import bpy class DataButtonsPanel(bpy.types.Panel): __space_type__ = "BUTTONS_WINDOW" __region_type__ = "WINDOW" __context__ = "object" def poll(self, context): ob = context.active_object return (ob != None) class DATA_PT_constraints(DataButtonsPanel): __idname__ = "DATA_PT_constraints" __label__ = "Constraints" def draw(self, context): ob = context.active_object layout = self.layout row = layout.row() row.item_menu_enumO("OBJECT_OT_constraint_add", "type") row.itemL(); for con in ob.constraints: box = layout.template_constraint(con) if box: if con.type == 'COPY_LOCATION': self.copy_location(box, con) def target_template(self, layout, con, subtargets=True): layout.itemR(con, "target") # XXX limiting settings for only 'curves' or some type of object if and subtargets: if == "ARMATURE": layout.itemR(con, "subtarget", text="Bone") # XXX autocomplete row = layout.row() row.itemL(text="Head/Tail:") row.itemR(con, "head_tail", text="") elif in ("MESH", "LATTICE"): layout.itemR(con, "subtarget", text="Vertex Group") # XXX autocomplete def copy_location(self, layout, con): self.target_template(layout, con) row = layout.row(align=True) row.itemR(con, "locate_like_x", text="X", toggle=True) row.itemR(con, "invert_x", text="-", toggle=True) row.itemR(con, "locate_like_y", text="Y", toggle=True) row.itemR(con, "invert_y", text="-", toggle=True) row.itemR(con, "locate_like_z", text="Z", toggle=True) row.itemR(con, "invert_z", text="-", toggle=True) layout.itemR(con, "offset") bpy.types.register(DATA_PT_constraints)