#!BPY """ Name: 'TrueSpace...' Blender: 232 Group: 'Export' Tooltip: 'Export selected meshes to trueSpace File Format (*.cob)' """ # +---------------------------------------------------------+ # | Copyright (c) 2001 Anthony D'Agostino | # | http://www.redrival.com/scorpius | # | scorpius@netzero.com | # | June 12, 2001 | # | Released under the Blender Artistic Licence (BAL) | # | Import Export Suite v0.5 | # +---------------------------------------------------------+ # | Read and write Caligari trueSpace File Format (*.cob) | # +---------------------------------------------------------+ import Blender, mod_meshtools import struct, os, cStringIO, time # ============================== # === Write trueSpace Format === # ============================== def write(filename): start = time.clock() file = open(filename, "wb") objects = Blender.Object.GetSelected() write_header(file) G,P,V,U,M = 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000 for object in objects: objname = object.name meshname = object.data.name mesh = Blender.NMesh.GetRaw(meshname) obj = Blender.Object.Get(objname) if not mesh: continue grou = generate_grou('Group ' + `objects.index(object)+1`) polh = generate_polh(objname, obj, mesh) if mod_meshtools.has_vertex_colors(mesh): vcol = generate_vcol(mesh) unit = generate_unit() mat1 = generate_mat1(mesh) if objects.index(object) == 0: X = 0 write_chunk(file, "Grou", 0, 1, G, X, grou) write_chunk(file, "PolH", 0, 4, P, G, polh) if mod_meshtools.has_vertex_colors(mesh) and vcol: write_chunk(file, "VCol", 1, 0, V, P, vcol) write_chunk(file, "Unit", 0, 1, U, P, unit) write_chunk(file, "Mat1", 0, 5, M, P, mat1) X = G G,P,V,U,M = map(lambda x: x+1, [G,P,V,U,M]) write_chunk(file, "END ", 1, 0, 0, 0, '') # End Of File Chunk Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(1.0, '') # clear progressbar file.close() end = time.clock() seconds = " in %.2f %s" % (end-start, "seconds") message = "Successfully exported " + os.path.basename(filename) + seconds mod_meshtools.print_boxed(message) # ============================= # === Write COB File Header === # ============================= def write_header(file): file.write("Caligari V00.01BLH"+" "*13+"\n") # =================== # === Write Chunk === # =================== def write_chunk(file, name, major, minor, chunk_id, parent_id, data): file.write(name) file.write(struct.pack("<2h", major, minor)) file.write(struct.pack("<2l", chunk_id, parent_id)) file.write(struct.pack("<1l", len(data))) file.write(data) # ============================================ # === Generate PolH (Polygonal Data) Chunk === # ============================================ def generate_polh(objname, obj, mesh): data = cStringIO.StringIO() write_ObjectName(data, objname) write_LocalAxes(data, obj) write_CurrentPosition(data, obj) write_VertexList(data, mesh) uvcoords = write_UVCoordsList(data, mesh) write_FaceList(data, mesh, uvcoords) return data.getvalue() # === Write Object Name === def write_ObjectName(data, objname): data.write(struct.pack("