/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "background.h" #include "device.h" #include "integrator.h" #include "film.h" #include "light.h" #include "mesh.h" #include "object.h" #include "scene.h" #include "shader.h" #include "util_foreach.h" #include "util_progress.h" #include "util_logging.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static void shade_background_pixels(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, int res, vector& pixels, Progress& progress) { /* create input */ int width = res; int height = res; device_vector d_input; device_vector d_output; uint4 *d_input_data = d_input.resize(width*height); for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { float u = (x + 0.5f)/width; float v = (y + 0.5f)/height; uint4 in = make_uint4(__float_as_int(u), __float_as_int(v), 0, 0); d_input_data[x + y*width] = in; } } /* compute on device */ d_output.resize(width*height); memset((void*)d_output.data_pointer, 0, d_output.memory_size()); device->const_copy_to("__data", &dscene->data, sizeof(dscene->data)); device->mem_alloc(d_input, MEM_READ_ONLY); device->mem_copy_to(d_input); device->mem_alloc(d_output, MEM_WRITE_ONLY); DeviceTask main_task(DeviceTask::SHADER); main_task.shader_input = d_input.device_pointer; main_task.shader_output = d_output.device_pointer; main_task.shader_eval_type = SHADER_EVAL_BACKGROUND; main_task.shader_x = 0; main_task.shader_w = width*height; main_task.num_samples = 1; main_task.get_cancel = function_bind(&Progress::get_cancel, &progress); /* disabled splitting for now, there's an issue with multi-GPU mem_copy_from */ list split_tasks; main_task.split(split_tasks, 1, 128*128); foreach(DeviceTask& task, split_tasks) { device->task_add(task); device->task_wait(); device->mem_copy_from(d_output, task.shader_x, 1, task.shader_w, sizeof(float4)); } device->mem_free(d_input); device->mem_free(d_output); d_input.clear(); float4 *d_output_data = reinterpret_cast(d_output.data_pointer); pixels.resize(width*height); for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { pixels[y*width + x].x = d_output_data[y*width + x].x; pixels[y*width + x].y = d_output_data[y*width + x].y; pixels[y*width + x].z = d_output_data[y*width + x].z; } } } /* Light */ NODE_DEFINE(Light) { NodeType* type = NodeType::add("light", create); static NodeEnum type_enum; type_enum.insert("point", LIGHT_POINT); type_enum.insert("distant", LIGHT_DISTANT); type_enum.insert("background", LIGHT_BACKGROUND); type_enum.insert("area", LIGHT_AREA); type_enum.insert("spot", LIGHT_SPOT); SOCKET_ENUM(type, "Type", type_enum, LIGHT_POINT); SOCKET_POINT(co, "Co", make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); SOCKET_VECTOR(dir, "Dir", make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); SOCKET_FLOAT(size, "Size", 0.0f); SOCKET_VECTOR(axisu, "Axis U", make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); SOCKET_FLOAT(sizeu, "Size U", 1.0f); SOCKET_VECTOR(axisv, "Axis V", make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); SOCKET_FLOAT(sizev, "Size V", 1.0f); SOCKET_INT(map_resolution, "Map Resolution", 512); SOCKET_FLOAT(spot_angle, "Spot Angle", M_PI_4_F); SOCKET_FLOAT(spot_smooth, "Spot Smooth", 0.0f); SOCKET_TRANSFORM(tfm, "Transform", transform_identity()); SOCKET_BOOLEAN(cast_shadow, "Cast Shadow", true); SOCKET_BOOLEAN(use_mis, "Use Mis", false); SOCKET_BOOLEAN(use_diffuse, "Use Diffuse", true); SOCKET_BOOLEAN(use_glossy, "Use Glossy", true); SOCKET_BOOLEAN(use_transmission, "Use Transmission", true); SOCKET_BOOLEAN(use_scatter, "Use Scatter", true); SOCKET_INT(samples, "Samples", 1); SOCKET_INT(max_bounces, "Max Bounces", 1024); SOCKET_BOOLEAN(is_portal, "Is Portal", false); SOCKET_BOOLEAN(is_enabled, "Is Enabled", true); SOCKET_NODE(shader, "Shader", &Shader::node_type); return type; } Light::Light() : Node(node_type) { } void Light::tag_update(Scene *scene) { scene->light_manager->need_update = true; } bool Light::has_contribution(Scene *scene) { if(is_portal) { return false; } if(type == LIGHT_BACKGROUND) { return true; } return (shader) ? shader->has_surface_emission : scene->default_light->has_surface_emission; } /* Light Manager */ LightManager::LightManager() { need_update = true; use_light_visibility = false; } LightManager::~LightManager() { } bool LightManager::has_background_light(Scene *scene) { foreach(Light *light, scene->lights) { if(light->type == LIGHT_BACKGROUND) { return true; } } return false; } void LightManager::disable_ineffective_light(Device *device, Scene *scene) { /* Make all lights enabled by default, and perform some preliminary checks * needed for finer-tuning of settings (for example, check whether we've * got portals or not). */ bool has_portal = false, has_background = false; foreach(Light *light, scene->lights) { light->is_enabled = light->has_contribution(scene); has_portal |= light->is_portal; has_background |= light->type == LIGHT_BACKGROUND; } if(has_background) { /* Ignore background light if: * - If unsupported on a device * - If we don't need it (no HDRs etc.) */ Shader *shader = (scene->background->shader) ? scene->background->shader : scene->default_background; bool disable_mis = !(has_portal || shader->has_surface_spatial_varying) || !(device->info.advanced_shading); if(disable_mis) { VLOG(1) << "Background MIS has been disabled.\n"; foreach(Light *light, scene->lights) { if(light->type == LIGHT_BACKGROUND) { light->is_enabled = false; } } } } } bool LightManager::object_usable_as_light(Object *object) { Mesh *mesh = object->mesh; /* Skip if we are not visible for BSDFs. */ if(!(object->visibility & (PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE|PATH_RAY_GLOSSY|PATH_RAY_TRANSMIT))) { return false; } /* Skip motion blurred deforming meshes, not supported yet. */ if(mesh->has_motion_blur()) { return false; } /* Skip if we have no emission shaders. */ /* TODO(sergey): Ideally we want to avoid such duplicated loop, since it'll * iterate all mesh shaders twice (when counting and when calculating * triangle area. */ foreach(const Shader *shader, mesh->used_shaders) { if(shader->use_mis && shader->has_surface_emission) { return true; } } return false; } void LightManager::device_update_distribution(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene, Progress& progress) { progress.set_status("Updating Lights", "Computing distribution"); /* count */ size_t num_lights = 0; size_t num_portals = 0; size_t num_background_lights = 0; size_t num_triangles = 0; bool background_mis = false; foreach(Light *light, scene->lights) { if(light->is_enabled) { num_lights++; } if(light->is_portal) { num_portals++; } } foreach(Object *object, scene->objects) { if(progress.get_cancel()) return; if(!object_usable_as_light(object)) { continue; } /* Count triangles. */ Mesh *mesh = object->mesh; size_t mesh_num_triangles = mesh->num_triangles(); for(size_t i = 0; i < mesh_num_triangles; i++) { int shader_index = mesh->shader[i]; Shader *shader = (shader_index < mesh->used_shaders.size()) ? mesh->used_shaders[shader_index] : scene->default_surface; if(shader->use_mis && shader->has_surface_emission) { num_triangles++; } } } size_t num_distribution = num_triangles + num_lights; VLOG(1) << "Total " << num_distribution << " of light distribution primitives."; /* emission area */ float4 *distribution = dscene->light_distribution.resize(num_distribution + 1); float totarea = 0.0f; /* triangles */ size_t offset = 0; int j = 0; foreach(Object *object, scene->objects) { if(progress.get_cancel()) return; if(!object_usable_as_light(object)) { j++; continue; } /* Sum area. */ Mesh *mesh = object->mesh; bool transform_applied = mesh->transform_applied; Transform tfm = object->tfm; int object_id = j; int shader_flag = 0; if(!(object->visibility & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE)) { shader_flag |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_DIFFUSE; use_light_visibility = true; } if(!(object->visibility & PATH_RAY_GLOSSY)) { shader_flag |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_GLOSSY; use_light_visibility = true; } if(!(object->visibility & PATH_RAY_TRANSMIT)) { shader_flag |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_TRANSMIT; use_light_visibility = true; } if(!(object->visibility & PATH_RAY_VOLUME_SCATTER)) { shader_flag |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_SCATTER; use_light_visibility = true; } size_t mesh_num_triangles = mesh->num_triangles(); for(size_t i = 0; i < mesh_num_triangles; i++) { int shader_index = mesh->shader[i]; Shader *shader = (shader_index < mesh->used_shaders.size()) ? mesh->used_shaders[shader_index] : scene->default_surface; if(shader->use_mis && shader->has_surface_emission) { distribution[offset].x = totarea; distribution[offset].y = __int_as_float(i + mesh->tri_offset); distribution[offset].z = __int_as_float(shader_flag); distribution[offset].w = __int_as_float(object_id); offset++; Mesh::Triangle t = mesh->get_triangle(i); float3 p1 = mesh->verts[t.v[0]]; float3 p2 = mesh->verts[t.v[1]]; float3 p3 = mesh->verts[t.v[2]]; if(!transform_applied) { p1 = transform_point(&tfm, p1); p2 = transform_point(&tfm, p2); p3 = transform_point(&tfm, p3); } totarea += triangle_area(p1, p2, p3); } } j++; } float trianglearea = totarea; /* point lights */ float lightarea = (totarea > 0.0f) ? totarea / num_lights : 1.0f; bool use_lamp_mis = false; int light_index = 0; foreach(Light *light, scene->lights) { if(!light->is_enabled) continue; distribution[offset].x = totarea; distribution[offset].y = __int_as_float(~light_index); distribution[offset].z = 1.0f; distribution[offset].w = light->size; totarea += lightarea; if(light->size > 0.0f && light->use_mis) use_lamp_mis = true; if(light->type == LIGHT_BACKGROUND) { num_background_lights++; background_mis = light->use_mis; } light_index++; offset++; } /* normalize cumulative distribution functions */ distribution[num_distribution].x = totarea; distribution[num_distribution].y = 0.0f; distribution[num_distribution].z = 0.0f; distribution[num_distribution].w = 0.0f; if(totarea > 0.0f) { for(size_t i = 0; i < num_distribution; i++) distribution[i].x /= totarea; distribution[num_distribution].x = 1.0f; } if(progress.get_cancel()) return; /* update device */ KernelIntegrator *kintegrator = &dscene->data.integrator; KernelFilm *kfilm = &dscene->data.film; kintegrator->use_direct_light = (totarea > 0.0f); if(kintegrator->use_direct_light) { /* number of emissives */ kintegrator->num_distribution = num_distribution; /* precompute pdfs */ kintegrator->pdf_triangles = 0.0f; kintegrator->pdf_lights = 0.0f; kintegrator->inv_pdf_lights = 0.0f; /* sample one, with 0.5 probability of light or triangle */ kintegrator->num_all_lights = num_lights; if(trianglearea > 0.0f) { kintegrator->pdf_triangles = 1.0f/trianglearea; if(num_lights) kintegrator->pdf_triangles *= 0.5f; } if(num_lights) { kintegrator->pdf_lights = 1.0f/num_lights; if(trianglearea > 0.0f) kintegrator->pdf_lights *= 0.5f; kintegrator->inv_pdf_lights = 1.0f/kintegrator->pdf_lights; } kintegrator->use_lamp_mis = use_lamp_mis; /* bit of an ugly hack to compensate for emitting triangles influencing * amount of samples we get for this pass */ kfilm->pass_shadow_scale = 1.0f; if(kintegrator->pdf_triangles != 0.0f) kfilm->pass_shadow_scale *= 0.5f; if(num_background_lights < num_lights) kfilm->pass_shadow_scale *= (float)(num_lights - num_background_lights)/(float)num_lights; /* CDF */ device->tex_alloc("__light_distribution", dscene->light_distribution); /* Portals */ if(num_portals > 0) { kintegrator->portal_offset = light_index; kintegrator->num_portals = num_portals; kintegrator->portal_pdf = background_mis? 0.5f: 1.0f; } else { kintegrator->num_portals = 0; kintegrator->portal_offset = 0; kintegrator->portal_pdf = 0.0f; } } else { dscene->light_distribution.clear(); kintegrator->num_distribution = 0; kintegrator->num_all_lights = 0; kintegrator->pdf_triangles = 0.0f; kintegrator->pdf_lights = 0.0f; kintegrator->inv_pdf_lights = 0.0f; kintegrator->use_lamp_mis = false; kintegrator->num_portals = 0; kintegrator->portal_offset = 0; kintegrator->portal_pdf = 0.0f; kfilm->pass_shadow_scale = 1.0f; } } static void background_cdf(int start, int end, int res, int cdf_count, const vector *pixels, float2 *cond_cdf) { /* Conditional CDFs (rows, U direction). */ for(int i = start; i < end; i++) { float sin_theta = sinf(M_PI_F * (i + 0.5f) / res); float3 env_color = (*pixels)[i * res]; float ave_luminance = average(env_color); cond_cdf[i * cdf_count].x = ave_luminance * sin_theta; cond_cdf[i * cdf_count].y = 0.0f; for(int j = 1; j < res; j++) { env_color = (*pixels)[i * res + j]; ave_luminance = average(env_color); cond_cdf[i * cdf_count + j].x = ave_luminance * sin_theta; cond_cdf[i * cdf_count + j].y = cond_cdf[i * cdf_count + j - 1].y + cond_cdf[i * cdf_count + j - 1].x / res; } float cdf_total = cond_cdf[i * cdf_count + res - 1].y + cond_cdf[i * cdf_count + res - 1].x / res; float cdf_total_inv = 1.0f / cdf_total; /* stuff the total into the brightness value for the last entry, because * we are going to normalize the CDFs to 0.0 to 1.0 afterwards */ cond_cdf[i * cdf_count + res].x = cdf_total; if(cdf_total > 0.0f) for(int j = 1; j < res; j++) cond_cdf[i * cdf_count + j].y *= cdf_total_inv; cond_cdf[i * cdf_count + res].y = 1.0f; } } void LightManager::device_update_background(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene, Progress& progress) { KernelIntegrator *kintegrator = &dscene->data.integrator; Light *background_light = NULL; /* find background light */ foreach(Light *light, scene->lights) { if(light->type == LIGHT_BACKGROUND) { background_light = light; break; } } /* no background light found, signal renderer to skip sampling */ if(!background_light || !background_light->is_enabled) { kintegrator->pdf_background_res = 0; return; } progress.set_status("Updating Lights", "Importance map"); assert(kintegrator->use_direct_light); /* get the resolution from the light's size (we stuff it in there) */ int res = background_light->map_resolution; kintegrator->pdf_background_res = res; assert(res > 0); vector pixels; shade_background_pixels(device, dscene, res, pixels, progress); if(progress.get_cancel()) return; /* build row distributions and column distribution for the infinite area environment light */ int cdf_count = res + 1; float2 *marg_cdf = dscene->light_background_marginal_cdf.resize(cdf_count); float2 *cond_cdf = dscene->light_background_conditional_cdf.resize(cdf_count * cdf_count); double time_start = time_dt(); if(res < 512) { /* Small enough resolution, faster to do single-threaded. */ background_cdf(0, res, res, cdf_count, &pixels, cond_cdf); } else { /* Threaded evaluation for large resolution. */ const int num_blocks = TaskScheduler::num_threads(); const int chunk_size = res / num_blocks; int start_row = 0; TaskPool pool; for(int i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i) { const int current_chunk_size = (i != num_blocks - 1) ? chunk_size : (res - i * chunk_size); pool.push(function_bind(&background_cdf, start_row, start_row + current_chunk_size, res, cdf_count, &pixels, cond_cdf)); start_row += current_chunk_size; } pool.wait_work(); } /* marginal CDFs (column, V direction, sum of rows) */ marg_cdf[0].x = cond_cdf[res].x; marg_cdf[0].y = 0.0f; for(int i = 1; i < res; i++) { marg_cdf[i].x = cond_cdf[i * cdf_count + res].x; marg_cdf[i].y = marg_cdf[i - 1].y + marg_cdf[i - 1].x / res; } float cdf_total = marg_cdf[res - 1].y + marg_cdf[res - 1].x / res; marg_cdf[res].x = cdf_total; if(cdf_total > 0.0f) for(int i = 1; i < res; i++) marg_cdf[i].y /= cdf_total; marg_cdf[res].y = 1.0f; VLOG(2) << "Background MIS build time " << time_dt() - time_start << "\n"; /* update device */ device->tex_alloc("__light_background_marginal_cdf", dscene->light_background_marginal_cdf); device->tex_alloc("__light_background_conditional_cdf", dscene->light_background_conditional_cdf); } void LightManager::device_update_points(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene) { int num_scene_lights = scene->lights.size(); int num_lights = 0; foreach(Light *light, scene->lights) { if(light->is_enabled || light->is_portal) { num_lights++; } } float4 *light_data = dscene->light_data.resize(num_lights*LIGHT_SIZE); if(num_lights == 0) { VLOG(1) << "No effective light, ignoring points update."; return; } int light_index = 0; foreach(Light *light, scene->lights) { if(!light->is_enabled) { continue; } float3 co = light->co; Shader *shader = (light->shader) ? light->shader : scene->default_light; int shader_id = scene->shader_manager->get_shader_id(shader); float samples = __int_as_float(light->samples); float max_bounces = __int_as_float(light->max_bounces); if(!light->cast_shadow) shader_id &= ~SHADER_CAST_SHADOW; if(!light->use_diffuse) { shader_id |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_DIFFUSE; use_light_visibility = true; } if(!light->use_glossy) { shader_id |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_GLOSSY; use_light_visibility = true; } if(!light->use_transmission) { shader_id |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_TRANSMIT; use_light_visibility = true; } if(!light->use_scatter) { shader_id |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_SCATTER; use_light_visibility = true; } if(light->type == LIGHT_POINT) { shader_id &= ~SHADER_AREA_LIGHT; float radius = light->size; float invarea = (radius > 0.0f)? 1.0f/(M_PI_F*radius*radius): 1.0f; if(light->use_mis && radius > 0.0f) shader_id |= SHADER_USE_MIS; light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 0] = make_float4(__int_as_float(light->type), co.x, co.y, co.z); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 1] = make_float4(__int_as_float(shader_id), radius, invarea, 0.0f); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 2] = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 3] = make_float4(samples, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else if(light->type == LIGHT_DISTANT) { shader_id &= ~SHADER_AREA_LIGHT; float radius = light->size; float angle = atanf(radius); float cosangle = cosf(angle); float area = M_PI_F*radius*radius; float invarea = (area > 0.0f)? 1.0f/area: 1.0f; float3 dir = light->dir; dir = safe_normalize(dir); if(light->use_mis && area > 0.0f) shader_id |= SHADER_USE_MIS; light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 0] = make_float4(__int_as_float(light->type), dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 1] = make_float4(__int_as_float(shader_id), radius, cosangle, invarea); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 2] = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 3] = make_float4(samples, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else if(light->type == LIGHT_BACKGROUND) { uint visibility = scene->background->visibility; shader_id &= ~SHADER_AREA_LIGHT; shader_id |= SHADER_USE_MIS; if(!(visibility & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE)) { shader_id |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_DIFFUSE; use_light_visibility = true; } if(!(visibility & PATH_RAY_GLOSSY)) { shader_id |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_GLOSSY; use_light_visibility = true; } if(!(visibility & PATH_RAY_TRANSMIT)) { shader_id |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_TRANSMIT; use_light_visibility = true; } if(!(visibility & PATH_RAY_VOLUME_SCATTER)) { shader_id |= SHADER_EXCLUDE_SCATTER; use_light_visibility = true; } light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 0] = make_float4(__int_as_float(light->type), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 1] = make_float4(__int_as_float(shader_id), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 2] = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 3] = make_float4(samples, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else if(light->type == LIGHT_AREA) { float3 axisu = light->axisu*(light->sizeu*light->size); float3 axisv = light->axisv*(light->sizev*light->size); float area = len(axisu)*len(axisv); float invarea = (area > 0.0f)? 1.0f/area: 1.0f; float3 dir = light->dir; dir = safe_normalize(dir); if(light->use_mis && area > 0.0f) shader_id |= SHADER_USE_MIS; light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 0] = make_float4(__int_as_float(light->type), co.x, co.y, co.z); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 1] = make_float4(__int_as_float(shader_id), axisu.x, axisu.y, axisu.z); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 2] = make_float4(invarea, axisv.x, axisv.y, axisv.z); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 3] = make_float4(samples, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); } else if(light->type == LIGHT_SPOT) { shader_id &= ~SHADER_AREA_LIGHT; float radius = light->size; float invarea = (radius > 0.0f)? 1.0f/(M_PI_F*radius*radius): 1.0f; float spot_angle = cosf(light->spot_angle*0.5f); float spot_smooth = (1.0f - spot_angle)*light->spot_smooth; float3 dir = light->dir; dir = safe_normalize(dir); if(light->use_mis && radius > 0.0f) shader_id |= SHADER_USE_MIS; light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 0] = make_float4(__int_as_float(light->type), co.x, co.y, co.z); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 1] = make_float4(__int_as_float(shader_id), radius, invarea, spot_angle); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 2] = make_float4(spot_smooth, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 3] = make_float4(samples, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 4] = make_float4(max_bounces, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Transform tfm = light->tfm; Transform itfm = transform_inverse(tfm); memcpy(&light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 5], &tfm, sizeof(float4)*3); memcpy(&light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 8], &itfm, sizeof(float4)*3); light_index++; } /* TODO(sergey): Consider moving portals update to their own function * keeping this one more manageable. */ foreach(Light *light, scene->lights) { if(!light->is_portal) continue; assert(light->type == LIGHT_AREA); float3 co = light->co; float3 axisu = light->axisu*(light->sizeu*light->size); float3 axisv = light->axisv*(light->sizev*light->size); float area = len(axisu)*len(axisv); float invarea = (area > 0.0f) ? 1.0f / area : 1.0f; float3 dir = light->dir; dir = safe_normalize(dir); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 0] = make_float4(__int_as_float(light->type), co.x, co.y, co.z); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 1] = make_float4(area, axisu.x, axisu.y, axisu.z); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 2] = make_float4(invarea, axisv.x, axisv.y, axisv.z); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 3] = make_float4(-1, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 4] = make_float4(-1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Transform tfm = light->tfm; Transform itfm = transform_inverse(tfm); memcpy(&light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 5], &tfm, sizeof(float4)*3); memcpy(&light_data[light_index*LIGHT_SIZE + 8], &itfm, sizeof(float4)*3); light_index++; } VLOG(1) << "Number of lights sent to the device: " << light_index; VLOG(1) << "Number of lights without contribution: " << num_scene_lights - light_index; device->tex_alloc("__light_data", dscene->light_data); } void LightManager::device_update(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene, Progress& progress) { if(!need_update) return; VLOG(1) << "Total " << scene->lights.size() << " lights."; device_free(device, dscene); use_light_visibility = false; disable_ineffective_light(device, scene); device_update_points(device, dscene, scene); if(progress.get_cancel()) return; device_update_distribution(device, dscene, scene, progress); if(progress.get_cancel()) return; device_update_background(device, dscene, scene, progress); if(progress.get_cancel()) return; if(use_light_visibility != scene->film->use_light_visibility) { scene->film->use_light_visibility = use_light_visibility; scene->film->tag_update(scene); } need_update = false; } void LightManager::device_free(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene) { device->tex_free(dscene->light_distribution); device->tex_free(dscene->light_data); device->tex_free(dscene->light_background_marginal_cdf); device->tex_free(dscene->light_background_conditional_cdf); dscene->light_distribution.clear(); dscene->light_data.clear(); dscene->light_background_marginal_cdf.clear(); dscene->light_background_conditional_cdf.clear(); } void LightManager::tag_update(Scene * /*scene*/) { need_update = true; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END