#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id$ # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2006, Blender Foundation # All rights reserved. # # The Original Code is: all of this file. # # Contributor(s): Nathan Letwory. # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Main entry-point for the SCons building system # Set up some custom actions and target/argument handling # Then read all SConscripts and build import sys import os import os.path import string import shutil import glob import re from tempfile import mkdtemp import tools.Blender import tools.btools import tools.bcolors BlenderEnvironment = tools.Blender.BlenderEnvironment btools = tools.btools B = tools.Blender ### globals ### platform = sys.platform quickie = None quickdebug = None nsis_build = None ##### BEGIN SETUP ##### B.possible_types = ['core', 'common', 'blender', 'intern', 'international', 'game', 'game2', 'player', 'player2', 'system'] B.binarykind = ['blender' , 'blenderplayer'] ################################## # target and argument validation # ################################## # XX cheating for BF_FANCY, we check for BF_FANCY before args are validated use_color = ARGUMENTS.get('BF_FANCY', '1') if platform=='win32': use_color = None if not use_color=='1': B.bc.disable() #on defaut white Os X terminal, some colors are totally unlegible if platform=='darwin': B.bc.OKGREEN = '\033[34m' B.bc.WARNING = '\033[36m' # arguments print B.bc.HEADER+'Command-line arguments'+B.bc.ENDC B.arguments = btools.validate_arguments(ARGUMENTS, B.bc) btools.print_arguments(B.arguments, B.bc) # targets print B.bc.HEADER+'Command-line targets'+B.bc.ENDC B.targets = btools.validate_targets(COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS, B.bc) btools.print_targets(B.targets, B.bc) ########################## # setting up environment # ########################## # handling cmd line arguments & config file # first check cmdline for toolset and we create env to work on quickie = B.arguments.get('BF_QUICK', None) quickdebug = B.arguments.get('BF_QUICKDEBUG', None) if quickdebug: B.quickdebug=string.split(quickdebug, ',') else: B.quickdebug=[] if quickie: B.quickie=string.split(quickie,',') else: B.quickie=[] toolset = B.arguments.get('BF_TOOLSET', None) if toolset: print "Using " + toolset if toolset=='mstoolkit': env = BlenderEnvironment(ENV = os.environ) env.Tool('mstoolkit', ['tools']) else: env = BlenderEnvironment(tools=[toolset], ENV = os.environ) if env: btools.SetupSpawn(env) else: env = BlenderEnvironment(ENV = os.environ) if not env: print "Could not create a build environment" Exit() cc = B.arguments.get('CC', None) cxx = B.arguments.get('CXX', None) if cc: env['CC'] = cc if cxx: env['CXX'] = cxx if env['CC'] in ['cl', 'cl.exe'] and sys.platform=='win32': platform = 'win32-vc' elif env['CC'] in ['gcc'] and sys.platform=='win32': platform = 'win32-mingw' env.SConscriptChdir(0) crossbuild = B.arguments.get('BF_CROSS', None) if crossbuild and platform!='win32': platform = 'linuxcross' env['OURPLATFORM'] = platform configfile = B.arguments.get('BF_CONFIG', 'config'+os.sep+platform+'-config.py') if os.path.exists(configfile): print B.bc.OKGREEN + "Using config file: " + B.bc.ENDC + configfile else: print B.bc.FAIL + configfile + " doesn't exist" + B.bc.ENDC if crossbuild and env['PLATFORM'] != 'win32': print B.bc.HEADER+"Preparing for crossbuild"+B.bc.ENDC env.Tool('crossmingw', ['tools']) # todo: determine proper libs/includes etc. # Needed for gui programs, console programs should do without it env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-mwindows']) # first read platform config. B.arguments will override optfiles = [configfile] if os.path.exists('user-config.py'): print B.bc.OKGREEN + "Using config file: " + B.bc.ENDC + 'user-config.py' optfiles += ['user-config.py'] else: print B.bc.WARNING + 'user-config.py' + " not found, no user overrides" + B.bc.ENDC opts = btools.read_opts(optfiles, B.arguments) opts.Update(env) if not env['BF_FANCY']: B.bc.disable() # disable elbeem (fluidsim) compilation? if env['BF_NO_ELBEEM'] == 1: env['CPPFLAGS'].append('-DDISABLE_ELBEEM') env['CXXFLAGS'].append('-DDISABLE_ELBEEM') env['CCFLAGS'].append('-DDISABLE_ELBEEM') if env['WITH_BF_OPENMP'] == 1: if env['OURPLATFORM']=='win32-vc': env['CCFLAGS'].append('/openmp') env['CPPFLAGS'].append('/openmp') env['CXXFLAGS'].append('/openmp') else: if env['CC'] == 'icc': env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-openmp', '-static-intel']) env['CCFLAGS'].append('-openmp') env['CPPFLAGS'].append('-openmp') env['CXXFLAGS'].append('-openmp') else: env['CCFLAGS'].append('-fopenmp') env['CPPFLAGS'].append('-fopenmp') env['CXXFLAGS'].append('-fopenmp') #check for additional debug libnames if env.has_key('BF_DEBUG_LIBS'): B.quickdebug += env['BF_DEBUG_LIBS'] printdebug = B.arguments.get('BF_LISTDEBUG', 0) # see if this linux distro has libalut if env['OURPLATFORM'] == 'linux2' : if env['WITH_BF_OPENAL']: mylib_test_source_file = """ #include "AL/alut.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { alutGetMajorVersion(); return 0; } """ def CheckFreeAlut(context,env): context.Message( B.bc.OKGREEN + "Linux platform detected:\n checking for FreeAlut... " + B.bc.ENDC ) env['LIBS'] = 'alut' result = context.TryLink(mylib_test_source_file, '.c') context.Result(result) return result env2 = env.Copy( LIBPATH = env['BF_OPENAL'] ) sconf_temp = mkdtemp() conf = Configure( env2, {'CheckFreeAlut' : CheckFreeAlut}, sconf_temp, '/dev/null' ) if conf.CheckFreeAlut( env2 ): env['BF_OPENAL_LIB'] += ' alut' del env2 root = '' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sconf_temp, topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) if root: os.rmdir(root) if len(B.quickdebug) > 0 and printdebug != 0: print B.bc.OKGREEN + "Buildings these libs with debug symbols:" + B.bc.ENDC for l in B.quickdebug: print "\t" + l # check target for blenderplayer. Set WITH_BF_PLAYER if found on cmdline if 'blenderplayer' in B.targets: env['WITH_BF_PLAYER'] = True if 'blendernogame' in B.targets: env['WITH_BF_GAMEENGINE'] = False # lastly we check for root_build_dir ( we should not do before, otherwise we might do wrong builddir #B.root_build_dir = B.arguments.get('BF_BUILDDIR', '..'+os.sep+'build'+os.sep+platform+os.sep) B.root_build_dir = env['BF_BUILDDIR'] env['BUILDDIR'] = B.root_build_dir if not B.root_build_dir[-1]==os.sep: B.root_build_dir += os.sep # We do a shortcut for clean when no quicklist is given: just delete # builddir without reading in SConscripts do_clean = None if 'clean' in B.targets: do_clean = True if not quickie and do_clean: if os.path.exists(B.root_build_dir): print B.bc.HEADER+'Cleaning...'+B.bc.ENDC dirs = os.listdir(B.root_build_dir) for dir in dirs: if os.path.isdir(B.root_build_dir + dir) == 1: print "clean dir %s"%(B.root_build_dir+dir) shutil.rmtree(B.root_build_dir+dir) print B.bc.OKGREEN+'...done'+B.bc.ENDC else: print B.bc.HEADER+'Already Clean, nothing to do.'+B.bc.ENDC Exit() if not os.path.isdir ( B.root_build_dir): os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir ) os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir + 'source' ) os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir + 'intern' ) os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir + 'extern' ) os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir + 'lib' ) os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir + 'bin' ) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) # default is new quieter output, but if you need to see the # commands, do 'scons BF_QUIET=0' bf_quietoutput = B.arguments.get('BF_QUIET', '1') if env['BF_QUIET']: B.set_quiet_output(env) else: if toolset=='msvc': B.msvc_hack(env) print B.bc.HEADER+'Building in '+B.bc.ENDC+B.root_build_dir env.SConsignFile(B.root_build_dir+'scons-signatures') B.init_lib_dict() ##### END SETUP ########## Export('env') BuildDir(B.root_build_dir+'/intern', 'intern', duplicate=0) SConscript(B.root_build_dir+'/intern/SConscript') BuildDir(B.root_build_dir+'/extern', 'extern', duplicate=0) SConscript(B.root_build_dir+'/extern/SConscript') BuildDir(B.root_build_dir+'/source', 'source', duplicate=0) SConscript(B.root_build_dir+'/source/SConscript') # now that we have read all SConscripts, we know what # libraries will be built. Create list of # libraries to give as objects to linking phase mainlist = [] for tp in B.possible_types: if not tp == 'player' and not tp == 'player2': mainlist += B.create_blender_liblist(env, tp) if B.arguments.get('BF_PRIORITYLIST', '0')=='1': B.propose_priorities() dobj = B.buildinfo(env, "dynamic") + B.resources thestatlibs, thelibincs = B.setup_staticlibs(env) thesyslibs = B.setup_syslibs(env) env.BlenderProg(B.root_build_dir, "blender", dobj + mainlist + thestatlibs, [], thesyslibs, [B.root_build_dir+'/lib'] + thelibincs, 'blender') if env['WITH_BF_PLAYER']: playerlist = B.create_blender_liblist(env, 'player') env.BlenderProg(B.root_build_dir, "blenderplayer", dobj + playerlist + thestatlibs, [], thesyslibs, [B.root_build_dir+'/lib'] + thelibincs, 'blenderplayer') ##### Now define some targets #------------ INSTALL #-- binaries blenderinstall = [] if env['OURPLATFORM']=='darwin': for prg in B.program_list: bundle = '%s.app' % prg[0] bundledir = os.path.dirname(bundle) for dp, dn, df in os.walk(bundle): if 'CVS' in dn: dn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in dn: dn.remove('.svn') dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR']+dp[len(bundledir):] source=[dp+os.sep+f for f in df] blenderinstall.append(env.Install(dir=dir,source=source)) else: blenderinstall = env.Install(dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR'], source=B.program_list) #-- .blender #- dont do .blender and scripts for darwin, it is already in the bundle dotblendlist = [] dottargetlist = [] scriptinstall = [] if env['OURPLATFORM']!='darwin': for dp, dn, df in os.walk('bin/.blender'): if 'CVS' in dn: dn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in dn: dn.remove('.svn') for f in df: dotblendlist.append(dp+os.sep+f) dottargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR']+dp[3:]+os.sep+f) dotblenderinstall = [] for targetdir,srcfile in zip(dottargetlist, dotblendlist): td, tf = os.path.split(targetdir) dotblenderinstall.append(env.Install(dir=td, source=srcfile)) #-- .blender/scripts scriptpath='release/scripts' for dp, dn, df in os.walk(scriptpath): if 'CVS' in dn: dn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in dn: dn.remove('.svn') dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR']+'/.blender/scripts'+dp[len(scriptpath):] source=[dp+os.sep+f for f in df] scriptinstall.append(env.Install(dir=dir,source=source)) #-- plugins pluglist = [] plugtargetlist = [] for tp, tn, tf in os.walk('release/plugins'): if 'CVS' in tn: tn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in tn: tn.remove('.svn') for f in tf: pluglist.append(tp+os.sep+f) plugtargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR']+tp[7:]+os.sep+f) plugininstall = [] for targetdir,srcfile in zip(plugtargetlist, pluglist): td, tf = os.path.split(targetdir) plugininstall.append(env.Install(dir=td, source=srcfile)) textlist = [] texttargetlist = [] for tp, tn, tf in os.walk('release/text'): if 'CVS' in tn: tn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in tn: tn.remove('.svn') for f in tf: textlist.append(tp+os.sep+f) textinstall = env.Install(dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR'], source=textlist) if env['OURPLATFORM']=='darwin': allinstall = [blenderinstall, plugininstall, textinstall] else: allinstall = [blenderinstall, dotblenderinstall, scriptinstall, plugininstall, textinstall] if env['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win32-mingw'): dllsources = ['${LCGDIR}/gettext/lib/gnu_gettext.dll', '${LCGDIR}/png/lib/libpng.dll', '#release/windows/extra/python25.zip', '#release/windows/extra/zlib.pyd', '${LCGDIR}/sdl/lib/SDL.dll', '${LCGDIR}/zlib/lib/zlib.dll', '${LCGDIR}/tiff/lib/libtiff.dll'] if env['BF_DEBUG']: dllsources.append('${LCGDIR}/python/lib/${BF_PYTHON_LIB}_d.dll') else: dllsources.append('${LCGDIR}/python/lib/${BF_PYTHON_LIB}.dll') if env['OURPLATFORM'] == 'win32-mingw': dllsources += ['${LCGDIR}/pthreads/lib/pthreadGC2.dll'] else: dllsources += ['${LCGDIR}/pthreads/lib/pthreadVC2.dll'] if env['WITH_BF_ICONV']: dllsources += ['${LCGDIR}/iconv/lib/iconv.dll'] if env['WITH_BF_FFMPEG']: dllsources += ['${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/avcodec-51.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/avformat-52.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/libfaad-0.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/libmp3lame-0.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/xvidcore.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/swscale-0.dll'] windlls = env.Install(dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR'], source = dllsources) allinstall += windlls installtarget = env.Alias('install', allinstall) bininstalltarget = env.Alias('install-bin', blenderinstall) nsisaction = env.Action(btools.NSIS_Installer, btools.NSIS_print) nsiscmd = env.Command('nsisinstaller', None, nsisaction) nsisalias = env.Alias('nsis', nsiscmd) if env['WITH_BF_PLAYER']: blenderplayer = env.Alias('blenderplayer', B.program_list) Depends(blenderplayer,installtarget) if not env['WITH_BF_GAMEENGINE']: blendernogame = env.Alias('blendernogame', B.program_list) Depends(blendernogame,installtarget) Depends(nsiscmd, allinstall) Default(B.program_list) if not env['WITHOUT_BF_INSTALL']: Default(installtarget) #------------ RELEASE # TODO: zipup the installation #------------ BLENDERPLAYER # TODO: build stubs and link into blenderplayer #------------ EPYDOC # TODO: run epydoc