#!BPY """ Registration info for Blender menus: Name: 'AC3D (.ac)...' Blender: 236 Group: 'Import' Tip: 'Import an AC3D (.ac) file.' """ __author__ = "Willian P. Germano" __url__ = ("blender", "elysiun", "AC3D's homepage, http://www.ac3d.org", "PLib 3d gaming lib, http://plib.sf.net") __version__ = "2.36 2005-04-14" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script imports AC3D models into Blender. AC3D is a simple and affordable commercial 3d modeller also built with OpenGL. The .ac file format is an easy to parse text format well supported, for example, by the PLib 3d gaming library. Supported:
UV-textured meshes with hierarchy (grouping) information. Missing:
The url tag is irrelevant for Blender. Known issues:
None. Config Options:
- group (toggle): if "on", grouped objects in the .ac file are parented to Empties. - textures dir (string): if non blank, when imported texture paths are wrong in the .ac file, Blender will also look for them at this dir. Notes:
- when looking for assigned textures, Blender tries in order: the actual paths from the .ac file, the .ac file's dir and the default textures dir path users can configure (see config options above). """ # $Id$ # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AC3DImport version 2.36 Apr 14, 2005 # Program versions: Blender 2.36+ and AC3Db files (means version 0xb) # changed: updated to use the Scripts Config Editor facilities # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Copyright (C) 2005: Willian P. Germano, wgermano _at_ ig.com.br # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note: # Blender doesn't handle n-gons (polygons with more than 4 vertices): # The script triangulates them, but concave polygons come out wrong and need # fixing. Avoiding or triangulating concave n-gons in AC3D is a simple way to # avoid problems. import Blender from Blender import Registry from Blender.sys import dirsep # Default folder for AC3D textures, to override wrong paths, change to your # liking or leave as "": TEXTURES_DIR = "" # Set 'GROUP' to True to make Blender group imported objects using Empties, # to reproduce the object hierarchy in the .ac file GROUP = False tooltips = { 'TEXTURES_DIR': 'additional dir to look for missing textures', 'GROUP': 'mimick grouping information by parenting grouped meshes to empties' } def update_registry(): global GROUP, TEXTURES_DIR rd = dict([('GROUP', GROUP), ('TEXTURES_DIR', TEXTURES_DIR)]) Registry.SetKey('ac3d_import', rd, True) rd = Registry.GetKey('ac3d_import', True) if rd: TEXTURES_DIR = rd['TEXTURES_DIR'] GROUP = rd['GROUP'] else: update_registry() if TEXTURES_DIR: oldtexdir = TEXTURES_DIR if dirsep == '/': TEXTURES_DIR = TEXTURES_DIR.replace('\\', '/') if TEXTURES_DIR[-1] != dirsep: TEXTURES_DIR = "%s%s" % (TEXTURES_DIR, dirsep) if oldtexdir != TEXTURES_DIR: update_registry() VERBOSE = True rd = Registry.GetKey('General', True) if rd: if rd.has_key('verbose'): VERBOSE = rd['verbose'] errmsg = "" def inform(msg): global VERBOSE if VERBOSE: print msg class Obj: def __init__(self, type): self.type = type self.dad = None self.name = '' self.data = '' self.tex = '' self.texrep = [1,1] self.texoff = None self.loc = [0, 0, 0] self.rot = [] self.crease = 30 self.vlist = [] self.flist = [] self.matlist = [] self.kids = 0 class AC3DImport: def __init__(self, filename): global errmsg self.i = 0 errmsg = '' self.importdir = Blender.sys.dirname(filename) try: file = open(filename, 'r') except IOError, (errno, strerror): errmsg = "IOError #%s: %s" % (errno, strerror) Blender.Draw.PupMenu('ERROR: %s' % errmsg) inform(errmsg) return None header = file.read(5) header, version = header[:4], header[-1] if header != 'AC3D': file.close() errmsg = 'AC3D header not found (invalid file)' Blender.Draw.PupMenu('ERROR: %s' % errmsg) inform(errmsg) return None elif version != 'b': inform('AC3D file version 0x%s.' % version) inform('This importer is for version 0xb, so it may fail.') self.token = {'OBJECT': self.parse_obj, 'numvert': self.parse_vert, 'numsurf': self.parse_surf, 'name': self.parse_name, 'data': self.parse_data, 'kids': self.parse_kids, 'loc': self.parse_loc, 'rot': self.parse_rot, 'MATERIAL': self.parse_mat, 'texture': self.parse_tex, 'texrep': self.parse_texrep, 'texoff': self.parse_texoff, 'crease': self.parse_crease} self.objlist = [] self.mlist = [] self.dads = [] self.kids = [] self.dad = None self.lines = file.readlines() self.lines.append('') self.parse_file() file.close() self.testAC3DImport() def parse_obj(self, value): if self.kids: while not self.kids[-1]: self.kids.pop() self.dad = self.dad.dad self.kids[-1] -= 1 new = Obj(value) new.dad = self.dad new.name = value self.objlist.append(new) def parse_kids(self, value): kids = int(value) if kids: self.kids.append(kids) self.dad = self.objlist[-1] self.objlist[-1].kids = kids def parse_name(self, value): name = value.split('"')[1] self.objlist[-1].name = name def parse_data(self, value): data = self.lines[self.i].strip() self.objlist[-1].data = data def parse_tex(self, value): texture = value.split('"')[1] self.objlist[-1].tex = texture def parse_texrep(self, trash): trep = self.lines[self.i - 1] trep = trep.split() trep = [float(trep[1]), float(trep[2])] self.objlist[-1].texrep = trep self.objlist[-1].texoff = [0, 0] def parse_texoff(self, trash): toff = self.lines[self.i - 1] toff = toff.split() toff = [float(toff[1]), float(toff[2])] self.objlist[-1].texoff = toff def parse_mat(self, value): i = self.i - 1 lines = self.lines line = lines[i].split() mat_name = '' mat_col = mat_amb = mat_emit = mat_spec_col = [0,0,0] mat_alpha = 1 mat_spec = 1.0 while line[0] == 'MATERIAL': mat_name = line[1].split('"')[1] mat_col = map(float,[line[3],line[4],line[5]]) v = map(float,[line[7],line[8],line[9]]) mat_amb = (v[0]+v[1]+v[2]) / 3.0 v = map(float,[line[11],line[12],line[13]]) mat_emit = (v[0]+v[1]+v[2]) / 3.0 mat_spec_col = map(float,[line[15],line[16],line[17]]) mat_spec = float(line[19]) / 64.0 mat_alpha = float(line[-1]) mat_alpha = 1 - mat_alpha self.mlist.append([mat_name, mat_col, mat_amb, mat_emit, mat_spec_col, mat_spec, mat_alpha]) i += 1 line = lines[i].split() self.i = i def parse_rot(self, trash): i = self.i - 1 rot = self.lines[i].split(' ', 1)[1] rot = map(float, rot.split()) self.objlist[-1].rot = rot def parse_loc(self, trash): i = self.i - 1 loc = self.lines[i].split(' ', 1)[1] loc = map(float, loc.split()) self.objlist[-1].loc = loc def parse_crease(self, value): # AC3D: range is [0.0, 180.0]; Blender: [1, 80] try: value = int(value) except ValueError: value = int(float(value)) # duh self.objlist[-1].crease = value def parse_vert(self, value): i = self.i lines = self.lines obj = self.objlist[-1] vlist = obj.vlist n = int(value) while n: line = lines[i].split() line = map(float, line) vlist.append(line) n -= 1 i += 1 self.i = i rot = obj.rot if rot: nv = len(vlist) for j in range(nv): v = vlist[j] t = [0,0,0] t[0] = rot[0]*v[0] + rot[3]*v[1] + rot[6]*v[2] t[1] = rot[1]*v[0] + rot[4]*v[1] + rot[7]*v[2] t[2] = rot[2]*v[0] + rot[5]*v[1] + rot[8]*v[2] vlist[j] = t loc = obj.loc dad = obj.dad while dad: for j in [0, 1, 2]: loc[j] += dad.loc[j] dad = dad.dad for v in vlist: for j in [0, 1, 2]: v[j] += loc[j] def parse_surf(self, value): i = self.i is_smooth = 0 double_sided = 0 lines = self.lines obj = self.objlist[-1] matlist = obj.matlist numsurf = int(value) while numsurf: flags = lines[i].split() flaglow = 0 if len(flags[1]) > 3: flaglow = int(flags[1][3]) flaghigh = int(flags[1][2]) is_smooth = flaghigh & 1 twoside = flaghigh & 2 mat = lines[i+1].split() mat = int(mat[1]) if not mat in matlist: matlist.append(mat) refs = lines[i+2].split() refs = int(refs[1]) i += 3 face = [] faces = [] fuv = [] rfs = refs while rfs: line = lines[i].split() v = int(line[0]) uv = [float(line[1]), float(line[2])] face.append([v, uv]) rfs -= 1 i += 1 if flaglow: while len(face) >= 2: cut = face[:2] faces.append(cut) face = face[1:] if flaglow == 1: face = [faces[-1][-1], faces[0][0]] faces.append(face) else: while len(face) > 4: cut = face[:4] face = face[3:] face.insert(0, cut[0]) faces.append(cut) faces.append(face) for f in faces: f.append(mat) f.append(is_smooth) f.append(twoside) self.objlist[-1].flist.append(f) numsurf -= 1 self.i = i def parse_file(self): i = 1 lines = self.lines line = lines[i].split() while line: kw = '' for k in self.token.keys(): if line[0] == k: kw = k break i += 1 if kw: self.i = i self.token[kw](line[1]) i = self.i line = lines[i].split() def testAC3DImport(self): global GROUP scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() bmat = [] for mat in self.mlist: name = mat[0] m = Blender.Material.New(name) m.rgbCol = (mat[1][0], mat[1][1], mat[1][2]) m.amb = mat[2] m.emit = mat[3] m.specCol = (mat[4][0], mat[4][1], mat[4][2]) m.spec = mat[5] m.alpha = mat[6] bmat.append(m) for obj in self.objlist: if obj.type == 'world': continue elif obj.type == 'group': if not GROUP: continue empty = Blender.Object.New('Empty') empty.name = obj.name scene.link(empty) if self.dads: dadobj = Blender.Object.get(self.dads.pop()) dadobj.makeParent([empty]) while obj.kids: self.dads.append(empty.name) obj.kids -= 1 continue mesh = Blender.NMesh.New() if obj.data: mesh.name = obj.data mesh.setMaxSmoothAngle(obj.crease) # will clamp to [1, 80] mesh.hasFaceUV(1) tex = None if obj.tex != '': try: tex = Blender.Image.Load(obj.tex) # Commented because it's unnecessary: #tex.xrep = int(obj.texrep[0]) #tex.yrep = int(obj.texrep[1]) except: basetexname = Blender.sys.basename(obj.tex) try: obj.tex = self.importdir + '/' + basetexname tex = Blender.Image.Load(obj.tex) except: try: obj.tex = TEXTURES_DIR + basetexname tex = Blender.Image.Load(obj.tex) except: inform("Couldn't load texture: %s" % basetexname) for v in obj.vlist: bvert = Blender.NMesh.Vert(v[0],v[1],v[2]) mesh.verts.append(bvert) objmat_indices = [] for mat in bmat: if bmat.index(mat) in obj.matlist: objmat_indices.append(bmat.index(mat)) mesh.materials.append(mat) for f in obj.flist: twoside = f[-1] is_smooth = f[-2] fmat = f[-3] f=f[:-3] bface = Blender.NMesh.Face() bface.smooth = is_smooth if twoside: bface.mode |= Blender.NMesh.FaceModes['TWOSIDE'] if tex: bface.mode |= Blender.NMesh.FaceModes['TEX'] bface.image = tex bface.materialIndex = objmat_indices.index(fmat) if obj.texoff: uoff = obj.texoff[0] voff = obj.texoff[1] urep = obj.texrep[0] vrep = obj.texrep[1] for vi in range(len(f)): f[vi][1][0] *= urep f[vi][1][1] *= vrep f[vi][1][0] += uoff f[vi][1][1] += voff for vi in range(len(f)): bface.v.append(mesh.verts[f[vi][0]]) bface.uv.append((f[vi][1][0], f[vi][1][1])) mesh.faces.append(bface) mesh.mode = 0 object = Blender.NMesh.PutRaw(mesh) object.setName(obj.name) object.setEuler([1.5707963,0,0]) # align ac3d w/ Blender if self.dads: dadobj = Blender.Object.get(self.dads.pop()) dadobj.makeParent([object]) # End of class AC3DImport def filesel_callback(filename): inform("Trying to import AC3D model(s) from %s ..." % filename) Blender.Window.WaitCursor(1) starttime = Blender.sys.time() test = AC3DImport(filename) Blender.Window.WaitCursor(0) endtime = Blender.sys.time() - starttime inform('... done! Data imported in %.3f seconds.\n' % endtime) Blender.Window.FileSelector(filesel_callback, "Import AC3D", "*.ac")