# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy from bpy.types import Panel from blf import gettext as _ class ModifierButtonsPanel(): bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "modifier" class DATA_PT_modifiers(ModifierButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = "Modifiers" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout ob = context.object layout.operator_menu_enum("object.modifier_add", "type") for md in ob.modifiers: box = layout.template_modifier(md) if box: # match enum type to our functions, avoids a lookup table. getattr(self, md.type)(box, ob, md) # the mt.type enum is (ab)used for a lookup on function names # ...to avoid lengthy if statements # so each type must have a function here. def ARMATURE(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Object:")) col.prop(md, "object", text="") col.prop(md, "use_deform_preserve_volume") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Bind To:")) col.prop(md, "use_vertex_groups", text=_("Vertex Groups")) col.prop(md, "use_bone_envelopes", text=_("Bone Envelopes")) layout.separator() row = layout.row() row.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") sub = row.row() sub.active = bool(md.vertex_group) sub.prop(md, "invert_vertex_group") layout.prop(md, "use_multi_modifier") def ARRAY(self, layout, ob, md): layout.prop(md, "fit_type") if md.fit_type == 'FIXED_COUNT': layout.prop(md, "count") elif md.fit_type == 'FIT_LENGTH': layout.prop(md, "fit_length") elif md.fit_type == 'FIT_CURVE': layout.prop(md, "curve") layout.separator() split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(md, "use_constant_offset") sub = col.column() sub.active = md.use_constant_offset sub.prop(md, "constant_offset_displace", text="") col.separator() col.prop(md, "use_merge_vertices", text=_("Merge")) sub = col.column() sub.active = md.use_merge_vertices sub.prop(md, "use_merge_vertices_cap", text=_("First Last")) sub.prop(md, "merge_threshold", text=_("Distance")) col = split.column() col.prop(md, "use_relative_offset") sub = col.column() sub.active = md.use_relative_offset sub.prop(md, "relative_offset_displace", text="") col.separator() col.prop(md, "use_object_offset") sub = col.column() sub.active = md.use_object_offset sub.prop(md, "offset_object", text="") layout.separator() layout.prop(md, "start_cap") layout.prop(md, "end_cap") def BEVEL(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() split.prop(md, "width") split.prop(md, "use_only_vertices") layout.label(text=_("Limit Method:")) layout.row().prop(md, "limit_method", expand=True) if md.limit_method == 'ANGLE': layout.prop(md, "angle_limit") elif md.limit_method == 'WEIGHT': layout.row().prop(md, "edge_weight_method", expand=True) def BOOLEAN(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Operation:")) col.prop(md, "operation", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Object:")) col.prop(md, "object", text="") def BUILD(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(md, "frame_start") col.prop(md, "frame_duration") col = split.column() col.prop(md, "use_random_order") sub = col.column() sub.active = md.use_random_order sub.prop(md, "seed") def CAST(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split(percentage=0.25) split.label(text=_("Cast Type:")) split.prop(md, "cast_type", text="") split = layout.split(percentage=0.25) col = split.column() col.prop(md, "use_x") col.prop(md, "use_y") col.prop(md, "use_z") col = split.column() col.prop(md, "factor") col.prop(md, "radius") col.prop(md, "size") col.prop(md, "use_radius_as_size") split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Vertex Group:")) col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Control Object:")) col.prop(md, "object", text="") if md.object: col.prop(md, "use_transform") def CLOTH(self, layout, ob, md): layout.label(text=_("Settings can be found inside the Physics context")) def COLLISION(self, layout, ob, md): layout.label(text=_("Settings can be found inside the Physics context")) def CURVE(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Object:")) col.prop(md, "object", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Vertex Group:")) col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") layout.label(text=_("Deformation Axis:")) layout.row().prop(md, "deform_axis", expand=True) def DECIMATE(self, layout, ob, md): layout.prop(md, "ratio") layout.label(text=_("Face Count") + ": %d" % md.face_count) def DISPLACE(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Texture:")) col.template_ID(md, "texture", new="texture.new") col.label(text=_("Vertex Group:")) col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Direction:")) col.prop(md, "direction", text="") col.label(text=_("Texture Coordinates:")) col.prop(md, "texture_coords", text="") if md.texture_coords == 'OBJECT': layout.prop(md, "texture_coords_object", text=_("Object")) elif md.texture_coords == 'UV' and ob.type == 'MESH': layout.prop_search(md, "uv_layer", ob.data, "uv_textures") layout.separator() row = layout.row() row.prop(md, "mid_level") row.prop(md, "strength") def EDGE_SPLIT(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(md, "use_edge_angle", text=_("Edge Angle")) sub = col.column() sub.active = md.use_edge_angle sub.prop(md, "split_angle") split.prop(md, "use_edge_sharp", text=_("Sharp Edges")) def EXPLODE(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Vertex group:")) col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") sub = col.column() sub.active = bool(md.vertex_group) sub.prop(md, "protect") col.label(text=_("Particle UV")) col.prop_search(md, "particle_uv", ob.data, "uv_textures", text="") col = split.column() col.prop(md, "use_edge_cut") col.prop(md, "show_unborn") col.prop(md, "show_alive") col.prop(md, "show_dead") col.prop(md, "use_size") layout.operator("object.explode_refresh", text=_("Refresh")) def FLUID_SIMULATION(self, layout, ob, md): layout.label(text=_("Settings can be found inside the Physics context")) def HOOK(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Object:")) col.prop(md, "object", text="") if md.object and md.object.type == 'ARMATURE': col.label(text=_("Bone:")) col.prop_search(md, "subtarget", md.object.data, "bones", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Vertex Group:")) col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") layout.separator() split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(md, "falloff") col.prop(md, "force", slider=True) col = split.column() col.operator("object.hook_reset", text=_("Reset")) col.operator("object.hook_recenter", text=_("Recenter")) if ob.mode == 'EDIT': layout.separator() row = layout.row() row.operator("object.hook_select", text=_("Select")) row.operator("object.hook_assign", text=_("Assign")) def LATTICE(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Object:")) col.prop(md, "object", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Vertex Group:")) col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") def MASK(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Mode:")) col.prop(md, "mode", text="") col = split.column() if md.mode == 'ARMATURE': col.label(text=_("Armature:")) col.prop(md, "armature", text="") elif md.mode == 'VERTEX_GROUP': col.label(text=_("Vertex Group:")) col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") sub = col.column() sub.active = bool(md.vertex_group) sub.prop(md, "invert_vertex_group") def MESH_DEFORM(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() sub = col.column() sub.label(text=_("Object:")) sub.prop(md, "object", text="") sub.active = not md.is_bound col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Vertex Group:")) col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") sub = col.column() sub.active = bool(md.vertex_group) sub.prop(md, "invert_vertex_group") layout.separator() if md.is_bound: layout.operator("object.meshdeform_bind", text=_("Unbind")) else: layout.operator("object.meshdeform_bind", text=_("Bind")) row = layout.row() row.prop(md, "precision") row.prop(md, "use_dynamic_bind") def MIRROR(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split(percentage=0.25) col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Axis:")) col.prop(md, "use_x") col.prop(md, "use_y") col.prop(md, "use_z") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Options:")) col.prop(md, "use_mirror_merge", text=_("Merge")) col.prop(md, "use_clip", text=_("Clipping")) col.prop(md, "use_mirror_vertex_groups", text=_("Vertex Groups")) col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Textures:")) col.prop(md, "use_mirror_u", text="U") col.prop(md, "use_mirror_v", text="V") col = layout.column() if md.use_mirror_merge == True: col.prop(md, "merge_threshold") col.label(text=_("Mirror Object:")) col.prop(md, "mirror_object", text="") def NAVMESH(self, layout, ob, md): layout.operator("object.assign_navpolygon") layout.operator("object.assign_new_navpolygon") def MULTIRES(self, layout, ob, md): layout.row().prop(md, "subdivision_type", expand=True) split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(md, "levels", text=_("Preview")) col.prop(md, "sculpt_levels", text=_("Sculpt")) col.prop(md, "render_levels", text=_("Render")) col = split.column() col.enabled = ob.mode != 'EDIT' col.operator("object.multires_subdivide", text=_("Subdivide")) col.operator("object.multires_higher_levels_delete", text=_("Delete Higher")) col.operator("object.multires_reshape", text=_("Reshape")) col.operator("object.multires_base_apply", text=_("Apply Base")) col.prop(md, "use_subsurf_uv") col.prop(md, "show_only_control_edges") layout.separator() col = layout.column() row = col.row() if md.is_external: row.operator("object.multires_external_pack", text=_("Pack External")) row.label() row = col.row() row.prop(md, "filepath", text="") else: row.operator("object.multires_external_save", text=_("Save External...")) row.label() def PARTICLE_INSTANCE(self, layout, ob, md): layout.prop(md, "object") layout.prop(md, "particle_system_index", text=_("Particle System")) split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Create From:")) col.prop(md, "use_normal") col.prop(md, "use_children") col.prop(md, "use_size") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Show Particles When:")) col.prop(md, "show_alive") col.prop(md, "show_unborn") col.prop(md, "show_dead") layout.separator() layout.prop(md, "use_path", text=_("Create Along Paths")) split = layout.split() split.active = md.use_path col = split.column() col.row().prop(md, "axis", expand=True) col.prop(md, "use_preserve_shape") col = split.column() col.prop(md, "position", slider=True) col.prop(md, "random_position", text=_("Random"), slider=True) def PARTICLE_SYSTEM(self, layout, ob, md): layout.label(text=_("Settings can be found inside the Particle context")) def SCREW(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(md, "axis") col.prop(md, "object", text=_("AxisOb")) col.prop(md, "angle") col.prop(md, "steps") col.prop(md, "render_steps") col = split.column() row = col.row() row.active = (md.object is None or md.use_object_screw_offset == False) row.prop(md, "screw_offset") row = col.row() row.active = (md.object is not None) row.prop(md, "use_object_screw_offset") col.prop(md, "use_normal_calculate") col.prop(md, "use_normal_flip") col.prop(md, "iterations") def SHRINKWRAP(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Target:")) col.prop(md, "target", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Vertex Group:")) col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(md, "offset") col.prop(md, "subsurf_levels") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Mode:")) col.prop(md, "wrap_method", text="") if md.wrap_method == 'PROJECT': split = layout.split(percentage=0.25) col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Axis:")) col.prop(md, "use_project_x") col.prop(md, "use_project_y") col.prop(md, "use_project_z") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Direction:")) col.prop(md, "use_negative_direction") col.prop(md, "use_positive_direction") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Cull Faces:")) col.prop(md, "cull_face", expand=True) layout.label(text=_("Auxiliary Target:")) layout.prop(md, "auxiliary_target", text="") elif md.wrap_method == 'NEAREST_SURFACEPOINT': layout.prop(md, "use_keep_above_surface") def SIMPLE_DEFORM(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Mode:")) col.prop(md, "deform_method", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Vertex Group:")) col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Origin:")) col.prop(md, "origin", text="") sub = col.column() sub.active = (md.origin is not None) sub.prop(md, "use_relative") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Deform:")) col.prop(md, "factor") col.prop(md, "limits", slider=True) if md.deform_method in {'TAPER', 'STRETCH'}: col.prop(md, "lock_x") col.prop(md, "lock_y") def SMOKE(self, layout, ob, md): layout.label(text=_("Settings can be found inside the Physics context")) def SMOOTH(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split(percentage=0.25) col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Axis:")) col.prop(md, "use_x") col.prop(md, "use_y") col.prop(md, "use_z") col = split.column() col.prop(md, "factor") col.prop(md, "iterations") col.label(text=_("Vertex Group:")) col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") def SOFT_BODY(self, layout, ob, md): layout.label(text=_("Settings can be found inside the Physics context")) def SOLIDIFY(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(md, "thickness") col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") col.label(text=_("Crease:")) col.prop(md, "edge_crease_inner", text=_("Inner")) col.prop(md, "edge_crease_outer", text=_("Outer")) col.prop(md, "edge_crease_rim", text=_("Rim")) col.label(text=_("Material Index Offset:")) col = split.column() col.prop(md, "offset") sub = col.column() sub.active = bool(md.vertex_group) sub.prop(md, "invert_vertex_group", text=_("Invert")) sub.prop(md, "thickness_vertex_group", text=_("Factor")) col.prop(md, "use_even_offset") col.prop(md, "use_quality_normals") col.prop(md, "use_rim") sub = col.column() row = sub.split(align=True, percentage=0.4) row.prop(md, "material_offset", text="") row = row.row() row.active = md.use_rim row.prop(md, "material_offset_rim", text=_("Rim")) def SUBSURF(self, layout, ob, md): layout.row().prop(md, "subdivision_type", expand=True) split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Subdivisions:")) col.prop(md, "levels", text=_("View")) col.prop(md, "render_levels", text=_("Render")) col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Options:")) col.prop(md, "use_subsurf_uv") col.prop(md, "show_only_control_edges") def SURFACE(self, layout, ob, md): layout.label(text=_("Settings can be found inside the Physics context")) def UV_PROJECT(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Image:")) col.prop(md, "image", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("UV Layer:")) col.prop_search(md, "uv_layer", ob.data, "uv_textures", text="") split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(md, "use_image_override") col.prop(md, "projector_count", text=_("Projectors")) for proj in md.projectors: col.prop(proj, "object", text="") col = split.column() sub = col.column(align=True) sub.prop(md, "aspect_x", text=_("Aspect X")) sub.prop(md, "aspect_y", text=_("Aspect Y")) sub = col.column(align=True) sub.prop(md, "scale_x", text=_("Scale X")) sub.prop(md, "scale_y", text=_("Scale Y")) def WARP(self, layout, ob, md): use_falloff = (md.falloff_type != 'NONE') split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("From:")) col.prop(md, "object_from", text="") col.prop(md, "use_volume_preserve") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("To:")) col.prop(md, "object_to", text="") col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") col = layout.column() row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(md, "strength") if use_falloff: row.prop(md, "falloff_radius") col.prop(md, "falloff_type") if use_falloff: if md.falloff_type == 'CURVE': col.template_curve_mapping(md, "falloff_curve") # 2 new columns split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Texture:")) col.prop(md, "texture", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Texture Coordinates:")) col.prop(md, "texture_coords", text="") if md.texture_coords == 'OBJECT': layout.prop(md, "texture_coords_object", text=_("Object")) elif md.texture_coords == 'UV' and ob.type == 'MESH': layout.prop_search(md, "uv_layer", ob.data, "uv_textures") def WAVE(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Motion:")) col.prop(md, "use_x") col.prop(md, "use_y") col.prop(md, "use_cyclic") col = split.column() col.prop(md, "use_normal") sub = col.column() sub.active = md.use_normal sub.prop(md, "use_normal_x", text="X") sub.prop(md, "use_normal_y", text="Y") sub.prop(md, "use_normal_z", text="Z") split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Time:")) sub = col.column(align=True) sub.prop(md, "time_offset", text=_("Offset")) sub.prop(md, "lifetime", text=_("Life")) col.prop(md, "damping_time", text=_("Damping")) col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Position:")) sub = col.column(align=True) sub.prop(md, "start_position_x", text="X") sub.prop(md, "start_position_y", text="Y") col.prop(md, "falloff_radius", text=_("Falloff")) layout.separator() layout.prop(md, "start_position_object") layout.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups") split = layout.split(percentage=0.33) col = split.column() col.label(text=_("Texture")) col = split.column() col.template_ID(md, "texture", new="texture.new") layout.prop(md, "texture_coords") if md.texture_coords == 'MAP_UV' and ob.type == 'MESH': layout.prop_search(md, "uv_layer", ob.data, "uv_textures") elif md.texture_coords == 'OBJECT': layout.prop(md, "texture_coords_object") layout.separator() split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(md, "speed", slider=True) col.prop(md, "height", slider=True) col = split.column() col.prop(md, "width", slider=True) col.prop(md, "narrowness", slider=True) @staticmethod def vertex_weight_mask(layout, ob, md): layout.label(text="Influence/Mask Options:") split = layout.split(percentage=0.4) split.label(text="Global Influence:") split.prop(md, "mask_constant", text="") if not md.mask_texture: split = layout.split(percentage=0.4) split.label(text="Vertex Group Mask:") split.prop_search(md, "mask_vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") if not md.mask_vertex_group: split = layout.split(percentage=0.4) split.label(text="Texture Mask:") split.template_ID(md, "mask_texture", new="texture.new") if md.mask_texture: split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text="Texture Coordinates:") col.prop(md, "mask_tex_mapping", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text="Use Channel:") col.prop(md, "mask_tex_use_channel", text="") if md.mask_tex_mapping == 'OBJECT': layout.prop(md, "mask_tex_map_object", text="Object") elif md.mask_tex_mapping == 'UV' and ob.type == 'MESH': layout.prop_search(md, "mask_tex_uv_layer", ob.data, "uv_textures") def VERTEX_WEIGHT_EDIT(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text="Vertex Group:") col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text="Default Weight:") col.prop(md, "default_weight", text="") layout.prop(md, "falloff_type") if md.falloff_type == 'CURVE': col = layout.column() col.template_curve_mapping(md, "map_curve") split = layout.split(percentage=0.4) split.prop(md, "use_add") row = split.row() row.active = md.use_add row.prop(md, "add_threshold") split = layout.split(percentage=0.4) split.prop(md, "use_remove") row = split.row() row.active = md.use_remove row.prop(md, "remove_threshold") # Common mask options layout.separator() self.vertex_weight_mask(layout, ob, md) def VERTEX_WEIGHT_MIX(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text="Vertex Group A:") col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group_a", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") col.label(text="Default Weight A:") col.prop(md, "default_weight_a", text="") col.label(text="Mix Mode:") col.prop(md, "mix_mode", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text="Vertex Group B:") col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group_b", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") col.label(text="Default Weight B:") col.prop(md, "default_weight_b", text="") col.label(text="Mix Set:") col.prop(md, "mix_set", text="") # Common mask options layout.separator() self.vertex_weight_mask(layout, ob, md) def VERTEX_WEIGHT_PROXIMITY(self, layout, ob, md): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text="Vertex Group:") col.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="") col = split.column() col.label(text="Target Object:") col.prop(md, "target", text="") layout.row().prop(md, "proximity_mode", expand=True) if md.proximity_mode == 'GEOMETRY': layout.row().prop(md, "proximity_geometry", expand=True) row = layout.row() row.prop(md, "min_dist") row.prop(md, "max_dist") layout.prop(md, "falloff_type") # Common mask options layout.separator() self.vertex_weight_mask(layout, ob, md) if __name__ == "__main__": # only for live edit. bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)