# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Blender Foundation # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import base64 import glob import inspect import multiprocessing import os import pathlib import platform import pickle import subprocess import sys from typing import Callable, Dict, List from .config import TestConfig from .device import TestMachine class TestEnvironment: def __init__(self, blender_git_dir: pathlib.Path, base_dir: pathlib.Path): self.blender_git_dir = blender_git_dir self.base_dir = base_dir self.blender_dir = base_dir / 'blender' self.build_dir = base_dir / 'build' self.lib_dir = base_dir / 'lib' self.benchmarks_dir = self.blender_git_dir.parent / 'lib' / 'benchmarks' self.git_executable = 'git' self.cmake_executable = 'cmake' self.cmake_options = ['-DWITH_INTERNATIONAL=OFF', '-DWITH_BUILDINFO=OFF'] self.log_file = None self.machine = None self._init_default_blender_executable() self.set_default_blender_executable() def get_machine(self, need_gpus: bool = True) -> None: if not self.machine or (need_gpus and not self.machine.has_gpus): self.machine = TestMachine(self, need_gpus) return self.machine def init(self, build) -> None: if not self.benchmarks_dir.exists(): sys.stderr.write(f'Error: benchmark files directory not found at {self.benchmarks_dir}') sys.exit(1) # Create benchmarks folder contents. print(f'Init {self.base_dir}') self.base_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if len(self.get_config_names()) == 0: config_dir = self.base_dir / 'default' print(f'Creating default configuration in {config_dir}') TestConfig.write_default_config(self, config_dir) if build: if not self.lib_dir.exists(): print(f'Creating symlink at {self.lib_dir}') self.lib_dir.symlink_to(self.blender_git_dir.parent / 'lib') else: print(f'Exists {self.lib_dir}') if not self.blender_dir.exists(): print(f'Init git worktree in {self.blender_dir}') self.call([self.git_executable, 'worktree', 'add', '--detach', self.blender_dir, 'HEAD'], self.blender_git_dir) else: print(f'Exists {self.blender_dir}') if not self.build_dir.exists(): print(f'Init build in {self.build_dir}') self.build_dir.mkdir() # No translation to avoid dealing with submodules self.call([self.cmake_executable, self.blender_dir, '.'] + self.cmake_options, self.build_dir) else: print(f'Exists {self.build_dir}') print("Building") self.build() print('Done') def checkout(self, git_hash) -> None: # Checkout Blender revision if not self.blender_dir.exists(): sys.stderr.write('\n\nError: no build set up, run `./benchmark init --build` first\n') sys.exit(1) self.call([self.git_executable, 'clean', '-f', '-d'], self.blender_dir) self.call([self.git_executable, 'reset', '--hard', 'HEAD'], self.blender_dir) self.call([self.git_executable, 'checkout', '--detach', git_hash], self.blender_dir) def build(self) -> bool: # Build Blender revision if not self.build_dir.exists(): sys.stderr.write('\n\nError: no build set up, run `./benchmark init --build` first\n') sys.exit(1) jobs = str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) try: self.call([self.cmake_executable, '.'] + self.cmake_options, self.build_dir) self.call([self.cmake_executable, '--build', '.', '-j', jobs, '--target', 'install'], self.build_dir) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: raise e except: return False self._init_default_blender_executable() return True def set_blender_executable(self, executable_path: pathlib.Path, environment: Dict = {}) -> None: # Run all Blender commands with this executable. self.blender_executable = executable_path self.blender_executable_environment = environment def _blender_executable_name(self) -> pathlib.Path: if platform.system() == "Windows": return pathlib.Path('blender.exe') elif platform.system() == "Darwin": return pathlib.Path('Blender.app') / 'Contents' / 'MacOS' / 'Blender' else: return pathlib.Path('blender') def _blender_executable_from_path(self, executable: pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path: if executable.is_dir(): # Directory executable = executable / self._blender_executable_name() elif not executable.is_file() and executable.name == 'blender': # Executable path without proper path on Windows or macOS. executable = executable.parent / self._blender_executable_name() if executable.is_file(): return executable return None def _init_default_blender_executable(self) -> None: # Find a default executable to run commands independent of testing a specific build. # Try own built executable. built_executable = self._blender_executable_from_path(self.build_dir / 'bin') if built_executable: self.default_blender_executable = built_executable return # Try find an executable in the configs. for config_name in self.get_config_names(): for executable in TestConfig.read_blender_executables(self, config_name): executable = self._blender_executable_from_path(executable) if executable: self.default_blender_executable = executable return # Fallback to a "blender" command in the hope it's available. self.default_blender_executable = pathlib.Path("blender") def set_default_blender_executable(self) -> None: self.blender_executable = self.default_blender_executable self.blender_executable_environment = {} def set_log_file(self, filepath: pathlib.Path, clear=True) -> None: # Log all commands and output to this file. self.log_file = filepath if clear: self.log_file.unlink(missing_ok=True) def unset_log_file(self) -> None: self.log_file = None def call(self, args: List[str], cwd: pathlib.Path, silent: bool = False, environment: Dict = {}) -> List[str]: # Execute command with arguments in specified directory, # and return combined stdout and stderr output. # Open log file for writing f = None if self.log_file: if not self.log_file.exists(): self.log_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) f = open(self.log_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') f.write('\n' + ' '.join([str(arg) for arg in args]) + '\n\n') env = os.environ if len(environment): env = env.copy() for key, value in environment.items(): env[key] = value proc = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) # Read line by line lines = [] try: while proc.poll() is None: line = proc.stdout.readline() if line: line_str = line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') lines.append(line_str) if f: f.write(line_str) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # Avoid processes that keep running when interrupting. proc.terminate() raise e # Raise error on failure if proc.returncode != 0 and not silent: raise Exception("Error executing command") return lines def call_blender(self, args: List[str], foreground=False) -> List[str]: # Execute Blender command with arguments. common_args = ['--factory-startup', '-noaudio', '--enable-autoexec', '--python-exit-code', '1'] if foreground: common_args += ['--no-window-focus', '--window-geometry', '0', '0', '1024', '768'] else: common_args += ['--background'] return self.call([self.blender_executable] + common_args + args, cwd=self.base_dir, environment=self.blender_executable_environment) def run_in_blender(self, function: Callable[[Dict], Dict], args: Dict, blender_args: List = [], foreground=False) -> Dict: # Run function in a Blender instance. Arguments and return values are # passed as a Python object that must be serializable with pickle. # Get information to call this function from Blender. package_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent functionname = function.__name__ modulename = inspect.getmodule(function).__name__ # Serialize arguments in base64, to avoid having to escape it. args = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(args)) output_prefix = 'TEST_OUTPUT: ' expression = (f'import sys, pickle, base64;' f'sys.path.append(r"{package_path}");' f'import {modulename};' f'args = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode({args}));' f'result = {modulename}.{functionname}(args);' f'result = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(result));' f'print("\\n{output_prefix}" + result.decode() + "\\n")') expr_args = blender_args + ['--python-expr', expression] lines = self.call_blender(expr_args, foreground=foreground) # Parse output. for line in lines: if line.startswith(output_prefix): output = line[len(output_prefix):].strip() result = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(output)) return result, lines return {}, lines def find_blend_files(self, dirpath: pathlib.Path) -> List: # Find .blend files in subdirectories of the given directory in the # lib/benchmarks directory. dirpath = self.benchmarks_dir / dirpath filepaths = [] for filename in glob.iglob(str(dirpath / '*.blend'), recursive=True): filepaths.append(pathlib.Path(filename)) return filepaths def get_config_names(self) -> List: names = [] if self.base_dir.exists(): for dirname in os.listdir(self.base_dir): dirpath = self.base_dir / dirname / 'config.py' if dirpath.exists(): names.append(dirname) return names def get_configs(self, name: str = None, names_only: bool = False) -> List: # Get list of configurations in the benchmarks directory. configs = [] for config_name in self.get_config_names(): if not name or config_name == name: if names_only: configs.append(config_name) else: configs.append(TestConfig(self, config_name)) return configs def resolve_git_hash(self, revision): # Get git hash for a tag or branch. lines = self.call([self.git_executable, 'rev-parse', revision], self.blender_git_dir) return lines[0].strip() if len(lines) else revision def git_hash_date(self, git_hash): # Get commit data for a git hash. lines = self.call([self.git_executable, 'log', '-n1', git_hash, '--format=%at'], self.blender_git_dir) return int(lines[0].strip()) if len(lines) else 0