/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #undef USE_BAKE_JITTER ccl_device void compute_light_pass(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, PathRadiance *L, RNG rng, const bool is_ao, const bool is_sss, int sample) { /* initialize master radiance accumulator */ kernel_assert(kernel_data.film.use_light_pass); path_radiance_init(L, kernel_data.film.use_light_pass); PathRadiance L_sample; PathState state; Ray ray; float3 throughput = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); bool is_sss_sample = is_sss; ray.P = sd->P + sd->Ng; ray.D = -sd->Ng; ray.t = FLT_MAX; #ifdef __CAMERA_MOTION__ ray.time = TIME_INVALID; #endif /* init radiance */ path_radiance_init(&L_sample, kernel_data.film.use_light_pass); /* init path state */ path_state_init(kg, &state, &rng, sample, NULL); /* evaluate surface shader */ float rbsdf = path_state_rng_1D(kg, &rng, &state, PRNG_BSDF); shader_eval_surface(kg, sd, &state, rbsdf, state.flag, SHADER_CONTEXT_MAIN); /* TODO, disable the closures we won't need */ #ifdef __BRANCHED_PATH__ if(!kernel_data.integrator.branched) { /* regular path tracer */ #endif /* sample ambient occlusion */ if(is_ao) { kernel_path_ao(kg, sd, &L_sample, &state, &rng, throughput); } #ifdef __SUBSURFACE__ /* sample subsurface scattering */ if(is_sss_sample && (sd->flag & SD_BSSRDF)) { /* when mixing BSSRDF and BSDF closures we should skip BSDF lighting if scattering was successful */ SubsurfaceIndirectRays ss_indirect; kernel_path_subsurface_init_indirect(&ss_indirect); if(kernel_path_subsurface_scatter(kg, sd, &L_sample, &state, &rng, &ray, &throughput, &ss_indirect)) { while(ss_indirect.num_rays) { kernel_path_subsurface_setup_indirect(kg, &ss_indirect, &state, &ray, &L_sample, &throughput); kernel_path_indirect(kg, &rng, &ray, throughput, state.num_samples, &state, &L_sample); kernel_path_subsurface_accum_indirect(&ss_indirect, &L_sample); } is_sss_sample = true; } } #endif /* sample light and BSDF */ if((!is_sss_sample) && (!is_ao)) { if(sd->flag & SD_EMISSION) { float3 emission = indirect_primitive_emission(kg, sd, 0.0f, state.flag, state.ray_pdf); path_radiance_accum_emission(&L_sample, throughput, emission, state.bounce); } kernel_path_surface_connect_light(kg, &rng, sd, throughput, &state, &L_sample); if(kernel_path_surface_bounce(kg, &rng, sd, &throughput, &state, &L_sample, &ray)) { #ifdef __LAMP_MIS__ state.ray_t = 0.0f; #endif /* compute indirect light */ kernel_path_indirect(kg, &rng, &ray, throughput, 1, &state, &L_sample); /* sum and reset indirect light pass variables for the next samples */ path_radiance_sum_indirect(&L_sample); path_radiance_reset_indirect(&L_sample); } } #ifdef __BRANCHED_PATH__ } else { /* branched path tracer */ /* sample ambient occlusion */ if(is_ao) { kernel_branched_path_ao(kg, sd, &L_sample, &state, &rng, throughput); } #ifdef __SUBSURFACE__ /* sample subsurface scattering */ if(is_sss_sample && (sd->flag & SD_BSSRDF)) { /* when mixing BSSRDF and BSDF closures we should skip BSDF lighting if scattering was successful */ kernel_branched_path_subsurface_scatter(kg, sd, &L_sample, &state, &rng, &ray, throughput); } #endif /* sample light and BSDF */ if((!is_sss_sample) && (!is_ao)) { if(sd->flag & SD_EMISSION) { float3 emission = indirect_primitive_emission(kg, sd, 0.0f, state.flag, state.ray_pdf); path_radiance_accum_emission(&L_sample, throughput, emission, state.bounce); } #if defined(__EMISSION__) /* direct light */ if(kernel_data.integrator.use_direct_light) { bool all = kernel_data.integrator.sample_all_lights_direct; kernel_branched_path_surface_connect_light(kg, &rng, sd, &state, throughput, 1.0f, &L_sample, all); } #endif /* indirect light */ kernel_branched_path_surface_indirect_light(kg, &rng, sd, throughput, 1.0f, &state, &L_sample); } } #endif /* accumulate into master L */ path_radiance_accum_sample(L, &L_sample, 1); } ccl_device bool is_aa_pass(ShaderEvalType type) { switch(type) { case SHADER_EVAL_UV: case SHADER_EVAL_NORMAL: return false; default: return true; } } /* Keep it synced with BakeManager::is_light_pass. */ ccl_device bool is_light_pass(ShaderEvalType type, const int pass_filter) { switch(type) { case SHADER_EVAL_AO: case SHADER_EVAL_SHADOW: return true; case SHADER_EVAL_DIFFUSE: case SHADER_EVAL_GLOSSY: case SHADER_EVAL_TRANSMISSION: return ((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_DIRECT) != 0) || ((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_INDIRECT) != 0); case SHADER_EVAL_COMBINED: return ((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_AO) != 0) || ((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_EMISSION) != 0) || ((((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_DIRECT) != 0) || ((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_INDIRECT) != 0)) && (((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_DIFFUSE) != 0) || ((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_GLOSSY) != 0) || ((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_TRANSMISSION) != 0) || ((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_SUBSURFACE) != 0))); default: return false; } } /* this helps with AA but it's not the real solution as it does not AA the geometry * but it's better than nothing, thus committed */ ccl_device_inline float bake_clamp_mirror_repeat(float u) { /* use mirror repeat (like opengl texture) so that if the barycentric * coordinate goes past the end of the triangle it is not always clamped * to the same value, gives ugly patterns */ float fu = floorf(u); u = u - fu; return (((int)fu) & 1)? 1.0f - u: u; } ccl_device_inline float3 kernel_bake_shader_bsdf(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, const ShaderEvalType type) { switch(type) { case SHADER_EVAL_DIFFUSE: return shader_bsdf_diffuse(kg, sd); case SHADER_EVAL_GLOSSY: return shader_bsdf_glossy(kg, sd); case SHADER_EVAL_TRANSMISSION: return shader_bsdf_transmission(kg, sd); #ifdef __SUBSURFACE__ case SHADER_EVAL_SUBSURFACE: return shader_bsdf_subsurface(kg, sd); #endif default: kernel_assert(!"Unknown bake type passed to BSDF evaluate"); return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } } ccl_device float3 kernel_bake_evaluate_direct_indirect(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, PathState *state, float3 direct, float3 indirect, const ShaderEvalType type, const int pass_filter) { float3 color; const bool is_color = (pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_COLOR) != 0; const bool is_direct = (pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_DIRECT) != 0; const bool is_indirect = (pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_INDIRECT) != 0; float3 out = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if(is_color) { if(is_direct || is_indirect) { /* Leave direct and diffuse channel colored. */ color = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { /* surface color of the pass only */ shader_eval_surface(kg, sd, state, 0.0f, 0, SHADER_CONTEXT_MAIN); return kernel_bake_shader_bsdf(kg, sd, type); } } else { shader_eval_surface(kg, sd, state, 0.0f, 0, SHADER_CONTEXT_MAIN); color = kernel_bake_shader_bsdf(kg, sd, type); } if(is_direct) { out += safe_divide_color(direct, color); } if(is_indirect) { out += safe_divide_color(indirect, color); } return out; } ccl_device void kernel_bake_evaluate(KernelGlobals *kg, ccl_global uint4 *input, ccl_global float4 *output, ShaderEvalType type, int pass_filter, int i, int offset, int sample) { ShaderData sd; PathState state = {0}; uint4 in = input[i * 2]; uint4 diff = input[i * 2 + 1]; float3 out = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); int object = in.x; int prim = in.y; if(prim == -1) return; float u = __uint_as_float(in.z); float v = __uint_as_float(in.w); float dudx = __uint_as_float(diff.x); float dudy = __uint_as_float(diff.y); float dvdx = __uint_as_float(diff.z); float dvdy = __uint_as_float(diff.w); int num_samples = kernel_data.integrator.aa_samples; /* random number generator */ RNG rng = cmj_hash(offset + i, kernel_data.integrator.seed); #ifdef USE_BAKE_JITTER float filter_x, filter_y; if(sample == 0) { filter_x = filter_y = 0.5f; } else { path_rng_2D(kg, &rng, sample, num_samples, PRNG_FILTER_U, &filter_x, &filter_y); } /* subpixel u/v offset */ if(sample > 0) { u = bake_clamp_mirror_repeat(u + dudx*(filter_x - 0.5f) + dudy*(filter_y - 0.5f)); v = bake_clamp_mirror_repeat(v + dvdx*(filter_x - 0.5f) + dvdy*(filter_y - 0.5f)); } #endif /* triangle */ int shader; float3 P, Ng; triangle_point_normal(kg, object, prim, u, v, &P, &Ng, &shader); /* dummy initilizations copied from SHADER_EVAL_DISPLACE */ float3 I = Ng; float t = 0.0f; float time = TIME_INVALID; /* light passes */ PathRadiance L; shader_setup_from_sample(kg, &sd, P, Ng, I, shader, object, prim, u, v, t, time); sd.I = sd.N; /* update differentials */ sd.dP.dx = sd.dPdu * dudx + sd.dPdv * dvdx; sd.dP.dy = sd.dPdu * dudy + sd.dPdv * dvdy; sd.du.dx = dudx; sd.du.dy = dudy; sd.dv.dx = dvdx; sd.dv.dy = dvdy; /* light passes */ if(is_light_pass(type, pass_filter)) { bool is_ao, is_sss; if (type == SHADER_EVAL_COMBINED) { is_ao = (pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_AO) != 0; is_sss = ((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_SUBSURFACE) != 0) && (((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_DIRECT) != 0) || ((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_INDIRECT) != 0)); } else { is_ao = (type == SHADER_EVAL_AO); is_sss = (type == SHADER_EVAL_SUBSURFACE) && (((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_DIRECT) != 0) || ((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_INDIRECT) != 0)); } compute_light_pass(kg, &sd, &L, rng, is_ao, is_sss, sample); } switch(type) { /* data passes */ case SHADER_EVAL_NORMAL: { if((sd.flag & SD_HAS_BUMP)) { shader_eval_surface(kg, &sd, &state, 0.f, 0, SHADER_CONTEXT_MAIN); } /* compression: normal = (2 * color) - 1 */ out = sd.N * 0.5f + make_float3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); break; } case SHADER_EVAL_UV: { out = primitive_uv(kg, &sd); break; } case SHADER_EVAL_EMISSION: { shader_eval_surface(kg, &sd, &state, 0.f, 0, SHADER_CONTEXT_EMISSION); out = shader_emissive_eval(kg, &sd); break; } #ifdef __PASSES__ /* light passes */ case SHADER_EVAL_AO: { out = L.ao; break; } case SHADER_EVAL_COMBINED: { if((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_COMBINED) == BAKE_FILTER_COMBINED) { out = path_radiance_clamp_and_sum(kg, &L); break; } if((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_DIFFUSE_DIRECT) == BAKE_FILTER_DIFFUSE_DIRECT) out += L.direct_diffuse; if((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_DIFFUSE_INDIRECT) == BAKE_FILTER_DIFFUSE_INDIRECT) out += L.indirect_diffuse; if((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_GLOSSY_DIRECT) == BAKE_FILTER_GLOSSY_DIRECT) out += L.direct_glossy; if((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_GLOSSY_INDIRECT) == BAKE_FILTER_GLOSSY_INDIRECT) out += L.indirect_glossy; if((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_TRANSMISSION_DIRECT) == BAKE_FILTER_TRANSMISSION_DIRECT) out += L.direct_transmission; if((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_TRANSMISSION_INDIRECT) == BAKE_FILTER_TRANSMISSION_INDIRECT) out += L.indirect_transmission; if((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_SUBSURFACE_DIRECT) == BAKE_FILTER_SUBSURFACE_DIRECT) out += L.direct_subsurface; if((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_SUBSURFACE_INDIRECT) == BAKE_FILTER_SUBSURFACE_INDIRECT) out += L.indirect_subsurface; if((pass_filter & BAKE_FILTER_EMISSION) != 0) out += L.emission; break; } case SHADER_EVAL_SHADOW: { out = make_float3(L.shadow.x, L.shadow.y, L.shadow.z); break; } case SHADER_EVAL_DIFFUSE: { out = kernel_bake_evaluate_direct_indirect(kg, &sd, &state, L.direct_diffuse, L.indirect_diffuse, type, pass_filter); break; } case SHADER_EVAL_GLOSSY: { out = kernel_bake_evaluate_direct_indirect(kg, &sd, &state, L.direct_glossy, L.indirect_glossy, type, pass_filter); break; } case SHADER_EVAL_TRANSMISSION: { out = kernel_bake_evaluate_direct_indirect(kg, &sd, &state, L.direct_transmission, L.indirect_transmission, type, pass_filter); break; } case SHADER_EVAL_SUBSURFACE: { #ifdef __SUBSURFACE__ out = kernel_bake_evaluate_direct_indirect(kg, &sd, &state, L.direct_subsurface, L.indirect_subsurface, type, pass_filter); #endif break; } #endif /* extra */ case SHADER_EVAL_ENVIRONMENT: { /* setup ray */ Ray ray; ray.P = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); ray.D = normalize(P); ray.t = 0.0f; #ifdef __CAMERA_MOTION__ ray.time = 0.5f; #endif #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ ray.dD = differential3_zero(); ray.dP = differential3_zero(); #endif /* setup shader data */ shader_setup_from_background(kg, &sd, &ray); /* evaluate */ int flag = 0; /* we can't know which type of BSDF this is for */ out = shader_eval_background(kg, &sd, &state, flag, SHADER_CONTEXT_MAIN); break; } default: { /* no real shader, returning the position of the verts for debugging */ out = normalize(P); break; } } /* write output */ float output_fac = is_aa_pass(type)? 1.0f/num_samples: 1.0f; if(sample == 0) output[i] = make_float4(out.x, out.y, out.z, 1.0f) * output_fac; else output[i] += make_float4(out.x, out.y, out.z, 1.0f) * output_fac; } ccl_device void kernel_shader_evaluate(KernelGlobals *kg, ccl_global uint4 *input, ccl_global float4 *output, ccl_global float *output_luma, ShaderEvalType type, int i, int sample) { ShaderData sd; PathState state = {0}; uint4 in = input[i]; float3 out; if(type == SHADER_EVAL_DISPLACE) { /* setup shader data */ int object = in.x; int prim = in.y; float u = __uint_as_float(in.z); float v = __uint_as_float(in.w); shader_setup_from_displace(kg, &sd, object, prim, u, v); /* evaluate */ float3 P = sd.P; shader_eval_displacement(kg, &sd, &state, SHADER_CONTEXT_MAIN); out = sd.P - P; } else { // SHADER_EVAL_BACKGROUND /* setup ray */ Ray ray; float u = __uint_as_float(in.x); float v = __uint_as_float(in.y); ray.P = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); ray.D = equirectangular_to_direction(u, v); ray.t = 0.0f; #ifdef __CAMERA_MOTION__ ray.time = 0.5f; #endif #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ ray.dD = differential3_zero(); ray.dP = differential3_zero(); #endif /* setup shader data */ shader_setup_from_background(kg, &sd, &ray); /* evaluate */ int flag = 0; /* we can't know which type of BSDF this is for */ out = shader_eval_background(kg, &sd, &state, flag, SHADER_CONTEXT_MAIN); } /* write output */ if(sample == 0) { if(output != NULL) { output[i] = make_float4(out.x, out.y, out.z, 0.0f); } if(output_luma != NULL) { output_luma[i] = average(out); } } else { if(output != NULL) { output[i] += make_float4(out.x, out.y, out.z, 0.0f); } if(output_luma != NULL) { output_luma[i] += average(out); } } } CCL_NAMESPACE_END