/** * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #ifndef __KX_SCENE_H #define __KX_SCENE_H #include "KX_PhysicsEngineEnums.h" #include #include #include #include "GEN_Map.h" #include "GEN_HashedPtr.h" #include "SG_IObject.h" #include "SCA_IScene.h" #include "MT_Transform.h" #include "RAS_FramingManager.h" #include "RAS_Rect.h" #include "PyObjectPlus.h" /** * @section Forward declarations */ struct SM_MaterialProps; struct SM_ShapeProps; struct Scene; class GEN_HashedPtr; class CListValue; class CValue; class SCA_LogicManager; class SCA_KeyboardManager; class SCA_TimeEventManager; class SCA_MouseManager; class SCA_ISystem; class SCA_IInputDevice; class SND_Scene; class SND_IAudioDevice; class NG_NetworkDeviceInterface; class NG_NetworkScene; class SG_IObject; class SG_Node; class SG_Tree; class KX_WorldInfo; class KX_Camera; class KX_GameObject; class KX_LightObject; class RAS_BucketManager; class RAS_BucketManager; class RAS_MaterialBucket; class RAS_IPolyMaterial; class RAS_IRasterizer; class RAS_IRenderTools; class SCA_JoystickManager; class btCollisionShape; class KX_BlenderSceneConverter; struct KX_ClientObjectInfo; /** * The KX_Scene holds all data for an independent scene. It relates * KX_Objects to the specific objects in the modules. * */ class KX_Scene : public PyObjectPlus, public SCA_IScene { Py_Header; struct CullingInfo { int m_layer; CullingInfo(int layer) : m_layer(layer) {} }; protected: RAS_BucketManager* m_bucketmanager; CListValue* m_tempObjectList; /** * The list of objects which have been removed during the * course of one frame. They are actually destroyed in * LogicEndFrame() via a call to RemoveObject(). */ CListValue* m_euthanasyobjects; CListValue* m_objectlist; CListValue* m_parentlist; // all 'root' parents CListValue* m_lightlist; CListValue* m_inactivelist; // all objects that are not in the active layer SG_QList m_sghead; // list of nodes that needs scenegraph update // the Dlist is not object that must be updated // the Qlist is for objects that needs to be rescheduled // for updates after udpate is over (slow parent, bone parent) /** * The tree of objects in the scene. */ SG_Tree* m_objecttree; /** * The set of cameras for this scene */ list m_cameras; /** * Various SCA managers used by the scene */ SCA_LogicManager* m_logicmgr; SCA_KeyboardManager* m_keyboardmgr; SCA_MouseManager* m_mousemgr; SCA_TimeEventManager* m_timemgr; // Scene converter where many scene entities are registered // Used to deregister objects that are deleted class KX_BlenderSceneConverter* m_sceneConverter; /** * physics engine abstraction */ //e_PhysicsEngine m_physicsEngine; //who needs this ? class PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* m_physicsEnvironment; /** * Does this scene clear the z-buffer? */ bool m_isclearingZbuffer; /** * The name of the scene */ STR_String m_sceneName; /** * stores the worldsettings for a scene */ KX_WorldInfo* m_worldinfo; /** * @section Different scenes, linked to ketsji scene */ /** * Sound scenes */ SND_Scene* m_soundScene; SND_IAudioDevice* m_adi; /** * Network scene. */ NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* m_networkDeviceInterface; NG_NetworkScene* m_networkScene; /** * A temoprary variable used to parent objects together on * replication. Don't get confused by the name it is not * the scene's root node! */ SG_Node* m_rootnode; /** * The active camera for the scene */ KX_Camera* m_active_camera; /** * Another temporary variable outstaying its welcome * used in AddReplicaObject to map game objects to their * replicas so pointers can be updated. */ GEN_Map m_map_gameobject_to_replica; /** * Another temporary variable outstaying its welcome * used in AddReplicaObject to keep a record of all added * objects. Logic can only be updated when all objects * have been updated. This stores a list of the new objects. */ std::vector m_logicHierarchicalGameObjects; /** * This temporary variable will contain the list of * object that can be added during group instantiation. * objects outside this list will not be added (can * happen with children that are outside the group). * Used in AddReplicaObject. If the list is empty, it * means don't care. */ std::set m_groupGameObjects; /** * Pointer to system variable passed in in constructor * only used in constructor so we do not need to keep it * around in this class. */ SCA_ISystem* m_kxsystem; /** * The execution priority of replicated object actuators? */ int m_ueberExecutionPriority; /** * Activity 'bubble' settings : * Suspend (freeze) the entire scene. */ bool m_suspend; /** * Radius in Manhattan distance of the box for activity culling. */ float m_activity_box_radius; /** * Toggle to enable or disable activity culling. */ bool m_activity_culling; /** * Toggle to enable or disable culling via DBVT broadphase of Bullet. */ bool m_dbvt_culling; /** * Occlusion culling resolution */ int m_dbvt_occlusion_res; /** * The framing settings used by this scene */ RAS_FrameSettings m_frame_settings; /** * This scenes viewport into the game engine * canvas.Maintained externally, initially [0,0] -> [0,0] */ RAS_Rect m_viewport; /** * Visibility testing functions. */ void MarkVisible(SG_Tree *node, RAS_IRasterizer* rasty, KX_Camera*cam,int layer=0); void MarkSubTreeVisible(SG_Tree *node, RAS_IRasterizer* rasty, bool visible, KX_Camera*cam,int layer=0); void MarkVisible(RAS_IRasterizer* rasty, KX_GameObject* gameobj, KX_Camera*cam, int layer=0); static void PhysicsCullingCallback(KX_ClientObjectInfo* objectInfo, void* cullingInfo); double m_suspendedtime; double m_suspendeddelta; /** * This stores anything from python */ PyObject* m_attr_dict; struct Scene* m_blenderScene; public: KX_Scene(class SCA_IInputDevice* keyboarddevice, class SCA_IInputDevice* mousedevice, class NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* ndi, class SND_IAudioDevice* adi, const STR_String& scenename, struct Scene* scene); virtual ~KX_Scene(); RAS_BucketManager* GetBucketManager(); RAS_MaterialBucket* FindBucket(RAS_IPolyMaterial* polymat, bool &bucketCreated); void RenderBuckets(const MT_Transform& cameratransform, RAS_IRasterizer* rasty, RAS_IRenderTools* rendertools); /** * Update all transforms according to the scenegraph. */ static bool KX_ScenegraphUpdateFunc(SG_IObject* node,void* gameobj,void* scene); static bool KX_ScenegraphRescheduleFunc(SG_IObject* node,void* gameobj,void* scene); void UpdateParents(double curtime); void DupliGroupRecurse(CValue* gameobj, int level); bool IsObjectInGroup(CValue* gameobj) { return (m_groupGameObjects.empty() || m_groupGameObjects.find(gameobj) != m_groupGameObjects.end()); } SCA_IObject* AddReplicaObject(CValue* gameobj, CValue* locationobj, int lifespan=0); KX_GameObject* AddNodeReplicaObject(SG_IObject* node, CValue* gameobj); void RemoveNodeDestructObject(SG_IObject* node, CValue* gameobj); void RemoveObject(CValue* gameobj); void DelayedRemoveObject(CValue* gameobj); int NewRemoveObject(CValue* gameobj); void ReplaceMesh(CValue* gameobj, void* meshob, bool use_gfx, bool use_phys); /** * @section Logic stuff * Initiate an update of the logic system. */ void LogicBeginFrame(double curtime); void LogicUpdateFrame(double curtime, bool frame); void LogicEndFrame( ); CListValue* GetObjectList( ); CListValue* GetInactiveList( ); CListValue* GetRootParentList( ); CListValue* GetLightList( ); SCA_LogicManager* GetLogicManager( ); SCA_TimeEventManager* GetTimeEventManager( ); list* GetCameras( ); /** Find a camera in the scene by pointer. */ KX_Camera* FindCamera( KX_Camera* ); /** Find a scene in the scene by name. */ KX_Camera* FindCamera( STR_String& ); /** Add a camera to this scene. */ void AddCamera( KX_Camera* ); /** Find the currently active camera. */ KX_Camera* GetActiveCamera( ); /** * Set this camera to be the active camera in the scene. If the * camera is not present in the camera list, it will be added */ void SetActiveCamera( class KX_Camera* ); /** * Move this camera to the end of the list so that it is rendered last. * If the camera is not on the list, it will be added */ void SetCameraOnTop( class KX_Camera* ); /** * Activates new desired canvas width set at design time. * @param width The new desired width. */ void SetCanvasDesignWidth( unsigned int width ); /** * Activates new desired canvas height set at design time. * @param width The new desired height. */ void SetCanvasDesignHeight( unsigned int height ); /** * Returns the current desired canvas width set at design time. * @return The desired width. */ unsigned int GetCanvasDesignWidth( void ) const; /** * Returns the current desired canvas height set at design time. * @return The desired height. */ unsigned int GetCanvasDesignHeight( void ) const; /** * Set the framing options for this scene */ void SetFramingType( RAS_FrameSettings & frame_settings ); /** * Return a const reference to the framing * type set by the above call. * The contents are not guarenteed to be sensible * if you don't call the above function. */ const RAS_FrameSettings & GetFramingType( ) const; /** * Store the current scene's viewport on the * game engine canvas. */ void SetSceneViewport(const RAS_Rect &viewport); /** * Get the current scene's viewport on the * game engine canvas. This maintained * externally in KX_GameEngine */ const RAS_Rect& GetSceneViewport() const; /** * @section Accessors to different scenes of this scene */ void SetNetworkDeviceInterface(NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* newInterface); void SetNetworkScene(NG_NetworkScene *newScene); void SetWorldInfo(class KX_WorldInfo* wi); KX_WorldInfo* GetWorldInfo(); void CalculateVisibleMeshes(RAS_IRasterizer* rasty, KX_Camera *cam, int layer=0); void UpdateMeshTransformations(); KX_Camera* GetpCamera(); SND_Scene* GetSoundScene(); NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* GetNetworkDeviceInterface(); NG_NetworkScene* GetNetworkScene(); /** * Replicate the logic bricks associated to this object. */ void ReplicateLogic(class KX_GameObject* newobj); static SG_Callbacks m_callbacks; const STR_String& GetName(); // Suspend the entire scene. void Suspend(); // Resume a suspended scene. void Resume(); // Update the activity box settings for objects in this scene, if needed. void UpdateObjectActivity(void); // Enable/disable activity culling. void SetActivityCulling(bool b); // Set the radius of the activity culling box. void SetActivityCullingRadius(float f); bool IsSuspended(); bool IsClearingZBuffer(); void EnableZBufferClearing(bool isclearingZbuffer); // use of DBVT tree for camera culling void SetDbvtCulling(bool b) { m_dbvt_culling = b; }; bool GetDbvtCulling() { return m_dbvt_culling; }; void SetDbvtOcclusionRes(int i) { m_dbvt_occlusion_res = i; }; int GetDbvtOcclusionRes() { return m_dbvt_occlusion_res; }; void SetSceneConverter(class KX_BlenderSceneConverter* sceneConverter); class PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* GetPhysicsEnvironment() { return m_physicsEnvironment; } void SetPhysicsEnvironment(class PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* physEnv); void SetGravity(const MT_Vector3& gravity); /** * Sets the node tree for this scene. */ void SetNodeTree(SG_Tree* root); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_NOARGS(KX_Scene, getLightList); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_NOARGS(KX_Scene, getObjectList); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_NOARGS(KX_Scene, getName); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, addObject); /* KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, getActiveCamera); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, getActiveCamera); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, findCamera); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, getGravity); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, setActivityCulling); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, setActivityCullingRadius); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, setSceneViewport); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, setSceneViewport); */ /* attributes */ static PyObject* pyattr_get_name(void* self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static PyObject* pyattr_get_objects(void* self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static PyObject* pyattr_get_objects_inactive(void* self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static PyObject* pyattr_get_lights(void* self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static PyObject* pyattr_get_cameras(void* self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static PyObject* pyattr_get_active_camera(void* self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static int pyattr_set_active_camera(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value); virtual PyObject* py_getattro(PyObject *attr); /* name, active_camera, gravity, suspended, viewport, framing, activity_culling, activity_culling_radius */ virtual PyObject* py_getattro_dict(); virtual int py_setattro(PyObject *attr, PyObject *value); virtual int py_delattro(PyObject *attr); virtual PyObject* py_repr(void) { return PyString_FromString(GetName().ReadPtr()); } PyObject* py_getattro__internal(PyObject *attr); int py_setattro__internal(PyObject *attr, PyObject *pyvalue); /** * Sets the time the scene was suspended */ void setSuspendedTime(double suspendedtime); /** * Returns the "curtime" the scene was suspended */ double getSuspendedTime(); /** * Sets the difference between the local time of the scene (when it * was running and not suspended) and the "curtime" */ void setSuspendedDelta(double suspendeddelta); /** * Returns the difference between the local time of the scene (when it * was running and not suspended) and the "curtime" */ double getSuspendedDelta(); /** * Returns the Blender scene this was made from */ struct Scene *GetBlenderScene() { return m_blenderScene; } }; typedef std::vector KX_SceneList; #endif //__KX_SCENE_H