# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy import os from bpy.types import Operator from mathutils import Vector, Matrix def CLIP_spaces_walk(context, all_screens, tarea, tspace, callback, *args): screens = bpy.data.screens if all_screens else [context.screen] for screen in screens: for area in screen.areas: if area.type == tarea: for space in area.spaces: if space.type == tspace: callback(space, *args) def CLIP_set_viewport_background(context, all_screens, clip, clip_user): def set_background(space_v3d, clip, user): bgpic = None for x in space_v3d.background_images: if x.source == 'MOVIE_CLIP': bgpic = x break if not bgpic: bgpic = space_v3d.background_images.new() bgpic.source = 'MOVIE_CLIP' bgpic.clip = clip bgpic.clip_user.proxy_render_size = user.proxy_render_size bgpic.clip_user.use_render_undistorted = True bgpic.use_camera_clip = False bgpic.view_axis = 'CAMERA' space_v3d.show_background_images = True CLIP_spaces_walk(context, all_screens, 'VIEW_3D', 'VIEW_3D', set_background, clip, clip_user) def CLIP_camera_for_clip(context, clip): scene = context.scene camera = scene.camera for ob in scene.objects: if ob.type == 'CAMERA': for con in ob.constraints: if con.type == 'CAMERA_SOLVER': cur_clip = scene.active_clip if con.use_active_clip else con.clip if cur_clip == clip: return ob return camera def CLIP_track_view_selected(sc, track): if track.select_anchor: return True if sc.show_marker_pattern and track.select_pattern: return True if sc.show_marker_search and track.select_search: return True return False def CLIP_default_settings_from_track(clip, track, framenr): settings = clip.tracking.settings width = clip.size[0] height = clip.size[1] marker = track.markers.find_frame(framenr, False) pattern_bb = marker.pattern_bound_box pattern = Vector(pattern_bb[1]) - Vector(pattern_bb[0]) search = marker.search_max - marker.search_min pattern[0] = pattern[0] * width pattern[1] = pattern[1] * height search[0] = search[0] * width search[1] = search[1] * height settings.default_correlation_min = track.correlation_min settings.default_pattern_size = max(pattern[0], pattern[1]) settings.default_search_size = max(search[0], search[1]) settings.default_frames_limit = track.frames_limit settings.default_pattern_match = track.pattern_match settings.default_margin = track.margin settings.default_motion_model = track.motion_model settings.use_default_brute = track.use_brute settings.use_default_normalization = track.use_normalization settings.use_default_mask = track.use_mask settings.use_default_red_channel = track.use_red_channel settings.use_default_green_channel = track.use_green_channel settings.use_default_blue_channel = track.use_blue_channel settings.default_weight = track.weight class CLIP_OT_track_to_empty(Operator): """Create an Empty object which will be copying movement of active track""" bl_idname = "clip.track_to_empty" bl_label = "Link Empty to Track" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def _link_track(self, context, clip, tracking_object, track): sc = context.space_data constraint = None ob = None ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name=track.name, object_data=None) ob.select = True context.scene.objects.link(ob) context.scene.objects.active = ob for con in ob.constraints: if con.type == 'FOLLOW_TRACK': constraint = con break if constraint is None: constraint = ob.constraints.new(type='FOLLOW_TRACK') constraint.use_active_clip = False constraint.clip = sc.clip constraint.track = track.name constraint.use_3d_position = False constraint.object = tracking_object.name constraint.camera = CLIP_camera_for_clip(context, clip) def execute(self, context): sc = context.space_data clip = sc.clip tracking_object = clip.tracking.objects.active for track in tracking_object.tracks: if CLIP_track_view_selected(sc, track): self._link_track(context, clip, tracking_object, track) return {'FINISHED'} class CLIP_OT_bundles_to_mesh(Operator): """Create vertex cloud using coordinates of reconstructed tracks""" bl_idname = "clip.bundles_to_mesh" bl_label = "3D Markers to Mesh" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): sc = context.space_data return (sc.type == 'CLIP_EDITOR') and sc.clip def execute(self, context): from bpy_extras.io_utils import unpack_list sc = context.space_data clip = sc.clip tracking_object = clip.tracking.objects.active new_verts = [] scene = context.scene camera = scene.camera matrix = Matrix.Identity(4) if camera: reconstruction = tracking_object.reconstruction framenr = scene.frame_current - clip.frame_start + 1 reconstructed_matrix = reconstruction.cameras.matrix_from_frame(framenr) matrix = camera.matrix_world * reconstructed_matrix.inverted() mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name="Tracks") for track in tracking_object.tracks: if track.has_bundle: new_verts.append(track.bundle) if new_verts: mesh.vertices.add(len(new_verts)) mesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", unpack_list(new_verts)) ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name="Tracks", object_data=mesh) ob.matrix_world = matrix context.scene.objects.link(ob) return {'FINISHED'} class CLIP_OT_delete_proxy(Operator): """Delete movie clip proxy files from the hard drive""" bl_idname = "clip.delete_proxy" bl_label = "Delete Proxy" bl_options = {'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): if context.space_data.type != 'CLIP_EDITOR': return False sc = context.space_data return sc.clip def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_confirm(self, event) def _rmproxy(self, abspath): import shutil if not os.path.exists(abspath): return if os.path.isdir(abspath): shutil.rmtree(abspath) else: os.remove(abspath) def execute(self, context): sc = context.space_data clip = sc.clip if clip.use_proxy_custom_directory: proxydir = clip.proxy.directory else: clipdir = os.path.dirname(clip.filepath) proxydir = os.path.join(clipdir, "BL_proxy") clipfile = os.path.basename(clip.filepath) proxy = os.path.join(proxydir, clipfile) absproxy = bpy.path.abspath(proxy) # proxy_[_undostorted] for x in (25, 50, 75, 100): d = os.path.join(absproxy, "proxy_%d" % x) self._rmproxy(d) self._rmproxy(d + "_undistorted") self._rmproxy(os.path.join(absproxy, "proxy_%d.avi" % x)) tc = ("free_run.blen_tc", "interp_free_run.blen_tc", "record_run.blen_tc") for x in tc: self._rmproxy(os.path.join(absproxy, x)) # remove proxy per-clip directory try: os.rmdir(absproxy) except OSError: pass # remove [custom] proxy directory if empty try: absdir = bpy.path.abspath(proxydir) os.rmdir(absdir) except OSError: pass return {'FINISHED'} class CLIP_OT_set_viewport_background(Operator): """Set current movie clip as a camera background in 3D view-port """ \ """(works only when a 3D view-port is visible)""" bl_idname = "clip.set_viewport_background" bl_label = "Set as Background" bl_options = {'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): if context.space_data.type != 'CLIP_EDITOR': return False sc = context.space_data return sc.clip def execute(self, context): sc = context.space_data CLIP_set_viewport_background(context, False, sc.clip, sc.clip_user) return {'FINISHED'} class CLIP_OT_constraint_to_fcurve(Operator): """Create F-Curves for object which will copy \ object's movement caused by this constraint""" bl_idname = "clip.constraint_to_fcurve" bl_label = "Constraint to F-Curve" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def _bake_object(self, scene, ob): con = None clip = None sfra = None efra = None frame_current = scene.frame_current matrices = [] # Find constraint which would be converting # TODO: several camera solvers and track followers would fail, # but can't think about real work-flow where it'll be useful for x in ob.constraints: if x.type in {'CAMERA_SOLVER', 'FOLLOW_TRACK', 'OBJECT_SOLVER'}: con = x if not con: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Motion Tracking constraint to be converted not found") return {'CANCELLED'} # Get clip used for parenting if con.use_active_clip: clip = scene.active_clip else: clip = con.clip if not clip: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Movie clip to use tracking data from isn't set") return {'CANCELLED'} if con.type == 'FOLLOW_TRACK' and con.use_3d_position: mat = ob.matrix_world.copy() ob.constraints.remove(con) ob.matrix_world = mat return {'FINISHED'} # Find start and end frames for track in clip.tracking.tracks: if sfra is None: sfra = track.markers[0].frame else: sfra = min(sfra, track.markers[0].frame) if efra is None: efra = track.markers[-1].frame else: efra = max(efra, track.markers[-1].frame) if sfra is None or efra is None: return # Store object matrices for x in range(sfra, efra + 1): scene.frame_set(x) matrices.append(ob.matrix_world.copy()) ob.animation_data_create() # Apply matrices on object and insert key-frames i = 0 for x in range(sfra, efra + 1): scene.frame_set(x) ob.matrix_world = matrices[i] ob.keyframe_insert("location") if ob.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION': ob.keyframe_insert("rotation_quaternion") else: ob.keyframe_insert("rotation_euler") i += 1 ob.constraints.remove(con) scene.frame_set(frame_current) def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene # XXX, should probably use context.selected_editable_objects # since selected objects can be from a lib or in hidden layer! for ob in scene.objects: if ob.select: self._bake_object(scene, ob) return {'FINISHED'} class CLIP_OT_setup_tracking_scene(Operator): """Prepare scene for compositing 3D objects into this footage""" bl_idname = "clip.setup_tracking_scene" bl_label = "Setup Tracking Scene" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): sc = context.space_data if sc.type != 'CLIP_EDITOR': return False clip = sc.clip return clip and clip.tracking.reconstruction.is_valid @staticmethod def _setupScene(context): scene = context.scene scene.active_clip = context.space_data.clip @staticmethod def _setupWorld(context): scene = context.scene world = scene.world if not world: world = bpy.data.worlds.new(name="World") scene.world = world world.light_settings.use_ambient_occlusion = True world.light_settings.ao_blend_type = 'MULTIPLY' world.light_settings.use_environment_light = True world.light_settings.environment_energy = 0.1 world.light_settings.distance = 1.0 world.light_settings.sample_method = 'ADAPTIVE_QMC' world.light_settings.samples = 7 world.light_settings.threshold = 0.005 @staticmethod def _findOrCreateCamera(context): scene = context.scene if scene.camera: return scene.camera cam = bpy.data.cameras.new(name="Camera") camob = bpy.data.objects.new(name="Camera", object_data=cam) scene.objects.link(camob) scene.camera = camob camob.matrix_local = (Matrix.Translation((7.481, -6.508, 5.344)) * Matrix.Rotation(0.815, 4, 'Z') * Matrix.Rotation(0.011, 4, 'Y') * Matrix.Rotation(1.109, 4, 'X')) return camob @staticmethod def _setupCamera(context): sc = context.space_data clip = sc.clip tracking = clip.tracking camob = CLIP_OT_setup_tracking_scene._findOrCreateCamera(context) cam = camob.data # Remove all constraints to be sure motion is fine camob.constraints.clear() # Append camera solver constraint con = camob.constraints.new(type='CAMERA_SOLVER') con.use_active_clip = True con.influence = 1.0 cam.sensor_width = tracking.camera.sensor_width cam.lens = tracking.camera.focal_length @staticmethod def _setupViewport(context): sc = context.space_data CLIP_set_viewport_background(context, True, sc.clip, sc.clip_user) @staticmethod def _setupRenderLayers(context): scene = context.scene rlayers = scene.render.layers if not scene.render.layers.get("Foreground"): if len(rlayers) == 1: fg = rlayers[0] fg.name = 'Foreground' else: fg = scene.render.layers.new("Foreground") fg.use_sky = False fg.layers = [True] + [False] * 19 fg.layers_zmask = [False] * 10 + [True] + [False] * 9 fg.use_pass_vector = True if not scene.render.layers.get("Background"): bg = scene.render.layers.new("Background") bg.use_pass_shadow = True bg.use_pass_ambient_occlusion = True bg.layers = [False] * 10 + [True] + [False] * 9 @staticmethod def _wipeDefaultNodes(tree): if len(tree.nodes) != 2: return False types = [node.type for node in tree.nodes] types.sort() if types[0] == 'COMPOSITE' and types[1] == 'R_LAYERS': while tree.nodes: tree.nodes.remove(tree.nodes[0]) @staticmethod def _findNode(tree, type): for node in tree.nodes: if node.type == type: return node return None @staticmethod def _findOrCreateNode(tree, type): node = CLIP_OT_setup_tracking_scene._findNode(tree, type) if not node: node = tree.nodes.new(type=type) return node @staticmethod def _needSetupNodes(context): scene = context.scene tree = scene.node_tree if not tree: # No compositor node tree found, time to create it! return True for node in tree.nodes: if node.type in {'MOVIECLIP', 'MOVIEDISTORTION'}: return False return True @staticmethod def _offsetNodes(tree): for a in tree.nodes: for b in tree.nodes: if a != b and a.location == b.location: b.location += Vector((40.0, 20.0)) def _setupNodes(self, context): if not self._needSetupNodes(context): # compositor nodes were already setup or even changes already # do nothing to prevent nodes damage return # Enable backdrop for all compositor spaces def setup_space(space): space.show_backdrop = True CLIP_spaces_walk(context, True, 'NODE_EDITOR', 'NODE_EDITOR', setup_space) sc = context.space_data scene = context.scene scene.use_nodes = True tree = scene.node_tree clip = sc.clip need_stabilization = False # Remove all the nodes if they came from default node setup. # This is simplest way to make it so final node setup is # is correct. self._wipeDefaultNodes(tree) # create nodes rlayer_fg = self._findOrCreateNode(tree, 'CompositorNodeRLayers') rlayer_bg = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeRLayers') composite = self._findOrCreateNode(tree, 'CompositorNodeComposite') movieclip = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeMovieClip') distortion = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeMovieDistortion') if need_stabilization: stabilize = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeStabilize2D') scale = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeScale') invert = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeInvert') add_ao = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeMixRGB') add_shadow = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeMixRGB') mul_shadow = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeMixRGB') mul_image = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeMixRGB') vector_blur = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeVecBlur') alphaover = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeAlphaOver') viewer = tree.nodes.new(type='CompositorNodeViewer') # setup nodes movieclip.clip = clip distortion.clip = clip distortion.distortion_type = 'UNDISTORT' if need_stabilization: stabilize.clip = clip scale.space = 'RENDER_SIZE' rlayer_bg.scene = scene rlayer_bg.layer = "Background" rlayer_fg.scene = scene rlayer_fg.layer = "Foreground" add_ao.blend_type = 'ADD' add_ao.show_preview = False add_shadow.blend_type = 'ADD' add_shadow.show_preview = False mul_shadow.blend_type = 'MULTIPLY' mul_shadow.inputs["Fac"].default_value = 0.8 mul_shadow.show_preview = False mul_image.blend_type = 'MULTIPLY' mul_image.inputs["Fac"].default_value = 0.8 mul_image.show_preview = False vector_blur.factor = 0.75 # create links tree.links.new(movieclip.outputs["Image"], distortion.inputs["Image"]) if need_stabilization: tree.links.new(distortion.outputs["Image"], stabilize.inputs["Image"]) tree.links.new(stabilize.outputs["Image"], scale.inputs["Image"]) else: tree.links.new(distortion.outputs["Image"], scale.inputs["Image"]) tree.links.new(rlayer_bg.outputs["Alpha"], invert.inputs["Color"]) tree.links.new(invert.outputs["Color"], add_shadow.inputs[1]) tree.links.new(rlayer_bg.outputs["Shadow"], add_shadow.inputs[2]) tree.links.new(invert.outputs["Color"], add_ao.inputs[1]) tree.links.new(rlayer_bg.outputs["AO"], add_ao.inputs[2]) tree.links.new(add_ao.outputs["Image"], mul_shadow.inputs[1]) tree.links.new(add_shadow.outputs["Image"], mul_shadow.inputs[2]) tree.links.new(scale.outputs["Image"], mul_image.inputs[1]) tree.links.new(mul_shadow.outputs["Image"], mul_image.inputs[2]) tree.links.new(rlayer_fg.outputs["Image"], vector_blur.inputs["Image"]) tree.links.new(rlayer_fg.outputs["Z"], vector_blur.inputs["Z"]) tree.links.new(rlayer_fg.outputs["Speed"], vector_blur.inputs["Speed"]) tree.links.new(mul_image.outputs["Image"], alphaover.inputs[1]) tree.links.new(vector_blur.outputs["Image"], alphaover.inputs[2]) tree.links.new(alphaover.outputs["Image"], composite.inputs["Image"]) tree.links.new(alphaover.outputs["Image"], viewer.inputs["Image"]) # place nodes movieclip.location = Vector((-300.0, 350.0)) distortion.location = movieclip.location distortion.location += Vector((200.0, 0.0)) if need_stabilization: stabilize.location = distortion.location stabilize.location += Vector((200.0, 0.0)) scale.location = stabilize.location scale.location += Vector((200.0, 0.0)) else: scale.location = distortion.location scale.location += Vector((200.0, 0.0)) rlayer_bg.location = movieclip.location rlayer_bg.location -= Vector((0.0, 350.0)) invert.location = rlayer_bg.location invert.location += Vector((250.0, 50.0)) add_ao.location = invert.location add_ao.location[0] += 200 add_ao.location[1] = rlayer_bg.location[1] add_shadow.location = add_ao.location add_shadow.location -= Vector((0.0, 250.0)) mul_shadow.location = add_ao.location mul_shadow.location += Vector((200.0, -50.0)) mul_image.location = mul_shadow.location mul_image.location += Vector((300.0, 200.0)) rlayer_fg.location = rlayer_bg.location rlayer_fg.location -= Vector((0.0, 500.0)) vector_blur.location[0] = mul_image.location[0] vector_blur.location[1] = rlayer_fg.location[1] alphaover.location[0] = vector_blur.location[0] + 350 alphaover.location[1] = \ (vector_blur.location[1] + mul_image.location[1]) / 2 composite.location = alphaover.location composite.location += Vector((200.0, -100.0)) viewer.location = composite.location composite.location += Vector((0.0, 200.0)) # ensure no nodes were creates on position of existing node self._offsetNodes(tree) scene.render.alpha_mode = 'TRANSPARENT' if hasattr(scene, 'cycles'): scene.cycles.film_transparent = True @staticmethod def _createMesh(scene, name, vertices, faces): from bpy_extras.io_utils import unpack_list mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name=name) mesh.vertices.add(len(vertices)) mesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", unpack_list(vertices)) nbr_loops = len(faces) nbr_polys = nbr_loops // 4 mesh.loops.add(nbr_loops) mesh.polygons.add(nbr_polys) mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", range(0, nbr_loops, 4)) mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (4,) * nbr_polys) mesh.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index", faces) mesh.update() ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name=name, object_data=mesh) scene.objects.link(ob) return ob @staticmethod def _getPlaneVertices(half_size, z): return [(-half_size, -half_size, z), (-half_size, half_size, z), (half_size, half_size, z), (half_size, -half_size, z)] def _createGround(self, scene): vertices = self._getPlaneVertices(4.0, 0.0) faces = [0, 1, 2, 3] ob = self._createMesh(scene, "Ground", vertices, faces) ob["is_ground"] = True return ob @staticmethod def _findGround(context): scene = context.scene for ob in scene.objects: if ob.type == 'MESH' and "is_ground" in ob: return ob return None @staticmethod def _mergeLayers(layers_a, layers_b): return [(layers_a[i] | layers_b[i]) for i in range(len(layers_a))] @staticmethod def _createLamp(scene): lamp = bpy.data.lamps.new(name="Lamp", type='POINT') lampob = bpy.data.objects.new(name="Lamp", object_data=lamp) scene.objects.link(lampob) lampob.matrix_local = Matrix.Translation((4.076, 1.005, 5.904)) lamp.distance = 30 lamp.shadow_method = 'RAY_SHADOW' return lampob def _createSampleObject(self, scene): vertices = self._getPlaneVertices(1.0, -1.0) + \ self._getPlaneVertices(1.0, 1.0) faces = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 6, 5, 0, 4, 5, 1, 1, 5, 6, 2, 2, 6, 7, 3, 3, 7, 4, 0) return self._createMesh(scene, "Cube", vertices, faces) def _setupObjects(self, context): scene = context.scene fg = scene.render.layers.get("Foreground") bg = scene.render.layers.get("Background") all_layers = self._mergeLayers(fg.layers, bg.layers) # ensure all lamps are active on foreground and background has_lamp = False has_mesh = False for ob in scene.objects: if ob.type == 'LAMP': ob.layers = all_layers has_lamp = True elif ob.type == 'MESH' and "is_ground" not in ob: has_mesh = True # create sample lamp if there's no lamps in the scene if not has_lamp: lamp = self._createLamp(scene) lamp.layers = all_layers # create sample object if there's no meshes in the scene if not has_mesh: ob = self._createSampleObject(scene) ob.layers = fg.layers # create ground object if needed ground = self._findGround(context) if not ground: ground = self._createGround(scene) ground.layers = bg.layers else: # make sure ground is available on Background layer ground.layers = self._mergeLayers(ground.layers, bg.layers) # layers with background and foreground should be rendered scene.layers = self._mergeLayers(scene.layers, all_layers) def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene current_active_layer = scene.active_layer self._setupScene(context) self._setupWorld(context) self._setupCamera(context) self._setupViewport(context) self._setupRenderLayers(context) self._setupNodes(context) self._setupObjects(context) # Active layer has probably changed, set it back to the original value. # NOTE: The active layer is always true. scene.layers[current_active_layer] = True return {'FINISHED'} class CLIP_OT_track_settings_as_default(Operator): """Copy tracking settings from active track to default settings""" bl_idname = "clip.track_settings_as_default" bl_label = "Track Settings As Default" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): sc = context.space_data if sc.type != 'CLIP_EDITOR': return False clip = sc.clip return clip and clip.tracking.tracks.active def execute(self, context): sc = context.space_data clip = sc.clip track = clip.tracking.tracks.active framenr = context.scene.frame_current - clip.frame_start + 1 CLIP_default_settings_from_track(clip, track, framenr) return {'FINISHED'}