/* * Copyright 2014, Blender Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* Triangle/Ray intersections. * * For BVH ray intersection we use a precomputed triangle storage to accelerate * intersection at the cost of more memory usage. */ CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ccl_device_inline bool triangle_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, Intersection *isect, float3 P, float3 dir, uint visibility, int object, int prim_addr) { const uint tri_vindex = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_index, prim_addr); #if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE__) const ssef *ssef_verts = (ssef *)&kg->__prim_tri_verts.data[tri_vindex]; #else const float4 tri_a = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 0), tri_b = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 1), tri_c = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 2); #endif float t, u, v; if (ray_triangle_intersect(P, dir, isect->t, #if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE__) ssef_verts, #else float4_to_float3(tri_a), float4_to_float3(tri_b), float4_to_float3(tri_c), #endif &u, &v, &t)) { #ifdef __VISIBILITY_FLAG__ /* Visibility flag test. we do it here under the assumption * that most triangles are culled by node flags. */ if (kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_visibility, prim_addr) & visibility) #endif { isect->prim = prim_addr; isect->object = object; isect->type = PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE; isect->u = u; isect->v = v; isect->t = t; return true; } } return false; } #ifdef __KERNEL_AVX2__ # define cross256(A, B, C, D) _mm256_fmsub_ps(A, B, _mm256_mul_ps(C, D)) ccl_device_inline int ray_triangle_intersect8(KernelGlobals *kg, float3 ray_P, float3 ray_dir, Intersection **isect, uint visibility, int object, __m256 *triA, __m256 *triB, __m256 *triC, int prim_addr, int prim_num, uint *num_hits, uint max_hits, int *num_hits_in_instance, float isect_t) { const unsigned char prim_num_mask = (1 << prim_num) - 1; const __m256i zero256 = _mm256_setzero_si256(); const __m256 Px256 = _mm256_set1_ps(ray_P.x); const __m256 Py256 = _mm256_set1_ps(ray_P.y); const __m256 Pz256 = _mm256_set1_ps(ray_P.z); const __m256 dirx256 = _mm256_set1_ps(ray_dir.x); const __m256 diry256 = _mm256_set1_ps(ray_dir.y); const __m256 dirz256 = _mm256_set1_ps(ray_dir.z); /* Calculate vertices relative to ray origin. */ __m256 v0_x_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(triC[0], Px256); __m256 v0_y_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(triC[1], Py256); __m256 v0_z_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(triC[2], Pz256); __m256 v1_x_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(triA[0], Px256); __m256 v1_y_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(triA[1], Py256); __m256 v1_z_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(triA[2], Pz256); __m256 v2_x_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(triB[0], Px256); __m256 v2_y_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(triB[1], Py256); __m256 v2_z_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(triB[2], Pz256); __m256 v0_v1_x_256 = _mm256_add_ps(v0_x_256, v1_x_256); __m256 v0_v1_y_256 = _mm256_add_ps(v0_y_256, v1_y_256); __m256 v0_v1_z_256 = _mm256_add_ps(v0_z_256, v1_z_256); __m256 v0_v2_x_256 = _mm256_add_ps(v0_x_256, v2_x_256); __m256 v0_v2_y_256 = _mm256_add_ps(v0_y_256, v2_y_256); __m256 v0_v2_z_256 = _mm256_add_ps(v0_z_256, v2_z_256); __m256 v1_v2_x_256 = _mm256_add_ps(v1_x_256, v2_x_256); __m256 v1_v2_y_256 = _mm256_add_ps(v1_y_256, v2_y_256); __m256 v1_v2_z_256 = _mm256_add_ps(v1_z_256, v2_z_256); /* Calculate triangle edges. */ __m256 e0_x_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(v2_x_256, v0_x_256); __m256 e0_y_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(v2_y_256, v0_y_256); __m256 e0_z_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(v2_z_256, v0_z_256); __m256 e1_x_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(v0_x_256, v1_x_256); __m256 e1_y_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(v0_y_256, v1_y_256); __m256 e1_z_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(v0_z_256, v1_z_256); __m256 e2_x_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(v1_x_256, v2_x_256); __m256 e2_y_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(v1_y_256, v2_y_256); __m256 e2_z_256 = _mm256_sub_ps(v1_z_256, v2_z_256); /* Perform edge tests. */ /* cross (AyBz - AzBy, AzBx -AxBz, AxBy - AyBx) */ __m256 U_x_256 = cross256(v0_v2_y_256, e0_z_256, v0_v2_z_256, e0_y_256); __m256 U_y_256 = cross256(v0_v2_z_256, e0_x_256, v0_v2_x_256, e0_z_256); __m256 U_z_256 = cross256(v0_v2_x_256, e0_y_256, v0_v2_y_256, e0_x_256); /* vertical dot */ __m256 U_256 = _mm256_mul_ps(U_x_256, dirx256); U_256 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(U_y_256, diry256, U_256); U_256 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(U_z_256, dirz256, U_256); __m256 V_x_256 = cross256(v0_v1_y_256, e1_z_256, v0_v1_z_256, e1_y_256); __m256 V_y_256 = cross256(v0_v1_z_256, e1_x_256, v0_v1_x_256, e1_z_256); __m256 V_z_256 = cross256(v0_v1_x_256, e1_y_256, v0_v1_y_256, e1_x_256); /* vertical dot */ __m256 V_256 = _mm256_mul_ps(V_x_256, dirx256); V_256 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(V_y_256, diry256, V_256); V_256 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(V_z_256, dirz256, V_256); __m256 W_x_256 = cross256(v1_v2_y_256, e2_z_256, v1_v2_z_256, e2_y_256); __m256 W_y_256 = cross256(v1_v2_z_256, e2_x_256, v1_v2_x_256, e2_z_256); __m256 W_z_256 = cross256(v1_v2_x_256, e2_y_256, v1_v2_y_256, e2_x_256); /* vertical dot */ __m256 W_256 = _mm256_mul_ps(W_x_256, dirx256); W_256 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(W_y_256, diry256, W_256); W_256 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(W_z_256, dirz256, W_256); __m256i U_256_1 = _mm256_srli_epi32(_mm256_castps_si256(U_256), 31); __m256i V_256_1 = _mm256_srli_epi32(_mm256_castps_si256(V_256), 31); __m256i W_256_1 = _mm256_srli_epi32(_mm256_castps_si256(W_256), 31); __m256i UVW_256_1 = _mm256_add_epi32(_mm256_add_epi32(U_256_1, V_256_1), W_256_1); const __m256i one256 = _mm256_set1_epi32(1); const __m256i two256 = _mm256_set1_epi32(2); __m256i mask_minmaxUVW_256 = _mm256_or_si256(_mm256_cmpeq_epi32(one256, UVW_256_1), _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(two256, UVW_256_1)); unsigned char mask_minmaxUVW_pos = _mm256_movemask_ps(_mm256_castsi256_ps(mask_minmaxUVW_256)); if ((mask_minmaxUVW_pos & prim_num_mask) == prim_num_mask) { // all bits set return false; } /* Calculate geometry normal and denominator. */ __m256 Ng1_x_256 = cross256(e1_y_256, e0_z_256, e1_z_256, e0_y_256); __m256 Ng1_y_256 = cross256(e1_z_256, e0_x_256, e1_x_256, e0_z_256); __m256 Ng1_z_256 = cross256(e1_x_256, e0_y_256, e1_y_256, e0_x_256); Ng1_x_256 = _mm256_add_ps(Ng1_x_256, Ng1_x_256); Ng1_y_256 = _mm256_add_ps(Ng1_y_256, Ng1_y_256); Ng1_z_256 = _mm256_add_ps(Ng1_z_256, Ng1_z_256); /* vertical dot */ __m256 den_256 = _mm256_mul_ps(Ng1_x_256, dirx256); den_256 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(Ng1_y_256, diry256, den_256); den_256 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(Ng1_z_256, dirz256, den_256); /* Perform depth test. */ __m256 T_256 = _mm256_mul_ps(Ng1_x_256, v0_x_256); T_256 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(Ng1_y_256, v0_y_256, T_256); T_256 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(Ng1_z_256, v0_z_256, T_256); const __m256i c0x80000000 = _mm256_set1_epi32(0x80000000); __m256i sign_den_256 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_castps_si256(den_256), c0x80000000); __m256 sign_T_256 = _mm256_castsi256_ps( _mm256_xor_si256(_mm256_castps_si256(T_256), sign_den_256)); unsigned char mask_sign_T = _mm256_movemask_ps(sign_T_256); if (((mask_minmaxUVW_pos | mask_sign_T) & prim_num_mask) == prim_num_mask) { return false; } __m256 xor_signmask_256 = _mm256_castsi256_ps( _mm256_xor_si256(_mm256_castps_si256(den_256), sign_den_256)); ccl_align(32) float den8[8], U8[8], V8[8], T8[8], sign_T8[8], xor_signmask8[8]; ccl_align(32) unsigned int mask_minmaxUVW8[8]; if (visibility == PATH_RAY_SHADOW_OPAQUE) { __m256i mask_final_256 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(mask_minmaxUVW_256, zero256); __m256i maskden256 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(_mm256_castps_si256(den_256), zero256); __m256i mask0 = _mm256_cmpgt_epi32(zero256, _mm256_castps_si256(sign_T_256)); __m256 rayt_256 = _mm256_set1_ps((*isect)->t); __m256i mask1 = _mm256_cmpgt_epi32( _mm256_castps_si256(sign_T_256), _mm256_castps_si256(_mm256_mul_ps( _mm256_castsi256_ps(_mm256_xor_si256(_mm256_castps_si256(den_256), sign_den_256)), rayt_256))); mask0 = _mm256_or_si256(mask1, mask0); mask_final_256 = _mm256_andnot_si256(mask0, mask_final_256); //(~mask_minmaxUVW_pos) &(~mask) mask_final_256 = _mm256_andnot_si256( maskden256, mask_final_256); //(~mask_minmaxUVW_pos) &(~mask) & (~maskden) unsigned char mask_final = _mm256_movemask_ps(_mm256_castsi256_ps(mask_final_256)); if ((mask_final & prim_num_mask) == 0) { return false; } const int i = __bsf(mask_final); __m256 inv_den_256 = _mm256_rcp_ps(den_256); U_256 = _mm256_mul_ps(U_256, inv_den_256); V_256 = _mm256_mul_ps(V_256, inv_den_256); T_256 = _mm256_mul_ps(T_256, inv_den_256); _mm256_store_ps(U8, U_256); _mm256_store_ps(V8, V_256); _mm256_store_ps(T8, T_256); /* NOTE: Here we assume visibility for all triangles in the node is * the same. */ (*isect)->u = U8[i]; (*isect)->v = V8[i]; (*isect)->t = T8[i]; (*isect)->prim = (prim_addr + i); (*isect)->object = object; (*isect)->type = PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE; return true; } else { _mm256_store_ps(den8, den_256); _mm256_store_ps(U8, U_256); _mm256_store_ps(V8, V_256); _mm256_store_ps(T8, T_256); _mm256_store_ps(sign_T8, sign_T_256); _mm256_store_ps(xor_signmask8, xor_signmask_256); _mm256_store_si256((__m256i *)mask_minmaxUVW8, mask_minmaxUVW_256); int ret = false; if (visibility == PATH_RAY_SHADOW) { for (int i = 0; i < prim_num; i++) { if (mask_minmaxUVW8[i]) { continue; } # ifdef __VISIBILITY_FLAG__ if ((kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_visibility, (prim_addr + i)) & visibility) == 0) { continue; } # endif if ((sign_T8[i] < 0.0f) || (sign_T8[i] > (*isect)->t * xor_signmask8[i])) { continue; } if (!den8[i]) { continue; } const float inv_den = 1.0f / den8[i]; (*isect)->u = U8[i] * inv_den; (*isect)->v = V8[i] * inv_den; (*isect)->t = T8[i] * inv_den; (*isect)->prim = (prim_addr + i); (*isect)->object = object; (*isect)->type = PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE; const int prim = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_index, (*isect)->prim); int shader = 0; # ifdef __HAIR__ if (kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_type, (*isect)->prim) & PRIMITIVE_ALL_TRIANGLE) # endif { shader = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_shader, prim); } # ifdef __HAIR__ else { float4 str = kernel_tex_fetch(__curves, prim); shader = __float_as_int(str.z); } # endif const int flag = kernel_tex_fetch(__shaders, (shader & SHADER_MASK)).flags; /* If no transparent shadows, all light is blocked. */ if (!(flag & SD_HAS_TRANSPARENT_SHADOW)) { return 2; } /* If maximum number of hits reached, block all light. */ else if (num_hits == NULL || *num_hits == max_hits) { return 2; } /* Move on to next entry in intersections array. */ ret = true; (*isect)++; (*num_hits)++; (*num_hits_in_instance)++; (*isect)->t = isect_t; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < prim_num; i++) { if (mask_minmaxUVW8[i]) { continue; } # ifdef __VISIBILITY_FLAG__ if ((kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_visibility, (prim_addr + i)) & visibility) == 0) { continue; } # endif if ((sign_T8[i] < 0.0f) || (sign_T8[i] > (*isect)->t * xor_signmask8[i])) { continue; } if (!den8[i]) { continue; } const float inv_den = 1.0f / den8[i]; (*isect)->u = U8[i] * inv_den; (*isect)->v = V8[i] * inv_den; (*isect)->t = T8[i] * inv_den; (*isect)->prim = (prim_addr + i); (*isect)->object = object; (*isect)->type = PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE; ret = true; } } return ret; } } ccl_device_inline int triangle_intersect8(KernelGlobals *kg, Intersection **isect, float3 P, float3 dir, uint visibility, int object, int prim_addr, int prim_num, uint *num_hits, uint max_hits, int *num_hits_in_instance, float isect_t) { __m128 tri_a[8], tri_b[8], tri_c[8]; __m256 tritmp[12], tri[12]; __m256 triA[3], triB[3], triC[3]; int i, r; uint tri_vindex = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_index, prim_addr); for (i = 0; i < prim_num; i++) { tri_a[i] = *(__m128 *)&kg->__prim_tri_verts.data[tri_vindex++]; tri_b[i] = *(__m128 *)&kg->__prim_tri_verts.data[tri_vindex++]; tri_c[i] = *(__m128 *)&kg->__prim_tri_verts.data[tri_vindex++]; } // create 9 or 12 placeholders tri[0] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_a[0]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 tri[1] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_b[0]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 tri[2] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_c[0]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 tri[3] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_a[1]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 tri[4] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_b[1]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 tri[5] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_c[1]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 tri[6] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_a[2]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 tri[7] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_b[2]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 tri[8] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_c[2]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 if (prim_num > 3) { tri[9] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_a[3]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 tri[10] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_b[3]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 tri[11] = _mm256_castps128_ps256(tri_c[3]); //_mm256_zextps128_ps256 } for (i = 4, r = 0; i < prim_num; i++, r += 3) { tri[r] = _mm256_insertf128_ps(tri[r], tri_a[i], 1); tri[r + 1] = _mm256_insertf128_ps(tri[r + 1], tri_b[i], 1); tri[r + 2] = _mm256_insertf128_ps(tri[r + 2], tri_c[i], 1); } //------------------------------------------------ // 0! Xa0 Ya0 Za0 1 Xa4 Ya4 Za4 1 // 1! Xb0 Yb0 Zb0 1 Xb4 Yb4 Zb4 1 // 2! Xc0 Yc0 Zc0 1 Xc4 Yc4 Zc4 1 // 3! Xa1 Ya1 Za1 1 Xa5 Ya5 Za5 1 // 4! Xb1 Yb1 Zb1 1 Xb5 Yb5 Zb5 1 // 5! Xc1 Yc1 Zc1 1 Xc5 Yc5 Zc5 1 // 6! Xa2 Ya2 Za2 1 Xa6 Ya6 Za6 1 // 7! Xb2 Yb2 Zb2 1 Xb6 Yb6 Zb6 1 // 8! Xc2 Yc2 Zc2 1 Xc6 Yc6 Zc6 1 // 9! Xa3 Ya3 Za3 1 Xa7 Ya7 Za7 1 // 10! Xb3 Yb3 Zb3 1 Xb7 Yb7 Zb7 1 // 11! Xc3 Yc3 Zc3 1 Xc7 Yc7 Zc7 1 //"transpose" tritmp[0] = _mm256_unpacklo_ps(tri[0], tri[3]); // 0! Xa0 Xa1 Ya0 Ya1 Xa4 Xa5 Ya4 Ya5 tritmp[1] = _mm256_unpackhi_ps(tri[0], tri[3]); // 1! Za0 Za1 1 1 Za4 Za5 1 1 tritmp[2] = _mm256_unpacklo_ps(tri[6], tri[9]); // 2! Xa2 Xa3 Ya2 Ya3 Xa6 Xa7 Ya6 Ya7 tritmp[3] = _mm256_unpackhi_ps(tri[6], tri[9]); // 3! Za2 Za3 1 1 Za6 Za7 1 1 tritmp[4] = _mm256_unpacklo_ps(tri[1], tri[4]); // 4! Xb0 Xb1 Yb0 Yb1 Xb4 Xb5 Yb4 Yb5 tritmp[5] = _mm256_unpackhi_ps(tri[1], tri[4]); // 5! Zb0 Zb1 1 1 Zb4 Zb5 1 1 tritmp[6] = _mm256_unpacklo_ps(tri[7], tri[10]); // 6! Xb2 Xb3 Yb2 Yb3 Xb6 Xb7 Yb6 Yb7 tritmp[7] = _mm256_unpackhi_ps(tri[7], tri[10]); // 7! Zb2 Zb3 1 1 Zb6 Zb7 1 1 tritmp[8] = _mm256_unpacklo_ps(tri[2], tri[5]); // 8! Xc0 Xc1 Yc0 Yc1 Xc4 Xc5 Yc4 Yc5 tritmp[9] = _mm256_unpackhi_ps(tri[2], tri[5]); // 9! Zc0 Zc1 1 1 Zc4 Zc5 1 1 tritmp[10] = _mm256_unpacklo_ps(tri[8], tri[11]); // 10! Xc2 Xc3 Yc2 Yc3 Xc6 Xc7 Yc6 Yc7 tritmp[11] = _mm256_unpackhi_ps(tri[8], tri[11]); // 11! Zc2 Zc3 1 1 Zc6 Zc7 1 1 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ triA[0] = _mm256_castpd_ps( _mm256_unpacklo_pd(_mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[0]), _mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[2]))); // Xa0 Xa1 Xa2 Xa3 Xa4 Xa5 Xa6 Xa7 triA[1] = _mm256_castpd_ps( _mm256_unpackhi_pd(_mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[0]), _mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[2]))); // Ya0 Ya1 Ya2 Ya3 Ya4 Ya5 Ya6 Ya7 triA[2] = _mm256_castpd_ps( _mm256_unpacklo_pd(_mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[1]), _mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[3]))); // Za0 Za1 Za2 Za3 Za4 Za5 Za6 Za7 triB[0] = _mm256_castpd_ps( _mm256_unpacklo_pd(_mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[4]), _mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[6]))); // Xb0 Xb1 Xb2 Xb3 Xb4 Xb5 Xb5 Xb7 triB[1] = _mm256_castpd_ps( _mm256_unpackhi_pd(_mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[4]), _mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[6]))); // Yb0 Yb1 Yb2 Yb3 Yb4 Yb5 Yb5 Yb7 triB[2] = _mm256_castpd_ps( _mm256_unpacklo_pd(_mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[5]), _mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[7]))); // Zb0 Zb1 Zb2 Zb3 Zb4 Zb5 Zb5 Zb7 triC[0] = _mm256_castpd_ps( _mm256_unpacklo_pd(_mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[8]), _mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[10]))); // Xc0 Xc1 Xc2 Xc3 Xc4 Xc5 Xc6 Xc7 triC[1] = _mm256_castpd_ps( _mm256_unpackhi_pd(_mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[8]), _mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[10]))); // Yc0 Yc1 Yc2 Yc3 Yc4 Yc5 Yc6 Yc7 triC[2] = _mm256_castpd_ps( _mm256_unpacklo_pd(_mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[9]), _mm256_castps_pd(tritmp[11]))); // Zc0 Zc1 Zc2 Zc3 Zc4 Zc5 Zc6 Zc7 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ int result = ray_triangle_intersect8(kg, P, dir, isect, visibility, object, triA, triB, triC, prim_addr, prim_num, num_hits, max_hits, num_hits_in_instance, isect_t); return result; } #endif /* __KERNEL_AVX2__ */ /* Special ray intersection routines for subsurface scattering. In that case we * only want to intersect with primitives in the same object, and if case of * multiple hits we pick a single random primitive as the intersection point. * Returns whether traversal should be stopped. */ #ifdef __BVH_LOCAL__ ccl_device_inline bool triangle_intersect_local(KernelGlobals *kg, LocalIntersection *local_isect, float3 P, float3 dir, int object, int local_object, int prim_addr, float tmax, uint *lcg_state, int max_hits) { /* Only intersect with matching object, for instanced objects we * already know we are only intersecting the right object. */ if (object == OBJECT_NONE) { if (kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_object, prim_addr) != local_object) { return false; } } const uint tri_vindex = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_index, prim_addr); # if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE__) const ssef *ssef_verts = (ssef *)&kg->__prim_tri_verts.data[tri_vindex]; # else const float3 tri_a = float4_to_float3(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 0)), tri_b = float4_to_float3(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 1)), tri_c = float4_to_float3(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 2)); # endif float t, u, v; if (!ray_triangle_intersect(P, dir, tmax, # if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE__) ssef_verts, # else tri_a, tri_b, tri_c, # endif &u, &v, &t)) { return false; } /* If no actual hit information is requested, just return here. */ if (max_hits == 0) { return true; } int hit; if (lcg_state) { /* Record up to max_hits intersections. */ for (int i = min(max_hits, local_isect->num_hits) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (local_isect->hits[i].t == t) { return false; } } local_isect->num_hits++; if (local_isect->num_hits <= max_hits) { hit = local_isect->num_hits - 1; } else { /* reservoir sampling: if we are at the maximum number of * hits, randomly replace element or skip it */ hit = lcg_step_uint(lcg_state) % local_isect->num_hits; if (hit >= max_hits) return false; } } else { /* Record closest intersection only. */ if (local_isect->num_hits && t > local_isect->hits[0].t) { return false; } hit = 0; local_isect->num_hits = 1; } /* Record intersection. */ Intersection *isect = &local_isect->hits[hit]; isect->prim = prim_addr; isect->object = object; isect->type = PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE; isect->u = u; isect->v = v; isect->t = t; /* Record geometric normal. */ # if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE__) const float3 tri_a = float4_to_float3(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 0)), tri_b = float4_to_float3(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 1)), tri_c = float4_to_float3(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 2)); # endif local_isect->Ng[hit] = normalize(cross(tri_b - tri_a, tri_c - tri_a)); return false; } #endif /* __BVH_LOCAL__ */ /* Refine triangle intersection to more precise hit point. For rays that travel * far the precision is often not so good, this reintersects the primitive from * a closer distance. */ /* Reintersections uses the paper: * * Tomas Moeller * Fast, minimum storage ray/triangle intersection * http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~gfx/Courses/2003/ImageSynthesis/papers/Acceleration/Fast%20MinimumStorage%20RayTriangle%20Intersection.pdf */ ccl_device_inline float3 triangle_refine(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, const Intersection *isect, const Ray *ray) { float3 P = ray->P; float3 D = ray->D; float t = isect->t; #ifdef __INTERSECTION_REFINE__ if (isect->object != OBJECT_NONE) { if (UNLIKELY(t == 0.0f)) { return P; } # ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__ Transform tfm = sd->ob_itfm; # else Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_INVERSE_TRANSFORM); # endif P = transform_point(&tfm, P); D = transform_direction(&tfm, D * t); D = normalize_len(D, &t); } P = P + D * t; const uint tri_vindex = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_index, isect->prim); const float4 tri_a = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 0), tri_b = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 1), tri_c = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 2); float3 edge1 = make_float3(tri_a.x - tri_c.x, tri_a.y - tri_c.y, tri_a.z - tri_c.z); float3 edge2 = make_float3(tri_b.x - tri_c.x, tri_b.y - tri_c.y, tri_b.z - tri_c.z); float3 tvec = make_float3(P.x - tri_c.x, P.y - tri_c.y, P.z - tri_c.z); float3 qvec = cross(tvec, edge1); float3 pvec = cross(D, edge2); float det = dot(edge1, pvec); if (det != 0.0f) { /* If determinant is zero it means ray lies in the plane of * the triangle. It is possible in theory due to watertight * nature of triangle intersection. For such cases we simply * don't refine intersection hoping it'll go all fine. */ float rt = dot(edge2, qvec) / det; P = P + D * rt; } if (isect->object != OBJECT_NONE) { # ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__ Transform tfm = sd->ob_tfm; # else Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_TRANSFORM); # endif P = transform_point(&tfm, P); } return P; #else return P + D * t; #endif } /* Same as above, except that isect->t is assumed to be in object space for * instancing. */ ccl_device_inline float3 triangle_refine_local(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, const Intersection *isect, const Ray *ray) { float3 P = ray->P; float3 D = ray->D; float t = isect->t; if (isect->object != OBJECT_NONE) { #ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__ Transform tfm = sd->ob_itfm; #else Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_INVERSE_TRANSFORM); #endif P = transform_point(&tfm, P); D = transform_direction(&tfm, D); D = normalize(D); } P = P + D * t; #ifdef __INTERSECTION_REFINE__ const uint tri_vindex = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_index, isect->prim); const float4 tri_a = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 0), tri_b = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 1), tri_c = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 2); float3 edge1 = make_float3(tri_a.x - tri_c.x, tri_a.y - tri_c.y, tri_a.z - tri_c.z); float3 edge2 = make_float3(tri_b.x - tri_c.x, tri_b.y - tri_c.y, tri_b.z - tri_c.z); float3 tvec = make_float3(P.x - tri_c.x, P.y - tri_c.y, P.z - tri_c.z); float3 qvec = cross(tvec, edge1); float3 pvec = cross(D, edge2); float det = dot(edge1, pvec); if (det != 0.0f) { /* If determinant is zero it means ray lies in the plane of * the triangle. It is possible in theory due to watertight * nature of triangle intersection. For such cases we simply * don't refine intersection hoping it'll go all fine. */ float rt = dot(edge2, qvec) / det; P = P + D * rt; } #endif /* __INTERSECTION_REFINE__ */ if (isect->object != OBJECT_NONE) { #ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__ Transform tfm = sd->ob_tfm; #else Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_TRANSFORM); #endif P = transform_point(&tfm, P); } return P; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END