import unittest # ############################################################ # Layer Collection Crawler # ############################################################ def listbase_iter(data, struct, listbase): element = data.get_pointer((struct, listbase, b'first')) while element is not None: yield element element = element.get_pointer(b'next') def linkdata_iter(collection, data): element = collection.get_pointer((data, b'first')) while element is not None: yield element element = element.get_pointer(b'next') def get_layer_collection(layer_collection): data = {} flag = layer_collection.get(b'flag') data['is_visible'] = (flag & (1 << 0)) != 0; data['is_selectable'] = (flag & (1 << 1)) != 0; data['is_folded'] = (flag & (1 << 2)) != 0; scene_collection = layer_collection.get_pointer(b'scene_collection') if scene_collection is None: name = 'Fail!' else: name = scene_collection.get(b'name') data['name'] = name objects = [] for link in linkdata_iter(layer_collection, b'object_bases'): ob_base = link.get_pointer(b'data') ob = ob_base.get_pointer(b'object') objects.append(ob.get((b'id', b'name'))[2:]) data['objects'] = objects collections = {} for nested_layer_collection in linkdata_iter(layer_collection, b'layer_collections'): subname, subdata = get_layer_collection(nested_layer_collection) collections[subname] = subdata data['collections'] = collections return name, data def get_layer(layer): data = {} name = layer.get(b'name') data['name'] = name data['active_object'] = layer.get((b'basact', b'object', b'id', b'name'))[2:] data['engine'] = layer.get(b'engine') objects = [] for link in linkdata_iter(layer, b'object_bases'): ob = link.get_pointer(b'object') objects.append(ob.get((b'id', b'name'))[2:]) data['objects'] = objects collections = {} for layer_collection in linkdata_iter(layer, b'layer_collections'): subname, subdata = get_layer_collection(layer_collection) collections[subname] = subdata data['collections'] = collections return name, data def get_layers(scene): """Return all the render layers and their data""" layers = {} for layer in linkdata_iter(scene, b'render_layers'): name, data = get_layer(layer) layers[name] = data return layers def get_scene_collection_objects(collection, listbase): objects = [] for link in linkdata_iter(collection, listbase): ob = link.get_pointer(b'data') if ob is None: name = 'Fail!' else: name = ob.get((b'id', b'name'))[2:] objects.append(name) return objects def get_scene_collection(collection): """""" data = {} name = collection.get(b'name') data['name'] = name data['filter'] = collection.get(b'filter') data['objects'] = get_scene_collection_objects(collection, b'objects') data['filter_objects'] = get_scene_collection_objects(collection, b'filter_objects') collections = {} for nested_collection in linkdata_iter(collection, b'scene_collections'): subname, subdata = get_scene_collection(nested_collection) collections[subname] = subdata data['collections'] = collections return name, data def get_scene_collections(scene): """Return all the scene collections ahd their data""" master_collection = scene.get_pointer(b'collection') return get_scene_collection(master_collection) def query_scene(filepath, name, callbacks): """Return the equivalent to bpy.context.scene""" import blendfile with blendfile.open_blend(filepath) as blend: scenes = [block for block in blend.blocks if block.code == b'SC'] for scene in scenes: if scene.get((b'id', b'name'))[2:] == name: output = [] for callback in callbacks: output.append(callback(scene)) return output # ############################################################ # Utils # ############################################################ def import_blendfile(): import bpy import os, sys path = os.path.join( bpy.utils.resource_path('LOCAL'), 'scripts', 'addons', 'io_blend_utils', 'blend', ) if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) def dump(data): import json return json.dumps( data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ) # ############################################################ # Tests # ############################################################ PDB = False DUMP_DIFF = True def compare_files(file_a, file_b): import filecmp if not filecmp.cmp( file_a, file_b): if DUMP_DIFF: import subprocess["diff", "-u", file_a, file_b]) if PDB: import pdb print("Files differ:", file_a, file_b) pdb.set_trace() return False return True class RenderLayerTesting(unittest.TestCase): _test_simple = False _extra_arguments = [] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Runs once""" cls.pretest_import_blendfile() cls.pretest_parsing() @classmethod def get_root(cls): """ return the folder with the test files """ arguments = {} for argument in cls._extra_arguments: name, value = argument.split('=') cls.assertTrue(name and name.startswith("--"), "Invalid argument \"{0}\"".format(argument)) cls.assertTrue(value, "Invalid argument \"{0}\"".format(argument)) arguments[name[2:]] = value.strip('"') return arguments.get('testdir') @classmethod def pretest_parsing(cls): """ Test if the arguments are properly set, and store ROOT name has extra _ because we need this test to run first """ root = cls.get_root() cls.assertTrue(root, "Testdir not set") @staticmethod def pretest_import_blendfile(): """ Make sure blendfile imports with no problems name has extra _ because we need this test to run first """ import_blendfile() import blendfile def setUp(self): """Runs once per test""" import bpy bpy.ops.wm.read_factory_settings() def path_exists(self, filepath): import os self.assertTrue( os.path.exists(filepath), "Test file \"{0}\" not found".format(filepath)) def do_object_add(self, filepath_json, add_mode): """ Testing for adding objects and see if they go to the right collection """ import bpy import os import tempfile import filecmp ROOT = self.get_root() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dirpath: filepath_layers = os.path.join(ROOT, 'layers.blend') # open file bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile('EXEC_DEFAULT', filepath=filepath_layers) # create sub-collections three_b ='T.3b') three_c ='T.3c') scene = bpy.context.scene subzero = scene.master_collection.collections['1']'sub-zero') scorpion ='scorpion') layer ='Fresh new Layer') # change active collection layer.collections.active_index = 3 self.assertEqual(, 'scorpion', "Run: test_syncing_object_add") # change active layer override = bpy.context.copy() override["render_layer"] = layer override["scene_collection"] = # add new objects if add_mode == 'EMPTY': bpy.ops.object.add(override) # 'Empty' elif add_mode == 'CYLINDER': bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(override) # 'Cylinder' elif add_mode == 'TORUS': bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add(override) # 'Torus' # save file filepath_objects = os.path.join(dirpath, 'objects.blend') bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile('EXEC_DEFAULT', filepath=filepath_objects) # get the generated json datas = query_scene(filepath_objects, 'Main', (get_scene_collections, get_layers)) self.assertTrue(datas, "Data is not valid") filepath_objects_json = os.path.join(dirpath, "objects.json") with open(filepath_objects_json, "w") as f: for data in datas: f.write(dump(data)) self.assertTrue(compare_files( filepath_objects_json, filepath_json, ), "Scene dump files differ")