx + indent, (py_item_child is py_item_last)) lines.append("%s]%s" % (indent_ctx, ("" if last else ","))) else: lines.append("%s%s(%s)%s" % (indent_ctx, py_item[TAG], _to_kwargs(py_item[ARGS]), ("" if last else ","))) _topretty(py_data[0], "", True) return "\n".join(lines) if __name__ == "__main__": # testing code. tag_module("bpyml_test", ("ui", "prop", "row", "column", "active", "separator", "split")) from bpyml_test import * draw = [ ui() [ split() [ column() [ prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_time', text='Time'), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_date', text='Date'), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_render_time', text='RenderTime'), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_frame', text='Frame'), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_scene', text='Scene'), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_camera', text='Camera'), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_filename', text='Filename'), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_marker', text='Marker'), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_sequencer_strip', text='Seq. Strip') ], column() [ active(expr='context.scene.render.render_stamp'), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_foreground', slider=True), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_background', slider=True), separator(), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_font_size', text='Font Size') ] ], split(percentage=0.2) [ prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_note', text='Note'), row() [ active(expr='context.scene.render.stamp_note'), prop(data='context.scene.render', property='stamp_note_text', text='') ] ] ] ] xml_data = toxml(draw) print(xml_data) # xml version py_data = fromxml(xml_data) print(py_data) # converted back to py xml_data = toxml(py_data) print(xml_data) # again back to xml py_data = fromxml(xml_data) # pretty python version print(topretty_py(py_data))