# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### import time from netrender.utils import * import netrender.model class RatingRule: def __init__(self): self.enabled = True def rate(self, job): return 0 class ExclusionRule: def __init__(self): self.enabled = True def test(self, job): return False class PriorityRule: def __init__(self): self.enabled = True def test(self, job): return False class Balancer: def __init__(self): self.rules = [] self.priorities = [] self.exceptions = [] def ruleByID(self, rule_id): for rule in self.rules: if id(rule) == rule_id: return rule for rule in self.priorities: if id(rule) == rule_id: return rule for rule in self.exceptions: if id(rule) == rule_id: return rule return None def addRule(self, rule): self.rules.append(rule) def addPriority(self, priority): self.priorities.append(priority) def addException(self, exception): self.exceptions.append(exception) def applyRules(self, job): return sum((rule.rate(job) for rule in self.rules if rule.enabled)) def applyPriorities(self, job): for priority in self.priorities: if priority.enabled and priority.test(job): return True # priorities are first return False def applyExceptions(self, job): for exception in self.exceptions: if exception.enabled and exception.test(job): return True # exceptions are last return False def sortKey(self, job): return (1 if self.applyExceptions(job) else 0, # exceptions after 0 if self.applyPriorities(job) else 1, # priorities first self.applyRules(job)) def balance(self, jobs): if jobs: # use inline copy to make sure the list is still accessible while sorting jobs[:] = sorted(jobs, key=self.sortKey) return jobs[0] else: return None # ========================== class RatingUsage(RatingRule): def __str__(self): return "Usage per job" def rate(self, job): # less usage is better return job.usage / job.priority class RatingUsageByCategory(RatingRule): def __init__(self, get_jobs): super().__init__() self.getJobs = get_jobs def __str__(self): return "Usage per category" def rate(self, job): total_category_usage = sum([j.usage for j in self.getJobs() if j.category == job.category]) maximum_priority = max([j.priority for j in self.getJobs() if j.category == job.category]) # less usage is better return total_category_usage / maximum_priority class NewJobPriority(PriorityRule): def __init__(self, limit = 1): super().__init__() self.limit = limit def setLimit(self, value): self.limit = int(value) def str_limit(self): return "less than %i frame%s done" % (self.limit, "s" if self.limit > 1 else "") def __str__(self): return "Priority to new jobs" def test(self, job): return job.countFrames(status = DONE) < self.limit class MinimumTimeBetweenDispatchPriority(PriorityRule): def __init__(self, limit = 10): super().__init__() self.limit = limit def setLimit(self, value): self.limit = int(value) def str_limit(self): return "more than %i minute%s since last" % (self.limit, "s" if self.limit > 1 else "") def __str__(self): return "Priority to jobs that haven't been dispatched recently" def test(self, job): return job.countFrames(status = DISPATCHED) == 0 and (time.time() - job.last_dispatched) / 60 > self.limit class ExcludeQueuedEmptyJob(ExclusionRule): def __str__(self): return "Exclude non queued or empty jobs" def test(self, job): return job.status != JOB_QUEUED or job.countFrames(status = QUEUED) == 0 class ExcludeSlavesLimit(ExclusionRule): def __init__(self, count_jobs, count_slaves, limit = 0.75): super().__init__() self.count_jobs = count_jobs self.count_slaves = count_slaves self.limit = limit def setLimit(self, value): self.limit = float(value) def str_limit(self): return "more than %.0f%% of all slaves" % (self.limit * 100) def __str__(self): return "Exclude jobs that would use too many slaves" def test(self, job): return not ( self.count_jobs() == 1 or self.count_slaves() <= 1 or float(job.countSlaves() + 1) / self.count_slaves() <= self.limit )