#!/usr/bin/env python import string import os import time import sys from distutils import sysconfig import SCons.Script appname = '' playername = '' config_guess = '' if hex(sys.hexversion) < 0x2030000: print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" print print "You need at least Python 2.3 to build Blender with SCons" print print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" sys.exit() if sys.platform != 'win32': sys.stdout = os.popen("tee build.log", "w") sys.stderr = sys.stdout # guess at the platform, used to maintain the tarball naming scheme config_guess = os.popen("SRCHOME=source/ source/tools/guess/guessconfig").read()[:-1] else: config_guess = "windows" if sys.platform == 'darwin': appname = 'blender' playername = 'blenderplayer' else: appname = 'blender$PROGSUFFIX' playername = 'blenderplayer$PROGSUFFIX' # This is a flag to determine whether to read all sconscripts and # set up the build environments or not # when issuing 'scons clean' this is set to 1 # and all reading is skipped and a 'clean' target # will clean the root_build_dir from all # object files enable_clean = 0 all_args = sys.argv[1:] parser = SCons.Script.OptParser() options, targets = parser.parse_args(all_args) if ('clean' in targets): enable_clean = 1 # Build directory. root_build_dir = '..' + os.sep + 'build' + os.sep + sys.platform + os.sep # Create the build directory. SCons does this automatically, but since we # don't want to put scons-generated .sconsign files in the source tree, but in # the root_build_dir, we have to create that dir ourselves before SCons tries # to access/create the file containing .sconsign data. if os.path.isdir (root_build_dir) == 0: os.makedirs (root_build_dir) # User configurable options file. This can be controlled by the user by running # scons with the following argument: CONFIG=user_config_options_file config_file = ARGUMENTS.get('CONFIG', 'config.opts') # Blender version. version='2.34' shortversion = '234' # for wininst target -> nsis installer creation sdl_env = Environment () freetype_env = Environment () env = Environment () if sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'linux-i386': use_international = 'false' use_gameengine = 'true' use_openal = 'false' use_fmod = 'false' use_quicktime = 'false' use_sumo = 'true' use_ode = 'false' use_buildinfo = 'true' build_blender_dynamic = 'true' build_blender_static = 'false' build_blender_player = 'true' build_blender_plugin = 'false' release_flags = ['-O2'] debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g'] extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-funsigned-char'] cxxflags = [] defines = [] warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-W'] window_system = 'X11' platform_libs = ['m', 'util', 'stdc++'] platform_libpath = [] platform_linkflags = ['-pthread'] extra_includes = [] # z library information z_lib = ['z'] z_libpath = ['/usr/lib'] z_include = ['/usr/include'] # png library information png_lib = ['png'] png_libpath = ['/usr/lib'] png_include = ['/usr/include'] # jpeg library information jpeg_lib = ['jpeg'] jpeg_libpath = ['/usr/lib'] jpeg_include = ['/usr/include'] # OpenGL library information opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU'] opengl_static = ['/usr/lib/libGL.a', '/usr/lib/libGLU.a'] opengl_libpath = ['/usr/lib', '/usr/X11R6/lib'] opengl_include = ['/usr/include'] # SDL library information sdl_env.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags --libs') sdl_cflags = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CCFLAGS'] sdl_include = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH'] sdl_libpath = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBPATH'] sdl_lib = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBS'] # SOLID library information solid_lib = [] # TODO solid_libpath = [] # TODO solid_include = ['#extern/solid'] qhull_lib = [] # TODO qhull_libpath = [] # TODO qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include'] # ODE library information ode_lib = ['ode'] ode_libpath = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ode/lib'] ode_include = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ode/include'] # Python library information python_lib = ['python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]] python_libpath = [sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config'] python_include = [sysconfig.get_python_inc ()] python_linkflags = Split (sysconfig.get_config_var('LINKFORSHARED')) # International support information ftgl_lib = ['ftgl'] ftgl_libpath = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/lib'] ftgl_include = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/include'] freetype_env.ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs freetype2 2>/dev/null || freetype-config --cflags --libs 2>/dev/null') freetype_lib = freetype_env.Dictionary()['LIBS'] freetype_libpath = freetype_env.Dictionary()['LIBPATH'] freetype_include = freetype_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH'] gettext_lib = [] gettext_libpath = [] gettext_include = [] # OpenAL library information openal_lib = ['openal'] openal_libpath = ['/usr/lib'] openal_include = ['/usr/include'] elif sys.platform == 'darwin': use_international = 'true' use_gameengine = 'true' use_openal = 'true' use_fmod = 'false' use_quicktime = 'true' use_precomp = 'true' use_sumo = 'true' use_ode = 'false' use_buildinfo = 'true' build_blender_dynamic = 'true' build_blender_static = 'false' build_blender_player = 'true' build_blender_plugin = 'false' # TODO: replace darwin-6.1-powerpc with the actual directiory on the # build machine # darwin-6.1 is the name of cvs precomp folder # a symbolic link named darwin-X.Y-powerpc must be manually done #for now. X-Y is darwin kernel rev number darwin_precomp = '#../lib/darwin-6.1-powerpc/' fink_path = '/sw/' # TODO : try -mpowerpc -mpowerpc-gopt -mpowerpc-gfxopt optims # doing actual profiling extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char', '-ffast-math', '-mpowerpc'] # , '-malign-natural'] malign is causing problems with jpeg lib but worth a 1-2% speedup #'-force_cpusubtype_ALL', '-mpowerpc-gpopt', cxxflags = [] defines = ['_THREAD_SAFE' ] if use_quicktime == 'true': defines += ['WITH_QUICKTIME'] warn_flags = ['-Wall'] # , '-W' release_flags = ['-O3'] debug_flags = ['-g'] window_system = 'CARBON' # z library information z_lib = ['z'] z_libpath = [] z_include = [] # TODO : add a flag to allow each lib to be build from fink or precomp # without having to have to specify the path manually in config.opts. # png library information png_lib = ['libpng'] png_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'png/lib'] png_include = [darwin_precomp + 'png/include'] # jpeg library information jpeg_lib = ['libjpeg'] jpeg_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'jpeg/lib'] jpeg_include = [darwin_precomp + 'jpeg/include'] # OpenGL library information opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU'] opengl_static = [] opengl_libpath = [] opengl_include = [] # SDL specific stuff. sdl_env.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags --libs') sdl_cflags = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CCFLAGS'] # Want to use precompiled libraries? if use_precomp == 'true': sdl_include = [darwin_precomp + 'sdl/include'] sdl_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'sdl/lib'] sdl_lib = ['libSDL.a'] platform_libs = ['stdc++'] extra_includes = ['/sw/include'] platform_libpath = ['/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries'] platform_linkflags = [] # SOLID library information solid_lib = ['libsolid'] solid_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'solid/lib'] solid_include = [darwin_precomp + 'solid/include'] qhull_lib = ['libqhull'] qhull_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'qhull/lib'] qhull_include = [darwin_precomp + 'qhull/include'] # ODE library information ode_lib = ['libode'] ode_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'ode/lib'] ode_include = [darwin_precomp + 'ode/include/ode'] # Python variables. # TODO : fill vars differently if we are on 10.2 or 10.3 # python_lib = ['python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]] # python_libpath = [sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config'] # python_include = [sysconfig.get_python_inc ()] # python_linkflags = Split (sysconfig.get_config_var('LINKFORSHARED')) python_lib = [] python_libpath = ['/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/config'] python_include = ['/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/include/python2.3'] python_linkflags = ['-u', '__dummy', '-u', '_PyMac_Error', '-framework', 'System', '-framework', 'Python', '-framework', 'CoreServices', '-framework', 'Foundation', '-framework', 'OpenGL'] # International stuff ftgl_lib = ['ftgl'] ftgl_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'ftgl/lib'] ftgl_include = [darwin_precomp + 'ftgl/include'] freetype_lib = ['libfreetype'] freetype_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'freetype/lib'] freetype_include = [darwin_precomp + 'freetype/include'] gettext_lib = ['libintl'] gettext_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'gettext/lib'] gettext_include = [darwin_precomp + 'gettext/include'] # OpenAL library information openal_lib = ['libopenal'] openal_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'openal/lib'] openal_include = [darwin_precomp + 'openal/include'] elif sys.platform == 'cygwin': use_international = 'false' use_gameengine = 'false' use_openal = 'false' use_fmod = 'false' use_quicktime = 'false' use_sumo = 'false' use_ode = 'false' use_buildinfo = 'false' build_blender_dynamic = 'true' build_blender_static = 'false' build_blender_player = 'false' build_blender_plugin = 'false' release_flags = ['-O2'] debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g'] extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-mno-cygwin', '-mwindows', '-funsigned-char'] cxxflags = [] defines = ['FREE_WINDOWS'] warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-Wno-char-subscripts'] platform_libs = ['png', 'jpeg', 'netapi32', 'opengl32', 'glu32', 'winmm', 'mingw32'] platform_libpath = ['/usr/lib/w32api', '/lib/w32api'] platform_linkflags = ['-mwindows', '-mno-cygwin', '-mconsole'] window_system = 'WIN32' extra_includes = [] # z library information z_lib = ['z'] z_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/zlib/lib'] z_include = ['#../lib/windows/zlib/include'] # png library information png_lib = ['png'] png_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/png/lib'] png_include = ['#../lib/windows/png/include'] # jpeg library information jpeg_lib = ['jpeg'] jpeg_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/jpeg/lib'] jpeg_include = ['#../lib/windows/jpeg/include'] # OpenGL library information opengl_lib = ['opengl32', 'glu32'] opengl_static = [] opengl_libpath = [] opengl_include = [] # SDL specific stuff. sdl_include = ['#../lib/windows/sdl/include'] sdl_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/sdl/lib'] sdl_lib = ['SDL'] sdl_cflags = [] #sdl_cflags = '-DWIN32' # SOLID library information solid_lib = [] # TODO solid_libpath = [] # TODO solid_include = ['#extern/solid'] qhull_lib = [] # TODO qhull_libpath = [] # TODO qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include'] # ODE library information ode_lib = ['ode'] ode_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/ode/lib'] ode_include = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/ode/include'] # Python library information python_include = ['#../lib/windows/python/include/python2.2'] python_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/python/lib'] python_lib = ['python22'] python_linkflags = [] # International stuff ftgl_lib = ['ftgl'] ftgl_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/ftgl/lib'] ftgl_include = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/ftgl/include'] freetype_lib = ['freetype'] freetype_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/freetype/lib'] freetype_include = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/freetype/include'] gettext_lib = [] gettext_libpath = [] gettext_include = [] # OpenAL library information openal_lib = [] openal_libpath = [] openal_include = [] elif sys.platform == 'win32': use_international = 'true' use_gameengine = 'true' use_openal = 'true' use_fmod = 'false' use_quicktime = 'true' use_sumo = 'true' use_ode = 'false' use_buildinfo = 'true' build_blender_dynamic = 'true' build_blender_static = 'false' build_blender_player = 'true' build_blender_plugin = 'false' release_flags = ['/Og', '/Ot', '/Ob1', '/Op', '/G6'] debug_flags = ['/Zi', '/Fr${TARGET.base}.sbr'] extra_flags = ['/EHsc', '/J', '/W3', '/Gd', '/MT'] cxxflags = [] defines = ['WIN32', '_CONSOLE'] defines += ['WITH_QUICKTIME'] defines += ['_LIB', 'USE_OPENAL'] defines += ['FTGL_LIBRARY_STATIC'] warn_flags = [] platform_libs = [ 'qtmlClient', 'soundsystem', 'ws2_32', 'dxguid', 'vfw32', 'winmm', 'iconv', 'kernel32', 'user32', 'gdi32', 'winspool', 'comdlg32', 'advapi32', 'shell32', 'ole32', 'oleaut32', 'uuid', 'odbc32', 'odbccp32', 'libcmt', 'libc'] platform_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/iconv/lib', '#../lib/windows/QTDevWin/Libraries'] platform_linkflags = [ '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE', '/MACHINE:IX86', '/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup', '/INCREMENTAL:NO', '/NODEFAULTLIB:"msvcprt.lib"', '/NODEFAULTLIB:"glut32.lib"', '/NODEFAULTLIB:"libcd.lib"', #'/NODEFAULTLIB:"libc.lib"', '/NODEFAULTLIB:"libcpd.lib"', '/NODEFAULTLIB:"libcp.lib"', '/NODEFAULTLIB:"libcmtd.lib"', ] window_system = 'WIN32' extra_includes = [] if use_quicktime == 'true': extra_includes += ['#../lib/windows/QTDevWin/CIncludes'] # z library information z_lib = ['libz_st'] z_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/zlib/lib'] z_include = ['#../lib/windows/zlib/include'] # png library information png_lib = ['libpng_st'] png_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/png/lib'] png_include = ['#../lib/windows/png/include'] # jpeg library information jpeg_lib = ['libjpeg'] jpeg_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/jpeg/lib'] jpeg_include = ['#../lib/windows/jpeg/include'] # OpenGL library information opengl_lib = ['opengl32', 'glu32'] opengl_static = [] opengl_libpath = [] opengl_include = ['/usr/include'] # SDL library information sdl_include = ['#../lib/windows/sdl/include'] sdl_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/sdl/lib'] sdl_lib = ['SDL'] sdl_cflags = [] window_system = 'WIN32' # SOLID library information solid_lib = ['extern/solid'] solid_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/solid/lib'] solid_include = ['#extern/solid'] qhull_lib = ['qhull'] qhull_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/qhull/lib'] qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include'] # ODE library information ode_lib = [] # TODO ode_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/ode/lib'] ode_include = ['#../lib/windows/ode/include'] # Python lib name python_include = ['#../lib/windows/python/include/python2.3'] python_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/python/lib'] python_lib = ['python23'] python_linkflags = [] # International stuff ftgl_lib = ['ftgl_static_ST'] ftgl_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/ftgl/lib'] ftgl_include = ['#../lib/windows/ftgl/include'] freetype_lib = ['freetype2ST'] freetype_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/freetype/lib'] freetype_include = ['#../lib/windows/freetype/include'] gettext_lib = ['gnu_gettext'] gettext_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/gettext/lib'] gettext_include = ['#../lib/windows/gettext/include'] # OpenAL library information openal_lib = ['openal_static'] openal_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/openal/lib'] openal_include = ['#../lib/windows/openal/include'] elif string.find (sys.platform, 'sunos') != -1: use_international = 'true' use_gameengine = 'false' use_openal = 'false' use_fmod = 'false' use_quicktime = 'false' use_sumo = 'false' use_ode = 'false' use_buildinfo = 'false' build_blender_dynamic = 'true' build_blender_static = 'false' build_blender_player = 'false' build_blender_plugin = 'false' release_flags = ['-O2'] debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g'] extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char', '-DSUN_OGL_NO_VERTEX_MACROS'] cxxflags = [] defines = [] warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-W'] window_system = 'X11' platform_libs = ['stdc++', 'dl', 'm'] platform_libpath = [] platform_linkflags = [] extra_includes = [] # z library information z_lib = ['z'] z_libpath = [] z_include = [] # png library information png_lib = ['png'] png_libpath = [] png_include = [] # jpeg library information jpeg_lib = ['jpeg'] jpeg_libpath = [] jpeg_include = [] # OpenGL library information opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU', 'X11'] opengl_static = [] opengl_libpath = ['/usr/openwin/include'] opengl_include = ['/usr/openwin/lib'] # SDL library information sdl_env.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags --libs') sdl_cflags = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CCFLAGS'] sdl_include = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH'] sdl_libpath = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBPATH'] sdl_lib = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBS'] # SOLID library information solid_lib = [] # TODO solid_libpath = [] # TODO solid_include = ['#extern/solid'] qhull_lib = [] # TODO qhull_libpath = [] # TODO qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include'] # ODE library information ode_lib = [] # TODO ode_libpath = [] # TODO ode_include = ['#extern/ode/dist/include/ode'] # Python variables. python_lib = ['python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]] python_libpath = [sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config'] python_include = [sysconfig.get_python_inc ()] python_linkflags = [] # International support information ftgl_lib = ['ftgl'] ftgl_libpath = ['#../lib/solaris-2.8-sparc/ftgl/lib'] ftgl_include = ['#../lib/solaris-2.8-sparc/ftgl/include'] freetype_lib = ['freetype'] freetype_libpath = ['#../lib/solaris-2.8-sparc/freetype/lib'] freetype_include = ['#../lib/solaris-2.8-sparc/freetype/include'] gettext_lib = [] gettext_libpath = [] gettext_include = [] # OpenAL library information openal_lib = [] openal_libpath = [] openal_include = [] elif string.find (sys.platform, 'irix') != -1: use_international = 'false' use_gameengine = 'false' use_openal = 'false' use_fmod = 'false' use_quicktime = 'false' use_sumo = 'false' use_ode = 'false' use_buildinfo = 'false' build_blender_dynamic = 'true' build_blender_static = 'false' build_blender_player = 'false' build_blender_plugin = 'false' irix_precomp = '#../lib/irix-6.5-mips' extra_flags = ['-n32', '-mips3', '-Xcpluscomm'] cxxflags = ['-n32', '-mips3', '-Xcpluscomm', '-LANG:std'] cxxflags += ['-LANG:libc_in_namespace_std=off'] window_system = 'X11' release_flags = ['-O2', '-OPT:Olimit=0'] debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g'] defines = [] warn_flags = ['-fullwarn', '-woff', '1001,1110,1201,1209,1355,1424,1681,3201'] platform_libs = ['movieGL', 'Xmu', 'Xext', 'X11', 'c', 'm', 'dmedia', 'cl', 'audio', 'Cio', 'pthread'] platform_libpath = ['/usr/lib32/mips3', '/lib/freeware/lib32', '/usr/lib32'] platform_linkflags = ['-mips3', '-n32'] extra_includes = ['/usr/freeware/include', '/usr/include'] # z library information z_lib = ['z'] z_libpath = [] z_include = [] # png library information png_lib = ['png'] png_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/png/lib'] png_include = [irix_precomp + '/png/include'] # jpeg library information jpeg_lib = ['jpeg'] jpeg_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/jpeg/lib'] jpeg_include = [irix_precomp + '/jpeg/include'] # OpenGL library information opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU'] opengl_static = [] opengl_libpath = [] opengl_include = [] # SDL library information sdl_cflags = [] sdl_include = [irix_precomp + '/sdl/include/SDL'] sdl_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/sdl/lib'] sdl_lib = ['SDL', 'libSDL.a'] # SOLID library information solid_lib = [] # TODO solid_libpath = [] # TODO solid_include = [irix_precomp + '/solid/include'] qhull_lib = [] # TODO qhull_libpath = [] # TODO qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include'] # ODE library information ode_lib = [] # TODO ode_libpath = [] # TODO ode_include = [irix_precomp + '/ode/include'] # Python library information python_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/python/lib/python2.2/config'] python_include = [irix_precomp + '/python/include/python2.2'] python_lib = ['python2.2'] python_linkflags = [] # International support information ftgl_lib = ['ftgl'] ftgl_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/ftgl/lib'] ftgl_include = [irix_precomp + '/ftgl/include'] freetype_lib = ['freetype'] freetype_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/freetype/lib'] freetype_include = [irix_precomp + '/freetype/include'] gettext_lib = [] gettext_libpath = [] gettext_include = [] # OpenAL library information openal_lib = [] openal_libpath = [] openal_include = [] elif string.find (sys.platform, 'hp-ux') != -1: window_system = 'X11' defines = [] elif sys.platform=='openbsd3': print "Building for OpenBSD 3.x" use_international = 'false' use_gameengine = 'false' use_openal = 'false' use_fmod = 'false' use_quicktime = 'false' use_sumo = 'false' use_ode = 'false' use_buildinfo = 'true' build_blender_dynamic = 'true' build_blender_static = 'false' build_blender_player = 'false' build_blender_plugin = 'false' release_flags = ['-O2'] debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g'] extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char'] cxxflags = [] defines = [] warn_flags = ['-Wall','-W'] window_system = 'X11' platform_libs = ['m', 'stdc++', 'pthread', 'util'] platform_libpath = [] platform_linkflags = [] extra_includes = [] z_lib = ['z'] z_libpath = ['/usr/lib'] z_include = ['/usr/include'] # png library information png_lib = ['png'] png_libpath = ['/usr/local/lib'] png_include = ['/usr/local/include'] # jpeg library information jpeg_lib = ['jpeg'] jpeg_libpath = ['/usr/local/lib'] jpeg_include = ['/usr/local/include'] # OpenGL library information opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU'] opengl_static = ['/usr/lib/libGL.a', '/usr/lib/libGLU.a'] opengl_libpath = ['/usr/lib', '/usr/X11R6/lib'] opengl_include = ['/usr/X11R6/include/'] # SDL library information sdl_env.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags --libs') sdl_cflags = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CCFLAGS'] sdl_include = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH'] sdl_libpath = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBPATH'] sdl_lib = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBS'] # SOLID library information solid_lib = [] # TODO solid_libpath = [] # TODO solid_include = ['#extern/solid'] qhull_lib = [] # TODO qhull_libpath = [] # TODO qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include'] # ODE library information ode_lib = ['ode'] ode_libpath = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ode/lib'] ode_include = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ode/include'] # Python library information python_lib = ['python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]] python_libpath = [sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config'] python_include = [sysconfig.get_python_inc ()] python_linkflags = [] # International support information ftgl_lib = ['ftgl'] ftgl_libpath = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/lib'] ftgl_include = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/include'] freetype_env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs freetype2') freetype_lib = freetype_env.Dictionary()['LIBS'] freetype_libpath = freetype_env.Dictionary()['LIBPATH'] freetype_include = freetype_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH'] gettext_lib = [] gettext_libpath = [] gettext_include = [] # OpenAL library information openal_lib = ['openal'] openal_libpath = ['/usr/lib'] openal_include = ['/usr/include'] else: print "Unknown platform %s"%sys.platform exit #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # End of platform specific section #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User configurable options to be saved in a config file. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Checking for an existing config file - use that one if it exists, # otherwise create one. my_defines = [] my_ccflags = [] my_cxxflags = [] my_ldflags = [] if os.path.exists (config_file): print "Using config file: " + config_file else: print "Creating new config file: " + config_file env_dict = env.Dictionary() config=open (config_file, 'w') config.write ("# Configuration file containing user definable options.\n") config.write ("VERSION = '2.33-cvs'\n") config.write ("BUILD_BINARY = 'release'\n") config.write ("USE_BUILDINFO = %r\n"%(use_buildinfo)) config.write ("BUILD_BLENDER_DYNAMIC = %r\n"%(build_blender_dynamic)) config.write ("BUILD_BLENDER_STATIC = %r\n"%(build_blender_static)) config.write ("BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER = %r\n"%(build_blender_player)) config.write ("BUILD_BLENDER_PLUGIN = %r\n"%(build_blender_plugin)) config.write ("BUILD_DIR = %r\n"%(root_build_dir)) config.write ("\n# Extra compiler flags can be defined here.\n") config.write ("DEFINES = %s\n"%(my_defines)) config.write ("CCFLAGS = %s\n"%(my_ccflags)) config.write ("CXXFLAGS = %s\n"%(my_cxxflags)) config.write ("LDFLAGS = %s\n"%(my_ldflags)) config.write ("USE_INTERNATIONAL = %r\n"%(use_international)) config.write ("BUILD_GAMEENGINE = %r\n"%(use_gameengine)) if use_ode == 'true': config.write ("USE_PHYSICS = 'ode'\n") else: config.write ("USE_PHYSICS = 'solid'\n") config.write ("USE_OPENAL = %r\n"%(use_openal)) config.write ("USE_FMOD = %r\n"%(use_fmod)) config.write ("USE_QUICKTIME = %r\n"%(use_quicktime)) config.write ("\n# Compiler information.\n") config.write ("HOST_CC = %r\n"%(env_dict['CC'])) config.write ("HOST_CXX = %r\n"%(env_dict['CXX'])) config.write ("TARGET_CC = %r\n"%(env_dict['CC'])) config.write ("TARGET_CXX = %r\n"%(env_dict['CXX'])) config.write ("TARGET_AR = %r\n"%(env_dict['AR'])) config.write ("PATH = %r\n"%(os.environ['PATH'])) config.write ("\n# External library information.\n") config.write ("PLATFORM_LIBS = %r\n"%(platform_libs)) config.write ("PLATFORM_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(platform_libpath)) config.write ("PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS = %r\n"%(platform_linkflags)) config.write ("PYTHON_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(python_include)) config.write ("PYTHON_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(python_libpath)) config.write ("PYTHON_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(python_lib)) config.write ("PYTHON_LINKFLAGS = %r\n"%(python_linkflags)) config.write ("SDL_CFLAGS = %r\n"%(sdl_cflags)) config.write ("SDL_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(sdl_include)) config.write ("SDL_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(sdl_libpath)) config.write ("SDL_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(sdl_lib)) config.write ("Z_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(z_include)) config.write ("Z_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(z_libpath)) config.write ("Z_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(z_lib)) config.write ("PNG_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(png_include)) config.write ("PNG_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(png_libpath)) config.write ("PNG_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(png_lib)) config.write ("JPEG_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(jpeg_include)) config.write ("JPEG_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(jpeg_libpath)) config.write ("JPEG_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(jpeg_lib)) config.write ("OPENGL_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(opengl_include)) config.write ("OPENGL_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(opengl_libpath)) config.write ("OPENGL_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(opengl_lib)) config.write ("OPENGL_STATIC = %r\n"%(opengl_static)) config.write ("\n# The following information is only necessary when you've enabled support for\n") config.write ("# the game engine.\n") config.write ("SOLID_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(solid_include)) config.write ("SOLID_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(solid_libpath)) config.write ("SOLID_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(solid_lib)) config.write ("QHULL_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(qhull_include)) config.write ("QHULL_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(qhull_libpath)) config.write ("QHULL_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(qhull_lib)) config.write ("ODE_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(ode_include)) config.write ("ODE_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(ode_libpath)) config.write ("ODE_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(ode_lib)) config.write ("OPENAL_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(openal_include)) config.write ("OPENAL_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(openal_libpath)) config.write ("OPENAL_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(openal_lib)) config.write ("\n# The following information is only necessary when building with\n") config.write ("# internationalization support.\n"); config.write ("FTGL_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(ftgl_include)) config.write ("FTGL_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(ftgl_libpath)) config.write ("FTGL_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(ftgl_lib)) config.write ("FREETYPE_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(freetype_include)) config.write ("FREETYPE_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(freetype_libpath)) config.write ("FREETYPE_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(freetype_lib)) config.write ("GETTEXT_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(gettext_include)) config.write ("GETTEXT_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(gettext_libpath)) config.write ("GETTEXT_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(gettext_lib)) config.close () #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read the options from the config file and update the various necessary flags #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- list_opts = [] user_options_env = Environment () user_options = Options (config_file) user_options.AddOptions ( ('VERSION', 'Blender version', version), (EnumOption ('BUILD_BINARY', 'release', 'Select a release or debug binary.', allowed_values = ('release', 'debug'))), (BoolOption ('USE_BUILDINFO', 'Set to 1 if you want to add build information.', 'false')), (BoolOption ('BUILD_BLENDER_DYNAMIC', 'Set to 1 if you want to build blender with hardware accellerated OpenGL support.', 'true')), (BoolOption ('BUILD_BLENDER_STATIC', 'Set to 1 if you want to build blender with software OpenGL support.', 'false')), (BoolOption ('BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER', 'Set to 1 if you want to build the blender player.', 'false')), (BoolOption ('BUILD_BLENDER_PLUGIN', 'Set to 1 if you want to build the blender plugin.', 'false')), ('BUILD_DIR', 'Target directory for intermediate files.', root_build_dir), (BoolOption ('USE_INTERNATIONAL', 'Set to 1 to have international support.', 'false')), (EnumOption ('USE_PHYSICS', 'solid', 'Select which physics engine to use.', allowed_values = ('ode', 'solid'))), (BoolOption ('BUILD_GAMEENGINE', 'Set to 1 to build blender with game engine support.', 'false')), (BoolOption ('USE_OPENAL', 'Set to 1 to build the game engine with OpenAL support.', 'false')), (BoolOption ('USE_FMOD', 'Set to 1 to build the game engine with FMod support.', 'false')), (BoolOption ('USE_QUICKTIME', 'Set to 1 to add support for QuickTime.', 'false')), ('HOST_CC', 'C compiler for the host platfor. This is the same as target platform when not cross compiling.'), ('HOST_CXX', 'C++ compiler for the host platform. This is the same as target platform when not cross compiling.'), ('TARGET_CC', 'C compiler for the target platform.'), ('TARGET_CXX', 'C++ compiler for the target platform.'), ('TARGET_AR', 'Linker command for linking libraries.'), ('PATH', 'Standard search path'), ('PLATFORM_LIBS', 'Platform specific libraries.'), ('PLATFORM_LIBPATH', 'Platform specific library link path.'), ('PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS', 'Platform specific linkflags'), ('PYTHON_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for Python header files.'), ('PYTHON_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the Python lib is located.'), ('PYTHON_LIBRARY', 'Python library name.'), ('PYTHON_LINKFLAGS', 'Python specific linkflags.'), ('SDL_CFLAGS', 'Necessary CFLAGS when using sdl functionality.'), ('SDL_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for SDL header files.'), ('SDL_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the SDL library is located.'), ('SDL_LIBRARY', 'SDL library name.'), ('Z_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for zlib header files.'), ('Z_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the zlib library is located.'), ('Z_LIBRARY', 'Z library name.'), ('PNG_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for png header files.'), ('PNG_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the png library is located.'), ('PNG_LIBRARY', 'png library name.'), ('JPEG_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for jpeg header files.'), ('JPEG_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the jpeg library is located.'), ('JPEG_LIBRARY', 'jpeg library name.'), ('OPENGL_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for OpenGL header files.'), ('OPENGL_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the OpenGL libraries are located.'), ('OPENGL_LIBRARY', 'OpenGL library names.'), ('OPENGL_STATIC', 'Linker flags for static linking of Open GL.'), ('SOLID_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for SOLID header files.'), ('SOLID_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the SOLID library is located.'), ('SOLID_LIBRARY', 'SOLID library name.'), ('QHULL_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for QHULL header files.'), ('QHULL_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the QHULL library is located.'), ('QHULL_LIBRARY', 'QHULL library name.'), ('ODE_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for ODE header files.'), ('ODE_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the ODE library is located.'), ('ODE_LIBRARY', 'ODE library name.'), ('OPENAL_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for OpenAL header files.'), ('OPENAL_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the OpenAL library is located.'), ('OPENAL_LIBRARY', 'OpenAL library name.'), ('FTGL_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for ftgl header files.'), ('FTGL_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the ftgl library is located.'), ('FTGL_LIBRARY', 'ftgl library name.'), ('FREETYPE_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for freetype2 header files.'), ('FREETYPE_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the freetype2 library is located.'), ('FREETYPE_LIBRARY', 'Freetype2 library name.'), ('GETTEXT_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for gettext header files.'), ('GETTEXT_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the gettext library is located.'), ('GETTEXT_LIBRARY', 'gettext library name.'), ('DEFINES', 'Extra Preprocessor defines.'), ('CCFLAGS', 'Extra C Compiler flags.'), ('CXXFLAGS','Extra C++ Compiler flags.'), ('LDFLAGS', 'Extra Linker flags.') ) user_options.Update (user_options_env) user_options_dict = user_options_env.Dictionary() root_build_dir = user_options_dict['BUILD_DIR'] if user_options_dict['BUILD_GAMEENGINE'] == 1: defines += ['GAMEBLENDER=1'] if user_options_dict['USE_PHYSICS'] == 'ode': defines += ['USE_ODE'] else: defines += ['USE_SUMO_SOLID'] else: defines += ['GAMEBLENDER=0'] if user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY'] == 'release': cflags = extra_flags + release_flags + warn_flags defines += ['NDEBUG'] else: cflags = extra_flags + debug_flags + warn_flags if sys.platform == 'win32': #defines += ['_DEBUG'] specifying this makes msvc want to link to python22_d.lib?? platform_linkflags += ['/DEBUG','/PDB:blender.pdb'] defines += user_options_dict['DEFINES'] cflags += user_options_dict['CCFLAGS'] cxxflags += user_options_dict['CXXFLAGS'] platform_linkflags += user_options_dict['LDFLAGS'] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic library generation environment. This one is the basis for each # library. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library_env = env.Copy () library_env.Replace (CC = user_options_dict['TARGET_CC']) library_env.Replace (CXX = user_options_dict['TARGET_CXX']) library_env.Replace (PATH = user_options_dict['PATH']) library_env.Replace (AR = user_options_dict['TARGET_AR']) library_env.Append (CCFLAGS = cflags) library_env.Append (CXXFLAGS = cxxflags) library_env.Append (CPPDEFINES = defines) library_env.SConsignFile (root_build_dir+'scons-signatures') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Settings to be exported to other SConscript files #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if enable_clean==0: # only read SConscripts when not cleaning, this to cut overhead Export ('cflags') Export ('defines') Export ('window_system') Export ('extra_includes') Export ('user_options_dict') Export ('library_env') BuildDir (root_build_dir+'/extern', 'extern', duplicate=0) SConscript (root_build_dir+'extern/SConscript') BuildDir (root_build_dir+'/intern', 'intern', duplicate=0) SConscript (root_build_dir+'intern/SConscript') BuildDir (root_build_dir+'/source', 'source', duplicate=0) SConscript (root_build_dir+'source/SConscript') libpath = (['#'+root_build_dir+'/lib']) link_env = library_env.Copy () link_env.Append (LIBPATH=libpath) def common_libs(env): """ Append to env all libraries that are common to Blender and Blenderplayer """ env.Append (LIBS=[ 'blender_blenloader', 'blender_readblenfile', 'blender_img', 'blender_blenkernel', 'blender_blenpluginapi', 'blender_imbuf', 'blender_avi', 'blender_blenlib', 'blender_makesdna', 'blender_kernel', 'blender_GHOST', 'blender_STR', 'blender_guardedalloc', 'blender_CTR', 'blender_MEM', 'blender_MT', 'blender_BMF', 'soundsystem']) if user_options_dict['USE_QUICKTIME'] == 1: env.Append (LIBS=['blender_quicktime']) def international_libs(env): """ Append international font support libraries """ if user_options_dict['USE_INTERNATIONAL'] == 1: env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['FREETYPE_LIBRARY']) env.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['FREETYPE_LIBPATH']) env.Append (LIBS=['blender_FTF']) env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['FTGL_LIBRARY']) env.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['FTGL_LIBPATH']) env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['FREETYPE_LIBRARY']) def blender_libs(env): """ Blender only libs (not in player) """ env.Append( LIBS=['blender_creator', 'blender_blendersrc', 'blender_render', 'blender_yafray', 'blender_renderconverter', 'blender_radiosity', 'blender_LOD', 'blender_BSP', 'blender_blenkernel', 'blender_IK', 'blender_ONL']) def ketsji_libs(env): """ Game Engine libs """ if user_options_dict['BUILD_GAMEENGINE'] == 1: env.Append (LIBS=['KX_blenderhook', 'KX_converter', 'PHY_Dummy', 'PHY_Physics', 'KX_ketsji', 'SCA_GameLogic', 'RAS_rasterizer', 'RAS_OpenGLRasterizer', 'blender_expressions', 'SG_SceneGraph', 'blender_MT', 'KX_blenderhook', 'KX_network', 'blender_kernel', 'NG_network', 'NG_loopbacknetwork']) if user_options_dict['USE_PHYSICS'] == 'solid': env.Append (LIBS=['PHY_Sumo', 'PHY_Physics', 'blender_MT', 'extern_solid', 'extern_qhull']) else: env.Append (LIBS=['PHY_Ode', 'PHY_Physics']) env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['ODE_LIBRARY']) env.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['ODE_LIBPATH']) def player_libs(env): """ Player libraries """ env.Append (LIBS=['GPG_ghost', 'GPC_common']) def player_libs2(env): """ Link order shenannigans: these libs are added after common_libs """ env.Append (LIBS=['blender_blenkernel_blc', 'soundsystem']) def winblenderres(env): """ build the windows icon resource file """ if sys.platform == 'win32': env.RES(['source/icons/winblender.rc']) def system_libs(env): """ System libraries: Python, SDL, PNG, JPEG, Gettext, OpenAL, Carbon """ env.Append (LIBS=['blender_python']) env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['PYTHON_LIBRARY']) env.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['PYTHON_LIBPATH']) env.Append (LINKFLAGS=user_options_dict['PYTHON_LINKFLAGS']) env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['SDL_LIBRARY']) env.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['SDL_LIBPATH']) env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['PNG_LIBRARY']) env.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['PNG_LIBPATH']) env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['JPEG_LIBRARY']) env.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['JPEG_LIBPATH']) env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['GETTEXT_LIBRARY']) env.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['GETTEXT_LIBPATH']) env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['Z_LIBRARY']) env.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['Z_LIBPATH']) if user_options_dict['USE_OPENAL'] == 1: env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['OPENAL_LIBRARY']) env.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['OPENAL_LIBPATH']) env.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['PLATFORM_LIBS']) env.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['PLATFORM_LIBPATH']) if sys.platform == 'darwin': env.Append (LINKFLAGS='-framework') env.Append (LINKFLAGS='Carbon') env.Append (LINKFLAGS='-framework') env.Append (LINKFLAGS='AGL') env.Append (LINKFLAGS='-framework') env.Append (LINKFLAGS='AudioUnit') env.Append (LINKFLAGS='-framework') env.Append (LINKFLAGS='AudioToolbox') env.Append (LINKFLAGS='-framework') env.Append (LINKFLAGS='CoreAudio') if user_options_dict['USE_QUICKTIME'] == 1: env.Append (LINKFLAGS='-framework') env.Append (LINKFLAGS='QuickTime') else: env.Append (LINKFLAGS=user_options_dict['PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS']) env.BuildDir (root_build_dir, '.', duplicate=0) def buildinfo(env, build_type): """ Generate a buildinfo object """ build_date = time.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d") build_time = time.strftime ("%H:%M:%S") obj = [] if user_options_dict['USE_BUILDINFO'] == 1: if sys.platform=='win32': build_info_file = open("source/creator/winbuildinfo.h", 'w') build_info_file.write("char *build_date=\"%s\";\n"%build_date) build_info_file.write("char *build_time=\"%s\";\n"%build_time) build_info_file.write("char *build_platform=\"win32\";\n") build_info_file.write("char *build_type=\"%s\";\n"%build_type) build_info_file.close() env.Append (CPPDEFINES = ['NAN_BUILDINFO', 'BUILD_DATE']) else: env.Append (CPPDEFINES = ['BUILD_TIME=\'"%s"\''%(build_time), 'BUILD_DATE=\'"%s"\''%(build_date), 'BUILD_TYPE=\'"dynamic"\'', 'NAN_BUILDINFO', 'BUILD_PLATFORM=\'"%s"\''%(sys.platform)]) obj = [env.Object (root_build_dir+'source/creator/%s_buildinfo'%build_type, [root_build_dir+'source/creator/buildinfo.c'])] return obj def cleanCVS(): """ walks the dist dir and removes all CVS dirs """ try: import shutil except: print "no shutil available" print "make sure you use python 2.3" print return 0 startdir = os.getcwd() for root, dirs, files in os.walk("dist", topdown=False): for name in dirs: if name in ['CVS']: if os.path.isdir(root + "/" + name): shutil.rmtree(root + "/" + name) os.chdir(startdir) return 1 def preparedist(): """ Prepare a directory for creating either archives or the installer """ try: import shutil import time import stat except: print "no shutil available" print "make sure you use python 2.3" print return 0 startdir = os.getcwd() if os.path.isdir("dist") == 0: os.makedirs("dist") else: shutil.rmtree("dist") # make sure we don't get old cruft os.makedirs("dist") # first copy binaries if sys.platform == 'win32': shutil.copy("blender.exe", "dist/blender.exe") if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: shutil.copy("blenderplayer.exe", "dist/blenderplayer.exe") shutil.copy("../lib/windows/python/lib/python23.dll", "dist/python23.dll") shutil.copy("../lib/windows/sdl/lib/SDL.dll", "dist/SDL.dll") shutil.copy("../lib/windows/gettext/lib/gnu_gettext.dll", "dist/gnu_gettext.dll") elif sys.platform in ['linux2', 'linux-i386']: shutil.copy("blender", "dist/blender") if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: shutil.copy("blenderplayer", "dist/blenderplayer") else: print "update preparedist() for your platform!" return 0 # now copy .blender and necessary extras for it if os.path.isdir("dist/.blender"): shutil.rmtree("dist/.blender") os.chdir("bin") shutil.copytree(".blender/", "../dist/.blender") os.chdir(startdir) if os.path.isdir("dist/.blender/scripts"): shutil.rmtree("dist/.blender/scripts") if os.path.isdir("dist/.blender/bpydata"): shutil.rmtree("dist/.blender/bpydata") os.makedirs("dist/.blender/bpydata") shutil.copy("release/bpydata/readme.txt", "dist/.blender/bpydata/readme.txt") shutil.copy("release/bpydata/KUlang.txt", "dist/.blender/bpydata/KUlang.txt") os.chdir("release") shutil.copytree("scripts/", "../dist/.blender/scripts") # finally copy auxiliaries (readme, license, etc.) if sys.platform == 'win32': shutil.copy("windows/extra/Help.url", "../dist/Help.url") shutil.copy("windows/extra/Python23.zip", "../dist/Python23.zip") shutil.copy("windows/extra/zlib.pyd", "../dist/zlib.pyd") shutil.copy("text/copyright.txt", "../dist/copyright.txt") shutil.copy("text/blender.html", "../dist/blender.html") shutil.copy("text/GPL-license.txt", "../dist/GPL-license.txt") shutil.copy("text/Python-license.txt", "../dist/Python-license.txt") reltext = "release_" + string.join(version.split("."), '') + ".txt" shutil.copy("text/" + reltext, "../dist/" + reltext) os.chdir(startdir) if cleanCVS()==0: return 0 return 1 def finalisedist(zipname): """ Fetch the package created and remove temp dir """ try: import shutil except: print "no shutil available" print "make sure you use python 2.3" print return 0 #shutil.copy("dist/" + zipname, zipname) #shutil.rmtree("dist") return 1 def add2arc(arc, file): if sys.platform == 'win32': arc.write(file) else: arc.add(file) def appit(target, source, env): if sys.platform == 'darwin': import shutil import commands import os.path target = 'blender' sourceinfo = "source/darwin/%s.app/Contents/Info.plist"%target targetinfo = "%s.app/Contents/Info.plist"%target cmd = '%s.app'%target if os.path.isdir(cmd): shutil.rmtree('%s.app'%target) shutil.copytree("source/darwin/%s.app"%target, '%s.app'%target) cmd = "cat %s | sed s/VERSION/`cat release/VERSION`/ | sed s/DATE/`date +'%%Y-%%b-%%d'`/ > %s"%(sourceinfo,targetinfo) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp %s %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY'] == 'debug': print "building debug" else : cmd = 'strip -u -r %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = '%s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target shutil.copy('bin/.blender/.bfont.ttf', cmd) shutil.copy('bin/.blender/.Blanguages', cmd) cmd = 'cp -R bin/.blender/locale %s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'mkdir %s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R release/bpydata %s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R release/scripts %s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R release/plugins %s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'chmod +x %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'find %s.app -name CVS -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'find %s.app -name .DS_Store -exec rm -rf {} \;'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: target = 'blenderplayer' sourceinfo = "source/darwin/%s.app/Contents/Info.plist"%target targetinfo = "%s.app/Contents/Info.plist"%target cmd = '%s.app'%target if os.path.isdir(cmd): shutil.rmtree('%s.app'%target) shutil.copytree("source/darwin/%s.app"%target, '%s.app'%target) cmd = "cat %s | sed s/VERSION/`cat release/VERSION`/ | sed s/DATE/`date +'%%Y-%%b-%%d'`/ > %s"%(sourceinfo,targetinfo) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp %s %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY'] == 'debug': print "building debug player" else : cmd = 'strip -u -r %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = '%s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target shutil.copy('bin/.blender/.bfont.ttf', cmd) shutil.copy('bin/.blender/.Blanguages', cmd) cmd = 'cp -R bin/.blender/locale %s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R release/bpydata %s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R release/scripts %s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R release/plugins %s.app/Contents/Resources/'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'chmod +x %s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(target, target) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'find %s.app -name CVS -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'find %s.app -name .DS_Store -exec rm -rf {} \;'%target commands.getoutput(cmd) else: print "This target is for the Os X platform only" def zipit(env, target, source): try: if sys.platform == 'win32': import zipfile else: import tarfile except: if sys.platform == 'win32': print "no zipfile module found" else: print "no tarfile module found" print "make sure you use python 2.3" print return import shutil import glob import time startdir = os.getcwd() pf="" zipext = "" zipname = "" today = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.gmtime()) # get time in the form 20040714 if preparedist()==0: print "check output for error" return if sys.platform == 'win32': zipext += ".zip" pf = "windows" elif sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'linux-i386': zipext += ".tar.gz" pf = "linux" if user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY'] == 'release': blendname = "blender-" + version + "-" + config_guess else: blendname = "bf_blender_" + pf + "_" + today zipname = blendname + zipext if os.path.isdir(blendname): shutil.rmtree(blendname) shutil.move(startdir + os.sep + "dist", blendname) print if sys.platform == 'win32': print "Create the zip!" elif sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'linux-i386': print "Create the tarball!" print if sys.platform == 'win32': thezip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) else: thezip = tarfile.open(zipname, 'w:gz') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(blendname, topdown=False): for name in files: if name in [zipname]: print "skipping self" else: file = root + "/" + name print "adding: " + file add2arc(thezip, file) thezip.close() os.chdir(startdir) shutil.move(blendname, startdir + os.sep + "dist") if finalisedist(zipname)==0: print "encountered an error in finalisedist" print return print print "Blender has been successfully packaged" print "You can find the file %s in the root source directory"%zipname print def printadd(env, target, source): """ Print warning message if platform hasn't been added to zipit() yet """ print print "############" print print "Make sure zipit() works for your platform:" print " - binaries to copy (naming?)" print " - possible libraries?" print " - archive format?" print print "After you've corrected zipit() for your" print "platform, be sure to add a proper elif" print "at the end of BlenderRelease" print print "Blender is now ready and can be found in" print "root of the source distribution, but it" print "hasn't been packaged neatly. Make sure you" print "get the right files" print print "/jesterKing" print def noaction(env, target, source): print "Empty action" def DoClean(dir2clean): """ Do a removal of the root_build_dir the fast way """ import shutil print print "start the clean" dirs = os.listdir(dir2clean) for dir in dirs: if os.path.isdir(dir2clean + "/" + dir) == 1: print "clean dir %s"%(dir2clean+"/" + dir) shutil.rmtree(dir2clean+"/" + dir) print "done" def BlenderDefault(target): """ The default Blender build. """ def_env = Environment() default = def_env.Command('nozip', 'blender$PROGSUFFIX', noaction) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: def_env.Depends(default, 'blenderplayer$PROGSUFFIX') def_env.Alias(".", default) def donsis(env, target, source): """ Create a Windows installer with NSIS """ print print "Creating the Windows installer" print startdir = os.getcwd() if preparedist()==0: print "check output for error" return os.chdir("release/windows/installer") nsis = open("00.sconsblender.nsi", 'r') nsis_cnt = str(nsis.read()) nsis.close() # do root rootlist = [] rootdir = os.listdir(startdir + "\\dist") for rootitem in rootdir: if os.path.isdir(startdir + "\\dist\\" + rootitem) == 0: rootlist.append("File " + startdir + "\\dist\\" + rootitem) rootstring = string.join(rootlist, "\n ") rootstring += "\n\n" nsis_cnt = string.replace(nsis_cnt, "[ROOTDIRCONTS]", rootstring) # do delete items delrootlist = [] for rootitem in rootdir: if os.path.isdir(startdir + "\\dist\\" + rootitem) == 0: delrootlist.append("Delete $INSTDIR\\" + rootitem) delrootstring = string.join(delrootlist, "\n ") delrootstring += "\n" nsis_cnt = string.replace(nsis_cnt, "[DELROOTDIRCONTS]", delrootstring) # do scripts scriptlist = [] scriptdir = os.listdir(startdir + "\\dist\\.blender\\scripts") for scriptitem in scriptdir: if os.path.isdir(startdir + "\\dist\\.blender\\scripts\\" + scriptitem) == 0: scriptlist.append("File " + startdir + "\\dist\\.blender\\scripts\\" + scriptitem) scriptstring = string.join(scriptlist, "\n ") scriptstring += "\n\n" nsis_cnt = string.replace(nsis_cnt, "[SCRIPTCONTS]", scriptstring) # do bpycontents bpydatalist = [] bpydatadir = os.listdir(startdir + "\\dist\\.blender\\bpydata") for bpydataitem in bpydatadir: if os.path.isdir(startdir + "\\dist\\.blender\\bpydata\\" + bpydataitem) == 0: bpydatalist.append("File " + startdir + "\\dist\\.blender\\bpydata\\" + bpydataitem) bpydatastring = string.join(bpydatalist, "\n ") bpydatastring += "\n\n" nsis_cnt = string.replace(nsis_cnt, "[BPYCONTS]", bpydatastring) # do dotblender dotblendlist = [] dotblenddir = os.listdir(startdir+"\\dist\\.blender") for dotblenditem in dotblenddir: if os.path.isdir(startdir + "\\dist\\.blender\\" + dotblenditem) == 0: dotblendlist.append("File " + startdir + "\\dist\\.blender\\" + dotblenditem) dotblendstring = string.join(dotblendlist, "\n ") dotblendstring += "\n\n" nsis_cnt = string.replace(nsis_cnt, "[DOTBLENDERCONTS]", dotblendstring) # do language files langlist = [] langfiles = [] langdir = os.listdir(startdir + "\\dist\\.blender\\locale") for langitem in langdir: if os.path.isdir(startdir + "\\dist\\.blender\\locale\\" + langitem) == 1: langfiles.append("SetOutPath $BLENDERHOME\\.blender\\locale\\" + langitem + "\\LC_MESSAGES") langfiles.append("File " + startdir + "\\dist\\.blender\\locale\\" + langitem + "\\LC_MESSAGES\\blender.mo") langstring = string.join(langfiles, "\n ") langstring += "\n\n" nsis_cnt = string.replace(nsis_cnt, "[LANGUAGECONTS]", langstring) # var replacements nsis_cnt = string.replace(nsis_cnt, "DISTDIR", startdir + "\\dist") nsis_cnt = string.replace(nsis_cnt, "SHORTVER", shortversion) nsis_cnt = string.replace(nsis_cnt, "VERSION", version) new_nsis = open("00.blender_tmp.nsi", 'w') new_nsis.write(nsis_cnt) new_nsis.close() sys.stdout = os.popen("makensis 00.blender_tmp.nsi", 'w') os.chdir(startdir) def BlenderNSIS(target): """ Entry for creating Windows installer """ if sys.platform == 'win32': inst_env = Environment() nsis_inst = inst_env.Command('nsisinstaller', 'blender$PROGSUFFIX', donsis) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: inst_env.Depends(nsis_inst, 'blenderplayer$PROGSUFFIX') inst_env.Alias("wininst", nsis_inst) else: print "This target is for the win32 platform only " def BlenderRelease(target): """ Make a Release package (tarball, zip, bundle). target = Name of package to make (string) eg: BlenderRelease('blender') """ if sys.platform == 'darwin': app_env = Environment() Mappit = app_env.Command('appit', appname, appit) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: app_env.Depends(Mappit, playername) app_env.Alias("release", Mappit) elif sys.platform in ['win32', 'linux2', 'linux-i386']: release_env = Environment() releaseit = release_env.Command('blenderrelease', appname, zipit) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: release_env.Depends(releaseit, playername) release_env.Alias("release", releaseit) else: release_env = Environment() releaseit = release_env.Command('blender.tar.gz', appname, printadd) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: release_env.Depends(releaseit, playername) release_env.Alias("release", releaseit) if enable_clean == 0: if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_DYNAMIC'] == 1: dy_blender = link_env.Copy () if sys.platform=='win32': winblenderres(dy_blender) blender_libs(dy_blender) common_libs(dy_blender) international_libs(dy_blender) ketsji_libs(dy_blender) system_libs(dy_blender) dy_blender.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['OPENGL_LIBRARY']) dy_blender.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['OPENGL_LIBPATH']) dy_blender.Append (CPPPATH=user_options_dict['OPENGL_INCLUDE']) d_obj = buildinfo(dy_blender, "dynamic") if sys.platform == 'win32': dy_blender.Program (target='blender', source=d_obj + ['source/icons/winblender.res']) else: if sys.platform == 'cygwin': dy_blender.Replace (CC='g++') dy_blender.Program (target='blender', source=d_obj) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_STATIC'] == 1: st_blender = link_env.Copy () if sys.platform=='win32': winblenderres(st_blender) blender_libs(st_blender) common_libs(st_blender) international_libs(st_blender) ketsji_libs(st_blender) system_libs(st_blender) # The next line is to make sure that the LINKFLAGS are appended at the end # of the link command. This 'trick' is needed because the GL and GLU static # libraries need to be at the end of the command. st_blender.Replace(LINKCOM="$LINK -o $TARGET $SOURCES $_LIBDIRFLAGS $_LIBFLAGS $LINKFLAGS") s_obj = buildinfo(st_blender, "static") st_blender.Append (LINKFLAGS=user_options_dict['OPENGL_STATIC']) st_blender.Append (CPPPATH=user_options_dict['OPENGL_INCLUDE']) st_blender.Prepend (LIBPATH=['/usr/lib/opengl/xfree/lib']) st_blender.Program (target='blenderstatic', source=s_obj) if sys.platform=='win32': if user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY']=='debug': browser = Environment() browser_tmp = root_build_dir+'bscmake.tmp' browser.Command ('blender.bsc', 'blender$PROGSUFFIX', ['dir /b/s '+root_build_dir+'*.sbr >'+browser_tmp, 'bscmake /nologo /n /oblender.bsc @'+browser_tmp, 'del '+browser_tmp]) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1 and user_options_dict['BUILD_GAMEENGINE'] == 1: player_blender = link_env.Copy() player_libs(player_blender) common_libs(player_blender) international_libs(player_blender) ketsji_libs(player_blender) player_libs2(player_blender) system_libs(player_blender) player_blender.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['OPENGL_LIBRARY']) player_blender.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['OPENGL_LIBPATH']) player_blender.Append (CPPPATH=user_options_dict['OPENGL_INCLUDE']) d_obj = buildinfo(player_blender, "player") if sys.platform == 'win32': player_blender.Program (target='blenderplayer', source=d_obj + ['source/icons/winblender.res']) else: if sys.platform == 'cygwin': player_blender.Replace (CC='g++') player_blender.Program (target='blenderplayer', source=d_obj) if sys.platform=='win32': if user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY']=='debug': browser = Environment() browser_tmp = root_build_dir+'bscmake.tmp' browser.Command ('blenderplayer.bsc', 'blenderplayer$PROGSUFFIX', ['dir /b/s '+root_build_dir+'*.sbr >'+browser_tmp, 'bscmake /nologo /n /oblenderplayer.bsc @'+browser_tmp, 'del '+browser_tmp]) release_target = env.Alias("release", BlenderRelease(appname)) default_target = env.Alias("default", BlenderDefault(appname)) wininst_target = env.Alias("winist", BlenderNSIS(appname)) else: # only clean target to prevent any building clean_target = env.Alias("clean", DoClean(root_build_dir)) Default("clean") if enable_clean == 0: # only set up dependencies when not cleaning if sys.platform == 'darwin': Default("release") else: Default("default") if sys.platform == 'win32': if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: env.Depends(wininst_target, playername) env.Depends(wininst_target, appname) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: env.Depends(release_target, playername) env.Depends(release_target, appname) if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1: env.Depends(default_target, playername) env.Depends(default_target, appname)