#!BPY """ Registration info for Blender menus: <- these words are ignored Name: 'Trajectory' Blender: 242 Group: 'Animation' Tip: 'See Trajectory of selected object' """ __author__ = '3R - R3gis' __version__ = '2.43' __url__ = ["Script's site , http://blenderfrance.free.fr/python/Trajectory_en.htm","Author's site , http://cybercreator.free.fr", "French Blender support forum, http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/newsportal/thread.php?group=3D.Blender"] __email__=["3R, r3gis@free.fr"] __bpydoc__ = """ Usage: * Launch with alt+P (or put it in .script folder) Allow to see in real time trajectory of selected object. On first run, it ask you - If you want that actually selected object have they trajectory always shown - If you want to use Space Handler or a Scriptlink in Redraw mode - Future and Past : it is the frame in past and future of the beggining and the end of the path - Width of line that represent the trajectory Then the object's trajectory will be shown in all 3D areas. When trajectory is red, you can modifiy it by moving object. When trajectory is blue and you want to be able to modify it, inser a Key (I-Key) Points appears on trajectory : - Left Clic to modify position - Right Clic to go to the frame it represents Notes:
In scriptlink mode, it create one script link so make sure that 'Enable Script Link' toogle is on In SpaceHandler mode, you have to go in View>>SpaceHandlerScript menu to activate Trajectory """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Copyright (C) 2004-2006: Regis Montoya # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ################################# # by 3R - 26/08/05 # for any problem : # r3gis@free.fr # ou sur le newsgroup: # http://zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/ ################################# #Many thanks to cambo for his fixes ################################# import Blender scene= Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() #Writing def write_script(name, script): global scene #List texts and their name #write : type of writing : 1->New, 2->Overwrite scripting= None for text in Blender.Text.Get(): if text.name==name and text.asLines()[1] != "#"+str(__version__): scripting= Blender.Text.Get(name) scripting.write(script) break if not scripting: scripting= Blender.Text.New(name) scripting.write(script) #Linking def link_script(name, type): global scene try: scene.getScriptLinks(type).index(name) # Does nothing. just fails of the script isnt there. except: scene.addScriptLink(name, type) #Deleting of a text def text_remove(name): global scene #try to delete text if already linked try: text= Blender.Text.Get(name) # Texte.clear() scene.clearScriptLinks([name]) Blender.Text.unlink(text) except: print('---Initialisation of Trajectory_'+str(__version__)+'.py---') #Whether is already running, also check if it's the last version of the script : second line contain the version fo the script ask_modif= 0 # Default for text in Blender.Text.Get(): if text.name == 'Trajectory' and text.asLines()[1] == "#"+str(__version__): #We ask if script modify his seetings, keep it or stop script ask_modif= Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Script already launch %t|Modify settings%x0|Keep settings%x1|Stop script%x2|") if ask_modif==-1: # user canceled. ask_modif= 1 break selection_mode= 0 future= 35 past= 20 width= 2 #In modify case if ask_modif==0: handle_mode= Blender.Draw.Create(0) selection_mode= Blender.Draw.Create(0) future= Blender.Draw.Create(35) past= Blender.Draw.Create(20) width= Blender.Draw.Create(2) block= [] block.append(("Use Space Handlers", handle_mode, "You have to activate for each area by View>>SpaceHandler")) #You can delete this option... block.append(("Always draw for sel.", selection_mode, "Selected object will have their trajectory always shown")) block.append(("Past :", past, 1, 900)) block.append(("Futur:", future, 1, 900)) block.append(("Width:", width, 1,5)) if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock("Trajectory seetings", block): ask_modif=1 handle_mode= handle_mode.val selection_mode= selection_mode.val future= future.val past= past.val width= width.val #put names of selected objects in objects_select if option choosen by user if selection_mode==1: objects_select= [ob.name for ob in Blender.Object.GetSelected()] else: objects_select= [] try: if handle_mode==1: DrawPart="#SPACEHANDLER.VIEW3D.DRAW\n" else: DrawPart="#!BPY\n" except:DrawPart="#BadlyMade" #Here is the script to write in Blender and to link, options are also written now DrawPart=DrawPart+"#"+str(__version__)+""" #This script is a part of Trajectory.py and have to be linked to the scene in Redraw if not in HANDLER mode. #Author : 3R - Regis Montoya #It's better to use the Trajectory_"version_number".py #You can modify the two following value to change the path settings future="""+str(future)+""" past="""+str(past)+""" object_init_names="""+str(objects_select)+""" import Blender, math from Blender import BGL, Draw, Ipo from Blender.BGL import * from Blender.Draw import * from math import * from Blender.Mathutils import Vector #take actual frame frameC=Blender.Get('curframe') render_context=Blender.Scene.getCurrent().getRenderingContext() #ajust number of frames with NewMap and OldMapvalue values k=1.00*render_context.oldMapValue()/render_context.newMapValue() if k<1: tr=-1*int(log(k*0.1, 10)) else: tr=-1*int(log(k, 10)) #The real and integer frame to compare to ipos keys frames frameCtr=round(frameC*k, tr) frameCr=frameC*k frameC=int(round(frameC*k, 0)) #List objects that we have to show trajectory in $objects # In this case, using a dict for unique objects is the fastest way. object_dict= dict([(ob.name, ob) for ob in Blender.Object.GetSelected()]) for obname in object_init_names: try: # checking if its alredy there. object_dict[obname] except: # Object is not there. try: # Object may be removed. object_dict[obname]= Blender.Object.Get(obname) except: pass # object was removed. #This fonction give the resulting matrix of all parents at a given frame #parent_list is the list of all parents [object, matrix, locX_ipo, locY, Z, rotX, Y, Z, sizeX, Y, Z] of current object def matrixForTraj(frame, parent_list): DecMatC=Blender.Mathutils.Matrix([1,0,0,0], [0,1,0,0], [0,0,1,0], [0,0,0,1]) for parent_data in parent_list: parent_ob= parent_data[0] try: X= parent_data[5][frame]*pi/18 except: X= parent_ob.RotX try: Y= parent_data[6][frame]*pi/18 except: Y= parent_ob.RotY try: Z= parent_data[7][frame]*pi/18 except: Z= parent_ob.RotZ try: LX= parent_data[2][frame] except: LX= parent_ob.LocX try: LY= parent_data[3][frame] except: LY= parent_ob.LocY try: LZ= parent_data[4][frame] except: LZ= parent_ob.LocZ try: SX= parent_data[8][frame] except: SX= parent_ob.SizeX try: SY= parent_data[9][frame] except: SY= parent_ob.SizeY try: SZ= parent_data[10][frame] except: SZ= parent_ob.SizeZ NMat=Blender.Mathutils.Matrix([cos(Y)*cos(Z)*SX,SX*cos(Y)*sin(Z),-SX*sin(Y),0], [(-cos(X)*sin(Z)+sin(Y)*sin(X)*cos(Z))*SY,(sin(X)*sin(Y)*sin(Z)+cos(X)*cos(Z))*SY,sin(X)*cos(Y)*SY,0], [(cos(X)*sin(Y)*cos(Z)+sin(X)*sin(Z))*SZ,(cos(X)*sin(Y)*sin(Z)-sin(X)*cos(Z))*SZ,SZ*cos(X)*cos(Y),0], [LX,LY,LZ,1]) DecMatC=DecMatC*parent_data[1]*NMat return DecMatC ##### TestLIST=[] matview=Blender.Window.GetPerspMatrix() ########### #Fonction to draw trajectories ########### def Trace_Traj(ob): global TestLIST, matview #we draw trajectories for all objects in list LocX=[] LocY=[] LocZ=[] #List with trajectories' vertexs vertexX=[] contextIpo= ob.ipo if contextIpo: ipoLocX=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_LOCX] ipoLocY=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_LOCY] ipoLocZ=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_LOCZ] ipoTime=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_TIME] else: # only do if there is no IPO (if no ipo curves : return None object and don't go in this except) ipoLocX= ipoLocY= ipoLocZ= ipoTime= None if ipoTime: return 0 #Get all parents of ob parent=ob.parent backup_ob= ob child= ob parent_list= [] #Get parents's infos : #list of [name, initial matrix at make parent, ipo in X,Y,Z,rotX,rotY,rotZ,sizeX,Y,Z] while parent: Init_Mat=Blender.Mathutils.Matrix(child.getMatrix('worldspace')) #must be done like it (it isn't a matrix otherwise) Init_Mat.invert() Init_Mat=Init_Mat*child.getMatrix('localspace') Init_Mat=parent.getMatrix()*Init_Mat Init_Mat.invert() contextIpo= parent.ipo # None or IPO if contextIpo: ipo_Parent_LocX=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_LOCX] ipo_Parent_LocY=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_LOCY] ipo_Parent_LocZ=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_LOCZ] ipo_Parent_RotX=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_ROTX] ipo_Parent_RotY=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_ROTY] ipo_Parent_RotZ=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_ROTZ] ipo_Parent_SizeX=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_SIZEX] ipo_Parent_SizeY=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_SIZEY] ipo_Parent_SizeZ=contextIpo[Ipo.OB_SIZEZ] else: ipo_Parent_LocX=ipo_Parent_LocY=ipo_Parent_LocZ=\ ipo_Parent_RotX=ipo_Parent_RotY=ipo_Parent_RotZ=\ ipo_Parent_SizeX=ipo_Parent_SizeY=ipo_Parent_SizeZ= None parent_list.append([parent, Init_Mat, ipo_Parent_LocX, ipo_Parent_LocY, ipo_Parent_LocZ, ipo_Parent_RotX, ipo_Parent_RotY, ipo_Parent_RotZ, ipo_Parent_SizeX, ipo_Parent_SizeY, ipo_Parent_SizeZ]) child=parent parent=parent.parent #security : if one of parents object are a path>>follow : trajectory don't work properly so it have to draw nothing for parent in parent_list: if parent[0].type == 'Curve': if parent[0].data.flag & 1<<4: # Follow path, 4th bit return 1 #ob >> re-assign obj and not parent ob= backup_ob ob= backup_ob if ipoLocX: LXC= ipoLocX[frameC] else: LXC= ob.LocX if ipoLocY: LYC= ipoLocY[frameC] else: LYC= ob.LocY if ipoLocZ: LZC= ipoLocZ[frameC] else: LZC= ob.LocZ vect= Vector([ob.LocX, ob.LocY, ob.LocZ, 1]) color=[0, 1] #If trajectory is being modified and we are at a frame where a ipo key already exist if round(ob.LocX, 5)!=round(LXC, 5): for bez in ipoLocX.bezierPoints: if round(bez.pt[0], tr)==frameCtr: bez.pt = [frameCr, vect[0]] ipoLocX.recalc() if round(ob.LocY, 5)!=round(LYC, 5): for bez in ipoLocY.bezierPoints: if round(bez.pt[0], tr)==frameCtr: bez.pt = [frameCr, vect[1]] ipoLocY.recalc() if round(ob.LocZ, 5)!=round(LZC, 5): for bez in ipoLocZ.bezierPoints: if round(bez.pt[0], tr)==frameCtr: bez.pt = [frameCr, vect[2]] ipoLocZ.recalc() #change trajectory color if at an ipoKey VertexFrame=[] bezier_Coord=0 if ipoLocX: # FIXED like others it was just in case ipoLocX==None for bez in ipoLocX.bezierPoints: bezier_Coord=round(bez.pt[0], tr) if bezier_Coord not in VertexFrame: VertexFrame.append(bezier_Coord) if bezier_Coord==frameCtr: color=[1, color[1]-0.3] if ipoLocY: # FIXED for bez in ipoLocY.bezierPoints: bezier_Coord=round(bez.pt[0], tr) if bezier_Coord not in VertexFrame: VertexFrame.append(bezier_Coord) if round(bez.pt[0], tr)==frameCtr: color=[1, color[1]-0.3] if ipoLocZ: # FIXED for bez in ipoLocZ.bezierPoints: bezier_Coord=round(bez.pt[0], tr) if bezier_Coord not in VertexFrame: VertexFrame.append(bezier_Coord) if round(bez.pt[0], tr)==frameCtr: color=[1, color[1]-0.3] #put in LocX, LocY and LocZ all points of trajectory for frame in xrange(frameC-past, frameC+future): DecMat=matrixForTraj(frame, parent_list) if ipoLocX: LX= ipoLocX[frame] else: LX= ob.LocX if ipoLocY: LY= ipoLocY[frame] else: LY= ob.LocY if ipoLocZ: LZ= ipoLocZ[frame] else: LZ= ob.LocZ vect=Vector(LX, LY, LZ)*DecMat LocX.append(vect[0]) LocY.append(vect[1]) LocZ.append(vect[2]) #draw part : get current view MatPreBuff= [matview[i][j] for i in xrange(4) for j in xrange(4)] MatBuff=BGL.Buffer(GL_FLOAT, 16, MatPreBuff) glLoadIdentity() glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf(MatBuff) #draw trajectory line glLineWidth("""+str(width)+""") glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP) for i in xrange(len(LocX)): glColor3f((i+1)*1.00/len(LocX)*color[0], 0, (i+1)*1.00/len(LocX)*color[1]) glVertex3f(LocX[i], LocY[i], LocZ[i]) glEnd() #draw trajectory's "vertexs" if not Blender.Window.EditMode(): glPointSize(5) glBegin(GL_POINTS) TestPOINTS=[] TestFRAME=[] i=0 for frame in VertexFrame: ix=int(frame)-frameC+past if ix>=0 and ixpt[0]-4 and mouse_co[1]>pt[1]-4 and mouse_co[1]