Game Engine bge.constraints Module ================================== .. note:: This documentation is still very weak, and needs some help! .. function:: createConstraint([obj1, [obj2, [restLength, [restitution, [damping]]]]]) Creates a constraint. :arg obj1: first object on Constraint :type obj1: :class:'bge.types.KX_GameObject' #I think, there is no error when I use one :arg obj2: second object on Constraint :type obj2: :class:'bge.types.KX_GameObject' #too :arg restLength: #to be filled :type restLength: float :arg restitution: #to be filled :type restitution: float :arg damping: #to be filled :type damping: float .. attribute:: error Simbolic constant string that indicates error. .. function:: exportBulletFile(filename) export a .bullet file :arg filename: File name :type filename: string .. function:: getAppliedImpulse(constraintId) :arg constraintId: The id of the constraint. :type constraintId: int :return: the most recent applied impulse. :rtype: float .. function:: getVehicleConstraint(constraintId) :arg constraintId: The id of the vehicle constraint. :type constraintId: int :return: a vehicle constraint object. :rtype: :class:'KX_VehicleWrapper' .. function:: removeConstraint(constraintId) Removes a constraint. :arg constraintId: The id of the constraint to be removed. :type constraintId: int .. function:: setCcdMode(ccdMode) ..note:: Very experimental, not recommended Sets the CCD mode in the Physics Environment. :arg ccdMode: The new CCD mode. :type ccdMode: int .. function:: setContactBreakingTreshold(breakingTreshold) .. note:: Reasonable default is 0.02 (if units are meters) Sets the contact breaking treshold in the Physics Environment. :arg breakingTreshold: The new contact breaking treshold. :type breakingTreshold: float .. function:: setDeactivationAngularTreshold(angularTreshold) Sets the deactivation angular treshold. :arg angularTreshold: New deactivation angular treshold. :type angularTreshold: float .. function:: setDeactivationLinearTreshold(linearTreshold) Sets the deactivation linear treshold. :arg linearTreshold: New deactivation linear treshold. :type linearTreshold: float .. function:: setDeactivationTime(time) Sets the time after which a resting rigidbody gets deactived. :arg time: The deactivation time. :type time: float .. function:: setDebugMode(mode) Sets the debug mode. Debug modes: - No debug: 0 - Draw wireframe: 1 - Draw Aabb: 2 #What's Aabb? - Draw freatures text: 4 - Draw contact points: 8 - No deactivation: 16 - No help text: 32 - Draw text: 64 - Profile timings: 128 - Enable sat comparision: 256 - Disable Bullet LCP: 512 - Enable CCD: 1024 - Draw Constraints: #(1 << 11) = ? - Draw Constraint Limits: #(1 << 12) = ? - Fast Wireframe: #(1 << 13) = ? :arg mode: The new debug mode. :type mode: int .. function:: setGravity(x, y, z) Sets the gravity force. :arg x: Gravity X force. :type x: float :arg y: Gravity Y force. :type y: float :arg z: Gravity Z force. :type z: float .. function:: setLinearAirDamping(damping) Not implemented. .. function:: setNumIterations(numiter) Sets the number of iterations for an iterative constraint solver. :arg numiter: New number of iterations. :type numiter: int .. function:: setNumTimeSubSteps(numsubstep) Sets the number of substeps for each physics proceed. Tradeoff quality for performance. :arg numsubstep: New number of substeps. :type numsubstep: int .. function:: setSolverDamping(damping) ..note:: Very experimental, not recommended Sets the solver damping. :arg damping: New damping for the solver. :type damping: float .. function:: setSolverTau(tau) .. note:: Very experimental, not recommended Sets the solver tau. :arg tau: New tau for the solver. :type tau: float .. function:: setSolverType(solverType) .. note:: Very experimental, not recommended Sets the solver type. :arg solverType: The new type of the solver. :type solverType: int .. function:: setSorConstant(sor) .. note:: Very experimental, not recommended Sets the sor constant. :arg sor: New sor value. :type sor: float .. function:: setUseEpa(epa) Not implemented.