# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later import bpy from bpy.types import Panel, Menu, UIList from rna_prop_ui import PropertyPanel from bl_ui.properties_animviz import ( MotionPathButtonsPanel, MotionPathButtonsPanel_display, ) class ArmatureButtonsPanel: bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "data" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.armature class DATA_PT_context_arm(ArmatureButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = "" bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout ob = context.object arm = context.armature space = context.space_data if ob: layout.template_ID(ob, "data") elif arm: layout.template_ID(space, "pin_id") class DATA_PT_skeleton(ArmatureButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = "Skeleton" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout arm = context.armature layout.row().prop(arm, "pose_position", expand=True) col = layout.column() col.label(text="Layers:") col.prop(arm, "layers", text="") col.label(text="Protected Layers:") col.prop(arm, "layers_protected", text="") class DATA_PT_display(ArmatureButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = "Viewport Display" bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True ob = context.object arm = context.armature layout.prop(arm, "display_type", text="Display As") col = layout.column(heading="Show") col.prop(arm, "show_names", text="Names") col.prop(arm, "show_bone_custom_shapes", text="Shapes") col.prop(arm, "show_group_colors", text="Group Colors") if ob: col.prop(ob, "show_in_front", text="In Front") col = layout.column(align=False, heading="Axes") row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(arm, "show_axes", text="") sub = row.row(align=True) sub.active = arm.show_axes sub.prop(arm, "axes_position", text="Position") sub = col.row(align=True) sub.prop(arm, "relation_line_position", text="Relations", expand=True) class DATA_MT_bone_group_context_menu(Menu): bl_label = "Bone Group Specials" def draw(self, _context): layout = self.layout layout.operator("pose.group_sort", icon='SORTALPHA') class DATA_UL_bone_groups(UIList): def draw_item(self, _context, layout, _data, item, _icon, _active_data, _active_propname, _index): layout.prop(item, "name", text="", emboss=False, icon='GROUP_BONE') if item.is_custom_color_set or item.color_set == 'DEFAULT': layout.prop(item, "color_set", icon_only=True, icon="COLOR") else: layout.prop(item, "color_set", icon_only=True) class DATA_PT_bone_groups(ArmatureButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = "Bone Groups" bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return (context.object and context.object.type == 'ARMATURE' and context.object.pose) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout ob = context.object pose = ob.pose group = pose.bone_groups.active row = layout.row() rows = 1 if group: rows = 4 row.template_list( "DATA_UL_bone_groups", "bone_groups", pose, "bone_groups", pose.bone_groups, "active_index", rows=rows, ) col = row.column(align=True) col.operator("pose.group_add", icon='ADD', text="") col.operator("pose.group_remove", icon='REMOVE', text="") col.menu("DATA_MT_bone_group_context_menu", icon='DOWNARROW_HLT', text="") if group: col.separator() col.operator("pose.group_move", icon='TRIA_UP', text="").direction = 'UP' col.operator("pose.group_move", icon='TRIA_DOWN', text="").direction = 'DOWN' if group.is_custom_color_set: col = layout.column() split = col.split(factor=0.4) col = split.column() row = col.row() row.alignment = 'RIGHT' row.label(text="Custom Colors") col = split.column(align=True) row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(group.colors, "normal", text="") row.prop(group.colors, "select", text="") row.prop(group.colors, "active", text="") row = layout.row() sub = row.row(align=True) sub.operator("pose.group_assign", text="Assign") # row.operator("pose.bone_group_remove_from", text="Remove") sub.operator("pose.group_unassign", text="Remove") sub = row.row(align=True) sub.operator("pose.group_select", text="Select") sub.operator("pose.group_deselect", text="Deselect") class DATA_PT_iksolver_itasc(ArmatureButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = "Inverse Kinematics" bl_options = {"DEFAULT_CLOSED"} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): ob = context.object return ob and ob.pose def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True ob = context.object itasc = ob.pose.ik_param layout.prop(ob.pose, "ik_solver") if itasc: layout.prop(itasc, "mode") simulation = (itasc.mode == 'SIMULATION') if simulation: layout.prop(itasc, "reiteration_method", expand=False) col = layout.column() col.active = not simulation or itasc.reiteration_method != 'NEVER' col.prop(itasc, "precision") col.prop(itasc, "iterations") if simulation: col.prop(itasc, "use_auto_step") sub = layout.column(align=True) if itasc.use_auto_step: sub.prop(itasc, "step_min", text="Steps Min") sub.prop(itasc, "step_max", text="Max") else: sub.prop(itasc, "step_count", text="Steps") col.prop(itasc, "solver") if simulation: col.prop(itasc, "feedback") col.prop(itasc, "velocity_max") if itasc.solver == 'DLS': col.separator() col.prop(itasc, "damping_max", text="Damping Max", slider=True) col.prop(itasc, "damping_epsilon", text="Damping Epsilon", slider=True) class DATA_PT_motion_paths(MotionPathButtonsPanel, Panel): # bl_label = "Bones Motion Paths" bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} bl_context = "data" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): # XXX: include pose-mode check? return (context.object) and (context.armature) def draw(self, context): # layout = self.layout ob = context.object avs = ob.pose.animation_visualization pchan = context.active_pose_bone mpath = pchan.motion_path if pchan else None self.draw_settings(context, avs, mpath, bones=True) class DATA_PT_motion_paths_display(MotionPathButtonsPanel_display, Panel): # bl_label = "Bones Motion Paths" bl_context = "data" bl_parent_id = "DATA_PT_motion_paths" bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): # XXX: include pose-mode check? return (context.object) and (context.armature) def draw(self, context): # layout = self.layout ob = context.object avs = ob.pose.animation_visualization pchan = context.active_pose_bone mpath = pchan.motion_path if pchan else None self.draw_settings(context, avs, mpath, bones=True) class DATA_PT_custom_props_arm(ArmatureButtonsPanel, PropertyPanel, Panel): COMPAT_ENGINES = {'BLENDER_RENDER', 'BLENDER_EEVEE', 'BLENDER_WORKBENCH', 'BLENDER_WORKBENCH_NEXT'} _context_path = "object.data" _property_type = bpy.types.Armature classes = ( DATA_PT_context_arm, DATA_PT_skeleton, DATA_MT_bone_group_context_menu, DATA_PT_bone_groups, DATA_UL_bone_groups, DATA_PT_motion_paths, DATA_PT_motion_paths_display, DATA_PT_display, DATA_PT_iksolver_itasc, DATA_PT_custom_props_arm, ) if __name__ == "__main__": # only for live edit. from bpy.utils import register_class for cls in classes: register_class(cls)