#!BPY """ Name: 'Scripts Help Browser' Blender: 234 Group: 'Help' Tooltip: 'Show help information about a chosen installed script.' """ __author__ = "Willian P. Germano" __version__ = "0.1 11/02/04" __email__ = ('scripts', 'Author, wgermano:ig*com*br') __url__ = ('blender', 'elysiun') __bpydoc__ ="""\ This script shows help information for scripts registered in the menus. Usage: - Start Screen: To read any script's "user manual" select a script from one of the available category menus. If the script has help information in the format expected by this Help Browser, it will be displayed in the Script Help Screen. Otherwise you'll be offered the possibility of loading the chosen script's source file in Blender's Text Editor. The programmer(s) may have written useful comments there for users. Hotkeys:
ESC or Q: [Q]uit - Script Help Screen: This screen shows the user manual page for the chosen script. If the text doesn't fit completely on the screen, you can scroll it up or down with arrow keys or a mouse wheel. There may be link and email buttons that if clicked should open your default web browser and email client programs for further information or support. Hotkeys:
ESC: back to Start Screen
Q: [Q]uit
S: view script's [S]ource code in Text Editor
UP, DOWN Arrows and mouse wheel: scroll text up / down """ # $Id$ # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sysinfo.py version 0.1 Jun 09, 2004 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Copyright (C) 2004: Willian P. Germano, wgermano _at_ ig.com.br # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Blender from Blender import sys as bsys, Draw, Window WEBBROWSER = True try: import webbrowser except: WEBBROWSER = False DEFAULT_EMAILS = { 'scripts': ['Bf-scripts-dev', 'bf-scripts-dev@blender.org'] } DEFAULT_LINKS = { 'blender': ["blender.org\'s Python forum", "http://www.blender.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpBB2&file=viewforum&f=9"], 'elysiun': ["elYsiun\'s Python and Plugins forum", "http://www.elysiun.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=5"] } PADDING = 15 COLUMNS = 1 TEXT_WRAP = 100 WIN_W = WIN_H = 200 SCROLL_DOWN = 0 def screen_was_resized(): global WIN_W, WIN_H w, h = Window.GetAreaSize() if WIN_W != w or WIN_H != h: WIN_W = w WIN_H = h return True return False def fit_on_screen(): global TEXT_WRAP, PADDING, WIN_W, WIN_H, COLUMNS COLUMNS = 1 WIN_W, WIN_H = Window.GetAreaSize() TEXT_WRAP = int((WIN_W - PADDING) / 6) if TEXT_WRAP < 40: TEXT_WRAP = 40 elif TEXT_WRAP > 100: if TEXT_WRAP > 110: COLUMNS = 2 TEXT_WRAP /= 2 else: TEXT_WRAP = 100 def cut_point(text, length): "Returns position of the last space found before 'length' chars" l = length c = text[l] while c != ' ': l -= 1 if l == 0: return length # no space found c = text[l] return l def text_wrap(text, length = None): global TEXT_WRAP wrapped = [] lines = text.split('
') llen = len(lines) if llen > 1: if lines[-1] == '': llen -= 1 for i in range(llen - 1): lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip() + '
' lines[llen-1] = lines[llen-1].rstrip() if not length: length = TEXT_WRAP for l in lines: while len(l) > length: cpt = cut_point(l, length) line, l = l[:cpt], l[cpt + 1:] wrapped.append(line) wrapped.append(l) return wrapped def load_script_text(script): global PATHS, SCRIPT_INFO if script.userdir: path = PATHS['uscripts'] else: path = PATHS['scripts'] fname = bsys.join(path, script.fname) source = Blender.Text.Load(fname) if source: Draw.PupMenu("File loaded%%t|Please check the file \"%s\" in the Text Editor window" % source.name) # for theme colors: def float_colors(cols): return map(lambda x: x / 255.0, cols) # globals SCRIPT_INFO = None PATHS = { 'home': Blender.Get('homedir'), 'scripts': Blender.Get('scriptsdir'), 'uscripts': Blender.Get('uscriptsdir') } BPYMENUS_FILE = bsys.join(PATHS['home'], 'Bpymenus') f = file(BPYMENUS_FILE, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() AllGroups = [] class Script: def __init__(self, data): self.name = data[0] self.version = data[1] self.fname = data[2] self.userdir = data[3] self.tip = data[4] # End of class Script class Group: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.scripts = [] def add_script(self, script): self.scripts.append(script) def get_name(self): return self.name def get_scripts(self): return self.scripts # End of class Group class BPy_Info: def __init__(self, script, dict): self.script = script self.d = dict self.header = [] self.len_header = 0 self.content = [] self.len_content = 0 self.spaces = 0 self.fix_urls() self.make_header() self.wrap_lines() def make_header(self): sc = self.script d = self.d header = self.header title = "Script: %s" % sc.name version = "Version: %s for Blender %1.2f or newer" % (d['__version__'], sc.version / 100.0) if len(d['__author__']) == 1: asuffix = ':' else: asuffix = 's:' authors = "%s%s %s" % ("Author", asuffix, ", ".join(d['__author__'])) header.append(title) header.append(version) header.append(authors) self.len_header = len(header) def fix_urls(self): emails = self.d['__email__'] fixed = [] for a in emails: if a in DEFAULT_EMAILS.keys(): fixed.append(DEFAULT_EMAILS[a]) else: a = a.replace('*','.').replace(':','@') ltmp = a.split(',') if len(ltmp) != 2: ltmp = [ltmp[0], ltmp[0]] fixed.append(ltmp) self.d['__email__'] = fixed links = self.d['__url__'] fixed = [] for a in links: if a in DEFAULT_LINKS.keys(): fixed.append(DEFAULT_LINKS[a]) else: ltmp = a.split(',') if len(ltmp) != 2: ltmp = [ltmp[0], ltmp[0]] fixed.append([ltmp[0].strip(), ltmp[1].strip()]) self.d['__url__'] = fixed def wrap_lines(self, reset = 0): lines = self.d['__bpydoc__'].split('\n') self.content = [] newlines = [] newline = [] if reset: self.len_content = 0 self.spaces = 0 for l in lines: if l == '' and newline: newlines.append(newline) newline = [] newlines.append('') else: newline.append(l) if newline: newlines.append(newline) for lst in newlines: wrapped = text_wrap(" ".join(lst)) for l in wrapped: self.content.append(l) if l: self.len_content += 1 else: self.spaces += 1 if not self.content[-1]: self.len_content -= 1 # End of class BPy_Info def parse_pyobj_close(closetag, lines, i): i += 1 l = lines[i] while l.find(closetag) < 0: i += 1 l = "%s%s" % (l, lines[i]) return [l, i] def parse_pyobj(var, lines, i): "Bad code, was in a hurry for release" l = lines[i].replace(var, '').replace('=','',1).strip() i0 = i - 1 if l[0] == '"': if l[1:3] == '""': # """ if l.find('"""', 3) < 0: # multiline l2, i = parse_pyobj_close('"""', lines, i) if l[-1] == '\\': l = l[:-1] l = "%s%s" % (l, l2) elif l[-1] == '"' and l[-2] != '\\': # single line: "..." pass else: l = "ERROR" elif l[0] == "'": if l[-1] == '\\': l2, i = parse_pyobj_close("'", lines, i) l = "%s%s" % (l, l2) elif l[-1] == "'" and l[-2] != '\\': # single line: '...' pass else: l = "ERROR" elif l[0] == '(': if l[-1] != ')': l2, i = parse_pyobj_close(')', lines, i) l = "%s%s" % (l, l2) elif l[0] == '[': if l[-1] != ']': l2, i = parse_pyobj_close(']', lines, i) l = "%s%s" % (l, l2) return [l, i - i0] # helper functions: def parse_help_info(script): global PATHS, SCRIPT_INFO if script.userdir: path = PATHS['uscripts'] else: path = PATHS['scripts'] fname = bsys.join(path, script.fname) if not bsys.exists(fname): Draw.PupMenu('IO Error: Couldn\'t find script %s' % fname) return None f = file(fname, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() # fix line endings: if lines[0].find('\r'): unixlines = [] for l in lines: unixlines.append(l.replace('\r','')) lines = unixlines llen = len(lines) has_doc = 0 doc_data = { '__author__': '', '__version__': '', '__url__': '', '__email__': '', '__bpydoc__': '', '__doc__': '' } i = 0 while i < llen: l = lines[i] incr = 1 for k in doc_data.keys(): if l.find(k, 0, 20) == 0: value, incr = parse_pyobj(k, lines, i) exec("doc_data['%s'] = %s" % (k, value)) has_doc = 1 break i += incr # fix these to seqs, simplifies coding elsewhere for w in ['__author__', '__url__', '__email__']: val = doc_data[w] if val and type(val) == str: doc_data[w] = [doc_data[w]] if not doc_data['__bpydoc__']: if doc_data['__doc__']: doc_data['__bpydoc__'] = doc_data['__doc__'] if has_doc: # any data, maybe should confirm at least doc/bpydoc info = BPy_Info(script, doc_data) SCRIPT_INFO = info return True else: return False def parse_script_line(l): try: pieces = l.split("'") name = pieces[1].replace('...','') version, fname, userdir = pieces[2].strip().split() tip = pieces[3] except: return None return [name, int(version), fname, int(userdir), tip] def parse_bpymenus(lines): global AllGroups llen = len(lines) for i in range(llen): l = lines[i].strip() if not l: continue if l[-1] == '{': group = Group(l[:-2]) AllGroups.append(group) i += 1 l = lines[i].strip() while l != '}': if l[0] != '|': data = parse_script_line(l) if data: script = Script(data) group.add_script(script) i += 1 l = lines[i].strip() # AllGroups.reverse() def create_group_menus(): global AllGroups menus = [] for group in AllGroups: name = group.get_name() menu = [] scripts = group.get_scripts() for s in scripts: menu.append(s.name) menu = "|".join(menu) menu = "%s%%t|%s" % (name, menu) menus.append([name, menu]) return menus # Collecting data: fit_on_screen() parse_bpymenus(lines) GROUP_MENUS = create_group_menus() # GUI: from Blender import BGL from Blender.Window import Theme # globals: START_SCREEN = 0 SCRIPT_SCREEN = 1 SCREEN = START_SCREEN # gui buttons: len_gmenus = len(GROUP_MENUS) BUT_GMENU = range(len_gmenus) for i in range(len_gmenus): BUT_GMENU[i] = Draw.Create(0) # events: BEVT_LINK = None # range(len(SCRIPT_INFO.links)) BEVT_EMAIL = None # range(len(SCRIPT_INFO.emails)) BEVT_GMENU = range(100, len_gmenus + 100) BEVT_VIEWSOURCE = 1 BEVT_EXIT = 2 BEVT_BACK = 3 # gui callbacks: def gui(): # drawing the screen global SCREEN, START_SCREEN, SCRIPT_SCREEN global SCRIPT_INFO, AllGroups, GROUP_MENUS global BEVT_EMAIL, BEVT_LINK global BEVT_VIEWSOURCE, BEVT_EXIT, BEVT_BACK, BEVT_GMENU, BUT_GMENU global PADDING, WIN_W, WIN_H, SCROLL_DOWN, COLUMNS theme = Theme.Get()[0] tui = theme.get('ui') ttxt = theme.get('text') COL_BG = float_colors(ttxt.back) COL_TXT = ttxt.text COL_TXTHI = ttxt.text_hi BGL.glClearColor(COL_BG[0],COL_BG[1],COL_BG[2],COL_BG[3]) BGL.glClear(BGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXT[0],COL_TXT[1], COL_TXT[2]) resize = screen_was_resized() if resize: fit_on_screen() if SCREEN == START_SCREEN: x = PADDING bw = 85 bh = 25 hincr = 50 butcolumns = (WIN_W - 2*x)/ bw if butcolumns < 2: butcolumns = 2 elif butcolumns > 7: butcolumns = 7 len_gm = len(GROUP_MENUS) butlines = len_gm / butcolumns if len_gm % butcolumns: butlines += 1 h = hincr * butlines + 20 y = h + bh BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXTHI[0],COL_TXTHI[1], COL_TXTHI[2]) BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y) Draw.Text('Scripts Help Browser') y -= bh BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXT[0],COL_TXT[1], COL_TXT[2]) i = 0 j = 0 for group_menu in GROUP_MENUS: BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y) Draw.Text(group_menu[0]+':') BUT_GMENU[j] = Draw.Menu(group_menu[1], BEVT_GMENU[j], x, y-bh-5, bw, bh, 0, 'Choose a script to read its help information') if i == butcolumns - 1: x = PADDING i = 0 y -= hincr else: i += 1 x += bw + 3 j += 1 x = PADDING y = 10 BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y) Draw.Text('Select script for its help. Press Q or ESC to leave.') elif SCREEN == SCRIPT_SCREEN: if SCRIPT_INFO: if resize: SCRIPT_INFO.wrap_lines(1) SCROLL_DOWN = 0 h = 18 * SCRIPT_INFO.len_content + 12 * SCRIPT_INFO.spaces x = PADDING y = WIN_H bw = 38 bh = 16 BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXTHI[0],COL_TXTHI[1], COL_TXTHI[2]) for line in SCRIPT_INFO.header: y -= 18 BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y) size = Draw.Text(line) for line in text_wrap('Tooltip: %s' % SCRIPT_INFO.script.tip): y -= 18 BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y) size = Draw.Text(line) i = 0 y -= 28 for data in SCRIPT_INFO.d['__url__']: Draw.PushButton('link %d' % (i + 1), BEVT_LINK[i], x + i*bw, y, bw, bh, data[0]) i += 1 y -= bh + 1 i = 0 for data in SCRIPT_INFO.d['__email__']: Draw.PushButton('email', BEVT_EMAIL[i], x + i*bw, y, bw, bh, data[0]) i += 1 y -= 18 y0 = y BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXT[0],COL_TXT[1], COL_TXT[2]) for line in SCRIPT_INFO.content[SCROLL_DOWN:]: if line: line = line.replace('
', '') BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y) Draw.Text(line) y -= 18 else: y -= 12 if y < PADDING + 20: # reached end, either stop or go to 2nd column if COLUMNS == 1: break elif x == PADDING: # make sure we're still in column 1 x = 6*TEXT_WRAP + PADDING / 2 y = y0 x = PADDING Draw.PushButton('source', BEVT_VIEWSOURCE, x, 17, 45, bh, 'View this script\'s source code in the Text Editor (hotkey: S)') Draw.PushButton('exit', BEVT_EXIT, x + 45, 17, 45, bh, 'Exit from Scripts Help Browser (hotkey: Q)') Draw.PushButton('back', BEVT_BACK, x + 2*45, 17, 45, bh, 'Back to scripts selection screen (hotkey: ESC)') BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXTHI[0],COL_TXTHI[1], COL_TXTHI[2]) BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, 5) Draw.Text('use the arrow keys or the mouse wheel to scroll text', 'small') def fit_scroll(): global SCROLL_DOWN if not SCRIPT_INFO: SCROLL_DOWN = 0 return max = SCRIPT_INFO.len_content + SCRIPT_INFO.spaces - 1 if SCROLL_DOWN > max: SCROLL_DOWN = max if SCROLL_DOWN < 0: SCROLL_DOWN = 0 def event(evt, val): # input events global SCREEN, START_SCREEN, SCRIPT_SCREEN global SCROLL_DOWN if not val: return if evt == Draw.ESCKEY: if SCREEN == START_SCREEN: Draw.Exit() else: SCREEN = START_SCREEN SCROLL_DOWN = 0 Draw.Redraw() return elif evt == Draw.QKEY: Draw.Exit() return elif evt in [Draw.DOWNARROWKEY, Draw.WHEELDOWNMOUSE] and SCREEN == SCRIPT_SCREEN: SCROLL_DOWN += 1 fit_scroll() Draw.Redraw() return elif evt in [Draw.UPARROWKEY, Draw.WHEELUPMOUSE] and SCREEN == SCRIPT_SCREEN: SCROLL_DOWN -= 1 fit_scroll() Draw.Redraw() return elif evt == Draw.SKEY: if SCREEN == SCRIPT_SCREEN and SCRIPT_INFO: load_script_text(SCRIPT_INFO.script) return def button_event(evt): # gui button events global SCREEN, START_SCREEN, SCRIPT_SCREEN global BEVT_LINK, BEVT_EMAIL, BEVT_GMENU, BUT_GMENU, SCRIPT_INFO global SCROLL_DOWN if evt >= 100: # group menus for i in range(len(BUT_GMENU)): if evt == BEVT_GMENU[i]: group = AllGroups[i] index = BUT_GMENU[i].val - 1 if index < 0: return # user didn't pick a menu entry script = group.get_scripts()[BUT_GMENU[i].val - 1] if parse_help_info(script): SCREEN = SCRIPT_SCREEN BEVT_LINK = range(20, len(SCRIPT_INFO.d['__url__']) + 20) BEVT_EMAIL = range(50, len(SCRIPT_INFO.d['__email__']) + 50) Draw.Redraw() else: res = Draw.PupMenu("No help available%t|View Source|Cancel") if res == 1: load_script_text(script) elif evt >= 20: if not WEBBROWSER: Draw.PupMenu('Missing standard Python module%t|You need module "webbrowser" to access the web') return if evt >= 50: # script screen email buttons email = SCRIPT_INFO.d['__email__'][evt - 50][1] webbrowser.open("mailto:%s" % email) else: # >= 20: script screen link buttons link = SCRIPT_INFO.d['__url__'][evt - 20][1] webbrowser.open(link) elif evt == BEVT_VIEWSOURCE: if SCREEN == SCRIPT_SCREEN: load_script_text(SCRIPT_INFO.script) elif evt == BEVT_EXIT: Draw.Exit() return elif evt == BEVT_BACK: if SCREEN == SCRIPT_SCREEN: SCREEN = START_SCREEN SCRIPT_INFO = None SCROLL_DOWN = 0 Draw.Redraw() Draw.Register(gui, event, button_event)