#!BPY """ Name: 'Poly Reducer' Blender: 241 Group: 'Mesh' Tooltip: 'Removed polygons from a mesh while maintaining the shape, textures and weights.' """ from Blender import Draw, Window, Scene, Mesh, Mathutils, sys, Object import BPyMesh reload(BPyMesh) def main(): scn = Scene.GetCurrent() act_ob= scn.getActiveObject() if act_ob.getType()!='Mesh': act_ob= None sel= [ob for ob in Object.GetSelected() if ob.getType()=='Mesh' if ob != act_ob] if not sel and not act_ob: Draw.PupMenu('Error, select a mesh as your active object') return # Defaults PREF_REDUX= Draw.Create(0.5) PREF_BOUNDRY_WEIGHT= Draw.Create(5.0) PREF_FACE_AREA_WEIGHT= Draw.Create(1.0) PREF_FACE_TRIANGULATE= Draw.Create(1) PREF_DO_UV= Draw.Create(1) PREF_DO_VCOL= Draw.Create(1) PREF_DO_WEIGHTS= Draw.Create(1) pup_block = [\ ('Poly Reduce:', PREF_REDUX, 0.05, 0.95, 'Scale the meshes poly count by this value.'),\ ('Boundry Weight:', PREF_BOUNDRY_WEIGHT, 0.0, 20.0, 'Weight boundry verts by this scale, 0.0 for no boundry weighting.'),\ ('Area Weight:', PREF_FACE_AREA_WEIGHT, 0.0, 20.0, 'Collapse edges effecting lower area faces first.'),\ ('Triangulate', PREF_FACE_TRIANGULATE, 'Convert quads to tris before reduction, for more choices of edges to collapse.'),\ ('UV Coords', PREF_DO_UV, 'Interpolate UV Coords.'),\ ('Vert Colors', PREF_DO_VCOL, 'Interpolate Vertex Colors'),\ ('Vert Weights', PREF_DO_WEIGHTS, 'Interpolate Vertex Weights'),\ ] if not Draw.PupBlock("X Mirror mesh tool", pup_block): return PREF_REDUX= PREF_REDUX.val PREF_BOUNDRY_WEIGHT= PREF_BOUNDRY_WEIGHT.val PREF_FACE_AREA_WEIGHT= PREF_FACE_AREA_WEIGHT.val PREF_FACE_TRIANGULATE= PREF_FACE_TRIANGULATE.val PREF_DO_UV= PREF_DO_UV.val PREF_DO_VCOL= PREF_DO_VCOL.val PREF_DO_WEIGHTS= PREF_DO_WEIGHTS.val t= sys.time() is_editmode = Window.EditMode() # Exit Editmode. if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(0) Window.WaitCursor(1) BPyMesh.redux(act_ob, PREF_REDUX, PREF_BOUNDRY_WEIGHT, PREF_FACE_AREA_WEIGHT, PREF_FACE_TRIANGULATE, PREF_DO_UV, PREF_DO_VCOL, PREF_DO_WEIGHTS) if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) Window.WaitCursor(0) Window.RedrawAll() print 'Reduction done in %.6f sec.' % (sys.time()-t) if __name__ == '__main__': main()