#!BPY """ Name: 'Bridge Faces/Edge-Loops' Blender: 237 Group: 'Mesh' Tooltip: 'Select 2 vert loops, then run this script.' """ __author__ = "Campbell Barton AKA Ideasman" __url__ = ["blenderartists.org", "www.blender.org"] __version__ = "1.1 2006/12/26" __bpydoc__ = """\ With this script vertex loops can be skinned: faces are created to connect the selected loops of vertices. Usage: In mesh Edit mode select the vertices of the loops (closed paths / curves of vertices: circles, for example) that should be skinned, then run this script. A pop-up will provide further options, if the results of a method are not adequate try one of the others. """ # $Id$ # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Skin Selected edges 1.0 By Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Made by Ideasman/Campbell 2005/06/15 - cbarton@metavr.com import Blender from Blender import Window from Blender.Mathutils import MidpointVecs, Vector, CrossVecs from Blender.Mathutils import AngleBetweenVecs as _AngleBetweenVecs_ from Blender.Draw import PupMenu BIG_NUM = 1<<30 global CULL_METHOD CULL_METHOD = 0 def AngleBetweenVecs(a1,a2): try: return _AngleBetweenVecs_(a1,a2) except: return 180.0 class edge(object): __slots__ = 'v1', 'v2', 'co1', 'co2', 'length', 'removed', 'match', 'cent', 'angle', 'next', 'prev', 'normal', 'fake' def __init__(self, v1,v2): self.v1 = v1 self.v2 = v2 co1, co2= v1.co, v2.co self.co1= co1 self.co2= co2 # uv1 uv2 vcol1 vcol2 # Add later self.length = (co1 - co2).length self.removed = 0 # Have we been culled from the eloop self.match = None # The other edge were making a face with self.cent= MidpointVecs(co1, co2) self.angle= 0.0 self.fake= False class edgeLoop(object): __slots__ = 'centre', 'edges', 'normal', 'closed', 'backup_edges' def __init__(self, loop, me, closed): # Vert loop # Use next and prev, nextDist, prevDist # Get Loops centre. fac= len(loop) verts = me.verts self.centre= reduce(lambda a,b: a+verts[b].co/fac, loop, Vector()) # Convert Vert loop to Edges. self.edges = [edge(verts[loop[vIdx-1]], verts[loop[vIdx]]) for vIdx in xrange(len(loop))] if not closed: self.edges[0].fake = True # fake edge option self.closed = closed # Assign linked list for eIdx in xrange(len(self.edges)-1): self.edges[eIdx].next = self.edges[eIdx+1] self.edges[eIdx].prev = self.edges[eIdx-1] # Now last self.edges[-1].next = self.edges[0] self.edges[-1].prev = self.edges[-2] # GENERATE AN AVERAGE NORMAL FOR THE WHOLE LOOP. self.normal = Vector() for e in self.edges: n = CrossVecs(self.centre-e.co1, self.centre-e.co2) # Do we realy need tot normalize? n.normalize() self.normal += n # Generate the angle va= e.cent - e.prev.cent vb= e.next.cent - e.cent e.angle= AngleBetweenVecs(va, vb) # Blur the angles #for e in self.edges: # e.angle= (e.angle+e.next.angle)/2 # Blur the angles #for e in self.edges: # e.angle= (e.angle+e.prev.angle)/2 self.normal.normalize() # Generate a normal for each edge. for e in self.edges: n1 = e.co1 n2 = e.co2 n3 = e.prev.co1 a = n1-n2 b = n1-n3 normal1 = CrossVecs(a,b) normal1.normalize() n1 = e.co2 n3 = e.next.co2 n2 = e.co1 a = n1-n2 b = n1-n3 normal2 = CrossVecs(a,b) normal2.normalize() # Reuse normal1 var normal1 += normal1 + normal2 normal1.normalize() e.normal = normal1 #print e.normal def backup(self): # Keep a backup of the edges self.backup_edges = self.edges[:] def restore(self): self.edges = self.backup_edges[:] for e in self.edges: e.removed = 0 def reverse(self): self.edges.reverse() for e in self.edges: e.normal.negate() e.v1, e.v2 = e.v2, e.v1 e.next, e.prev = e.prev, e.next self.normal.negate() def removeSmallest(self, cullNum, otherLoopLen): ''' Removes N Smallest edges and backs up the loop, this is so we can loop between 2 loops as if they are the same length, backing up and restoring incase the loop needs to be skinned with another loop of a different length. ''' global CULL_METHOD if CULL_METHOD == 1: # Shortest edge eloopCopy = self.edges[:] # Length sort, smallest first try: eloopCopy.sort(key = lambda e1: e1.length) except: eloopCopy.sort(lambda e1, e2: cmp(e1.length, e2.length )) # Dont use atm #eloopCopy.sort(lambda e1, e2: cmp(e1.angle*e1.length, e2.angle*e2.length)) # Length sort, smallest first #eloopCopy.sort(lambda e1, e2: cmp(e1.angle, e2.angle)) # Length sort, smallest first eloopCopy = eloopCopy[:cullNum] for e in eloopCopy: e.removed = 1 self.edges.remove( e ) # Remove from own list, still in linked list. else: # CULL METHOD is even culled = 0 step = int(otherLoopLen / float(cullNum)) * 2 currentEdge = self.edges[0] while culled < cullNum: # Get the shortest face in the next STEP step_count= 0 bestAng= 360.0 smallestEdge= None while step_count<=step or smallestEdge==None: step_count+=1 if not currentEdge.removed: # 0 or -1 will not be accepted if currentEdge.angle 2: vert_siblings[i] = [] # clear # find the first used vert and keep looping. for i in xrange(tot): if vert_siblings[i] and not vert_used[i]: sbl = vert_siblings[i] # siblings vert_used[i] = True # do an edgeloop seek if len(vert_siblings[i]) == 2: contextVertLoop= [sbl[0], i, sbl[1]] # start the vert loop vert_used[contextVertLoop[ 0]] = True vert_used[contextVertLoop[-1]] = True else: contextVertLoop= [i, sbl[0]] vert_used[contextVertLoop[ 1]] = True # Always seek up ok = True while ok: ok = False closed = False sbl = vert_siblings[contextVertLoop[-1]] if len(sbl) == 2: next = sbl[not sbl.index( contextVertLoop[-2] )] if vert_used[next]: closed = True # break else: contextVertLoop.append( next ) # get the vert that isnt the second last vert_used[next] = True ok = True # Seek down as long as the starting vert was not at the edge. if not closed and len(vert_siblings[i]) == 2: ok = True while ok: ok = False sbl = vert_siblings[contextVertLoop[0]] if len(sbl) == 2: next = sbl[not sbl.index( contextVertLoop[1] )] if vert_used[next]: closed = True else: contextVertLoop.insert(0, next) # get the vert that isnt the second last vert_used[next] = True ok = True mainVertLoops.append((contextVertLoop, closed)) verts = me.verts # convert from indicies to verts # mainVertLoops = [([verts[i] for i in contextVertLoop], closed) for contextVertLoop, closed in mainVertLoops] return mainVertLoops def skin2EdgeLoops(eloop1, eloop2, me, ob, MODE): new_faces= [] # # Make sure e1 loops is bigger then e2 if len(eloop1.edges) != len(eloop2.edges): if len(eloop1.edges) < len(eloop2.edges): eloop1, eloop2 = eloop2, eloop1 eloop1.backup() # were about to cull faces CULL_FACES = len(eloop1.edges) - len(eloop2.edges) eloop1.removeSmallest(CULL_FACES, len(eloop1.edges)) else: CULL_FACES = 0 # First make sure poly vert loops are in sync with eachother. # The vector allong which we are skinning. skinVector = eloop1.centre - eloop2.centre loopDist = skinVector.length # IS THE LOOP FLIPPED, IF SO FLIP BACK. we keep it flipped, its ok, angleBetweenLoopNormals = AngleBetweenVecs(eloop1.normal, eloop2.normal) if angleBetweenLoopNormals > 90: eloop2.reverse() DIR= eloop1.centre - eloop2.centre # if eloop2.closed: bestEloopDist = BIG_NUM bestOffset = 0 # Loop rotation offset to test.1 eLoopIdxs = range(len(eloop1.edges)) for offset in xrange(len(eloop1.edges)): totEloopDist = 0 # Measure this total distance for thsi loop. offsetIndexLs = eLoopIdxs[offset:] + eLoopIdxs[:offset] # Make offset index list # e1Idx is always from 0uu to N, e2Idx is offset. for e1Idx, e2Idx in enumerate(offsetIndexLs): e1= eloop1.edges[e1Idx] e2= eloop2.edges[e2Idx] # Include fan connections in the measurement. OK= True while OK or e1.removed: OK= False # Measure the vloop distance =============== diff= ((e1.cent - e2.cent).length) #/ nangle1 ed_dir= e1.cent-e2.cent a_diff= AngleBetweenVecs(DIR, ed_dir)/18 # 0 t0 18 totEloopDist += (diff * (1+a_diff)) / (1+loopDist) # Premeture break if where no better off if totEloopDist > bestEloopDist: break e1=e1.next if totEloopDist < bestEloopDist: bestOffset = offset bestEloopDist = totEloopDist # Modify V2 LS for Best offset eloop2.edges = eloop2.edges[bestOffset:] + eloop2.edges[:bestOffset] for loopIdx in xrange(len(eloop2.edges)): e1 = eloop1.edges[loopIdx] e2 = eloop2.edges[loopIdx] # Remember the pairs for fan filling culled edges. e1.match = e2; e2.match = e1 if not (e1.fake or e2.fake): new_faces.append([e1.v1, e1.v2, e2.v2, e2.v1]) # FAN FILL MISSING FACES. if CULL_FACES: # Culled edges will be in eloop1. FAN_FILLED_FACES = 0 contextEdge = eloop1.edges[0] # The larger of teh 2 while FAN_FILLED_FACES < CULL_FACES: while contextEdge.next.removed == 0: contextEdge = contextEdge.next vertFanPivot = contextEdge.match.v2 while contextEdge.next.removed == 1: #if not contextEdge.next.fake: new_faces.append([contextEdge.next.v1, contextEdge.next.v2, vertFanPivot]) # Should we use another var?, this will work for now. contextEdge.next.removed = 1 contextEdge = contextEdge.next FAN_FILLED_FACES += 1 # may need to fan fill backwards 1 for non closed loops. eloop1.restore() # Add culled back into the list. me.faces.extend(new_faces) def main(): global CULL_METHOD is_editmode = Window.EditMode() if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(0) ob = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent().objects.active if ob == None or ob.getType() != 'Mesh': return me = ob.getData(mesh=1) time1 = Blender.sys.time() selEdges = getSelectedEdges(me, ob) vertLoops = getVertLoops(selEdges, me) # list of lists of edges. # print len(vertLoops) if len(vertLoops) > 2: choice = PupMenu('Loft '+str(len(vertLoops))+' edge loops%t|loop|segment') if choice == -1: if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) return elif len(vertLoops) < 2: PupMenu('Error%t|No Vertloops found!') if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) return else: choice = 2 # The line below checks if any of the vert loops are differenyt in length. if False in [len(v[0]) == len(vertLoops[0][0]) for v in vertLoops]: CULL_METHOD = PupMenu('Small to large edge loop distrobution method%t|remove edges evenly|remove smallest edges') if CULL_METHOD == -1: if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) return if CULL_METHOD ==1: # RESET CULL_METHOD CULL_METHOD = 0 # shortest else: CULL_METHOD = 1 # even time1 = Blender.sys.time() # Convert to special edge data. edgeLoops = [] for vloop, closed in vertLoops: edgeLoops.append(edgeLoop(vloop, me, closed)) # VERT LOOP ORDERING CODE # "Build a worm" list - grow from Both ends edgeOrderedList = [edgeLoops.pop()] # Find the closest. bestSoFar = BIG_NUM bestIdxSoFar = None for edLoopIdx, edLoop in enumerate(edgeLoops): l =(edgeOrderedList[-1].centre - edLoop.centre).length if l < bestSoFar: bestIdxSoFar = edLoopIdx bestSoFar = l edgeOrderedList.append( edgeLoops.pop(bestIdxSoFar) ) # Now we have the 2 closest, append to either end- # Find the closest. while edgeLoops: bestSoFar = BIG_NUM bestIdxSoFar = None first_or_last = 0 # Zero is first for edLoopIdx, edLoop in enumerate(edgeLoops): l1 =(edgeOrderedList[-1].centre - edLoop.centre).length if l1 < bestSoFar: bestIdxSoFar = edLoopIdx bestSoFar = l1 first_or_last = 1 # last l2 =(edgeOrderedList[0].centre - edLoop.centre).length if l2 < bestSoFar: bestIdxSoFar = edLoopIdx bestSoFar = l2 first_or_last = 0 # last if first_or_last: # add closest Last edgeOrderedList.append( edgeLoops.pop(bestIdxSoFar) ) else: # Add closest First edgeOrderedList.insert(0, edgeLoops.pop(bestIdxSoFar) ) # First for i in xrange(len(edgeOrderedList)-1): skin2EdgeLoops(edgeOrderedList[i], edgeOrderedList[i+1], me, ob, 0) if choice == 1 and len(edgeOrderedList) > 2: # Loop skin2EdgeLoops(edgeOrderedList[0], edgeOrderedList[-1], me, ob, 0) # REMOVE SELECTED FACES. faces= [ f for f in me.faces if f.sel ] if faces: me.faces.delete(1, faces) print '\nSkin done in %.4f sec.' % (Blender.sys.time()-time1) if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()