/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #ifdef __BRANCHED_PATH__ ccl_device_inline void kernel_branched_path_ao(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, ShaderData *emission_sd, PathRadiance *L, ccl_addr_space PathState *state, float3 throughput) { int num_samples = kernel_data.integrator.ao_samples; float num_samples_inv = 1.0f/num_samples; float ao_factor = kernel_data.background.ao_factor; float3 ao_N; float3 ao_bsdf = shader_bsdf_ao(kg, sd, ao_factor, &ao_N); float3 ao_alpha = shader_bsdf_alpha(kg, sd); for(int j = 0; j < num_samples; j++) { float bsdf_u, bsdf_v; path_branched_rng_2D(kg, state->rng_hash, state, j, num_samples, PRNG_BSDF_U, &bsdf_u, &bsdf_v); float3 ao_D; float ao_pdf; sample_cos_hemisphere(ao_N, bsdf_u, bsdf_v, &ao_D, &ao_pdf); if(dot(sd->Ng, ao_D) > 0.0f && ao_pdf != 0.0f) { Ray light_ray; float3 ao_shadow; light_ray.P = ray_offset(sd->P, sd->Ng); light_ray.D = ao_D; light_ray.t = kernel_data.background.ao_distance; #ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__ light_ray.time = sd->time; #endif /* __OBJECT_MOTION__ */ light_ray.dP = sd->dP; light_ray.dD = differential3_zero(); if(!shadow_blocked(kg, sd, emission_sd, state, &light_ray, &ao_shadow)) { path_radiance_accum_ao(L, state, throughput*num_samples_inv, ao_alpha, ao_bsdf, ao_shadow); } else { path_radiance_accum_total_ao(L, state, throughput*num_samples_inv, ao_bsdf); } } } } #ifndef __SPLIT_KERNEL__ /* bounce off surface and integrate indirect light */ ccl_device_noinline void kernel_branched_path_surface_indirect_light(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, ShaderData *indirect_sd, ShaderData *emission_sd, float3 throughput, float num_samples_adjust, PathState *state, PathRadiance *L) { float sum_sample_weight = 0.0f; #ifdef __DENOISING_FEATURES__ if(state->denoising_feature_weight > 0.0f) { for(int i = 0; i < sd->num_closure; i++) { const ShaderClosure *sc = &sd->closure[i]; /* transparency is not handled here, but in outer loop */ if(!CLOSURE_IS_BSDF(sc->type) || CLOSURE_IS_BSDF_TRANSPARENT(sc->type)) { continue; } sum_sample_weight += sc->sample_weight; } } else { sum_sample_weight = 1.0f; } #endif /* __DENOISING_FEATURES__ */ for(int i = 0; i < sd->num_closure; i++) { const ShaderClosure *sc = &sd->closure[i]; /* transparency is not handled here, but in outer loop */ if(!CLOSURE_IS_BSDF(sc->type) || CLOSURE_IS_BSDF_TRANSPARENT(sc->type)) { continue; } int num_samples; if(CLOSURE_IS_BSDF_DIFFUSE(sc->type)) num_samples = kernel_data.integrator.diffuse_samples; else if(CLOSURE_IS_BSDF_BSSRDF(sc->type)) num_samples = 1; else if(CLOSURE_IS_BSDF_GLOSSY(sc->type)) num_samples = kernel_data.integrator.glossy_samples; else num_samples = kernel_data.integrator.transmission_samples; num_samples = ceil_to_int(num_samples_adjust*num_samples); float num_samples_inv = num_samples_adjust/num_samples; for(int j = 0; j < num_samples; j++) { PathState ps = *state; float3 tp = throughput; Ray bsdf_ray; #ifdef __SHADOW_TRICKS__ float shadow_transparency = L->shadow_transparency; #endif ps.rng_hash = cmj_hash(state->rng_hash, i); if(!kernel_branched_path_surface_bounce(kg, sd, sc, j, num_samples, &tp, &ps, L, &bsdf_ray, sum_sample_weight)) { continue; } ps.rng_hash = state->rng_hash; kernel_path_indirect(kg, indirect_sd, emission_sd, &bsdf_ray, tp*num_samples_inv, num_samples, &ps, L); /* for render passes, sum and reset indirect light pass variables * for the next samples */ path_radiance_sum_indirect(L); path_radiance_reset_indirect(L); #ifdef __SHADOW_TRICKS__ L->shadow_transparency = shadow_transparency; #endif } } } #ifdef __SUBSURFACE__ ccl_device void kernel_branched_path_subsurface_scatter(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, ShaderData *indirect_sd, ShaderData *emission_sd, PathRadiance *L, PathState *state, Ray *ray, float3 throughput) { for(int i = 0; i < sd->num_closure; i++) { ShaderClosure *sc = &sd->closure[i]; if(!CLOSURE_IS_BSSRDF(sc->type)) continue; /* set up random number generator */ uint lcg_state = lcg_state_init(state, 0x68bc21eb); int num_samples = kernel_data.integrator.subsurface_samples; float num_samples_inv = 1.0f/num_samples; uint bssrdf_rng_hash = cmj_hash(state->rng_hash, i); /* do subsurface scatter step with copy of shader data, this will * replace the BSSRDF with a diffuse BSDF closure */ for(int j = 0; j < num_samples; j++) { SubsurfaceIntersection ss_isect; float bssrdf_u, bssrdf_v; path_branched_rng_2D(kg, bssrdf_rng_hash, state, j, num_samples, PRNG_BSDF_U, &bssrdf_u, &bssrdf_v); int num_hits = subsurface_scatter_multi_intersect(kg, &ss_isect, sd, sc, &lcg_state, bssrdf_u, bssrdf_v, true); #ifdef __VOLUME__ Ray volume_ray = *ray; bool need_update_volume_stack = kernel_data.integrator.use_volumes && sd->object_flag & SD_OBJECT_INTERSECTS_VOLUME; #endif /* __VOLUME__ */ /* compute lighting with the BSDF closure */ for(int hit = 0; hit < num_hits; hit++) { ShaderData bssrdf_sd = *sd; subsurface_scatter_multi_setup(kg, &ss_isect, hit, &bssrdf_sd, state, state->flag, sc, true); PathState hit_state = *state; path_state_branch(&hit_state, j, num_samples); #ifdef __VOLUME__ if(need_update_volume_stack) { /* Setup ray from previous surface point to the new one. */ float3 P = ray_offset(bssrdf_sd.P, -bssrdf_sd.Ng); volume_ray.D = normalize_len(P - volume_ray.P, &volume_ray.t); kernel_volume_stack_update_for_subsurface( kg, emission_sd, &volume_ray, hit_state.volume_stack); } #endif /* __VOLUME__ */ #ifdef __EMISSION__ /* direct light */ if(kernel_data.integrator.use_direct_light) { int all = (kernel_data.integrator.sample_all_lights_direct) || (state->flag & PATH_RAY_SHADOW_CATCHER); kernel_branched_path_surface_connect_light( kg, &bssrdf_sd, emission_sd, &hit_state, throughput, num_samples_inv, L, all); } #endif /* __EMISSION__ */ /* indirect light */ kernel_branched_path_surface_indirect_light( kg, &bssrdf_sd, indirect_sd, emission_sd, throughput, num_samples_inv, &hit_state, L); } } } } #endif /* __SUBSURFACE__ */ ccl_device void kernel_branched_path_integrate(KernelGlobals *kg, uint rng_hash, int sample, Ray ray, ccl_global float *buffer, PathRadiance *L, bool *is_shadow_catcher) { /* initialize */ float3 throughput = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); path_radiance_init(L, kernel_data.film.use_light_pass); /* shader data memory used for both volumes and surfaces, saves stack space */ ShaderData sd; /* shader data used by emission, shadows, volume stacks, indirect path */ ShaderData emission_sd, indirect_sd; PathState state; path_state_init(kg, &emission_sd, &state, rng_hash, sample, &ray); /* Main Loop * Here we only handle transparency intersections from the camera ray. * Indirect bounces are handled in kernel_branched_path_surface_indirect_light(). */ for(;;) { /* intersect scene */ Intersection isect; uint visibility = path_state_ray_visibility(kg, &state); #ifdef __HAIR__ float difl = 0.0f, extmax = 0.0f; uint lcg_state = 0; if(kernel_data.bvh.have_curves) { if(kernel_data.cam.resolution == 1) { float3 pixdiff = ray.dD.dx + ray.dD.dy; /*pixdiff = pixdiff - dot(pixdiff, ray.D)*ray.D;*/ difl = kernel_data.curve.minimum_width * len(pixdiff) * 0.5f; } extmax = kernel_data.curve.maximum_width; lcg_state = lcg_state_init(&state, 0x51633e2d); } bool hit = scene_intersect(kg, ray, visibility, &isect, &lcg_state, difl, extmax); #else bool hit = scene_intersect(kg, ray, visibility, &isect, NULL, 0.0f, 0.0f); #endif /* __HAIR__ */ #ifdef __KERNEL_DEBUG__ L->debug_data.num_bvh_traversed_nodes += isect.num_traversed_nodes; L->debug_data.num_bvh_traversed_instances += isect.num_traversed_instances; L->debug_data.num_bvh_intersections += isect.num_intersections; L->debug_data.num_ray_bounces++; #endif /* __KERNEL_DEBUG__ */ #ifdef __VOLUME__ /* Sanitize volume stack. */ if(!hit) { kernel_volume_clean_stack(kg, state.volume_stack); } /* volume attenuation, emission, scatter */ if(state.volume_stack[0].shader != SHADER_NONE) { Ray volume_ray = ray; volume_ray.t = (hit)? isect.t: FLT_MAX; bool heterogeneous = volume_stack_is_heterogeneous(kg, state.volume_stack); #ifdef __VOLUME_DECOUPLED__ /* decoupled ray marching only supported on CPU */ /* cache steps along volume for repeated sampling */ VolumeSegment volume_segment; shader_setup_from_volume(kg, &sd, &volume_ray); kernel_volume_decoupled_record(kg, &state, &volume_ray, &sd, &volume_segment, heterogeneous); /* direct light sampling */ if(volume_segment.closure_flag & SD_SCATTER) { volume_segment.sampling_method = volume_stack_sampling_method(kg, state.volume_stack); int all = kernel_data.integrator.sample_all_lights_direct; kernel_branched_path_volume_connect_light(kg, &sd, &emission_sd, throughput, &state, L, all, &volume_ray, &volume_segment); /* indirect light sampling */ int num_samples = kernel_data.integrator.volume_samples; float num_samples_inv = 1.0f/num_samples; for(int j = 0; j < num_samples; j++) { PathState ps = state; Ray pray = ray; float3 tp = throughput; /* branch RNG state */ path_state_branch(&ps, j, num_samples); /* scatter sample. if we use distance sampling and take just one * sample for direct and indirect light, we could share this * computation, but makes code a bit complex */ float rphase = path_state_rng_1D_for_decision(kg, &ps, PRNG_PHASE); float rscatter = path_state_rng_1D_for_decision(kg, &ps, PRNG_SCATTER_DISTANCE); VolumeIntegrateResult result = kernel_volume_decoupled_scatter(kg, &ps, &pray, &sd, &tp, rphase, rscatter, &volume_segment, NULL, false); if(result == VOLUME_PATH_SCATTERED && kernel_path_volume_bounce(kg, &sd, &tp, &ps, L, &pray)) { kernel_path_indirect(kg, &indirect_sd, &emission_sd, &pray, tp*num_samples_inv, num_samples, &ps, L); /* for render passes, sum and reset indirect light pass variables * for the next samples */ path_radiance_sum_indirect(L); path_radiance_reset_indirect(L); } } } /* emission and transmittance */ if(volume_segment.closure_flag & SD_EMISSION) path_radiance_accum_emission(L, throughput, volume_segment.accum_emission, state.bounce); throughput *= volume_segment.accum_transmittance; /* free cached steps */ kernel_volume_decoupled_free(kg, &volume_segment); #else /* GPU: no decoupled ray marching, scatter probalistically */ int num_samples = kernel_data.integrator.volume_samples; float num_samples_inv = 1.0f/num_samples; /* todo: we should cache the shader evaluations from stepping * through the volume, for now we redo them multiple times */ for(int j = 0; j < num_samples; j++) { PathState ps = state; Ray pray = ray; float3 tp = throughput * num_samples_inv; /* branch RNG state */ path_state_branch(&ps, j, num_samples); VolumeIntegrateResult result = kernel_volume_integrate( kg, &ps, &sd, &volume_ray, L, &tp, heterogeneous); #ifdef __VOLUME_SCATTER__ if(result == VOLUME_PATH_SCATTERED) { /* todo: support equiangular, MIS and all light sampling. * alternatively get decoupled ray marching working on the GPU */ kernel_path_volume_connect_light(kg, &sd, &emission_sd, tp, &state, L); if(kernel_path_volume_bounce(kg, &sd, &tp, &ps, L, &pray)) { kernel_path_indirect(kg, &indirect_sd, &emission_sd, &pray, tp, num_samples, &ps, L); /* for render passes, sum and reset indirect light pass variables * for the next samples */ path_radiance_sum_indirect(L); path_radiance_reset_indirect(L); } } #endif /* __VOLUME_SCATTER__ */ } /* todo: avoid this calculation using decoupled ray marching */ kernel_volume_shadow(kg, &emission_sd, &state, &volume_ray, &throughput); #endif /* __VOLUME_DECOUPLED__ */ } #endif /* __VOLUME__ */ if(!hit) { /* eval background shader if nothing hit */ if(kernel_data.background.transparent) { L->transparent += average(throughput); #ifdef __PASSES__ if(!(kernel_data.film.pass_flag & PASS_BACKGROUND)) #endif /* __PASSES__ */ break; } #ifdef __BACKGROUND__ /* sample background shader */ float3 L_background = indirect_background(kg, &emission_sd, &state, &ray); path_radiance_accum_background(L, &state, throughput, L_background); #endif /* __BACKGROUND__ */ break; } /* setup shading */ shader_setup_from_ray(kg, &sd, &isect, &ray); shader_eval_surface(kg, &sd, &state, 0.0f, state.flag); shader_merge_closures(&sd); #ifdef __SHADOW_TRICKS__ if((sd.object_flag & SD_OBJECT_SHADOW_CATCHER)) { state.flag |= (PATH_RAY_SHADOW_CATCHER | PATH_RAY_STORE_SHADOW_INFO); if(!kernel_data.background.transparent) { L->shadow_background_color = indirect_background(kg, &emission_sd, &state, &ray); } L->shadow_radiance_sum = path_radiance_clamp_and_sum(kg, L); L->shadow_throughput = average(throughput); } else if(state.flag & PATH_RAY_SHADOW_CATCHER) { /* Only update transparency after shadow catcher bounce. */ L->shadow_transparency *= average(shader_bsdf_transparency(kg, &sd)); } #endif /* __SHADOW_TRICKS__ */ /* holdout */ #ifdef __HOLDOUT__ if((sd.flag & SD_HOLDOUT) || (sd.object_flag & SD_OBJECT_HOLDOUT_MASK)) { if(kernel_data.background.transparent) { float3 holdout_weight; if(sd.object_flag & SD_OBJECT_HOLDOUT_MASK) { holdout_weight = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { holdout_weight = shader_holdout_eval(kg, &sd); } /* any throughput is ok, should all be identical here */ L->transparent += average(holdout_weight*throughput); } if(sd.object_flag & SD_OBJECT_HOLDOUT_MASK) { break; } } #endif /* __HOLDOUT__ */ /* holdout mask objects do not write data passes */ kernel_write_data_passes(kg, buffer, L, &sd, sample, &state, throughput); #ifdef __EMISSION__ /* emission */ if(sd.flag & SD_EMISSION) { float3 emission = indirect_primitive_emission(kg, &sd, isect.t, state.flag, state.ray_pdf); path_radiance_accum_emission(L, throughput, emission, state.bounce); } #endif /* __EMISSION__ */ /* transparency termination */ if(state.flag & PATH_RAY_TRANSPARENT) { /* path termination. this is a strange place to put the termination, it's * mainly due to the mixed in MIS that we use. gives too many unneeded * shader evaluations, only need emission if we are going to terminate */ float probability = path_state_continuation_probability(kg, &state, throughput); if(probability == 0.0f) { break; } else if(probability != 1.0f) { float terminate = path_state_rng_1D_for_decision(kg, &state, PRNG_TERMINATE); if(terminate >= probability) break; throughput /= probability; } } kernel_update_denoising_features(kg, &sd, &state, L); #ifdef __AO__ /* ambient occlusion */ if(kernel_data.integrator.use_ambient_occlusion || (sd.flag & SD_AO)) { kernel_branched_path_ao(kg, &sd, &emission_sd, L, &state, throughput); } #endif /* __AO__ */ #ifdef __SUBSURFACE__ /* bssrdf scatter to a different location on the same object */ if(sd.flag & SD_BSSRDF) { kernel_branched_path_subsurface_scatter(kg, &sd, &indirect_sd, &emission_sd, L, &state, &ray, throughput); } #endif /* __SUBSURFACE__ */ if(!(sd.flag & SD_HAS_ONLY_VOLUME)) { PathState hit_state = state; #ifdef __EMISSION__ /* direct light */ if(kernel_data.integrator.use_direct_light) { int all = (kernel_data.integrator.sample_all_lights_direct) || (state.flag & PATH_RAY_SHADOW_CATCHER); kernel_branched_path_surface_connect_light(kg, &sd, &emission_sd, &hit_state, throughput, 1.0f, L, all); } #endif /* __EMISSION__ */ /* indirect light */ kernel_branched_path_surface_indirect_light(kg, &sd, &indirect_sd, &emission_sd, throughput, 1.0f, &hit_state, L); /* continue in case of transparency */ throughput *= shader_bsdf_transparency(kg, &sd); if(is_zero(throughput)) break; } /* Update Path State */ state.flag |= PATH_RAY_TRANSPARENT; state.transparent_bounce++; ray.P = ray_offset(sd.P, -sd.Ng); ray.t -= sd.ray_length; /* clipping works through transparent */ #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ ray.dP = sd.dP; ray.dD.dx = -sd.dI.dx; ray.dD.dy = -sd.dI.dy; #endif /* __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ */ #ifdef __VOLUME__ /* enter/exit volume */ kernel_volume_stack_enter_exit(kg, &sd, state.volume_stack); #endif /* __VOLUME__ */ } #ifdef __SHADOW_TRICKS__ *is_shadow_catcher = (state.flag & PATH_RAY_SHADOW_CATCHER) != 0; #endif /* __SHADOW_TRICKS__ */ } ccl_device void kernel_branched_path_trace(KernelGlobals *kg, ccl_global float *buffer, ccl_global uint *rng_state, int sample, int x, int y, int offset, int stride) { /* buffer offset */ int index = offset + x + y*stride; int pass_stride = kernel_data.film.pass_stride; rng_state += index; buffer += index*pass_stride; /* initialize random numbers and ray */ uint rng_hash; Ray ray; kernel_path_trace_setup(kg, rng_state, sample, x, y, &rng_hash, &ray); /* integrate */ PathRadiance L; bool is_shadow_catcher; if(ray.t != 0.0f) { kernel_branched_path_integrate(kg, rng_hash, sample, ray, buffer, &L, &is_shadow_catcher); kernel_write_result(kg, buffer, sample, &L, is_shadow_catcher); } else { kernel_write_result(kg, buffer, sample, NULL, false); } } #endif /* __SPLIT_KERNEL__ */ #endif /* __BRANCHED_PATH__ */ CCL_NAMESPACE_END